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Question and Answer

Tom Kyte

Thanks for the question, Mark.

Asked: May 31, 2001 - 12:04 pm UTC

Last updated: July 19, 2010 - 10:59 am UTC

Version: 8.1.7

Viewed 10K+ times! This question is

You Asked

Hi Tom,

I am having a debate with a co-worker (who is also a DBA) in regard to the silly myth (in my opinion) that having more than one extent is a bad thing. My reasoning is as follows:

So far as I know, there are only two ways Oracle accesses data in a table -- full table scan or by rowid. The manner in which the rowid is obtained is irrelevant for the purpose at hand.

For the case of a full table scan, not much needs to be said - every block in the table is going to be visited. It makes no difference how many extents there are or are not.

For the case of access by rowid, the rowid id composed of object id, file id, block id, and slot id. Since extent is not included in the rowid, my feeling is that extents don't matter.

I use locally managed tablespaces, and some of my tables have (now I hope you are sitting down for this) around 200 extents. My co-worker is aghast that I don't care about this and am not bending over backwards to cram everything into one extent.

Have I been breathing too little oxygen or am I on track with my thinking?

Thanks much,


and Tom said...


I'm 100% with you.  1 extent or 1,000 -- WHO CARES.  especially with locally managed tablespaces where even the DDL argument some have goes away.

Ask your coworker for the scientific reasoning behind their fear.  I'd be glad to alieviate their concerns.

<b>followup to second comment</b>

Oracle reads db_file_multiblock_read_count blocks at a time.  As long as your extents are multiples of this (that is usually about 64k -- pick some multiple of 64k) -- you'll incurr no overhead.

As for the "seek time" -- you assume that an extent is contigous on disk.  They are not.  When I ask a file system for 100meg of space -- it does not give me 100meg of contigous space, it gives me space from here, there, everything (its been a loooonngggg time since you had to use CCF (create contigous file) to create a database file!).  Even if everything was in a single extent -- its still ALL OVER the disk.   Add in volume managers, raid arrays, etc etc etc -- your data is no where NEAR contigous.

Even if it was, that would only make a difference in a single user system!  do you really think the heads will remain positioned where you left them after a read?  As soon as you are done reading, the OS is off servicing some other read -- thats why controllers and such have their own CPU's in effect.  There is perhaps a 0.00001% chance the head will be where you left it in a multi-user system.

Another URL to check out on this would be: <code>


I agree with their advice "2.1.4 Monitor and Potentially Relocate Segments Having More Than 1024 Extents"

(4096 being the max suggested).....

followup to comment three below

the extent entries are in uet$/fet$ -- real tables with indexes (cluster key indexed) or in the bitmap of a locally managed tablespace -- not in a x$ table. It'll not affect the parse time of a query.

followup to comment four below

OPERATING SYSTEM FILES are not contigous on disk, that is my point. When Oracle allocates a 100meg data file - it does not get 100meg of contigous disk space. This is why we have disk defragmentors and the like on windows (which is really bad when your disk gets excessively fragmented).

An extent is a LOGICALLY contigous set of blocks -- this is true.

PHYSICALLY, on the disk, an extent is not contigous. File systems dole out space in tiny chunks. They give out space as they find it. They do not allocate contigous space.

Raw partitions -- this might be different. But then again the multi-user argument kicks in. The disk heads will NEVER be where you left them. Additionally, even most raw partitions today are really logical volumes so the whole disk head thing goes out the window even in a single user system.

followup to comment 5 below

An extent is a physical concept -- it is a unit of allocation.

multi-block read count is a physical concept as well -- it is a unit of read. If you use a multi-block read count that is a multiple of 2k (64k being very very popular) you cannot go wrong. It would be very hard to have an extent size that was not an even multiple of it. Using 64k for multi-block reads lets you use any 64k multiple extent size (64k, 1m, 5m, 10m, 100m and so on).

As I have tried to say over and over in response to comments like:

"However, isn't it still better to try to allocate the DB files in contiguous blocks rather than have them scattered all over the disk? "

I have two things to say about that:

1) file systems do not give you contigous space. If you ask for 1m of space the file system will give you a whole bunch of chunks of disk spread out all over the place. You do not get 1m of contigous space in general. You get 1meg of space.

2) In a multi-user system, when many read/write requests, the probability that the read heads are positioned where you left them is 0%. It would not matter if the disk space was contigous -- the heads have moved since your last read request.

Yes, if you have a table that is 'hot', segregating it -- to spread IO out -- would be good. does it have to be by itself? No, not necessarily. The overall system should have evenly distributed IO. You might find you can achieve this by moving this table somewhere -- or you might find you can do this by using raid striping or some other technology.

followup to comment 7 by Connor below..

True, raw for logs is cool but I've found that I can get most of the bang for the buck by mounting the filesystems in direct mode if supported.

For exmaple, on solaris, I mount my database disks (which have nothing but database on them thank you very much) like this:

/dev/dsk/c2t2d0s0 /dev/rdsk/c2t2d0s0 /d01 ufs 3 yes forcedirectio
/dev/dsk/c2t1d0s4 /dev/rdsk/c2t1d0s4 /d02 ufs 3 yes forcedirectio
/dev/dsk/c3t1d0s4 /dev/rdsk/c3t1d0s4 /d03 ufs 3 yes forcedirectio
/dev/dsk/c0t3d0s4 /dev/rdsk/c0t3d0s4 /log1 ufs 3 yes forcedirectio
/dev/dsk/c3t2d0s4 /dev/rdsk/c3t2d0s4 /log2 ufs 3 yes forcedirectio
/dev/dsk/c3t0d0s3 /dev/rdsk/c3t0d0s3 /arch1 ufs 3 yes forcedirectio
/dev/dsk/c0t1d0s3 /dev/rdsk/c0t1d0s3 /arch2 ufs 3 yes forcedirectio

that forcedirectio is night and day difference for me, bypasses that nasty unix buffer cache... I've never tested raw vs directio -- but i do know that directio over "non-directio" is huge.

follow up to comment 8 from Tom Sullivan

Hopefully we can agree that if you need to allocate AN extent, the overhead will not be noticable to us humans...

