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Question and Answer

Tom Kyte

Thanks for the question, KK.

Asked: December 28, 2000 - 8:44 pm UTC

Last updated: May 13, 2013 - 1:00 pm UTC

Version: 8.1.6

Viewed 50K+ times! This question is

You Asked

Can I post a XML document to a web server via the
http request from Oracle 8i?

and Tom said...

The existing UTL_HTTP package in the database does not support POST, only GET. So, if you are using UTL_HTTP, no, you cannot POST the xml, you can only put it in the query string (eg: utl_http.request( 'http;//server/url?xml_doc=<tag>xml</tag>' )).

Java in the database (if you use a java stored procedure) can do this easily with the http classes in java.

8.1.6 supports a package UTL_TCP which allows PLSQL to do "sockets" as well. You could open a connect to a webserver on port 80, write out the POST request:

POST /url/.../.../... HTTP/1.0
Content-Length: xxxx

<tag>xml document of xxxx bytes goes here</tag>

as well.


  (37 ratings)

Is this answer out of date? If it is, please let us know via a Comment


Ramon de Diego, October 31, 2002 - 1:25 pm UTC

A reader, February 18, 2004 - 1:59 pm UTC

How can I do http post in oracle 9i??


Tom Kyte
February 18, 2004 - 9:30 pm UTC

read the supplied packages guide (available on otn). it'll tell you how the api works.

eceiving of posted xml file on oracle 9i

robo, August 11, 2004 - 6:16 am UTC

can i receive posted xml file using utll_http package?

Tom Kyte
August 11, 2004 - 10:05 am UTC

utl_http can be used to POST an xml file.

utl_http cannot be used to "recieve" a posted file.

you sort of need to be a server, listening on a socket, for someone to post to you.

That said, you can http into the database -- see the XML developers guides on


Joseph Pena, September 20, 2004 - 12:19 pm UTC

Hi Tom,

I'm using Orcle I have couple questions regarding UTL_HTTP.

1. How is the perfromance of using this package in the stored procedure. Are there any overhead in the database by using this package?
2. Are there any pros and cons that you can share?
3. I'm looking a way that you can just call the web service without waiting a response, is that possible?

Here is the brief background of what we are trying to accomplish. We found out that in the Data Access Layer Component (in the App server) is expensive doing connection in the database every minute. With this issue at hand, we are trying to put the process in the database to initiate the process if there are any transactions available for processing. The purpose is to initiate a web service call from db stored procedure without getting any responses back. The web service will start another thread to process the request.

Thanks in advance.


Tom Kyte
September 20, 2004 - 12:57 pm UTC

as opposed to not using it? i mean, what are we comparing against here, what are the alternatives.

Nothing has "overhead" if you need to do it.

what you suggest however sounds very "fragile" (eg: non-transactional, not very manageable)

sounds like your transactions should be a message in a queue and you have processes that are listening to the queue ready to process messages... transactional, scalable, safe, and manageable.

</code> <code>


Joseph Pena, September 20, 2004 - 2:13 pm UTC

I am trying to determine if the changes in the way we doing our process will benefit us the most.

Currently, all the process is initiated by the APP Server Components (.net). It schedules every minute to connect to the db and call the stored procedure to grab the dataset for creating the report. With this current setup, we are finding some issues.

To eliminate some of the issues and we thought it will benefit us in using the UTL_HTTP package.

We are trying to have the db initiate the process when there are transactions available. The idea is for the db call a web service (using the UTL_HTTP with ‘POST’ method) which will start a thread to call a (.net) component. The component will process the request, create the report and update the status in status in the db. The other idea (since it’s available in .net), if we can just call the web service without waiting for any response since the last process will eventually go back to the db to update the status.

We connect use the AQ process since the process is not strictly db.

Here is the prototype that I’m using for testing.


env clob;
http_req utl_http.req;
http_resp utl_http.resp;
Resp Response;
fault_node XMLTYPE;
fault_code VARCHAR2(256);
fault_string VARCHAR2(32767);


env := '<SOAP-ENV:Envelope
                    xmlns:xsd="" >
                  <TestDatasetWS xmlns="ReportServices">


  http_req := utl_http.begin_request('',

  utl_http.set_header(http_req, 'Content-Type', 'text/xml');
  utl_http.set_header(http_req, 'Content-Length', length(env));
  utl_http.set_header(http_req, 'SOAPAction', 'ReportServices/TestDatasetWS');
  utl_http.write_text(http_req, env);

  http_resp := utl_http.get_response(http_req);
  utl_http.read_text(http_resp, env);
  resp.doc := xmltype.createxml(env);
  resp.doc := resp.doc.extract('/soap:Envelope/soap:Body/child::node()',
  fault_node := resp.doc.EXTRACT('/soap:Fault',

