here is the test.<code>create table t1(id int, name char(10));create table t2(id int, name char(12));insert into t1 values(100, 'yang');insert into t2 values(200, 'yang');commit;-- return 1 rowselect * from t1, t2 where = and = 'yang';-... | 6 hours ago | 36 hours ago |
So I am able work out partition by reference with the DDL below, but can seem to figure out how to also get IOT too. The examples with IOT I have seen needed the PK defined in the create table DDL. Since my solution for making the PK on the child table with ... | 7 hours ago | 26 hours ago |
Hi,I have a column in table that have yet text in fields. Some of fields have in the end of text: distance: R1: a R2: b R3: c mm mm mmI want to insert before the first mm d/a, the second mm d/b and the third mm d/c. It will be : distance R1: a R2: b R3: c d/a ... | 7 hours ago | 7 days ago |
Greetings,How does the data structure of a compound index in Oracle look like? I'm wondering how Oracle is able to use a "skip scan" by using the second entry in a compound index? I know that the first field uses a b-tree structure, but I am unsure how the s... | 2 days ago | 2 weeks ago |
I would like to create a table in an Oracle 19c DB (on premise) that is optimally designed for many parallel DML queries (INSERT/UPDATE).What do I have to pay attention to?Does partitioning help, with different tablespaces?How must sequences be created or shou... | 2 days ago | 5 days ago |
Hi TOM,Sorry for asking this basic question (After two hours of searching, I am unable to find the answer)Let's say I have run opatch in an ora19 home to patch the binaries.But then I "forgot" to run datapatch.Is there any dictionary view to tell me that I "fo... | 2 days ago | 9 months ago |
I am working on a Business SaaS solution and my data is siloed using a tenant_id column. I am setting up REST APIs using ORDS (v24). The application will provide the ability to POST and GET the subscribers data. Each subscriber will be provided their own se... | 2 days ago | 5 weeks ago |
how can i insert and read numeric value larger than 1000 digits into blob column in oracle... | 2 days ago | 13 days ago |
Hi Tom, I have a question regarding to add some constraint into a table.I have 2 tables defined as:<code>create table TableA ( fieldA varchar2(10), fieldB varchar2(10), fieldC varchar2(5), fieldD varchar2(10) not null, fieldE number(38) not null, Con... | 5 days ago | 5 days ago |
Hi Tom,I am trying to alter the tablespace to the transportation tablspace. First I do: alter tablespace users read only;Then do :exp sys/change_on_install file=02072001.dmp transport_tablespace=y tablespaces=users triggers=n constraints=nBut I got the error a... | 5 days ago | 24 years ago |
Hi,I have read quite a bit on Oracles RMAN utility and know that for hot backups RMAN doesn't use old method of placing tablespaces in Archive log mode freezing datafile headers & writing changes to Redo/ Archive logs. Hence a company with a large DB shouldn't... | 5 days ago | 22.6 years ago |
Hi Team,I use ApEx 22.1 and SQL Developer.In an ApEx page, users have to upload 4 photos of their workstation. Then with PL/PDF I generate the PDF containing texts, photos and ID number.I have no control over the uploaded photos. The aspect ratio of the images... | 5 days ago | 4 weeks ago |
We are going to MOVE the TBS of AUD$ table in PROD. Purpose:AUD$ table is totally fragmented and the CLEANUP / PURGE runs very slow - even with max 1.000.000 batch size but as per test in our test environment we had some issues regarding using API (DBMS_AUDIT_... | 5 days ago | 11 months ago |
Dear Ask Tom Team,can you suggest me the best way to have my "<b>datamarts</b>" tables, that summarized data(coming from the <b>oltp </b>database) using <b>analytical functions</b>,daily refreshed?ThanksAlessandra... | 5 days ago | 6 days ago |
i have 1st table MIT_DOCUMENTS_LIST_MASTER with columns and data<code>ID DOCUMENTS_LIST1 Passport Copy2 Visa Application Form3 Company Cover Letter4 Invitation Letter</code>second table VISA_ON_ARRIVAL_COUNTRIES columns and data<code>id COUNTRY_ID COUNT... | 5 days ago | 5 weeks ago |
Hello,I accidentally dropped an index on a table (Oracle 19c) that was constructed on three columns; one of them was a foreign key.table: INDEX_DEFINITION:<code>CREATE INDEX "dba"."INDEX_SOP" ON "dba"."USR_SOP_STD" ("TS_ID", "TS_ASSET_SUBDOMAIN", "TS_TITLE") ... | 6 days ago | 6 days ago |
Oracle provides an initialization method that will automatically run when the package is first accessed within a session. My question, is there a method that gets called when the session ends?The reason I am asking this is because I have a package that connec... | 7 days ago | 8 days ago |
Hello Tom,What is the practical implementation of Instead of Triggers in the application? Can you provide some practical examples?... | 7 days ago | 2 years ago |
Hi Tom,I'm trying to get rid of a performance problem in APEX with a pipelined function within an db-package. Reading ora-documentations and searching the web/comunnities wasn't successful. Sorry if my question is already answered - i haven't found it.My situa... | 7 days ago | 8.8 years ago |
I completed the course Database for developers foundation. I did not recieve an email of the certofocate but i did have the option to print the certoificate. but I want to have a URL that can show as proof of creidentials. where to get it? Please help I invest... | 8 days ago | 10 days ago |