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  • Get PL/SQL Code coverage data in Function/Procedure level


Question and Answer

Chris Saxon

Thanks for the question, Buddhika.

Asked: August 10, 2022 - 3:07 am UTC

Last updated: January 24, 2025 - 5:47 pm UTC

Version: Oracle DB 12

Viewed 1000+ times

You Asked

I have a PL/SQL package and want to find that package's code coverage. I am using the DBMS_PLSQL_CODE_COVERAGE utility. I can get the code coverage for the whole PL/SQL package. But I want to get the coverage at the Function/Procedure level.

The coverage tables generated by the above utility contain only PACKAGE and PACKAGE BODY objects. Can I get coverage data for FUNCTION/PROCEDURE objects?

Now I know I can use PRAGMA COVERAGE to exclude unnecessary code lines so I can get coverage stats only for the method I need. But the problem is the package has a bit complex architecture, where some methods are duplicated as inner methods. So when I get the code coverage for the whole package, I have to merge these methods by string manipulation which is not an ideal way.

When I refer to the ALL_OBJECTS table I can see, that there are FUNCTION level objects. But when I try to get coverage information at the FUNCTION level I can't find any data.

How I can get the coverage information at the FUNCTION/PROCEDURE level?

Thank you!

and Chris said...

Standalone functions/procedures are different to declaring these units within packages. The former are objects in their own right, the latter are not.

There are a couple of ways you can see coverage details of specific functions within a package.

Outer join the coverage details to *_source

Joining the coverage stats to each line of source code enables you to see line-by-line what's covered.

That said, understanding what's covered could be tricky, particularly if you've got IF/CASE/etc. with many AND/ORs on one line. It also doesn't show you

Outer join the coverage details to *_identifiers

Provided you've enabled PL/Scope, you could outer join the coverage stats to the function definitions. You'll have to pre-process the data to find the start/end lines of each unit and join the coverage results which fall in these boundaries.

Once you've done this you group by procedure/function as report the coverage as needed.

Here are a couple of examples; I've assumed there are no overloaded functions. If you have these you'll need to check the subqueries to find the start/end of each unit:

alter session set plscope_settings='IDENTIFIERS:ALL';
exec dbms_plsql_code_coverage.create_coverage_tables ( true );

create or replace package pkg as 
  function f ( p int ) 
    return int;

create or replace function f ( p int ) 
  return int as
  retval int;
  if 1 = p then 
    dbms_output.put_line ( 'covered' );
    dbms_output.put_line ( 'not covered' );
  end if;
  return retval;
end f;

create or replace package body pkg as 
  function f ( p int ) 
    return int as
    retval int;
    if 1 = p then 
      dbms_output.put_line ( 'covered' );
      dbms_output.put_line ( 'not covered' );
    end if;
    return retval;
  end f;

  n integer;
  n := dbms_plsql_code_coverage.start_coverage('TEST1');

  dbms_output.put_line ( pkg.f(1) );
  dbms_output.put_line ( f(1) );


select name, type, line, covered, text
from   user_source us
left join  dbmspcc_units du 
using  ( name, type )
left join   dbmspcc_blocks db 
using  ( object_id, run_id, line )
where  name in ( 'F', 'PKG' )
and    type in ( 'FUNCTION', 'PACKAGE BODY' )
order  by name, type, line;
NAME    TYPE            LINE    COVERED    TEXT                                              
F       FUNCTION              1          1 function f ( p int ) 
F       FUNCTION              2     <null>   return int as
F       FUNCTION              3     <null>   retval int;
F       FUNCTION              4     <null> begin
F       FUNCTION              5     <null>   if 1 = p then 
F       FUNCTION              6          1     dbms_output.put_line ( 'covered' );
F       FUNCTION              7     <null>   else 
F       FUNCTION              8          0     dbms_output.put_line ( 'not covered' );
F       FUNCTION              9     <null>   end if;
F       FUNCTION             10          1   return retval;
F       FUNCTION             11     <null> end f;

PKG     PACKAGE BODY          1     <null> package body pkg as 
PKG     PACKAGE BODY          2          1   function f ( p int ) 
PKG     PACKAGE BODY          3     <null>     return int as
PKG     PACKAGE BODY          4     <null>     retval int;
PKG     PACKAGE BODY          5     <null>   begin
PKG     PACKAGE BODY          6     <null>     if 1 = p then 
PKG     PACKAGE BODY          7          1       dbms_output.put_line ( 'covered' );
PKG     PACKAGE BODY          8     <null>     else 
PKG     PACKAGE BODY          9          0       dbms_output.put_line ( 'not covered' );
PKG     PACKAGE BODY         10     <null>     end if;
PKG     PACKAGE BODY         11          1     return retval;
PKG     PACKAGE BODY         12     <null>   end f;
PKG     PACKAGE BODY         13     <null> end;
with units as (
  select name, object_name, object_type, type, usage, line, 
         max ( line ) over ( partition by object_name ) last_line
  from   user_identifiers ui
  where  object_name in ( 'F', 'PKG' )
), lines as (
  select name, object_name, object_type, type, 
         line start_line,
         lead ( line, 1, last_line ) over ( 
           partition by object_name, object_type
           order by line
         ) - 1 end_line
  from   units u
  where  usage = 'DEFINITION'
  and    type in ( 'FUNCTION', 'PROCEDURE' )
  select object_name, object_type,, u.type, line, covered 
  from   lines u
  left join dbmspcc_units du 
  on     u.object_name =
  and    u.object_type = du.type
  left join dbmspcc_blocks db
  on     db.object_id = du.object_id
  and    db.run_id = du.run_id
  and    db.line between start_line and end_line;
F              FUNCTION        F       FUNCTION          1          1 
F              FUNCTION        F       FUNCTION          6          1 
F              FUNCTION        F       FUNCTION          8          0 

PKG            PACKAGE BODY    F       FUNCTION          2          1 
PKG            PACKAGE BODY    F       FUNCTION          7          1 
PKG            PACKAGE BODY    F       FUNCTION          9          0 


  (1 rating)

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DBMS_PLSQL_CODE_COVERAGE inside a test package

A reader, January 24, 2025 - 8:57 am UTC

We are looking at leveraging DBMS_PLSQL_CODE_COVERAGE.

When running the code as the OWNER schema we can call start/stop and runs our tests without issue.

However in reality our test packs would be run via a USER account which access/execute privs etc on objects in the OWNER schema.

This is where the problems seem to start.

Calling DBMS_PLSQL_CODE_COVERAGE start/stop in the USER account and then executing the scripts throws no exceptions but also doesn't log to the tables in the OWNER schema. Seems logical and I wouldn't have expected it to work.

I therefore try and include DBMS_PLSQL_CODE_COVERAGE.start_coverage and stop_coverage in a test package rather than an anonymous block in the OWNER schema but even with SYS prefix the code won't compile as the package isn't declared.
Chris Saxon
January 24, 2025 - 5:47 pm UTC

Please provide a short test case showing the problem you're hitting

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