  IF (fault_node IS NOT NULL) THEN
    fault_code := fault_node.EXTRACT('/soap:Fault/faultcode/child::text()',
    fault_string := fault_node.EXTRACT('/soap:Fault/faultstring/child::text()',
                                       'xmlns:soap="' <code>.getstringval();

RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20000, fault_code || ' - ' || fault_string);


Tom Kyte
September 20, 2004 - 2:23 pm UTC

i would not be, am not a fan of this use of utl_http.

It is totally *non transactional*

We are trying to have the db initiate the process when there are transactions

AQ does that.

Stored procedure as web service

A reader, December 27, 2004 - 12:14 pm UTC

Oracle 9iR2

Can a stored procedure be exposed as a web service?

Currently, we get XML messages from MSMQ, each XML message has a "action" and it calls a corresponding "TAPI" to insert/update/delete the appropriate table.

Instead, can the XML message directly call the stored proc via a web service using SOAP, HTTP GET/POST and all that stuff?


Tom Kyte
December 27, 2004 - 12:24 pm UTC

curious as to what you are using as a 2pc here?


A reader, December 27, 2004 - 12:30 pm UTC

Not sure what you mean? Are you referring to 2 phase commit?

How does that come into the picture here? AFAIK this architecture is fairly standard when not using an all-Oracle technology stack using Oracle AQ, et. al. When other messaging solutions are used (like MSMQ, IBM MQ Series, Tibco, etc), with Oracle as the target database, they all "serialize" the XML into the stored proc's input parameters and call the API. The API does what it does and returns a status code/error message back.

How does this relate to my question on "exposing a Oracle stored proc as a web service"?


Tom Kyte
December 27, 2004 - 12:45 pm UTC

2 phase commit -- absolutely.

you dequeue from MSMQ and apply to Oracle.

How do you ensure that the messages get

a) applied at least once
b) at most once?

how do you atomically move this data?

before I go into making this even more fragile, I want to understand how you are doing this in a fashion that gets the message there at least/at most once?

There are technologies to safely propagate the message from MQ to AQ as a single atomic transaction.

(this is not about an "all oracle stack", this is about "are you doing this safely")

POST with Oracle 9

Josef, February 01, 2005 - 4:10 am UTC

is it possible to post a request with UTL_HTTP to a CGI-script (e.g. PHP-script) which receives the request-body (e.g. body='test=1234') as POST-parameters. I am trying that for a few day now and I have not yet found a possibility that works.
There is no error message in my plsql procedure but the PHP-script receives no POST-parameters although I use the POST-methode and give the correct content-length and so on.

Tom Kyte
February 01, 2005 - 8:51 am UTC

Yes it works.... is about all I can say given this level of input.

Try posting it to another plsql routine and see what you see for a test.

http post

A reader, April 08, 2005 - 10:41 am UTC


We have a plsql server page application.
The requirement is, on mouse click to send the address of customer to BizTalk server. The BizTalk guys suggests me to use http post to send the info. I have no idea how it works. Can you help me with this !


Tom Kyte
April 08, 2005 - 10:44 am UTC

and when you send the address to them, what is supposed to happen? does this come back to you with some information?

and do you need this info "on the web page" or "in your plsql code"

need more details.

http post

A reader, April 08, 2005 - 10:54 am UTC


All that i need to know is back success/failure information.
When i click on a button on the web page this post has to happen. I hope this is what you expecting to know.
Oracle version is 9.2


Tom Kyte
April 08, 2005 - 11:02 am UTC

but do you need to "know"

a) in the web brower (eg: javascript will call biztalk and biztalk will tell you yes or no)


b) in plsql (eg: you submit the page to the server and to verify the address before inserting into a table, you need to call biztalk and get a yes or no

If (a) -- ask them for the code...

If (b) -- utl_http will do that for you.

http post

A reader, April 08, 2005 - 12:05 pm UTC


Now i know what you expcted to know from me.
Its method b) i am interested in.
Is it possible for you to give some more info on how it will be achieved.

I cant follow what is submitting page and inserting into table. Excuse my ignorance.