If you are doing a mass insert, a bulk load, you may notice some measurable overhead for the extent allocation -- however -- i would put this in the "abnormal case" category. You can pre-allocate the extents if you like (if you know how much you are loading). Again the overhead would be miniscule as compared to the overall load itself.

If you do this mass load more then once -- you should consider using a larger extent size then yes, 1,000 or so extents is OK, going over that might be considered going over board. See the recommandations in the "start living" link above. Its a pretty good read. It suggests you size the extents for objects in a tablespace by their ultimate size -- hence this would not really happen (unless you mess up ;)


  (48 ratings)

Is this answer out of date? If it is, please let us know via a Comment


Tony Sangvacharakul, June 06, 2001 - 4:02 pm UTC

I like the way when you responded to the question and attached links that related to the similar situation in the question. Reading the attached links expanded the knowledge of topic we are concerning.


Number of extents

Mike Pope, June 06, 2001 - 7:31 pm UTC

Isn't there a difference between a full table scan of one extent vs many, with the possibility of scattered extents causing increased seek time? Or is this another of my closely-held truths being de-bunked?

Or how about this one? If the extent size is not coordinated with db_file_multiblock-read_count, you will have an 'inefficient' full table scan?

Sorry, but it's just hard for an old-timer like me to grasp this conceptually...

Number of extents

AKP, June 07, 2001 - 12:48 pm UTC

I can only guess that the only time this becomes a problem is when there are lots of tables with many extents.
When the database parses and executes a query it has to access base tables(x$tables) to identify the extents, which are part of the table being accessed. In doing so, these base tables are being FTScanned (no indexes on these base tables). When you have thousands of tables and they all have 100's of extents then it may cause some performance issues.
Which means that the access performed implicitly by the database during parse and execution of statement will impact performance not the actual statement be executed.
Oh! by the way if you use PQO, having lots of extents can often be of a benefit where 1 extent doesn't take advantage of PQO.


A reader, June 09, 2001 - 9:49 am UTC

"you assume that an extent is contigous on disk. They
are not."
I beleive it is true for 'an extent is contigous on disk' and segment may not. That is why we may have segment fragmentation not extent fragmentation. I may wrong, if so, please show example. Thanks

Number of extents...

Mike Pope, June 12, 2001 - 8:46 pm UTC

Since 'extent size' and 'db_file_multiblock_read_count' are only logical concepts, it appears we lose some control is making these specs!

However, isn't it still better to try to allocate the DB files in contiguous blocks rather than have them scattered all over the disk? Or does the hardware compensate?

And if you had a large table that required frequent scans wouldn't it be better to segregate to its own (or infrequently accessed) disk to keep that seek time down?

Just trying to understand. Is the hardware that makes all of these concepts obsolete in the end?

PDF is Excellent

KP, June 14, 2001 - 9:49 am UTC

The PDF Suggested by u is excellent. This sorts of attachments really helps.

But....(just to be pedantic)

Connor, July 19, 2001 - 2:47 pm UTC

The only exception to this argument is the nice gains you can get by putting raw redo logs on their disk - Nothing else moves the head and your logs scream along...The bummer with this is nowadays you're putting 200m logs on a 35G disk - hard to convince the bean counters on that one.

OK, Tom, but...

Tom Sullivan, July 24, 2001 - 12:14 pm UTC

...isn't it true that there is considerable overhead involved in CREATING extents? So, if you define your next extent too small and are inserting a large number of rows into the table, won't it slow it down to have to keep stopping to create new extents?

re: number of extents

Mark, July 24, 2001 - 11:14 pm UTC

Well, it looks like my original question has generated a few thoughts, so I wanted to take a second to put in my $0.02...

Keep in mind that I am using *only* Locally Managed Tablespaces (except for system, of course) with UNIFORM allocation (I can't find a good use for AUTOALLOCATE). I notice no appreciable performance decrease during a "full" load where lots of extents are being allocated/deallocated. For example, I have one table that during a "full" load process grows to 2,500 extents. (This is the extreme, most tables are between 1 and 200 extents.) It only stays at that number of extents for an hour or so, as another process comes along and removes the records shortly after being loaded into this "staging" table. (This is third-party app, by the way, so I have no control over the way it works. bummer.) Could I move that table to a tablespace with a bigger extent size to keep it from growing to 2,500 extents? Sure. Should I? Not as far as I am concerned - it is only one table, and it is not worth it to me. This process happens once a month. I have timed the process with a dictionary managed tablespace using 1 extent versus the LMT and the 2500 extents. The LMT is usually very slightly faster on average. Remember that since these are LMT's, Oracle does not have to access sys.uet$ and sys.fet$ for extent allocation/deallocation (which would be protected by undo and redo log generation, if I am not mistaken). It only has to read through the bitmap in the datafile and set a bit accordingly. Besides, most accesses to that table are full table scans, and the number of blocks in the table are the same regardless of the number of extents.

Anyway, the biggest benefit for me is that I can not have any tablespace free space fragmentation. period. With a dictionary managed tablespace, I can set the defaults for a tablespace, but the application setup (which is a binary in this case) may think it knows better and set the storage parameters differently resulting in objects with different initial and next settings.

I know DBA's who spend countless hours exporting with compress=y and importing so that an object is in only one extent. It is a vicious cycle, because the tablespace now has a bunch of objects with different extent sizes. These objects invariably extend again, and the whole process is repeated. Hello tablespace fragmentation.

My parting comments (which I know no one asked for):
Read the Oracle documentation - it has 20,000+ pages of very useful information (and is available online, so if you can read this, you can read the documentation), buy Tom's book, buy Jonathan Lewis' book, "Practical Oracle8i", and, finally, have every DBA and developer read them.

