Rao, February 26, 2021 - 3:38 am UTC
Thanks for the master detail video. I already did these steps. But if there are 100's of records in the mastr tables ( projects ) how to limit it shows
like 5 in the master region and have a scroll or next page. in the master region and display the related child records?
In the example video it has 12 and it displays all 12 in the master and then the details. If the master is a big table then I guess it first diplays all the rows and page has to be scrolled down.
Looking for fixed page with 5 master then child records of the master as scrolling on the master table.
February 26, 2021 - 3:40 am UTC
Change the scrolling type to Page, and then you can choose the "Rows per page" from the Action menu