Tom Kyte
April 08, 2005 - 12:25 pm UTC

you just need to use utl_http to "post" a request. typically easier just to use "GET" as you can do that in a single call

http ://host/path1/path2/program?parameter=value

rather than having to encode the "post" data. but the package is documented there.

</code> <code>

http post

A reader, April 11, 2005 - 5:29 am UTC


Thanks for the inputs.
The documentation could not help me much, probably because i am new to this stuff. In the examples there is no such thing as 'GET', its only 'GET_..something..'. Also there is no mention of the 'message' that needs to be posted.

Also pls let me know what information i need to get from BizTalk server guy.

Is there is any example code you can provide!!


Tom Kyte
April 11, 2005 - 9:02 am UTC

ask them for the URL you need to send to them to get a response back.  EG: Say you wanted to "asktom about biztalk" in your code instead of "ask biztalk", it could be as easy as:

ops$tkyte@ORA9IR2> select utl_http.request( ''
) from dual;
<script src="/i/javascript/core.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/i/css/core.css" type="text/css" />
 <script language="JavaScript1.1" type="text/javascript">
        function errorMsg()

can we use HTTP 1.1 in 8i?

umesh, May 18, 2005 - 4:33 am UTC

Hi Tom,
In answer to the first question you have mentioned the
use of UTL_TCP for POST .... HTTP 1.0
Here can we use HTTP1.1 instead of HTTP 1.0?
Is this upgradable?how to do it?
If yes,
Will it help in getting response in less amount of time compared to the response using HTTP 1.0?

Tom Kyte
May 18, 2005 - 8:59 am UTC

it won't make any difference 1.0/1.1 as far as I know.

the only way to "upgrade" utl_http is to upgrade the database


James Su, October 31, 2006 - 3:00 pm UTC

Hi Tom, 
I want my procedure to abort quickly if the URL is not responding, but set_transfer_timeout doesn't work:

  2     lv_http_req UTL_HTTP.req;
  3     lv_http_res UTL_HTTP.resp;
  4     lv_url varchar2(2000);
  5  BEGIN
  6     lv_url := '';
  7     UTL_HTTP.set_transfer_timeout(3);
  8     lv_http_req := UTL_HTTP.BEGIN_REQUEST(lv_url);
  9     lv_http_res := UTL_HTTP.GET_RESPONSE(lv_http_req);
 10     UTL_HTTP.END_RESPONSE(lv_http_res);
 11  END;
 12  /
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-29273: HTTP request failed
ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_HTTP", line 1029
ORA-12535: TNS:operation timed out
ORA-06512: at line 8

Elapsed: 00:00:21.12

Can you tell me why it takes 21 seconds even I set timeout as 3 seconds? Thank you. 

Tom Kyte
October 31, 2006 - 4:19 pm UTC

not sure what the minimum tcp ip timeout is - and it is likely an OS specific sort of thing.

UTL_HTTP Issue - Urgent

Abdel Miranda, November 17, 2006 - 3:03 pm UTC

I have a stored procedure and I want to run a report using SRW package.
But I am getting some errors and I can not figure it out which is the source of the problem or if I need to make some modifications to the OAS files.

1. Stored Procedure Aems_Test
v_custom_list srw_paramlist;
v_report_id srw.job_ident;
v_status srw.status_record;

v_host_name varchar2(200) := lower(sf_get_param_val(null, 'WEB_AS_HOST10G')||'/reports/rwservlet/'); 
v_server_name varchar2(200) := lower(sf_get_param_val(2000, 'WEB_RP_SVR_NAME'));
v_report_name varchar2(50) := lower('post_header.rdf');
v_userid varchar2(50) := not show for security reason;
v_authid varchar2(500) := not show for security reason;
v_destype varchar2(25) := 'file';
v_desformat varchar2(25) := 'pdf';
v_ias_temp varchar2(500) := sf_get_param_val(null, 'WEB_RS_URLCK10G');
v_unique_seq varchar2(50) := lower(to_char(sf_get_sys_date, 'DDMONYYYYHH24MISS'));
v_desname varchar2(550) := v_unique_seq||'post_header.rdf';

