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  • Finding Rows that sums up to a given row using Match Recognize


Question and Answer

Chris Saxon

Thanks for the question, Naresh Kumar.

Asked: July 30, 2019 - 12:17 am UTC

Last updated: June 28, 2023 - 12:20 pm UTC

Version: 12c

Viewed 1000+ times

You Asked

I am trying to apply Match_Recognize to find all the payments that make up the invoice. More than one payment can be matched to one Invoice. I am not sure if this can be achieved using Match Recognize or if this is a right candidate for it.

 create table ae_misc_trxs (ae_num number, trx_id number, trx_type varchar2(10), amount number) 

INTO ae_misc_trxs VALUES(123,1, 'INV', +10)
INTO ae_misc_trxs VALUES(123,2, 'PMT', -10)
INTO ae_misc_trxs VALUES(123,3, 'INV',+12)
INTO ae_misc_trxs VALUES(123,4, 'PMT', -10)
INTO ae_misc_trxs VALUES(123,5, 'PMT', -2)
INTO ae_misc_trxs VALUES(123,6, 'PMT', -8)
INTO ae_misc_trxs VALUES(123,7, 'PMT',-3)
INTO ae_misc_trxs VALUES(123,8, 'PMT',-2)
INTO ae_misc_trxs VALUES(123,9, 'INV', +13)
INTO ae_misc_trxs VALUES(123,10, 'INV', +60)
INTO ae_misc_trxs VALUES(123,11, 'PMT', -50)
INTO ae_misc_trxs VALUES(123,12, 'PMT', -5)
INTO ae_misc_trxs VALUES(123,13, 'PMT',-1)

So far, I've got this
  FROM ae_misc_trxs A
MEASURES inv.trx_id AS inv_trx
        ,pmt.trx_id AS pmt_trx
        ,MATCH_NUMBER() AS mno
PATTERN (inv pmt+)        
DEFINE INV AS inv.trx_type='INV' AND (inv.amount + NEXT(pmt.amount) = 0)        
      ,PMT AS pmt.trx_type='PMT'      

The below rows should be selected

e.g. Trx_id 2 matches to trx_id 1
Trx_id 5,4 matches to Trx_id 3
6,7,8 matches to 9
11,12,13 DOES not MATCH to 10.

with LiveSQL Test Case:

and Chris said...

In the variable definition, you can check running totals with sum, count, etc.

So you can define the payment variable as:

pmt as pmt.trx_type='PMT' and sum ( -pmt.amount ) <= inv.amount

This keeps adding rows to the pattern until you hit the invoice total.

Making this trickier is the fact you've got payments that precede their invoices. To get around this I've defined another set of pattern variables, doing the check above on the (POST)INV variable.

Which gives something like:

select * 
from ae_misc_trxs a
match_recognize (
  partition by ae_num order by trx_id
     inv.trx_id as inv_trx
    ,pmt.trx_id as pmt_trx
    ,match_number() as mno
    ,coalesce ( 
      sum ( -pmt.amount ),
      sum ( -prepmt.amount )
     ) pmt_tot
       when final sum ( -pmt.amount ) = inv.amount or
            final sum ( -prepmt.amount ) = postinv.amount 
       then 'PAID'
       else 'OUTSTANDING'
     end paid
  all rows per match 
  pattern ( ( inv pmt+ ) | ( prepmt+ postinv ) )        
    inv as inv.trx_type='INV'
   ,pmt as pmt.trx_type='PMT' and sum ( -pmt.amount ) <= inv.amount
   ,prepmt as trx_type='PMT' 
   ,postinv as trx_type='INV' and sum ( -prepmt.amount ) <= postinv.amount

