You Asked
Oracle 19 server cloud vm and from my laptop I am able to connect to the same database using sql developer tool .
And I have installed oracle 19 client on my laptop and intention is to connect oracle from python script. when I tried
to connect database using sqlplus from command prompt , getting error saying "ORA-12547: TNS:lost contact".
Kindly let me know how to resolve this.
sqlplus userid/pwd@oracleserver:port/servicename
and Connor said...
ORA-12547: TNS:lost contact
normally means we established contact but subsequently network access get blocked. This typically means a firewall issue, or network configuration issue.
Assuming you're using Virtualbox you'll likely need to tinker around with the HostOnly or Bridged network adapter to get this to work.
I've often resolved this by reinstalling Virtualbox or manually setting up the HostOnly network via the Tools option