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  • Oracle - grant package access not wotking for inner tables


Question and Answer

Chris Saxon

Thanks for the question, Matheus.

Asked: February 02, 2017 - 6:01 pm UTC

Last updated: November 08, 2024 - 5:39 pm UTC

Version: Oracle 11g

Viewed 10K+ times! This question is

You Asked


I have two Users on a same Oracle Instance, APP and TRDP. The user APP is a third-party user and the TRDP is one of my own. So the APP user have a package (API) which receives three parameters and updates an internal table. During the processing of this package, it does a series of validations e.g.: check status of the document which I'm trying to update, raise internal workflow events and those validations requires access to some other tables. I have granted EXECUTE on this API from APP user to TRDP user and also created a Synonym on TRDP user for this Package. And my problem now is: in order to run this Package I have to grant select on all subsquent objects it uses. So, for example, I have to grant select on workflow tables, on sequences, on other tables which I don't intend to use.

I looked everywhere for this situation, but for all I know and could find, the Oracle Database grants that I don't need to "know" about the objects this Package uses as long as I have grant to execute it.

I couldn't find any Database parameter that requires me to grant access on each subsequent object, still I have to manually grant access on each object that this API uses.

If someone had gone through this, can I have some advice, please?

Thanks in advance!

and Connor said...

By default, you dont need access to the tables, eg

SQL> create user APP identified by APP;

User created.

SQL> alter user app quota 100m on users;

User altered.

SQL> create table app.t1 ( x int );

Table created.

SQL> create table app.t2 ( x int );

Table created.

SQL> create table app.t3 ( x int );

Table created.

SQL> create or replace
  2  procedure app.p is
  3  begin
  4    insert into t1 values (1);
  5    insert into t2 values (1);
  6    insert into t3 values (1);
  7  end;
  8  /

Procedure created.

SQL> grant execute on app.p to scott;

Grant succeeded.

I now connect as SCOTT and I can run the proc without issue, *even though* I still do not have access to the underlying objects.

SQL> conn scott/tiger

SQL> exec app.p

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

SQL> delete from app.t1;
delete from app.t1
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist

The procedure (by default) runs with the privileges of the owner of the procedure. The procedure *may* have been defined as authid current user, which means it runs with privilege of the person *executing* the procedure. In this case, you would need access on the underlying tables directly. A DBA can list all of tables owned by APP and grant access to your user.


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Matheus, February 03, 2017 - 10:58 am UTC

Thank you for your answer. Indeed the API package I was calling have the authid current_user in its declaration. Many thanks for your fast and clear reply.
Connor McDonald
February 03, 2017 - 7:31 pm UTC

glad we could help

Invoking SQL Macro Package

Zahir Mohideen, November 06, 2024 - 3:37 pm UTC

I am trying to use Macro in a package and grant execute privs to another user ( in my case , rptuser).

DBUSER has a table , regular package , SQL macro package.
Both are with DEFINER rights .
Also , learn that , we can't have a SQL macro package with invoker rights.

When I execute the "regular" package from another user, I get the results as expected.
When I execute the "SQL Macro" package from another , I get "invalid permissions" ( ORA-00942).

Here is my test case below.
Am I misunderstanding about the usage of "SQL Macro" package ?

DB Version 
SQL> select banner from v$version;

Oracle Database 19c Enterprise Edition Release - Production


Here , I am creating tables and packages under "DBUSER".

create table emp ( eid int , ename varchar2(50) ) 

insert into emp values ( 100 , 'Zahir Mohideen') ;
insert into emp values ( 101 , 'Abdul Hameed') ;


create or replace package pkg_emp
    procedure listemp( p_eid  int , rfc_emp OUT SYS_REFCURSOR );
end pkg_emp;

    PROCEDURE listemp (
        p_eid   INT,
        rfc_emp OUT SYS_REFCURSOR
    ) AS
        OPEN rfc_emp FOR SELECT
                             eid = p_eid;

    END listemp;
END pkg_emp;

create or replace package pkg_emp_mac
    FUNCTION listemp ( p_eid  int  )   RETURN VARCHAR2 SQL_MACRO ;
end pkg_emp_mac;

      FUNCTION listemp ( p_eid  int  )   RETURN VARCHAR2 SQL_MACRO 
          RETURN q'{
          Select  ename from emp where eid = p_eid           
END pkg_emp_mac

grant execute on pkg_emp_mac to rptuser;
grant execute on pkg_emp to rptuser;

Here , I am executing package calls as "RPTUSER"

SQL> show user
SQL> var x refcursor;

SQL> exec dbuser.pkg_emp.listemp( 100 , :x);

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

SQL> print :x;

Zahir Mohideen

SQL> select * from dbuser.pkg_emp_mac.listemp(100);
select * from dbuser.pkg_emp_mac.listemp(100)
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist

Chris Saxon
November 07, 2024 - 1:27 pm UTC

The text returned by a SQL macro becomes part of the parent SQL statement.

select * from dbuser.pkg_emp_mac.listemp(100);

is equivalent to
Select  ename from dbuser.emp where eid = 100

To call the macro, RPTUSER needs the same privileges as it would to run the underlying query - so READ/SELECT on dbuser.emp in this example

On SQL macro equivalency

Mikhail Velikikh, November 08, 2024 - 11:12 am UTC

> is equivalent to
> Select ename from dbuser.emp where eid = 100

It is not.
One can use event trace[ptf_comp] to trace SQL macro expansions.
Here it is a simple SQL text returned by the function being parsed as RPTUSER.
Thus, RPTUSER tries to resolve the name EMP under his schema.
Therefore, it is really equivalent to:

Select ename from emp where eid = p_eid

which is parsed under the RPTUSER schema.

Chris Saxon
November 08, 2024 - 5:39 pm UTC

Ah yes, you're right - it does resolve objects to the current user's schema.

p_eid will resolve to whatever value is passed for this, so

select * from dbuser.pkg_emp_mac.listemp(100);


Select ename from emp where eid = 100

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