A reader, March 02, 2004 - 12:28 pm UTC
request lock for update
Anil, February 26, 2005 - 12:45 pm UTC
Hi Tom
Can we have the same query for an update of a different field other than primary key . I chnage the trigger for before update of field name but session waiting and I am not getting ORA-00054
create table flight_cap
cap_id number);
insert some rows...
create or replace trigger test_trg
before update of capacity on flight_cap
for each row
l_lock_id number;
resource_busy exception;
pragma exception_init (resource_busy, -54);
if (dbms_lock.request(id=>:new.cap_id ,
lockmode => dbms_lock.x_mode,
timeout => 1,
release_on_commit => TRUE)=1)
raise resource_busy;
end if;
update flight_cap
set capacity = capacity - 10;
What I am looking for is that an update should not wait if any of the row is locked by another session .. Similar to
select for update now wait
update flight_cap ...
February 26, 2005 - 2:30 pm UTC
the trigger never gets "into" itself until the row is locked and ready to be updated (it's different from adding a new row and wanting to avoid a CONSTRAINT check -- the insert issue wasn't a "lock at the row level" issue, it was a constraint check issue....)
what sort of updates are you doing that you would hit this though? It does sound dangerous to a degree -- I mean, you are updating blind here? updating rows others are updating at the same time -- overwriting eachothers updates?
But select for update (to see what the data is) with no wait would be the approach to consider here.
unable to populate tables
Loann, October 20, 2005 - 4:50 pm UTC
Hi Tom,
I have to populate two tables which have artificial keys as PKs. I was able to load the first one but the second one gave me this message
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into ("FDMS"."ADDRESSES"."DEPO_SEQ")
ORA-06512: at line 51
Please help.
October 21, 2005 - 7:52 am UTC
stop trying to insert null into fdms.addresses.depo_seq???
unable to populate table cont.
Loann, October 21, 2005 - 11:32 am UTC
I didn't give you enough info to my question yesterday, let me explain more. The two table are Depositors(parent) and Addresses (child). They both have SEQ # as their PKs. I loaded Depositors and it has the SEQ# already. Now when I loaded Addresses I got the can not insert null error message. I think my question is how do I match SEQ# in Addresses to SEQ# in Depositors. Ex: Seq#2 in Addresses should match with Seq#2 in Depositors.
October 21, 2005 - 11:41 am UTC
I cannot answer this, I don't even have a simple example to look at.
If I may.........
A reader, October 22, 2005 - 5:37 am UTC
I think you can do the following:
Find out all the rows in the parent table which do not have a referencing key in the child table.
Then using that sequence number you can do a normal insert into the child table.
Hope I am correct.
need more clarifications on insert conflicts
Lijo, September 29, 2007 - 6:58 am UTC
Dear Tom,
I exactly have the same case as you have started this post with. I have two transactions hitting the table at the same time and there is a primary key violation (though very rarely as the primary key is defined on 7 fields). And the reason the primary key is defined this way is for a set of uniquie combination of values we want to have a single record in the table so that for reporting purposes its easier to pullout the data rather than summing up the data on run time.
So, the logic defined in the procedure is try inserting first, if it fails (check for DUP_VAL_ON_INDEX) then update. But in this case as both the transactions hit the db at the same time for inserts the 2nd transaction will not succeed as it does not have visibility to the uncommited trasaction by first session. For the 2nd transaction neither the insert nor the update succeeds. So, finally one transaction commits and the other is returned back
with a dead lock error and also says there is a unique constraint violation.
By some means, I want the second transaction to wait till the first transaction succeeds and then go for an update. As you were suggesting that we can take out the primary key constraint in the trigger and handle this duplication logic from the trigger, is there any way to raise an exception of resource busy for the 2nd transaction and wait till such time that the first transaction succeeds and then make an attempt to update for the 2nd transaction?
I guess a more appropriate approach would be is rather than insert first and update later, do the reverse, but still it can run into the same dead lock situation.