Sorry for the rambling. Thank you, and good night.

How many extents are too many?

Richard, August 03, 2001 - 12:08 pm UTC

I find the extent debate somewhat humorous. Other RDBMS have been using bitmaps for space management since the 80's and early 90's. Having worked with DB2 and its segmented tablespaces, the number of extents was never an issue.

It's about time that the Oracle community finally caught up to the rest of the database world in space management methodology.

Raw Logical Volumes vs. File Systems

tony, April 07, 2003 - 1:27 pm UTC

Thanks a lot for all your help,
Can you please tell me which file system is best for Oracle database and why?


Tom Kyte
April 07, 2003 - 2:30 pm UTC

Both, neither, Raw, Cooked....

none of the above, all of the below...

They both have pros and cons. If you are familar with and comfortable with RAW, no reason not to use it from the get go. If you are using cooked -- don't just switch over to RAW, you might be using the filesystem buffer cache as an SGA extension and not really realizing it -- meaning moving to unbuffered raw could KILL you.

foredirectio on a UFS gives you lots of benefits of both, i sort of like that.

Number of extents

kelly, June 05, 2003 - 2:49 pm UTC

With dictionary managed tablespace, the number of extents shouldn't reach over 1024. How about LMT? Is it ok to have 3000, 5000, etc?

I have created a database with LMT. This is a 3rd party application. I leave all tables in their original tablespaces except for size 40M - 1G, I put them in medium size tablespace and for over 1G, I put them in Large size tablespace. For all tablespaces beside medium and large, I have uniform size of 160k. The problem is a lot of tables are empty and therefore they take a lot of space and database size increase 60%. If I set uniform size of 16k then some tables would have 2500 extents. Is it ok to have that many extents even in LMT?

Tom Kyte
June 05, 2003 - 3:29 pm UTC

you might consider system allocated extents -- they start small and grow big.

2500 extents is fine, queries by some "monitoring" tools might not be pleased with the extra rows...

Number of Extents

kelly, June 05, 2003 - 5:05 pm UTC

Thank you.

Besides Tools, is there a certain number of extents that if exceeds, it's going to hurt?

Another question. If I specify storage for creating object in LMT, would this cause fragmentation. Example, I have first extent 1m next 2m minimum 4 extents for uniform size of 2m tablespace. This is going to create 1+2+2+2=7 for first extent - an odd number. If I drop the object, there's 1m may not be reused for future.

Tom Kyte
June 05, 2003 - 6:37 pm UTC


I "accidently" let a table get into over 30,000 extents. worked just fine.

specifying storage in a LMT will not cause fragmentation.

In your example, it will allocate 7m of SPACE. If you have a uniform extent size of 1m, you'll have 7 extents -- 512k -- 14 extents -- 5meg, 2 extents (it'll allocate AT LEAST 7m for you is all that means)


Even in system managed extent sizes, it only uses initial, next, minextents and pctincrease to determine how much SPACE to allocate -- not what extent sizes will be used.

LMTs don't let you create a mess

Wolfgang Breitling, June 05, 2003 - 5:46 pm UTC

No, that is the beauty of LMTs: they don't let you mess up things, hard as you may try. Once you set up an LMT with 2M uniform extents, there is no way to create anything bu 2M extents. If you ask for (initial 1M next 2M minextents 4) you will get 4 extents of 2M. The "next" setting in the storage clause is ignored alltogether and the initial and minextents settings provide a lower boundary. Oracle will create as many of the uniform extents as needed to meet or exceed the requested space. If you'd ask for inital 11M minextents 4, you'd get 6 2M extents, which is the smallest number of extents to satisfy both your minextents AND initial requests.

How about catalog

Kelly, June 16, 2003 - 10:58 am UTC


How about catalog and catproc scripts? I still need to create all dictionary views when create database, don't I?

Tom Kyte
June 16, 2003 - 11:14 am UTC

yes, you need to create the dictionary views -- this isn't about whether or not a dictionary exists (it always exists) but rather whether extents will be managed in tables (dictionary manged) or in bitmaps in the file headers (lmts)

extend size

Kelly, July 21, 2003 - 12:48 pm UTC

I created an empty database with LMT so that I can import my data from Dictionary MT to this. I use uniform size of 8k as thousands of our tables are empty (3rd party application). However, after creating all the tablespaces, the dba_extents shows 16k instead of 8k. Is this the minimum size for uniform extent? Because of this we will have a lot of space wasted. (abou 20G).
Anyway to work around?

Thanks so much.

Tom Kyte
July 21, 2003 - 3:29 pm UTC

what is your block size.

(and tell me, since 5 blocks was a DMT standard -- how much space have you already SAVED here?)


Dennis, July 23, 2003 - 8:09 am UTC


Don't forget about minextents. That'll get you as well:
06:42:51 winkid1@MYOWN:HA52667> create tablespace test
06:43:29 2 datafile 'd:\oracle\oradata\myown\test01.dbf' size 1M autoextend off
06:43:37 3 extent management local uniform size 40k
06:43:46 4 segment space management auto
06:43:50 5 logging
06:43:52 6 online
06:43:52 7 /

Tablespace created.

Elapsed: 00:00:00.05
06:47:50 winkid1@MYOWN:HA52667> create table a (a number) tablespace test;

Table created.

Elapsed: 00:00:00.00
06:48:09 winkid1@MYOWN:HA52667> select extents from dba_segments where segment_name = 'A';


Elapsed: 00:00:00.07
06:48:16 winkid1@MYOWN:HA52667> select blocks from dba_extents where segment_name = 'A';


Elapsed: 00:00:01.02
06:48:19 winkid1@MYOWN:HA52667> drop table a;

Table dropped.

