Good Morning.
My question is sending signed emails from oracle. We were hoping to utilize an oracle built in functionality but it seems oracle requires a hardcoded passwords. Even oracle support stated I had to hardcode the password. I am coming here because I have been provided incorrect information from them before and the knowledge from the community is amazing. Also didnt want to reinvent the wheel if a solution is already available.
So does it require a hardcoded password to use SMTP package? We do have wallets configured. We have one configured for TLS login and would like to untilize that if possible.
—this was sample from oracle support
mailhost VARCHAR2(64) := 'mailserverhostname';
sender VARCHAR2(64) := 'user@domainname';
recipient VARCHAR2(64) := 'user@domainname';
wallet_pwd VARCHAR2(64) := 'walletpassword'; <== this would never pass a security audit
wallet_loc VARCHAR2(64) := 'file:/etc/ORACLE/WALLETS/';
user_name VARCHAR2(64) := 'myemailusername';
user_pwd VARCHAR2(64) := 'myemailuserpassword'; <== this would never pass a security audit
mail_connection utl_smtp.connection;
-- Make a secure connection using the SSL port configured with your SMTP server
-- Note: The sample code here uses the default of 465 but check your SMTP server settings
mail_connection := utl_smtp.open_connection
host => mailhost,
port => 465,
wallet_path => wallet_loc,
wallet_password => wallet_pwd,
secure_connection_before_smtp => TRUE
utl_smtp.ehlo(mail_connection , mailhost);
utl_smtp.ehlo(mail_connection , mailhost);
-- Call the Auth procedure to authorized a user for access to the mail server
-- Schemes should be set appropriatelty for your mail server
-- See the UTL_SMTP documentation for a list of constants and meanings
c => mail_connection,
username => user_name,
password => user_pwd,
schemes => 'LOGIN'
-- Set up and make the the basic smtp calls to send a test email
utl_smtp.mail(mail_connection, sender);
utl_smtp.rcpt(mail_connection, recipient);
utl_smtp.write_data(mail_connection, 'This is a test message using SSL with SMTP.' || chr(13));
utl_smtp.write_data(mail_connection, 'This test requires an Oracle Wallet be properly configured.' || chr(13));
exception when others then
dbms_output.put_line('Error in the anonymous plsql block: '|| sqlerrm);
Thnaks in advanced.
You do need to pass a password to these procedures; they don't have to be hardcoded though. For example you could:
- Pass them as parameters when calling the function
- Store them in tables and lookup the values
These have their own drawbacks though.
Another option is to install APEX and use APEX_MAIL. This is essentially a wrapper over UTL_SMTP, so hopefully provides what you need.
You can configure the various passwords in the APEX instance. For details see: You can then send emails without referencing the passwords in your code.