Can you please help me to figure out a solution for this? I'm eagerly looking for your response
My table structure
--Trigger on glentry
OF RECORD# ,ENTRY_DATE ,BATCH# ... plus some other fields
if inserting or updating then
acct_utils.updategltotalsinsert(:new.cny#, :new.entry_date, my_amount, :new.account#, :new.location#,
:new.dept#, :new.adj, :new.timeperiod, :new.batch#, :new.currency, my_trx_amount);
--The procedure updategltotalsinsert does the insertion into basegltotals
PROCEDURE updategltotalsinsert (
a_cny# IN glentry.cny#%TYPE,
a_entry_date IN glentry.entry_date%TYPE,
INSERT INTO basegltotals
(cny#, bookid, account#,
location#, dept#,
timeperiod, amount, debit, credit,
adjdebit, adjcredit, currency
VALUES (a_cny#, rec.bookid, a_account#,
NVL (a_location#, 0), NVL (a_dept#, 0),
my_time_period, a_amount, my_debit, my_credit,
my_adjdebit, my_adjcredit, basecurr
UPDATE basegltotals gltotals
SET gltotals.amount = gltotals.amount + a_amount,
gltotals.debit = gltotals.debit + my_debit,
gltotals.credit = gltotals.credit + my_credit,
gltotals.adjdebit = gltotals.adjdebit + my_adjdebit,
gltotals.adjcredit =
gltotals.adjcredit + my_adjcredit
WHERE gltotals.cny# = a_cny#
AND gltotals.bookid = rec.bookid
AND gltotals.account# = a_account#
AND gltotals.location# = NVL (a_location#, 0)
AND gltotals.dept# = NVL (a_dept#, 0)
AND gltotals.timeperiod = my_time_period
AND gltotals.currency = basecurr;
October 03, 2007 - 1:53 pm UTC
So, finally one transaction commits and the other is returned back
with a dead lock error and also says there is a unique constraint violation.
sorry, but no, it quite simply does not work that way.
If you have a table with an N-column unique constraint
and two sessions "at about the same time" insert duplicate values then ONE of them will BLOCK (not deadlock, block). It will block until the other session a) commits or b) rollsback. If A) happens, the blocked session will become unblocked and return dup_val_on_index - then the update will succeed. If B) happens then the session that was blocked will succeed in its insert and continue.
If you are getting a deadlock, you have not described the scenario as it really happens to us yet
more info to above post
Lijo, September 29, 2007 - 7:19 am UTC
Adding more information to the above post
From the production queries that have failed for such cases, here is a scenario how it happened.. The first session posts entry into basegltotals to account 1000 followed by account 2000. The second second session posts to account 2000 followed by account 1000 (reverse of one).
If the first session transaction does not commit before the second session transaction begins, you will get a deadlock condition as transaction one waits for journal entry two to release the lock on account 2000 and vice versa.
The solution may be to order the account# in the same order for both transactions. But that is a difficult
situation as in a given transactions there can be lots of sets of entries which are typically coupled in pairs
as debits and credits and if we try ordering by account# before posting the line_no storage values in the glentry table would be messed up.
October 03, 2007 - 1:56 pm UTC
if you gain locks on resources in a non-predicable order (eg: I lock accounts 1000 and then go for 2000 - you on the other hand lock account 2000 and then go for 1000) deadlocks are unavoidable - the name of the game - the only solution.
so the application needs to understand "deadlocks will happen" and treat that as a condition it is expecting - just like it currently does with dup_val_on_index, you'll have to code it to deal with that possibility (of the deadlock)
situation as in a given transactions there can be lots of sets of entries which
are typically coupled in pairs
as debits and credits and if we try ordering by account# before posting the
line_no storage values in the glentry table would be messed up.
if that is true, then how can two different processes working on the SAME ACCOUNTS independently of each other be working???
will ordering resolve the problem?
Lijo, October 03, 2007 - 2:57 pm UTC
What I claimed was not quite true, line_no just maintains the sequence of entries for a given transaction, its just that the total debits should match the total credits.
Are you saying that ordering the account# in both sessions would solve this problem?
If its so, then not only that I've to get the account# in order but all the other fields on which there is a unique constraint needs to be ordered, which means it requires a lot more processing and can potentially slow down the system.
How do you suggest to handle this, is there a better way?
update first then insert will help?
Lijo, October 04, 2007 - 5:55 am UTC
Do you think this approach of updating first and if it fails then insert will help?
UPDATE basegltotals gltotals
SET gltotals.amount = gltotals.amount + a_amount
WHERE gltotals.cny# = a_cny#
INSERT INTO basegltotals
(cny#, bookid, account#..
VALUES (a_cny#, rec.bookid, a_account#...
It makes sense to update first then insert, because there are lesser chances of update failing when compared to an insert as once a row is present, you will always want to update than insert.
Thinking again with the same kind of inserts, first session inserts into basegltotals to account 1000 followed by account 2000. The second second session inserts to account 2000 followed by account 1000 (reverse of one). In this case, since we are trying to update first, will one set of transaction wait for the transaction from the other session (insert) to complete?