Elapsed: 00:00:00.00
06:48:27 winkid1@MYOWN:HA52667> create table a (a number) tablespace test storage(minextents 2);

Table created.

Elapsed: 00:00:00.00
06:48:42 winkid1@MYOWN:HA52667> select extents from dba_segments where segment_name = 'A';


Elapsed: 00:00:00.08
06:48:47 winkid1@MYOWN:HA52667> select blocks from dba_extents where segment_name = 'A';


Elapsed: 00:00:01.01
06:48:51 winkid1@MYOWN:HA52667>

Additionally, there is this requirement if you are using segment space management (this one took me by surprise...I always use 64k on my systems, so I guess I've been lucky):
06:41:43 winkid1@MYOWN:HA52667> create tablespace test
06:41:48 2 datafile 'd:\oracle\oradata\myown\test01.dbf' size 100k
06:41:50 3 extent management local uniform size 8k
06:41:58 4 segment space management auto
06:42:10 5 logging
06:42:15 6 online
06:42:17 7 /
create tablespace test
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-03249: Uniform size for auto segment space managed tablespace should have
atleast 5 blocks

And lastly, check the initial sizes. Even though your extents are of uniform size (unless you do the autoallocate), it will allocate the number of extents needed to fulfill your initial, plus some if initial isn't divisible by extent size:
06:48:51 winkid1@MYOWN:HA52667> drop table a;

Table dropped.

Elapsed: 00:00:00.00
07:04:07 winkid1@MYOWN:HA52667> create table a (a number) tablespace test storage(initial 120k);

Table created.

Elapsed: 00:00:00.00
07:04:25 winkid1@MYOWN:HA52667> select extents from dba_segments where segment_name = 'A';


Elapsed: 00:00:00.07
07:04:30 winkid1@MYOWN:HA52667> select blocks from dba_extents where segment_name = 'A';


Elapsed: 00:00:01.03
07:04:36 winkid1@MYOWN:HA52667>

ok, we asked for 120k initial, which is three extents of 40k. Makes sense. Now let's ask for 100K, and you'll still see it give three extents, because that's the minimum number to give you 100K.

07:04:36 winkid1@MYOWN:HA52667> drop table a;

Table dropped.

Elapsed: 00:00:00.00
07:07:21 winkid1@MYOWN:HA52667> create table a (a number) tablespace test storage(initial 100k);

Table created.

Elapsed: 00:00:00.00
07:07:30 winkid1@MYOWN:HA52667> select extents from dba_segments where segment_name = 'A';


Elapsed: 00:00:00.08
07:07:34 winkid1@MYOWN:HA52667> select blocks from dba_extents where segment_name = 'A';


Elapsed: 00:00:01.02
07:07:38 winkid1@MYOWN:HA52667>

Hope that tells you where the 16k is coming from.


Numer of Extents

Gareth Adcock, September 05, 2003 - 8:11 am UTC

This discussion, and it's associated links, was extremely usefull. Not just because it told me what I wanted to here and provided me with some "ammunition" but also because it has really helped me to formulate a strategy for reorganizing tables.

Finally seeing the light

Dawn Witten, October 28, 2003 - 1:31 pm UTC

As stated by others, this thread and associated links have been extremely helpful to me. My Oracle experience dates back to about 1990, when the "Minimize Number of Extents!!" philosophy was preached adamantly by everyone, including Oracle instructors. I'm glad to finally have this myth dispelled, and I can step confidently into the (new to me) 9i world knowing I don't have to worry so much about space management.

Maurice, March 10, 2006 - 8:42 am UTC

Hi Tom,

Using LMT with Uniforme Size which is the advantage of having only 100 extents in a segment?
Which is the disadvantage of having a segment with 10000 (or more) extents?
With a partitioned table does it matter how much extents the table has or does it only matter on partition/segment level?
Does it matter how much extent are in a tablespace?


Tom Kyte
March 10, 2006 - 12:31 pm UTC

100 or 1000 I don't really care.

10's of thousands - there will be some overhead to allocating them (as we do a quota check for example on each one) but it is a SUNK cost, if it is already there - well - you already paid the cost.

Thank you for explanation

Erik Komanec, June 05, 2006 - 10:28 am UTC

thanks for explaining of this topic.


sam, September 05, 2006 - 5:34 pm UTC


After DBA migrated an 8i objetcs to 9i database, I ran a schema check using TOAD to verify if both developer schema are equal. TOAD created a synch script with many statments like this:


ALTER index PK_shipment
storage (Next 40K Max Extents 505)

ALTER index shipped_item rebuild storage (Freelist 1 Freelist groups 1 initial 40K);

1. Shall I run all these statements under developer account? Should those match between 8i and 9i?

2. How Can I verify that DBA has allocated correct size for storage. Is there a way to verify that?

Tom Kyte
September 06, 2006 - 7:41 am UTC

1) not able to answer that. DBA might have moved segments to ASSM (automatic segment space managed) tablespaces - making pctused, next (because it is a locally managed tablespace for assm), max extents, freelists/freelist groups immaterial.

I don't think you need to worry about these.

2) define for me "correct size" please?


sam, September 06, 2006 - 10:01 pm UTC

correct size meaning initial extent,next extent and max extent size

Tom Kyte
September 07, 2006 - 7:05 am UTC

define to me what the correct size for initial, next and max extents are?

(actually, I would suggest you use locally managed tablespaces, system allocated extents. that way

a) you don't set initial
b) you don't set next
c) you don't set max extents

at all, ever again)

Initial Next extent size

Deepak, November 29, 2006 - 4:40 am UTC

Hi Tom,

We know that we should always prefer the use LMT instead of DMT, because of reasons like less SYSTEM tablespace access, less fragmentation of datafiles ....

But for the sake of curiosity I would like to know, if asked to create a DMT/LMT with manual segment space management and create objects in it then what all factors need to be taken into account before deciding on the INITIAL, NEXT EXTENT sizes.

