declare a number;begin if :qy.div_name is not null then if :qy.emp_name is not null then update salary_processing set p_date :='qy.p_date where emp_code :='qy.emp_code and div_code :='qy.div_code and yearmonth :='qy.yearmonth; forms_ddl('commit'); :... | 2 days ago | 2 days ago |
Hello Connor/Chris,Hope you are doing well.I came across MOS note ORA-6502 Research Events (Doc ID 2911572.1), which claims to recommend an option to enable trace to get more details about ORA-06502 error.However, I am not able to reproduce the behaviour on 19... | 2 days ago | 11 days ago |
Hello,We use Oracle 19c with c# ADO and EntityFramework.We have performance issue when use ALTER SESSION SET NLS_COMP = LINGUISTIC NLS_SORT = BINARY_CI;Our system use this for all queries. I use this simple table for test:<code>CREATE TABLE app."Customer" ( "... | 2 days ago | 4 months ago |
Would you happen to have a database feature comparision matrixbetween postgresql and oracle.I would really appreciate if you could provide me with one.thanks. ... | 2 days ago | 22.6 years ago |
hi folks,I am very happy about the new enum domains in PL/SQL. They are very useful and can make the code much more maintainable.But I struggled over a problem. When I create an enum domain like <code>create domain MY_TEST_ENUM as enum ( text1 = 'text1', tex... | 4 days ago | 4 days ago |
i have two questions about the temporary tablespace.1.) if i'm running out space on temporary, how could i know which user or transaction is using the temporary tablespace.2.) Sometime, it happens to me that, obviously no transactions running, but the te... | 6 days ago | 24.7 years ago |
I would like to create a table in an Oracle 19c DB (on premise) that is optimally designed for many parallel DML queries (INSERT/UPDATE).What do I have to pay attention to?Does partitioning help, with different tablespaces?How must sequences be created or shou... | 6 days ago | 2 weeks ago |
Dear TomI cannot create an index on a virtual column of type RAW or RAW(30). I've used virtual columns several times in the past and I also indexed them, with no issues so far. This this the first attempt to do so with a RAW column, but I fail.Why do I want to... | 6 days ago | 7 days ago |
I have a simple table with numeric column<code>create table foo (i integer);/</code>In my apex application I have a very simple automation(scheduled, always, daily at midnight) and my action code is:<code>begin insert into foo values (1); commit; exec... | 6 days ago | 9 days ago |
I have the following query. I am wondering why, oracle sufixes "000" with the given timestamp value when I format it. SQL> alter session set NLS_TIMESTAMP_TZ_FORMAT='dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi.ssxff' ;SQL> alter session set nls_timestamp_format='dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi.ssx... | 6 days ago | 23 years ago |
HiWe are looking to take a schema(abc) from our database to to a different server with a new schema name.I am looking to find what are the dependencies on the abc schema in our packages/procedure/functionsand is there anything else i should be looking at.regar... | 6 days ago | 11 days ago |
Using Oracle RDBMS 19.19APEX 24.2.2ORDS 24.4.0.r3451601Goal: Create an application container to contain APEX and ORDSIssue: One of the install steps fail, and I am not able to get rid of the application in "installing" status. I have tried Doing a <code>ALTE... | 6 days ago | 10 days ago |
I have a ddl trigger (after ddl on database) for analyzing package (spec) source code. It works perfectly if i write the whole command, like<code>create or replace package xyz as procedure foo; end;/</code>I can then pick the source code inside my trigger by s... | 6 days ago | 9 days ago |
Hi Tom,This is a DDL question/observation, which puzzles me a bit:Given the following succesfull creation of a table in a schema PL, on Oracle 19c:<code>create table pl.constraint_test( id integer, end_date date, constraint end_date_not_null check (end_date is... | 7 days ago | 9 days ago |
how can i insert and read numeric value larger than 1000 digits into blob column in oracle... | 7 days ago | 3 weeks ago |
Hi TOM,Sorry for asking this basic question (After two hours of searching, I am unable to find the answer)Let's say I have run opatch in an ora19 home to patch the binaries.But then I "forgot" to run datapatch.Is there any dictionary view to tell me that I "fo... | 7 days ago | 9 months ago |
Hi,I have a column in table that have yet text in fields. Some of fields have in the end of text: distance: R1: a R2: b R3: c mm mm mmI want to insert before the first mm d/a, the second mm d/b and the third mm d/c. It will be : distance R1: a R2: b R3: c d/a ... | 9 days ago | 2 weeks ago |
I need to union two database querieres for an export job.Any idea how this is formatted on a par file?... | 9 days ago | 11 days ago |
here is the test.<code>create table t1(id int, name char(10));create table t2(id int, name char(12));insert into t1 values(100, 'yang');insert into t2 values(200, 'yang');commit;-- return 1 rowselect * from t1, t2 where = and = 'yang';-... | 10 days ago | 12 days ago |
So I am able work out partition by reference with the DDL below, but can seem to figure out how to also get IOT too. The examples with IOT I have seen needed the PK defined in the create table DDL. Since my solution for making the PK on the child table with ... | 11 days ago | 12 days ago |