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Question and Answer

Tom Kyte

Thanks for the question, Shannon.

Asked: September 15, 2010 - 3:56 pm UTC

Last updated: November 05, 2012 - 8:12 am UTC

Version: 10.2.0

Viewed 10K+ times! This question is

You Asked

I'm currently reading Expert Oracle Database Architecture 2nd ed. In Chapter 6 "Locking and Latching", section titled "Optimistic Locking" (pages 201-206) you discuss three methods of optimistic locking: 1) using a complete before image of the row, 2) using a version column that is maintained either by a trigger or the appropriate update statements, 3) using a checksum of the row.

I was surprised that the use of the ORA_ROWSCN was not mentioned. To me it looks like the ORA_ROWSCN pseudo column and tables created with ROWDEPENDENCIES were meant for, and are a perfect match for optimistic locking. Are there drawbacks to using ORA_ROWSCN with ROWDEPENDENCIES for optimistic locking that I should be away of?

For example:

Create table with small test data:
Session 1 > drop table t;

Table dropped.

Session 1 > create table t (k number constraint t_pk primary key
  2      , name varchar2(40) not null
  3      , salary number not null
  4  ) rowdependencies;

Table created.

Session 1 > insert into t values (1, 'John Smith', 4e5);

1 row created.

Session 1 > insert into t values (2, 'Mary Jones', 3e5);

1 row created.

Session 1 > commit;

Commit complete.

Read ORA_ROWSCN in the first session: (If doing for real, the appropriate data, in addition to ORA_ROWSCN, would be fetched for the user.)
Session 1 > var before_ora_rowscn number
Session 1 > exec select ora_rowscn into :before_ora_rowscn  from t where k = 2

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

Session 1 > select to_char(:before_ora_rowscn) from dual;


Before the user in session one completes their work, session 2 starts and finishes an interaction:
Session 2 > var before_ora_rowscn number
Session 2 > exec select ora_rowscn into :before_ora_rowscn  from t where k = 2

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

Session 2 > select to_char(:before_ora_rowscn) from dual;


Session 2 > update t
  2  set salary = salary * 1.1
  3  where k = 2
  4  and ora_rowscn = :before_ora_rowscn;

1 row updated.

Session 2 > commit;

Commit complete.

Now session 1 attempts to save their changes:
Session 1 > update t
  2  set name = 'Mary Smith'
  3  where k = 2
  4  and ora_rowscn = :before_ora_rowscn;

0 rows updated.

Now it is up to the application to handle the issue.

and Tom said...

Yes, I took it out (had it in as an idea in the 1st edition) because it doesn't work very well for that.

Run this test case and you'll see what I mean

set echo on

drop table t;
create table t ( x int primary key, name varchar2(30) ) rowdependencies;

insert into t values ( 1, 'john' );
insert into t values ( 2, 'mary' );

variable ora_rowscn number
set autoprint on
exec select ora_rowscn into :ora_rowscn from t where x = 2;

set echo off
prompt in another session issue:
prompt variable ora_rowscn number
prompt set autoprint on
prompt exec select ora_rowscn into :ora_rowscn from t where x = 2;;
prompt and come back here and hit enter...

set echo on
update t set name = 'beth' where x = 2 and ora_rowscn = :ora_rowscn;

set echo off
prompt in another session issue:
prompt update t set name = 'sally' where x = 2 and ora_rowscn = :ora_rowscn;;
prompt and come back here and hit enter...


set echo off
prompt now commit in the other session and notice your lost update :(

They do not re-evaluate the rowscn during the current mode get of the block - the rowscn does not trigger a restart


  (12 ratings)

Is this answer out of date? If it is, please let us know via a Comment


Good to know.

Shannon Severance, September 15, 2010 - 4:38 pm UTC

Thank you. Test case worked in showing that ORA_ROWSCN does not work for optimistic locking.

Also, others may want to look at: where ORA_ROWSCN is talked about, though that conversation, to me, sounded like this was a bug that might be fixed by now.

select for update

Franck Pachot, September 20, 2010 - 3:48 am UTC

Hi Tom, can we say that optimistic locking with ora_rowscn is safe if we add a
'select for update' just before the update ?
Tom Kyte
September 20, 2010 - 2:30 pm UTC

for update has the same issue as update does. so, no, it would not work in all cases.

A reader, September 20, 2010 - 3:22 pm UTC

Hello Sir,

I have below question with respect to your above example for lost update to OP

(1) In your above example when we commit in first session did not ora_rowscn change so that the commit
in the second session fail?

(2) I see from example that ora_rowscn does not change and hence there is a lost update so when did ora_row_scn change?

Tom Kyte
September 21, 2010 - 3:28 pm UTC

1) why would a COMMIT fail?