Please help me in getting my concepts clear on this.

Tom Kyte
November 30, 2006 - 8:58 am UTC

just never use a dictionary managed tablespace ever again.

If you do, set initial=next=some uniform sensible size. set pctincrease=0, maxextents = unlimited.

then you will have somewhat "mimicked" a locally managed tablespace with uniform extents, an inefficient slow one, but you would have mimicked what it does.

initial=next=some uniform sensible size

Deepak, November 30, 2006 - 11:44 am UTC

Hi Tom,

Great tips... I salute your knowledge.

Can you please explain how to reach that UNIFORM SENSIBLE SIZE?

What are the ingredients needed to arrive at that size. >Does the row size come into picture here?
>Shall the extent size be always more than the average rowsize?

Tom Kyte
November 30, 2006 - 1:59 pm UTC

don't bother, just use locally managed tablespaces - that is the easiest way!

you would have to figure out

a) how big the segment will be
b) how many extents you think it too many (say a couple of thousand)
c) divide a by b, use that.

Thanks a lot

Deepak, December 01, 2006 - 12:27 am UTC

Hi Tom,

Thanks a lot for your answer.

Maximum extent size?

James L., January 06, 2007 - 9:45 pm UTC

So, it seems that the number of extents for a tablespace is not an issue, as long as it's in the 1,000s of extents (maybe even 10,000s).

Does that imply that big extent sizes are okay?

For example, we have a table with currently 32 million rows, and will grow to 100s million rows. Current tablespace size is 30 GB, with uniform extent size set to 3 GB.

3 GB extent size seems to be running okay. Is there an upper limit on how big an extent size can be, or should not be?

Tom Kyte
January 07, 2007 - 8:17 pm UTC

the limits are here:

big extents have never been an issue.

Too many extents

A, July 17, 2009 - 9:19 am UTC

Hello Tom,
There are 3 questions regarding the dropping of big table which has many extents.

1. One of the table in test database which was 100GB in size was dropped (which was not required). Luckily everything is working fine on that database but they are seeing the TEMPORARY object of 60GB. How do to get rid of this?

2. Some time back I had faced a similar when I dropped a 5GB table on a test database. As a result no DDL or DML comamnds were going through. Then I realized the tablespace was created as DICTIONARY MANAGED TABLESPACE. When I converted that to LOCALLY MANAGED TABLESPACE it solved the issue.

Can you please explain why changing it to LMT solved the issue?

3. I searched in metalink to drop a big table (of size 115GB which has 2 LOB segments) and I found this

1. Truncate the table, specifying the REUSE STORAGE clause:


2. If it takes 3 days (72 hours) to drop the table, spread this out over
      6 nights i.e. drop 1/3 Gb per night. This can be achieved in 6 (nightly)
      steps as follows:
      Night 1: 
      Night 2: 
      Night 3: 
      Night 4: 
      Night 5: 
      Night 6: 

The same method can be applied if LOB segments or indexes are involved.

SQL> ALTER TABLE <table_name> MODIFY LOB (<lob_column>) DEALLOCATE UNUSED KEEP <value>M;
What factors I should I consider while calculating the size as mentioned in step 2 (The ALTER TABLE BIGTAB DEALLOCATE UNUSED KEEP)?

Do you have any other methoof dropping a big table? 

Tom Kyte
July 24, 2009 - 8:28 am UTC

1) that 60gb temporary object has nothing to do with the dropped table - not sure what to say to you. Your question is sort of like asking "I was driving down the highway in my car, why is my bike over there?"

2) allocating and deallocating extents in a dictionary managed tablespace requires an expensive recursive transaction - we move a row from uet$ to fet$ to drop an extent (Used ExTent$ to Free ExTent$) and commit. We do the reverse to allocate. If you drop a large table with hundreds or thousands of extents - it could take hours or days in a dictionary managed tablespace. In a locally managed tablespace - freeing (or allocating) an extent requires changing a 0 to 1 or 1 to a 0 in a bitmap in the header of the file - very fast. Locally managed tablespaces are the only way to go.

3) use locally managed tablespaces, period. Only use locally managed tablespaces. Then dropping a segment with large numbers of extents becomes a "non-issue"

Oracle Extent Size

NILESH KAKKAD, August 27, 2009 - 4:31 pm UTC

I suggest to rebuild the table with storage (INITIAL 1M NEXT 1M) as the current extent size is 64K which will limit one i/0 to 64K extent size even if increase db_file_multiblock_read_count =128.
In FTS oracle can do one I/O of (128*8k) =1MB. But as extent size is 64K (whether locally managed or dictionary managed). The Oracle I/O cannot go beyond extent size, so it will be limited by extent size of 64K.

As per my knowledge Oracle I/O cannot go beyond extent size even the db_file_multiblock_read_count=128.

The other reason to increase the size of extent is:
Managing large number of extents has overhead.
The ideal number of extents on Oracle table should be less than 512 and if number of extents is more than 1024 it may cause performance degradation

Tom Kyte
August 28, 2009 - 5:04 pm UTC

who are you suggesting that to??

I would suggest: system allocated extents in a locally managed tablespace in the year 2009

and nothing else.

... The ideal number of extents on Oracle table should be less than 512 and if
number of extents is more than 1024 it may cause performance degradation

I'm going to totally call you out on that one.

PROVE IT OR GO AWAY. You are repeating myths that were *never* true.

So, put up or .....

resinzing extents is it usefull?

