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Question and Answer

Connor McDonald

Thanks for the question, Rayene.

Asked: June 11, 2024 - 4:46 pm UTC

Last updated: June 13, 2024 - 2:50 am UTC

Version: 21c

Viewed 1000+ times

You Asked

Hey Tom,

While this isn't a technical question, I hope it finds its place in this forum.

I'm looking to sit for the 170-071 (Oracle Database SQL Certified Associate) exam as a complete beginner. I have a broad understanding of what a database is and its use cases. I figured the best approach would be to first learn all the prerequisites, which happen to be covered in the 170-006 syllabus (Oracle Database Foundations), before diving into the 170-071 syllabus.

I have found study materials for the Oracle Database Foundations pretty much everywhere, from YouTube videos (this one in particular: YouTube Video) to Chris’s “Databases for Developers: Foundations” class on DevGym, Oracle's learning path "SQL Fundamentals Learning Path" (Learning Path), and even other book-based materials like "OracleRdb7™ Guide to Database Design and Definition" and "OCA Oracle Database SQL Exam Guide (Exam 1Z0-071) (Oracle Press)." Additionally, there is the "Oracle Academy Foundations Learning Path," which I currently do not have access to.

As you can guess, I've become pretty overwhelmed with all of these materials and have doubts about where to begin (especially considering some of these might cover older versions of Oracle, while the exam I'm sitting for covers the 21c version). I'm also concerned about how to progress to ensure I've practiced and covered every part of the exam prep.

Note that I cannot acquire the paid learning path offered by Oracle (learning subscription).

Given this, some guidance from experts would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance for your valuable time and help.

and Connor said...

I would head to and whilst you can't *do* the full courses without paying, you can get the outline of all of the topics that will be covered in the material and the exam.

From there you can make some informed decisions about which content you've mentioned (or any mix/match of them) will best suit your needs.

We've always had this link which covers Chris's course and more.

We think its an excellent starting point

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