Hi Tom,we need to purge, ARCHIVE and cleanup our SYS.$AUD table.WE do have a RAC x 2 node as an Active DG too.We have a self-defined procedure , which is working appropriately (using DBMS_AUDIT_MGMT.CLEAN_AUDIT_TRAIL).However the table is >700GB and >700 Mil r... | 0 | 124.9 years ago | 1.2 years ago |
Hi Tom, Some questions about the SQL tuning. 1) I found that when using "IN" in the where clause , INLIST ITERATOR is shown on the explain plan in a cost-based database (and using the index correctly, the response is fast). However, no such INLIST ITERATOR ... | 0 | 124.9 years ago | 21.7 years ago |
Hi,Why do we need an extra select privilege additional to the delete privilege? From my point of view, this does'nt make sense:<code>--execute as user a:create table b.t (col varchar2 (10));insert into b.t values ('a');commit;grant delete on b.t to ut;--execut... | 0 | 124.9 years ago | 5.8 years ago |
I have a requirement to load a large excel file (upto 2000 columns) into Oracle database. I am aware of Oracle table limitation of maximum 1000 columns per table and happy to split the data into multiple tables.Could you please help.... | 0 | 124.9 years ago | 2 weeks ago |
Hello,We use Oracle 19c with c# ADO and EntityFramework.We have performance issue when use ALTER SESSION SET NLS_COMP = LINGUISTIC NLS_SORT = BINARY_CI;Our system use this for all queries. I use this simple table for test:<code>CREATE TABLE app."Customer" ( "... | 0 | 124.9 years ago | 3 weeks ago |
How can I export and import Oracle APEX 24.1 Applications and Pages from source Workspace to Destination Workspace having different IDs, Aliases?... | 0 | 124.9 years ago | 3 weeks ago |
Hi Team,I have tried to find good explanation for this wait event online, but not found anything that gives me a clear and concise answer.Recently we have started getting "resmgr:cpu quantum" wait event on our production database. This is a database with 40 C... | 0 | 124.9 years ago | 3 weeks ago |
Hi Tom,I running Oracle 8.1.6 under Solaris 2.6.We are using third-party application server and one common user-id to login to the server. We currently encountering the above error messages and are having difficulty in identifying the program that caused this.... | 0 | 124.9 years ago | 23.5 years ago |
Hi, we have run into performance issues after upgrading to Oracle 19c (19.14). For some SQL query’s the optimizer will no longer create execution plans similar to them in Oracle 11g ( resulting in extreme slow performance (up to a factor 1000 times).T... | 0 | 124.9 years ago | 2.6 years ago |
When the recording will be available for APEX office hours 7th November 2024 Building Low-Code SaaS App Extensions with Oracle APEX?... | 0 | 124.9 years ago | 2 weeks ago |
Hi,We stumbled upon ORA-06503 and wanted to useALTER SESSION SET PLSQL_WARNINGS = 'ENABLE:ALL, ERROR:5005';to prevent developers from writing functions without a return statement.Works fine, but now we get a PLS-05005 error when the exception block doesn't con... | 0 | 124.9 years ago | 2 weeks ago |
good evening,I have a sql statement with the following information in v$sqlarea<code>select sql_id, address, hash_value, plan_hash_value from v$sqlarea where sqltext=<string to identify my query>sql_id |address |hash_value|plan_hash_valuecv65zdur... | 0 | 124.9 years ago | 3.9 years ago |
I need to build a procedure that will accept a collection of numbers that I need to then find matches in a table. If the elements of the collection were in another table, then it would be a simple case to join the tables. How can I accomplish this with a col... | 0 | 124.9 years ago | 7.8 years ago |
Hi Team,We are having PeopleSoft systems connected with Oracle database. We have monthly financial close activities every beginning of month and lot of jobs use to run as part of this which internally access multiple large records.We have a database o... | 0 | 124.9 years ago | 4.3 years ago |
I would like, if exist documentation for distribution from dev to prod environment ??REgardsEduardo... | 0 | 124.9 years ago | 8 weeks ago |
hi tomi have a databse with 125 tables. i can find the total number of tables of the database by the sql select * from tab; now i would like to know the number of rows in each table of my database with out executing select count(*) from...; each time.please... | 0 | 124.9 years ago | 23.1 years ago |
Hi Tom,Thanks for the ref_cursor, worked perfectly. I have a nother question for you -- How do I get part of dat from a long datatype field ? I know I can't use substr or instr. Can this be done ? By any method ! Thanks in advanceSudha ... | 0 | 124.9 years ago | 24.3 years ago |
dbms_output.put_line has limitation of 255 characters per line. How can I get out of this limitation, so that I can use dbms_output.put_line to have 480 character per line ... | 0 | 124.9 years ago | 24.6 years ago |
Dear AskTom Team,first of all thanks for all the support you are giving all of as for some many years.I already read many of your answer about the topic <b>PL/SQL Collection</b> slowing sql execution.I alredy tried all the hints (such for example the <b>cardin... | 0 | 124.9 years ago | 6 months ago |
Tom:I'm not sure whether to use a PreparedStatement or just the regular Statement if a query is going to be executed only once before the statement is closed.I have read through some documentation regarding this topic and still not exactly clear on which way i... | 0 | 124.9 years ago | 23.1 years ago |