cursor get_data_to_process is select seq, nombre, direccion, telefono, limite
from aems_prueba
where rep_generated = 'N';
for x in get_data_to_process loop
v_custom_list := srw_paramlist(srw_parameter('',''));
srw.add_parameter(v_custom_list, 'GATEWAY' , v_host_name);
srw.add_parameter(v_custom_list, 'SERVER' , v_server_name);
srw.add_parameter(v_custom_list, 'REPORT' , v_report_name);
srw.add_parameter(v_custom_list, 'USERID' , v_userid);
srw.add_parameter(v_custom_list, 'AUTHID' , v_authid);
srw.add_parameter(v_custom_list, 'DESTYPE' , v_destype);
srw.add_parameter(v_custom_list, 'DESFORMAT', v_desformat);
srw.add_parameter(v_custom_list, 'DESNAME' , v_desname);

v_report_id := srw.run_report(v_custom_list);
v_status := srw.report_status(v_report_id);
end loop;
when others then
v_error varchar2(4000);
v_error := utl_http.get_detailed_sqlerrm;

2. Error got it eecuting proc on SQL*Plus
SQL> exec aems_test;
* API-Version : 9i *
* (C) Oracle Corporation, 2000 *
* Debugging turned ON *************************************
*** Length of Paramlist : 1
OK : Parameter added : GATEWAY=
show for security reason/reports/rwservlet/
*** Length of Paramlist : 2
OK : Parameter added : SERVER=repcoco
*** Length of Paramlist : 3
OK : Parameter added : REPORT=post_header.rdf
*** Length of Paramlist : 4
OK : Parameter added : USERID=not show for security reason
*** Length of Paramlist : 5
OK : Parameter added : AUTHID=not show for security reason
*** Length of Paramlist : 6
OK : Parameter added : DESTYPE=file
*** Length of Paramlist : 7
OK : Parameter added : DESFORMAT=pdf
*** Length of Paramlist : 8
OK : Parameter added : DESNAME=17nov2006105612post_header.rdf
Starting run_report: building url
*** Building URL (RUN_REPORT)
OK : URL built :
show for security reason/reports/rwservlet?SERVER=repcoco&REPORT=post%5Fheader%2Erdf&USERID=not show for security reason&AUTHID=not show for security reason&DESTYPE=file&DESFORMAT=pdf&DESNAME=17nov2006105612post%
*** Submitting HTTP Request
*** using URL
show for security reason/reports/rwservlet?SERVER=repcoco&REPORT=post%5Fheader%2Erdf&USERID=not show for security reason&AUTHID=not show for security reason&DESTYPE=file&DESFORMAT=pdf&DESNAME=17nov2006105612post
ERROR : HTTP request failed
ORA-12535: TNS:operation timed out

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

3. Error got it executing proc on TOAD
* API-Version : 9i *
* (C) Oracle Corporation, 2000 *
* Debugging turned ON *************************************
*** Length of Paramlist : 1
OK : Parameter added : GATEWAY=
show for security reason/reports/rwservlet/
*** Length of Paramlist : 2
OK : Parameter added : SERVER=repcoco
*** Length of Paramlist : 3
OK : Parameter added : REPORT=post_header.rdf
*** Length of Paramlist : 4
OK : Parameter added : USERID=evtms/ecoco@coco
*** Length of Paramlist : 5
OK : Parameter added : AUTHID=evtms/ecoco@coco
*** Length of Paramlist : 6
OK : Parameter added : DESTYPE=file
*** Length of Paramlist : 7
OK : Parameter added : DESFORMAT=pdf
*** Length of Paramlist : 8
OK : Parameter added : DESNAME=17nov2006103405post_header.rdf
Starting run_report: building url
*** Building URL (RUN_REPORT)
OK : URL built : 
show for security reason/reports/rwservlet?SERVER=repcoco&REPORT=post%5Fheader%2Erdf&USERID=not show for security reason&AUTHID=not show for security reason&DESTYPE=file&DESFORMAT=pdf&DESNAME=17nov2006103405post%5Fheader%2Erdf&statusformat=xml
*** Submitting HTTP Request
*** using URL :
show for security reason/reports/rwservlet?SERVER=repcoco&REPORT=post%5Fheader%2Erdf&USERID=not show for security reason&AUTHID=not show for security reason&DESTYPE=file&DESFORMAT=pdf&DESNAME=17nov2006103405post%5Fheader%2Erdf&statusformat=xml
ERROR : HTTP request failed
ORA-12545: Connect failed because target host or object does not exist

If you look they are similar but, it doesn't give me some clues of what I need to change, add or do to fix the problem.
not show for security reason: this is not the problem, not the host and port or the user password or connect string.

But I need to know what the errors means and how to fix it.