Laurence, December 02, 2009 - 4:54 am UTC

Hi Tom,
you said November 30, 2006:

you would have to figure out
a) how big the segment will be
b) how many extents you think it too many (say a couple of thousand)
c) divide a by b, use that.

and you said in last review August 28, 2009:
"PROVE IT OR GO AWAY" to that guy that said "if number of extents is more than 1024 it may cause performance degradation"

10g: we use locally managed tablespace uniform size, we've got 4 or 5 tables which size is 2G, extent size 1M, so ve've just reached 2000 number of extents for each table.
My question is, is it usefull to reorganize so get less extents on these table? do you think we'll have better performance on these tables? or just waist of time.
Tom Kyte
December 02, 2009 - 7:10 am UTC

... is it usefull to reorganize so get less extents on these table?

nope. think about it.

if you use an index to access rows - we do single block IO's on the index, resulting in a rowid, resulting in a single block IO against a table - we have a rowid which is a file, block, slot on block. We know exactly what block to read - we don't care if that block is in one of 10,000 extents or one of one extent.

if you use a full scan, we have to read the extent map, so there would be a small overhead there - HOWEVER - if you have 2gb of data to full scan, the time to read the extent map will be such a tiny percentage of the overall run time, it would not be worth anything.

But I would advise you to use system allocated extent sizes instead of uniform in the future - it'll let the extents get larger and larger as the table grows and grows - reducing the overall number of extents necessary to hold gigabytes of information.

Number of extent and free space

Tim, December 09, 2009 - 1:14 am UTC

Dear Tom.

Pls, see below example:

SQL> create tablespace myts1 datafile '/oracle/product/oradata/db1/myts1_1.dbf' size 512k extent management local;

Tablespace created.

SQL> create table myt1 (x int) storage(initial 256k next 256k) tablespace myts1;

Table created.

SQL> select extent_id, bytes, blocks from dba_extents where segment_name = 'MYT1';

---------- ---------- ----------
0 65536 8
1 65536 8
2 65536 8
3 65536 8

SQL> alter table myt1 allocate extent;

Table altered.

SQL> /

Table altered.

SQL> /

Table altered.

SQL> /
alter table myt1 allocate extent
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01653: unable to extend table SYS.MYT1 by 8 in tablespace MYTS1

SQL> select extent_id, bytes, blocks from dba_extents where segment_name = 'MYT1';

---------- ---------- ----------
0 65536 8
1 65536 8
2 65536 8
3 65536 8
4 65536 8
5 65536 8
6 65536 8

7 rows selected.

7 extenst * 8 blocks * block_size (8K) = 448 K
And datafile is 512k
Logically there should be 512k - 448k = 64K free space

Why Oracle can not allocate extent?

Thanks for your time.
Tom Kyte
December 10, 2009 - 1:25 pm UTC

64k is used by Oracle to manage the tablespace right off of the bat.

create your tablespace
query dba_free_space to see.... 64k is already used.

stop using initial and next and pctincrease by the way - just drop those and forget they exist.


A reader, December 11, 2009 - 2:07 am UTC

Thanks, Tom.


I dont use initial and so on.

Just investigation Oracle internals :)

Thanks again.

Holosko, December 13, 2009 - 8:16 pm UTC

Hi Tom;

Suppose I have blocks in freelist or bitmap,
When a table need an extent, does oracle combine these free blocks in freelist to make an extent
allocate untouched new extent from the datafile.
Tom Kyte
December 14, 2009 - 9:25 am UTC

if a table needs a new extent, that means the blocks on the freelists (however they are managed) are

a) already allocated, they already belong to an extent
b) are not having sufficient free space to accommodate the new data - they cannot be used.

we would have to allocate a new extent with completely unused blocks - simply because the blocks on the freelist are not sufficiently 'free' enough to use.

we cannot take those blocks and create a new extent (they already belong to one) and even if we could, it would not change the fact that they do not have sufficient free space to hold the new data.

A reader, December 15, 2009 - 8:28 pm UTC

hello tom
Suppose table1 has some blocks in freelist or bitmap.
Do these blocks only belong to table1 ?
I mean can table2 use these blocks?

Tom Kyte
December 16, 2009 - 7:11 am UTC

trick question.

segments have freelists, tables may or may not be a segment.

If you assume "normal, single segment, heap table - whereby the table IS the segment", then the answer is "the blocks on the freelist belong to the segment, the segment is the table, thus the table owns those blocks and only that table will use them"

If you assume "clustered table, 2 tables in the same cluster - whereby the cluster IS the segment", then the answer is "the blocks on the freelist belong to the segment, the segment is the cluster - when a table in the cluster requires space - it'll ask the cluster where the space is - either table 1 or 2 in the cluster can allocate blocks from the freelist"

A reader, December 16, 2009 - 2:32 pm UTC

Thanks Tom;
Last question :)
Consider standard heap tables,
does a block contain rows of only one single table ?

say I have table1,table2,table3
and I have block1

Can table1,table2,table3 both have rows in block1?

If so, their freelist must have the info of this block.

Tom Kyte
December 16, 2009 - 2:34 pm UTC

A standard heap table THAT IS THE SEGMENT, a block will contain data for rows in that SEGMENT only, and since there is by definition only one table in that particular segment, there will only be rows from that table in it, yes.

A reader, December 16, 2009 - 3:37 pm UTC

In above you said that:
...64k is used by Oracle to manage the tablespace right off of the bat

I know that this 64k is used by the extent management for LMT.
How about for tables?
For every table I create , is there a overhead like this?
(freelist or bitmap)

Tom Kyte
December 16, 2009 - 4:26 pm UTC

For every SEGMENT (a table may or may not be a segment, but normally it is a segment), Oracle will either manage space in the segment via

freelists and freelist groups - this is manual segment space management. We steal some of the allocated storage outside of the 'table' data to do this. It is in the extent(s), but not "in the table"

bitmaps in the segment itself - this is automatic segment space management, we use bitmap blocks in the segment directly to manage space.

so yes, we use some of the space allocated to manage the allocated space

A reader, December 21, 2009 - 2:36 pm UTC

Apologies for this easy question.

I want to know the fragmentation that most people used to deal with.

