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    Chris Saxon


    Hi Tom, Some questions about the SQL tuning. 1) I found that when using "IN" in the where clause , INLIST ITERATOR is shown on the explain plan in a cost-based database (and using the index correctly, the response is fast). However, no such INLIST ITERATOR in rule-based (and usin...
    Connor McDonald

    ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded

    Hi Tom, I running Oracle 8.1.6 under Solaris 2.6. We are using third-party application server and one common user-id to login to the server. We currently encountering the above error messages and are having difficulty in identifying the program that caused this. Our open_cursors ...
    Connor McDonald

    Performance issues after upgrade to 19c

    Hi, we have run into performance issues after upgrading to Oracle 19c (19.14). For some SQL query’s the optimizer will no longer create execution plans similar to them in Oracle 11g ( resulting in extreme slow performance (up to a factor 1000 times). The update was done ...
    Chris Saxon

    APEX Office Hours Building Low-Code SaaS App Extensions with Oracle APEX Recording

    When the recording will be available for APEX office hours 7th November 2024 Building Low-Code SaaS App Extensions with Oracle APEX?
    Chris Saxon

    Inappropriate (?) ORA-06503 when the exception block contains raise_application_error but no return or raise

    Hi, We stumbled upon ORA-06503 and wanted to use ALTER SESSION SET PLSQL_WARNINGS = 'ENABLE:ALL, ERROR:5005'; to prevent developers from writing functions without a return statement. Works fine, but now we get a PLS-05005 error when the exception block doesn't contain a return or...

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