Thanks a lot,
Abdel Miranda


KDE, December 06, 2006 - 2:50 am UTC

Is it possible to 'post' an xml message to a web server and get a reply back using UTL_HTTP package? I was looking for the same information in the books but it is a little bit scattered. I want to post an XML message to a web service and get a reply back instantly in the same format and parse(unmarshall) it and then store it in a database. Is it possible?

Tom Kyte
December 07, 2006 - 8:03 am UTC

sure, you just need to understand the protocol - how to format that message properly.

the thing you post to will tell you "what it expects" - you need to find that out.


A reader, March 05, 2007 - 5:53 pm UTC


I was trying to test UTL_HTTP using another pl/sql proceedure as a CGI program. I have a simple procedure in my test instance that insert a record into TEST table. It runs fine via URL and mod_plsql IN the TEST instance.

When I tried to call it from my development instance using UTL_HTTP it prompted me for the input parameter values (even though they were in the URl) and gave me the following error. Is it becuse I am not using MOD_CGI or what?

SQLDEV> select utl_http.request('
e=John&i_last_name=Jones') from dual;
Enter value for i_first_name: d
Enter value for i_last_name: c
old 1: select utl_http.request('
new 1: select utl_http.request('

Mon, 5 Mar 2007 21:06:22 GMT

ORA-01722: invalid number
ORA-06512: at "DEV.TEST_ADD_EMP", line 9
ORA-06512: at line 10

DAD name: itst
PROCEDURE : test_add_emp

SERVER_SOFTWARE=Oracle HTTP Server/1.3.22 (Unix) mod_plsql/ mod_oc4
j/3.0 mod_ossl/ mod_fastcgi/2.2.10 mod_perl/1.26 mod_oprocmgr/1.0
Tom Kyte
March 05, 2007 - 8:48 pm UTC

set define off

in sqlplus

utl http

Sam, March 06, 2007 - 3:22 pm UTC


it worked nicely.

Does that mean I can do the same thing with an CGI program running on the remote server.

Basically my program caculates the parameter values then pass it using UTL_HTTP to that other CGI and get the HTML (success or failuire) from that CGI back to my database.

2. I got some confusion between GET and POST. According to HTTP, a GET request is to download file to my web server, a POST request to upload data to a remote server.

But you can post html forms using GET request too? Can you tell me your understanding.

Tom Kyte
March 06, 2007 - 4:14 pm UTC

you can ask for a URL to be retrieved from a web server - sure.

GET and POST are just protocol implementation details. You can always POST to anything you can GET. GET is limited in the size of the request however and hence is not suitable for things like "file upload".

GET is simple
POST is more complex

GET has size limitations
POST does not

but, we are way outside of the real of Oracle and databases and into the http protocol specification - of which you can google for and read at your leisure.

http communication

Sam, March 12, 2007 - 5:34 pm UTC


Can you verify the following:

1. UTL_HTTP works like HTTP client tools WGET and CURL. You can download web pages and post forms and upload files to other web servers. Correct?

2. In order for an oracle database to talk to another unix box with apache we can implement the follwing technique:

2a. For a database to send an HTTP message to external unix box

we need two programs: one PL/SQL program in the database that uses UTL_HTTP and one perl cgi program on the unix box that can accept parameters values passed by PL/SQL. The database then can call that cgi program and pass the values it needed to that CGI program to do something on the server. Then CGI program can send a message back to that PL/SQL program, by calling the URL for the PL/sql stored procedure and passing a parmater values indicating "OK" or "FAIL".

2b. For an external server to send an HTTP message to oracle database.

we need two programs: one CGI program that calls the URL for PL/SQL stored procedure and passes the parameter value to it. The pl/sql procedure then does something and returns an HTML page with results (input element name. value) that the CGI can parse and take action based on.

3. Can Telnet be used to post http forms over port 80 using HTTP?

4. You said that
<The existing UTL_HTTP package in the database does not support POST, only GET>

What is the difference of posting versus calling a URL and passing the values in a URL Query string

THank you,

Tom Kyte
March 12, 2007 - 8:40 pm UTC

1) quick glance at the documentation would..... indicate "yes"

you give it a url
it gives you what the web server gives you for that url.

2a) it can be ANYTHING a web server would return. perl cgi is a "red herring". You need a url you can put into a browser and see on screen stuff you would like to see. if you have that, utl_http can be used to get it into a plsql program.

2b) no. You would use dbms_epg blah blah blah blah.... you have missed something fundemental here.