Assume table a has extents 1m,1.1m,1.2m,..
table b has extents 10m,11m,12m,..
table b can only use the extents that is more than its next extent size
In this case it will look 13m, therefore the free extents of table a will never be used.
Is it correct regarding the fragmentation that people used to deal with during old days.

Tom Kyte
December 21, 2009 - 4:10 pm UTC

... table b can only use the extents that is more than its next extent size ...

that is not true.

It never was true.
It is currently not true.
It will almost certainly not be true in the future.

and even so....

if table a HAD extents 1, 1.1, 1.2, ....
AND you dropped table a
we would coalese them if possible

into a nice big 100mb extent (or whatever)

and getting 13mb from it would be easy.

so, you haven't defined fragmentation at all in my opinion.

But the answer to "how can I most efficiently use extents and space" is "locally managed tablespace with system allocate exents"

A reader, January 06, 2010 - 4:13 pm UTC

..if table a HAD extents 1, 1.1, 1.2, .... 
AND you dropped table a 
we would coalese them if possible 

You said that, coalesce would happen once we drop table.
Why automatic coalesce doenst happen in this scenerio?

create tablespace tun_tbs datafile '/oracle/tun.dbf' size 5m;

create table tun (a number) tablespace tun_tbs;

alter table tun allocate extent;
alter table tun allocate extent;
alter table tun allocate extent;
alter table tun allocate extent;

drop table tun;

SQL> select  block_id,blocks,BYTES from dba_free_space where TABLESPACE_NAME='TUN_TBS';

---------- ---------- ----------
        73        568    4653056
         9          8      65536
        17          8      65536
        25          8      65536
        33          8      65536
        41          8      65536
        49          8      65536
        57          8      65536
        65          8      65536

Tom Kyte
January 06, 2010 - 4:24 pm UTC

... Why automatic coalesce doenst happen in this scenerio?...

it would, where did I say it would not.

I said in fact "we would coalesce them".

those extents are as good as coalesced already - we know they are contiguous, we are done.

A reader, January 06, 2010 - 7:39 pm UTC


What I dont understand is, since these blocks are adjacent, why oracle doesnt combine them to make one bigger one?

I was expecting something like this:

---------- ---------- ----------
73 568 4653056
9 64 524288

Tom Kyte
January 11, 2010 - 8:05 am UTC

it will, when it wants to (in the background) or when it needs to (in response to a space request).

Why do now what you can put off till later. Coalescing a dictionary managed tablespace takes work, we'll defer it till if and when we actually *need* to.

Coalescing a locally managed tablespace "just happens", there is no work involved.

A reader, January 17, 2010 - 1:59 pm UTC

Thanks Sir;

Is this true?
Wheter it is DMT or LMT, contigues blocks are not combined automatically once I drop table.
They are only combined when there is a large extent request...
Tom Kyte
January 18, 2010 - 5:36 pm UTC

let me say this and I'm done:

they are combined automagically when and if we need to. that is all.

things may or may not happen in the background - we try to defer work till we have to do it (in the hopes of never having to do it...)

A reader, February 07, 2010 - 7:27 pm UTC


Consider LMT with system allocated extends.

Suppose my extent sizes are all 64k and 1mb chunks in dba_free_space. (Suppose they are not adjacent)

If my table is not a new table and needs to extend 8mb, these free chunks will never used. Am I right?
Tom Kyte
February 09, 2010 - 6:55 pm UTC

you cannot use the word never here.

If you *need* 8mb we will find 8mb of adjacent space. Later, someone else will need 64k or 1mb and we'll use that space you say "never" about. It will be used by SOMEONE, SOMETIME, EVENTUALLY

A reader, February 22, 2010 - 12:39 am UTC

System tablespace is DMT and objects has diffrent next extent size and pct_increase.
If I migrate the System tablespace to LMT using "DBMS_SPACE_ADMIN.TABLESPACE_MIGRATE_TO_LOCAL ('SYSTEM'); "
Does the next extent size or pct_increase of the objects change? (since in LMT it can be either uniform or system allocated)
Tom Kyte
March 01, 2010 - 5:44 am UTC

it'll be a psuedo system allocated extent - since the existing extents will NOT be uniform, it has to be the other.

E-business suite

Colin, February 22, 2010 - 6:25 am UTC

Hi, I have taken over a role as APPS DBA at a company. They are running apps 11i on 10g database.
They have various tables that have lots of extents, one such table is GL.GL_JE_LINES with almost 60000 extents.
I have not heard any complaints from the users about the system being slow.
I want to move this table into a new tablespace, is it worth it?
Tom Kyte
March 01, 2010 - 6:49 am UTC

Let's start by asking you a question

o do you think it is a performance issue?

o what if any performance issue might you have with 60,000 extents? If you "fix" this, what do you believe will be better? What do you believe is currently broken?

o is this in a locally managed tablespace or dictionary managed (DMT). If in a DMT, there might be something to be said for altering the table and changing the NEXT extent size (to prevent it from allocating lots more extents) but only because the process of ALLOCATING and DEALLOCATING (but not querying) would be benefited. That is, the expense comes in when you allocate (which you've already done) and when you deallocate (which you are proposing to do!) - but not day to day as you use the segement.

Metalink Doc ID - 181272.1

A reader, February 24, 2010 - 7:34 pm UTC


This article discusses the db_file_multiblock_read_count and its
performance impact on Extents Management.

Advices for DBAs who have to tune a database.
Skill Level: Novice


The Parameter 'db_file_multiblock_read_count' specifies the number
of Oracle Blocks to be read in Single I/O Operation.
DB_FILE_MULTIBLOCK_READ_COUNT should generally be made as large
as possible.
The value differs between platforms and versions, and usually
depends on the settings of DB_BLOCK_SIZE and the maximum OS I/O Size.


