I will preface this with not having had tested SQL*Plus scripts on Windows utilizing script arguments in a number of years so I can't categorically state when this stopped working on said platform. That being said, the issue described does not occur on any *nix system. Additionally, this is running the SQL*Plus from the Instant Client not the Full Client.
For Windows-based SQL*Plus scripting if you plan to use script arguments such as (being executed as "sqlplus <username>/<password>@<tns_alias> @test.sql 1"):
select to_number( '&1' )
from dual;
You get the following:
SQL> select to_number( '&1' )
2 from dual;
select to_number( '&1' )
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01722: invalid number
as it is not translating the '&1' to mean the first script argument.
If you add "set define '&'" to the options setting up the SQL*Plus environment then it runs as expected:
old 1: select to_number( '&1' )
new 1: select to_number( '1' )
1 row selected.
My question is why is it only mandatory on Windows to purposefully set DEFINE to its default value ('&')?
I struggled with this for many weeks as there wasn't even a thought in my head I needed to set DEFINE to its default value as it makes no sense to do so. Only after re-reading the SQL*Plus User's Guide for the thousandth time did I say what the heck and as soon as I did it worked. Either this needs to be fixed or the documentation needs to address this because in theory SQL*Plus scripts, short of shelling out with HOST, should be portable.
I suspect you're picking up a login.sql script from somewhere.
Here's my Windows installation
C:\>sqlplus scott/tiger@pdb21a
SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Mon May 29 11:54:11 2023
Copyright (c) 1982, 2022, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Last Successful login time: Wed May 24 2023 12:07:44 +08:00
Connected to:
Oracle Database 21c Enterprise Edition Release - Production
SQL> show define
define "&" (hex 26)
Check to see if SQLPATH is set either as an environment variable or in the registry. It might be grabbing a "login.sql" or "glogin.sql" and unsetting it.