3) sure. not easy, but sure. be careful what you type, don't make mistakes.

4) that was version 8.1.6, things change. The existing package in software written this century, it does.

and we already talked about get versus post, for more information read the http specification.


Sam, March 13, 2007 - 5:26 pm UTC


1. on 2(b) I dont understand what are the issues and why I need Embedded Pl/SQL gateway.

Actually reading the defintion on this I do not understand how it is different than mod_plsql

Is this for creating and administering DADs from database?

We access oracle web apps using the browser. The browser can be a CGI program that runs that URL through mod-plsql. What is the issue here and what is that embedded gateway for.

2. On (3) Do you mean telnet is a bad choice for using it as an http client and http scripting?

3. I am using Oracle Does it support form posting with UTL_HTTP and DBMS_EPG?
Tom Kyte
March 13, 2007 - 9:00 pm UTC

dbms_epg is the database embedded plsql gateway. it IS mod_plsql, in the database.

you need mod_plsql - whether it be in apache or in the database.

2) umm, telnet would be inappropriate for anything other than a quick test.

3) no dbms_epg, that was new in 10g when 10g was new. yes, you can post in 9i utl_http


Sam, March 13, 2007 - 10:42 pm UTC


Can you explain more what you mean by

<2b) no. You would use dbms_epg blah blah blah blah.... you have missed something fundemental here.>

9i does not have that package and why do i need it anyway.

Why I can't use a CGI program (i.e. perl) that uses an http client software call (i.e. curl or wget) to post data to my pl/sql stored procedure using mod_plsql.

How would you do it.
Tom Kyte
March 14, 2007 - 7:38 am UTC


dbms_epg, new in 10g (said that), it IS mod_plsql. YOU ASKED me about dbms_epg and why would you need mod_plsql if you had that. I responded - dbms_epg IS mod_plsql.

mod_plsql is a module running under apache.
it's sole purpose in life: receive URL and associated information, make a stored procedure call with it, display results to client.

I fail to see where a cgi program, perl, blah blah blah comes into it.

If you use mod_plsql, you need a client that talks HTTP (I don't really care what the client is - whatever you want to use, go for it). That client talks to mod_plsql (a module) and the rest just happens.


Sam, March 14, 2007 - 5:21 pm UTC


This is exactly my point. Any client that talks HTTP can talk to mod-plsql just like a browser.

THE CGI has to use Perl API, WGET, CURL or whatever that can send http messages and receive results. It should do same thing UTL_HTTP (oracle API) does in database.

Tom Kyte
March 15, 2007 - 7:39 am UTC

what is your point with cgi, cgi has nothing whatsoever to do with this.

Using the term "cgi" here is a huge 'mistake'.

please - do your prototype, test it out, get a feeling for what is going on. nuff said. I'm done here.


Sam, March 14, 2007 - 10:17 pm UTC


1. Can you use XML format over http to send messsages back and forth between oracle server and other http client?
Like if client sends a query and oracle sends back results.

2. Would you do it using HTML or XML and why? I guess in both cases you have to parse the message and look for the field name in HTML or tag name in XML.
Tom Kyte
March 15, 2007 - 9:21 am UTC

1) you can use whatever format you want to use.

http = a protocol

you can send ANYTHING YOU WANT over that protocol to a stored procedure (using mod_plsql)

your mod_plsql invoked routine can print back ANYTHING YOU WANT

2) i've already told you I probably would not do what you are doing - in the way you are doing it.

but xml might well make sense for the RETURN data

structured inputs (you know, parameters to a stored procedure) might well make sense for the INPUT data.


Sam, March 16, 2007 - 4:25 pm UTC

1. Does the XML that Stored procedure write and post to other server has to be embeded in HTML tags? I though http clients can only read HTML tags.

2. You did not tell me what you would do different than my way. WHat is your way?

3. Are you saying use:

HTML message for sending requests to MOD_PLSQL/Stored procedure

XML message OUT from oracle to other http client using QUERY_STRING.

Thank you,

Posting using Oracle 10g

Maverick, March 25, 2007 - 11:42 pm UTC

Can you give some information about how i can post an XML to a webserver[another oracle application]?

We are currently creating XML in Oracle 10g and posting it using Java POST Method. I want to avoid java and want to keep all in Oracle [i understand oracle..that's why]
If you can give a simple example showing what steps need to be taken in posting XML and check response back from webserver, I would really appreciate it.