This parameter is normally used for multiblock reads for Full Table
Scans and Fast Full Index Scans and normally can be used with CBO.
The Oracle Extent Management can be tuned with this Parameter to get
optimal benefit for I/O operation. Normally it is recommended that the
entire Segment should be contained in Single Extent so that Full Table
Scan or Fast Full Index Scan just have to traverse a single Extent.
This will contribute to fast Query Operations.But as such, it is
not a must.Even if the Segment is spread over Hundred or Thousands
Of Extents and if the extents are of even size with proper
‘db_file_multiblock_read_count’ defined than also the Full Table Scan
or Fast Full Index Scan can improve performance.

The following Example will illustrate the above-mentioned fact

Suppose a Table X currently occupies eight extents with the
HWM (High Water Mark) in the eight extents.
Each extent is evenly sized with 50blocks
(db_block_size = 8K and Extent size 400k).
The db_file_multiblock_read_count is set to 16.

| | | | | | | | |
------ ------ ------ -------- -------- ---------- -------- <---HWM--->
| | | | | | | | |
E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8

<-------------------- 50 blocks per extent ---------------------------->

Here E1 - E8 represents Extents each with 50 blocks.
The HWM is in 389 th Block so 10 blocks are above the HWM since the
first block is the Segment header block and total 400 blocks.

The Multiblock I/O never spans Extent Boundaries even if the Extents
are continuous and also if using Locally Managed Tablespaces.
Assuming that none of the above blocks are in the Buffer Cache if we
do Full Table Scan, then total 31 i/o operations will be required.
Since each extent comprises of 50 blocks and 16 blocks read in single
I/O operation.
This means that 48-blocks/per extents will be read in 3 I/O operations
whereas for the last remaining blocks one extra I/O has to be performed,
in all making 4 I/O calls per Extent.This amounts to 28 I/O operations
up to 7 th Extent.
The 8 th Extent has 10 blocks above the HWM, so there will be only
3 i/o operations in the 8th Extent.
(32 blocks in 2 i/o’s and remaining 8 blocks in 1 i/o )

*** The Extents size should always be a Multiple of
db_file_multiblock_read_count ****

The Extents size should always be a Multiple of
db_file_multiblock_read_count, to take the advantage of Full Table
Scans and Fast Full Index Scans.
IF the extents of the Table X are made multiple of
db_file_multiblock_read_count (80 blocks per extent) then only
5 Extents are required to manage the entire segment instead of
8 extents.
Also since the extents are multiple of db_file_multiblock_read_count,
the I/O operations are reduced from 31 to 25. There will only
be 5 i/o operations per extent resulting in Total 25 I/O calls.
Since each extent comprises of 80 blocks and multiblock_read_count=16
Hence (16 * 5 = 80) each extent will require 5 I/O operations.

| | | | | |
------- ------- ------- -------- ---------
| | | | | |
------- ------- ------- -------- ----------
| | | | |<--HWM-->|
E1 E2 E3 E4 E5

<----------- 80 blocks/Extent ------------>

Thus the i/o operations are reduced from 31 to 25 just by proper
management of Extents.i.e if the Extents size are a Multiple of
db_file_multiblock_read_count then i/o operations required will be
less compared to when the Extents are not Multiple of

Here, reducing the number of Extents have not reduced the I/O Calls
but the multiple factor of Blocks per Extent with respect to
Multiblock Read, have contributed to lessen the I/O calls.

Hence, even if the Segment comprises of Multiple Extents and if the
extent size is a multiple of db_file_multiblock_read_count, the FTS
will be faster.
Remember here that even if the Table X was composed of Single Extent
of 400 blocks, then also if would take 25 i/o’s to read upto FTS.
So the number of Extents don’t matter if there are properl

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Tom Kyte
March 01, 2010 - 9:13 am UTC

that note contradicts itself. read it carefully.

Do remember this:

... So the number of Extents don’t matter ....

Could not find a file point in one of the links in this page

Girish Singhal, March 11, 2010 - 9:33 am UTC

Dear Sir,

I could not open the page mentioned in the following link that is mentioned in this page.


Tom Kyte
March 12, 2010 - 11:49 am UTC

it is no longer available there... sorry.

but 15 seconds with google, on the title of the document and viola

Nice article

Kaparwan, March 12, 2010 - 3:05 pm UTC

Thanks for pointing the above article by quickly googling it.

Further, this is a good article on Oracle 7 and Oracle 8 days.
9i onwards many features have been added on space management.
So , any similar article on on 21st century databases?


Tom Kyte
March 12, 2010 - 4:21 pm UTC

yes, this is the entire article for the 21st century:

use locally managed tablespaces with system allocated extents for almost everything. Use locally managed tablespaces with uniform extents in special cases where you know precisely the size of the segment you'll have and you just want to use uniform extents.

Nice article ...

Kaparwan, March 13, 2010 - 3:20 am UTC

yes Tom.
I agree.


extent allocation

A reader, July 12, 2010 - 4:51 pm UTC

Hi Tom,

I know the parameters 'db_file_multiblock_read_count' - so if I set the uniform extent size multiples of the parameter db_file_multiblock_read_count - My Full table scan will be faster - if I opt for 'autoallocation of extents' by oracle - then there MAY BE chance that the Full scans may take longer time - and also we could avoid fragmentation by setting uniform extents ..

Nowadays you are suggesting 'auto-allocation of extents' instead of uniform extent allocation -

How can we decide whether to go for 'Uniform extent sizes' (or) 'Autoextent allocation' by Oracle for a table space ?

Tom Kyte
July 19, 2010 - 10:59 am UTC

you should not be setting db_file_multiblock_read_count at all in current releases - we auto-tune it.

We always use the maximum size possible when reading
We use the OBSERVED multi-block read count when costing

The best of all possible worlds, an accurate cost and the benefit of the maximum IO whenever we can.

any extra time spent because an extent was too small to be read using the maximum IO size will be so tiny compared to the overall time as to not be anything to seriously bring up.

Go for auto-allocation.