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I want to get difference between two dates say(10-FEB-2000 - 02-JAN-1999)and the result has to be displayed in following format1 year, 1 month, 8 days ...
16 hours ago24.6 years ago

Hi TomGreetingsWe had very high critical Application(with zero downtime) running in 4 Node RAC Environment with same HA Configuration. We are planning to perform defragmentation(Index) with minimal downtime.We are planning the following steps1) Disable Apply a...
3 days ago5 days ago

Hello,We use Oracle 19c with c# ADO and EntityFramework.We have performance issue when use ALTER SESSION SET NLS_COMP = LINGUISTIC NLS_SORT = BINARY_CI;Our system use this for all queries. I use this simple table for test:<code>CREATE TABLE app."Customer" ( "...
3 days ago4 weeks ago

Noticed 2 databases ran on the same disk got different performance on same query in identical plan. Ran AWR and saw big difference in IO stats section. i.e Buffer Cache Reads is in us level but another one is in ms. What could caused this difference if on the ...
3 days ago3 days ago

Hi Tom,I’m encountering an issue with my Oracle Database 23Free. It throws the ORA-12954 error: "The request exceeds the maximum allowed database size of 12 GB." After investigating the database files, I discovered that the SYSAUX tablespace is the main contri...
3 days ago3 days ago

Hi ask Tom team, at first sorry for my lacked knowledge of DBA. I have a BLOB Table and BLOB total Length from the beginning ist over 3GB, and ofcourse the TABLESPACE size is more than 3GBNow I deleted 3GB BLOB Files and only around 30MB left. But I cannot shr...
3 days ago7 days ago

Hi Tom, First of thank for your great work about helping so many people with brilliant explanations example.My question is, when I am creating a table with primary keys, and then regenerating the redo data/statements information using log miner ordered by SCN,...
3 days ago10 days ago

I have three tables. Clients, Invoices and Payments and I try to make a sum of invoiced amount and a sum of payments in the same scriptIf I run the sum of invoiced amount, all things are good, like belowselect,, sum(b.quantity*b.unitprice) from cli...
3 days ago7 days ago

Kindly ask for Your opinion regarding ORACLE_SID setting of databases in standby configuration ..We have different settings in our standby databases and both configurations are working without any complains.• ORACLE_SID = db_unique_name ( ORACLE_SID in...
4 days ago9 days ago

We have nagging plan stability issues which are often traced back to bad cardinality estimates from our time dimension table. There are numerous workarounds (hinting, baselines, profiles, etc) but it would be so much easier if the CBO just got it right. I thin...
4 days ago9 days ago

Hello,We have a batch process that commits on completion of each insert, which involves just a few bytes. It should ideally be done in batches (commit after processing 1000 entities etc). It is a legacy application and modifying the code is not possible. Will ...
5 days ago10 days ago

Hi Tom,we need to purge, ARCHIVE and cleanup our SYS.$AUD table.WE do have a RAC x 2 node as an Active DG too.We have a self-defined procedure , which is working appropriately (using DBMS_AUDIT_MGMT.CLEAN_AUDIT_TRAIL).However the table is >700GB and >700 Mil r...
10 days ago1.2 years ago

Hi Tom, Some questions about the SQL tuning. 1) I found that when using "IN" in the where clause , INLIST ITERATOR is shown on the explain plan in a cost-based database (and using the index correctly, the response is fast). However, no such INLIST ITERATOR ...
10 days ago21.7 years ago

Hi,Why do we need an extra select privilege additional to the delete privilege? From my point of view, this does'nt make sense:<code>--execute as user a:create table b.t (col varchar2 (10));insert into b.t values ('a');commit;grant delete on b.t to ut;--execut...
10 days ago5.8 years ago

I have a requirement to load a large excel file (upto 2000 columns) into Oracle database. I am aware of Oracle table limitation of maximum 1000 columns per table and happy to split the data into multiple tables.Could you please help....
10 days ago3 weeks ago

How can I export and import Oracle APEX 24.1 Applications and Pages from source Workspace to Destination Workspace having different IDs, Aliases?...
10 days ago4 weeks ago

Hi Team,I have tried to find good explanation for this wait event online, but not found anything that gives me a clear and concise answer.Recently we have started getting "resmgr:cpu quantum" wait event on our production database. This is a database with 40 C...
10 days ago4 weeks ago

Hi Tom,I running Oracle 8.1.6 under Solaris 2.6.We are using third-party application server and one common user-id to login to the server. We currently encountering the above error messages and are having difficulty in identifying the program that caused this....
2 weeks ago23.6 years ago

Hi, we have run into performance issues after upgrading to Oracle 19c (19.14). For some SQL query’s the optimizer will no longer create execution plans similar to them in Oracle 11g ( resulting in extreme slow performance (up to a factor 1000 times).T...
2 weeks ago2.6 years ago

When the recording will be available for APEX office hours 7th November 2024 Building Low-Code SaaS App Extensions with Oracle APEX?...
2 weeks ago3 weeks ago