How to call a simple URL

Caio, April 11, 2007 - 11:02 am UTC

Hi Tom, I have a very simple question:

Is it possible to simply call a URL within a Stored Procedure? I can't find any function to do that!

I've been using utl_http.request_pieces, but then I need to use "htp.p" within a loop to print the called page --while I just need to redirect the browser to it. If I print the URL in the browser and then click on it, it works... but I don't wan't to click, I want the stored procedure to do that for me.


Tom Kyte
April 11, 2007 - 11:52 am UTC


that is how to "call" a URL.

If you are trying to REDIRECT the web browser to another page....


Caio, June 22, 2007 - 6:20 pm UTC

I've been using successfully owa_util.redirect_url, but sometimes it simply doesn't work and doesn't show any error messages. For example:

-the url

should redirect to the page

- But, when I call owa_util.redirect_url (with NO htp.p code before or after it), the browser just shows a blank page, with no HTML source code and --that is the problem-- no error messages... The address box still shows the original url:

Is it possible to get to know what is happening?

Thanks !
Tom Kyte
June 23, 2007 - 9:00 am UTC

if anything, sounds like a problem in the browser.

all redirect url does is send:

ops$tkyte%ORA9IR2> @owainit

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

ops$tkyte%ORA9IR2> exec owa_util.redirect_url( '' );

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

ops$tkyte%ORA9IR2> exec owa_util.showpage
Content-length: 0

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

it is that simple. Using telnet or some browser plugins - you can see exactly what the web server is returning - suggest you do that and verify the correct code is sent back and if it is - well, then problem is not redirect url but the browser itself.

something extra is needed.

Frank van Bortel, June 28, 2007 - 8:17 am UTC

Here's a piece of code, I use, and never had problems with. I think it's in the way the header is processed, and that's what I miss in previous descriptions:
   PROCEDURE validate_user(p_username IN VARCHAR2, p_password IN VARCHAR2)
      IF p_username IS NOT NULL AND p_password IS NOT NULL
         IF validate_usr(p_username, p_password)
            OWA_UTIL.mime_header('text/html', FALSE);
            owa_cookie.send('MyAppCookie', g_sid, NULL);

            IF g_profile IN('ADMIN', 'ROOT')
               OWA_UTIL.redirect_url('privatepkg.bpage1', bclose_header => TRUE);
               OWA_UTIL.redirect_url('privatepkg.gdirs', bclose_header => TRUE);
            END IF;
            HTP.p(format.infopage('Invalid login'));
         END IF;
         OWA_UTIL.redirect_url('publicpkg.showLogin', bclose_header => FALSE);
      END IF;
   END validate_user;
hth, Frank


Sam, July 16, 2007 - 4:06 pm UTC


IF I have a program wirtten in PERL that basically send a request (URL that uses a ger or post method) to my oracle database and the database puts the information on a plate and sends it back over http. I can format the data in any way I want (i.e text, html, xml, etc).

We have no issues with that. However let us say the request that comes to Oracle is for a "File" that is either stored in the database or the file system.

Can Oracle do this and what do you use in Oracle to serve a file over http to the PERL program?
Tom Kyte
July 17, 2007 - 11:40 am UTC

you have access to files in the file system via:

a) bfiles
b) utl_file

so, sure, you can do that.

PERL by the way is a red herring in this particular conversation - perl, VB, java - so what. 'A client program' is more appropriate.

hi tom

ayman, April 04, 2009 - 6:38 am UTC

dear tom
i need your help to create http request to send messege to another computer use port 80
can you please help me i wait your feedback
thank you for your support



A reader, April 08, 2009 - 7:17 pm UTC


Do you have a utility that monitors if the 9IAS (http server) is up or not?

I was thinking that the pl/sql program would use this package to ping the web server every minute and based on the response it determines if the web server is up or not?

Now web server is on different machine than database.

or do you think this should be really some perl or unix routine since if DB is down the monitoring cant be done?