2) the ora_rowscn did change (run example, query results) - HOWEVER, the fact that it changed did not trigger a restart of the update. If "restart of an update" means nothing to you - please read the links first

In those links, you'll learn that there are two phases to the update - the "find me a row" phase - and then the "update this row phase".

the find me this row phase found the rows in both sessions (changes are not visible until you commit, we use consistent reads with the undo information to read around locks).

then the update this row phase went ahead and did the update without restarting - which again, you'll want to read and play around with those two articles to understand why that is relevant.

select for update

Franck Pachot, September 30, 2010 - 2:52 pm UTC

>> for update has the same issue as update does. so, no, it would not work in all cases.

I understand that the 'select for update' has the same issue because it does write consistency in the same way as the update.
But then, the following update should be safe: row has been locked and ora_rowscn is now evaluated.

It is like doing 'manually' an update restart each time, just in case. Or am I missing something ?

Tom Kyte
September 30, 2010 - 3:09 pm UTC

I don't see what you mean by:

... But then, the following update should be safe: row has been locked and
ora_rowscn is now evaluated. ...

are you saying

a) select for update the row using ora_rowscn (or not)
b) update the row using ora_rowscn

If so, yes that would work - but it would be a performance hit I would not be willing to take. And it also means you deviate from a standard approach - you have a "workaround" and I'd rather not use a workaround when viable alternatives (that do not require a workaround) exist.


Franck Pachot, October 03, 2010 - 3:51 am UTC

Yes, this is what I mean. Thanks for your opinion on that.

Wouter, February 11, 2011 - 4:50 am UTC

Hi Tom,

Our data is not only accessed/modified through the web (e.g. APEX), but also through client-server applications (e.g. Forms or SQL+). All clients use the same transactional API to insert/update/delete data.

I was under the impression that a combination of pessimistic locking (select .. for update) and optimistic locking (e.g. through ora_rowscn) is a good solution for this kind of applications.

drop table t purge;
create table t rowdependencies as select object_id, object_name from user_objects;
alter table t add constraint t_pk primary key (object_id);

create or replace procedure update_t
   (p_object_id   number,
    p_object_name varchar2,
    p_scn         number) 
  l_scn number;
  select ora_rowscn
    into l_scn
    from t
   where object_id = p_object_id
     for update nowait;

  if l_scn = p_scn then
    update t set object_name = p_object_name where object_id = p_object_id;
    raise_application_error(-20000,'Record is changed');
  end if;
end update_t;

Suppose procedure update_t is the transactional API used in web (stateless) + client-server (stateful).

Can you please explain the "performance hit you are not willing to take" or other issues you think might happen with this approach?

Tom Kyte
February 14, 2011 - 7:22 am UTC

I don't see the words "performance hit you" on this page before you posted it, can you be more clear what part of this page you are referring to.

With the NOWAIT - your routine is "safe", without the NOWAIT - if you were to block - it would not be.

Wouter, February 15, 2011 - 2:16 am UTC

Hi Tom,

Thanks for confirming that this approach is "safe".

I read something about the performance hit in:
Followup September 30, 2010 - 3pm Central time zone:

I don't see what you mean by:

... But then, the following update should be safe: row has been locked and
ora_rowscn is now evaluated. ...

are you saying

a) select for update the row using ora_rowscn (or not)
b) update the row using ora_rowscn

If so, yes that would work - but it would be a performance hit I would not be willing to take. And it also means you deviate from a standard approach - you have a "workaround" and I'd rather not use a workaround when viable alternatives (that do not require a workaround) exist.

Tom Kyte
February 15, 2011 - 8:34 am UTC

I believe I was saying that if I didn't have to use ora_rowscn - I wouldn't - if I had my own "version counter", I could do it in a single update

update t
  set ...., version_counter = version_counter+1
 where primary_key = p_PRIMARY_KEY
   and version_counter = p_VERSION_COUNTER_AS_READ_OUT_INITIALLY

I wouldn't have to worry about the writing consistency issue with the select for update, nor the extra work performed by the select for update that didn't need be performed.

why tigger just fire once? Suppose a restart

jiang huang zheng, February 17, 2011 - 4:20 am UTC

Hi Tom,
   I read your link about restart and I did a test:

SQL> create or replace trigger t_row_trigger before update on t_row for each row
  2  begin
  3  dbms_output.put_line('fired');
  4  end;
  5  /
SQL> select *  from t_row;

         X          Y
---------- ----------
        10         88
         2          3
         3          4

Then in session 1:

SQL> update t_row set y=89 where x=10;

1 row updated.

In session 2 : SQL> update t_row  set x=22 where y=88;
and it is normally blocked by session 1, and I assume that there should be a update restart since y was modified by session 1. however when i commit in session 1, i supposed to see 2 fired in session 2, but only 1 fired:
SQL> update t_row  set x=22 where y=88;

0 rows updated.

is it expected?