Tom Kyte
April 13, 2009 - 3:33 pm UTC

I do not.

but Oracle does, we call it Enterprise manager....


sam, April 13, 2009 - 11:11 pm UTC


But if i want to write a small tool would I be using utl_http and checking the data in the response to determine if it is up or down?
Tom Kyte
April 14, 2009 - 11:06 am UTC

only you can answer that. You yourself wrote:

... or do you think this should be really some perl or unix routine since if DB is down the monitoring
cant be done? ...

but if you ask me, having a down database is a lot more serious than a down webserver - so the database would never be down....

and - just because you can fling a URL and get a response - does not mean "all is well with the webserver".

timeout error with utl_http

Nikhilesh, July 02, 2009 - 5:21 am UTC

Dear Tom,
We are using utl_http to consume a web service. The problem is when we execute the web service thru web browser we get the correct response. but when send the request with utl_http then we get ora-29276 transfer timeout error.
I don't say the error is due to utl_http, it can be coding problem either on server or client but I would appreciate if you can confirm the problem is on client and not server hosting the webserver (or vic versa) if client gets the proper response in web browser.
This issue has been running since last 7 days and nobody is ready to take responsibility of the problem. Server side developers says its client problem and vice versa.

Thanks in advance.

Tom Kyte
July 06, 2009 - 7:19 pm UTC

are you sure you are able to connect to that web server from THAT database server?

rule out oracle, prove that you can do this using wget (unix/linux) or some windows tool if you are on that OS.

A reader, June 25, 2011 - 2:23 am UTC


iam trying to use http request from oracle database to call an url, when calling the url from the MS IE in the database server the request is succeded, but when using utl_http its not
i have this error mesage:
ORA-29268: HTTP client error 407- Proxy Authentication Required ( The ISA Server requires authorization to fulfill the request. Access to the Web Proxy filter is denied. )

Process exited.

even i set the authontication like this:

PROXY => ' http://username:password@192.168.xx.xx:8080'

is that correct?


UTL_HTTP post and get XML in return

Vikas sharma, May 12, 2013 - 10:41 am UTC

Hi Tom,

My db version is 11gR2. What i want is some thing like
Case 1
UTL_HTTP Call to a URL (needs authentication)
SEND User_name and password
SEND a parameter like "table_name: value_of_table_name"
(MY routines which gets executed by URL call will take table_name parameter and generate XML for the table's selected records)
Generated XML is returned as a response to utl_http call.

UTL_HTTP Call to a URL (needs authentication)
SEND User_name and password
SEND XML data <<is there any Limit ?>>
(MY_routines which are invoked by the URL call take XML input and perform some DML Operation in database)
As a response i get STATUS (OK, or failed)

Please suggest.
Tom Kyte
May 12, 2013 - 3:58 pm UTC

there are two notes on building web services with Oracle - there are others as well (search for oracle web services on google or somewhere...)

APEX can make it pretty easy.

XML and utl_http

Vikas sharma, May 12, 2013 - 7:38 pm UTC

Hi Tom,

Thanks for your quick response. I am not sure how Creating webservices or using APEX may will solve my purpose. But i want or willing to achieve is send changed data of one table in a database to other remote database same table. The number of table are about 100 not all table will go in one request. I am thinking to use the following
o Use DBMS_CDC_PUBLISH and subscribe to get changed data.
o Generate XML using DBMS_XMLGEN

A PHP page will do this for me after connecting to one source Database and will output XML. This php page will be called by Remote database pl/sql routine using UTL_http and the XML will be re parsed to insert the data in the remote database table.

Do you think generating PL/SQL webservice will be useful in this scenario. If yes how?

Actually what we are trying to do is to Sync two databases schema to schema mapping with the changed data only on call. Due to some reason cannot use DB link.

Please suggest.
Many thanks in advance.

Vikas Sharma
Tom Kyte
May 13, 2013 - 1:00 pm UTC

you want to create a webservice.

you want to send xml over and do something
you want to do something and send xml back

that is what a webservice is and does.

... Due to some reason cannot use DB
link. ....

well, that is just plain "dumb". go ahead and try to reinvent something that has existed in the products (all of them from us from them from everyone) for over 20 years. go for it, great use of your time and money.

ugh. I don't get it.

step one for you: read about webservices

step two: spend a couple of months getting really smart about web services

step three: spend a bunch of time prototyping something

step four: come to the realization that this is a bad approach. rethink what you are doing and ask people "seriously, no database features? we cannot use the stuff we actually paid for?"

POST request

A reader, October 15, 2013 - 2:48 pm UTC

Hi Tom,

When I do a POST request from javascript something like:

frm.setAttribute("method", "POST");
frm.setAttribute("action", "DAD url");

to PL/SQL embedded gateway, the request doesn't seem to go through because

owa_util.get_cgi_env('REQUEST_METHOD') doesn't get the method.

Does PL/SQL embedded gateway supports POST and PUT?


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