Tom Kyte
February 17, 2011 - 8:41 am UTC

because it is a for each row trigger - think about it.

The first time - we "found" a row to update - y was found to still be 89. We started the update, fired your row level trigger - went to get the block in current mode and blocked.

Then you committed in session 1 - that released the lock and we got the block in current mode. When we looked at the block in current mode - we discovered that "hey, y WAS 89, but now y IS 88 - we cannot update this row!" and we rolled back.

When we restarted - we found 0 rows - therefore we do not fire any "for each row" triggers - there are no rows to cause it to be fired.

So the strange thing you should take away from your example is the fact that the trigger fired at all!!!!!

If you want to see your trigger fire twice, make it a BEFORE trigger, not BEFORE FOR EACH ROW.

very good explaination,thanks,

jiang huang zheng, February 18, 2011 - 5:20 am UTC

if not restart of the update.

jiang huang zheng, February 19, 2011 - 9:12 am UTC

Hi Tom,
I was reading your blog:
If we just skipped this record at this point and ignored it, then we would have a nondeterministic update. It would be throwing data consistency and integrity out the window. The outcome of the update (how many and which rows were modified) would depend on the order in which rows got hit in the table and what other activity just happened to be going on. You could take the same exact set of rows and in two different databases, each one running the transactions in exactly the same mix, you could observe different results, just because the rows were in different places on the disk.

Can you elaborate more on the nondeterministic outcome if oracle does not restart?

Tom Kyte
February 20, 2011 - 12:29 pm UTC

if we just skipped the record because something else updated it - it would end up with a different result if the ordering was just a little bit different.

You cannot just skip a record because it doesn't meet your criteria anymore - you have to restart and get a CONSISTENT set of records. Otherwise - it isn't "consistent" - it isn't deterministic - if the other query had sorted things differently or ran just a bit faster or slower - the same statements executed in the same fashion would come to a different result.

Little help in deciding

Prashant, November 01, 2012 - 10:37 pm UTC

Hi Tom,

Looking for your kind advise in the following scenario

1. Application A writes (insert / updates) data into table (T1) and maintains an update_date timestamp (SYSDATE). This application is goldengate and there are 5 parallel threads running continuously processing records.

2. Application B (ETL program for real-time active warehouse) reads data from table (T1) for the incremental changes and carries out transformations.

The application is suffering from the standard problem of missing records since they maintained a max update date when they read the records in (2) above and read only after this timestamp. This meant any transactions that started before they started reading but not committed were missed.

They they decided to re-process by adding a condition (- 30 mins) but they landed up in another problem because of the way the application was written. So they had to avoid duplicate processing

They may occasionally get a peak load of 1,000,000 records in a 5 min interval. The ETL program is scheduled every 5 mins.

What is the best option considering its a warehouse because I was a little confused on the various options and which ones fits when?

1. Ruled out v$transaction usage since it can also re-process records , or
2. ora_rowscn, or
3. version_control, or
4. trigger


Tom Kyte
November 01, 2012 - 10:55 pm UTC

remove the unnecessary program that reads and ETL's, do that in the tool you are already using (goldengate)

Even if you do not use v$transaction, you can re-process records, that is always a fact of life. ALWAYS.

for example, assume it is 12:00:00.0000 right now. Assume that the last time you refreshed was 11:55:00.

So, you need to pull all changes since 11:55:00 right....

And you need to remember that your refresh started at 12:00:00.0000 (for the next refresh). Assume that it takes 30 seconds to refresh...

Now at 12:00:00.001 - golden gate inserts and commits a new record.

At 12:00:00.002 - you start your data pull. It will see the 12:00:00.001 record.

You finish your refresh.

At 12:00:05.000 you refresh again, you will pull all records since 12:00:00.000 (time of last refresh), you'll see that record again.

You'll have to deal with duplicates anyway in that case.

or switch to a queue (which is what goldengate is in effect working from) and mark records as processed as you process them, or remove them from the source table as you process them and so on. In other words, re-invent what goldengate already does...


Prashant, November 01, 2012 - 11:43 pm UTC

Hi Tom
Thanks for your prompt response.

If I understand correctly the best option in the order of performance

1) Let goldengate handle the transformations, remove the ETL
2) Use v$transaction
3) Mark the records or delete the records as its processed (this avoids duplicate processing but can introduce locks if the same record is also updated by goldengate, right?)

Please correct my understanding.

Tom Kyte
November 05, 2012 - 8:12 am UTC

I believe you meant "preference" not performance?

If you don't use a queue of some sort (like goldengate, marking records as processed, AQ, whatever you design) - you have to be prepared to process duplicates (and v$transaction would be the timestamp you want to use for refreshing).

it is up to you.

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