AE_NUM    TRX_ID    INV_TRX    PMT_TRX    MNO    PMT_TOT    PAID           TRX_TYPE    AMOUNT   
      123         1          1     <null>      1     <null> PAID           INV                10 
      123         2          1          2      1         10 PAID           PMT               -10 
      123         3          3     <null>      2     <null> PAID           INV                12 
      123         4          3          4      2         10 PAID           PMT               -10 
      123         5          3          5      2         12 PAID           PMT                -2 
      123         6     <null>     <null>      3          8 OUTSTANDING    PMT                -8 
      123         7     <null>     <null>      3         11 OUTSTANDING    PMT                -3 
      123         8     <null>     <null>      3         13 OUTSTANDING    PMT                -2 
      123         9     <null>     <null>      3         13 PAID           INV                13 
      123        10         10     <null>      4     <null> OUTSTANDING    INV                60 
      123        11         10         11      4         50 OUTSTANDING    PMT               -50 
      123        12         10         12      4         55 OUTSTANDING    PMT                -5 
      123        13         10         13      4         56 OUTSTANDING    PMT                -1

You can then filter the results to the paid invoices in a where clause:

select * 
from ae_misc_trxs a
match_recognize (
  partition by ae_num order by trx_id
     inv.trx_id as inv_trx
    ,pmt.trx_id as pmt_trx
    ,match_number() as mno
    ,coalesce ( 
      sum ( -pmt.amount ),
      sum ( -prepmt.amount )
     ) pmt_tot
       when final sum ( -pmt.amount ) = inv.amount or
            final sum ( -prepmt.amount ) = postinv.amount
       then 'PAID'
       else 'OUTSTANDING'
     end paid
  all rows per match 
  pattern ( ( inv pmt+ ) | ( prepmt+ postinv ) )        
    inv as inv.trx_type='INV'
   ,pmt as pmt.trx_type='PMT' and sum ( -pmt.amount ) <= inv.amount
   ,prepmt as trx_type='PMT' 
   ,postinv as trx_type='INV' and sum ( -prepmt.amount ) <= postinv.amount
where  paid = 'PAID' and trx_type = 'INV';

      123         1          1     <null>      1     <null> PAID    INV                10 
      123         3          3     <null>      2     <null> PAID    INV                12 
      123         9     <null>     <null>      3         13 PAID    INV                13 

Note this does assume that all payments and invoice totals add up neatly! If this isn't true (e.g. you have no payments between issuing two invoices), things get complicated quickly...


  (3 ratings)

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Pattern for non-match

Narendra, June 23, 2023 - 11:05 am UTC


Thank you for showing this amazing idea of using MATCH_RECOGNIZE.
If I may ask, in the above example, would it be possible to define a pattern that would eliminate the "11,12,13 DOES not MATCH to 10" set of records?

Chris Saxon
June 26, 2023 - 1:17 pm UTC

You can split the payment totals into two variables:

one checking the running total is strictly less than the invoice amount; there are zero or more of these
the other that the running total is exactly equal to the invoice total; there's exactly one of these

The pattern and definition for these look something like:
pattern ( ( inv pmt* ptot ) )
  ptot as ptot.trx_type = 'PMT' and nvl ( sum ( -pmt.amount ), 0 ) - nvl ( ptot.amount, 0 ) = inv.amount

This assumes all payments come after the invoice they're for. If they can appear out-of-sequence it gets much fiddlier!

Re: Pattern for non-match

Narendra, June 27, 2023 - 9:52 am UTC

Thanks Chris...
If I may bother with one more question...
In the above example, would it be possible to define a pattern that would classify the "11,12,13 DOES not MATCH to 10" set of records?

Thanks in advance
Chris Saxon
June 27, 2023 - 12:47 pm UTC

Classify them how? The original answer sets them all to OUTSTANDING; the outer query filters these out.

What exactly are you looking for?

Re: Pattern for non-match

Narendra, June 27, 2023 - 3:59 pm UTC

Classify them how? The original answer sets them all to OUTSTANDING; the outer query filters these out.

What exactly are you looking for?

Apologies...I should have been clearer with my question.
The solution that you have provided is using below construct in MEASURES clause to categorize the individual records as either PAID or OUTSTANDING

       when final sum ( -pmt.amount ) = inv.amount or
            final sum ( -prepmt.amount ) = postinv.amount 
       then 'PAID'
       else 'OUTSTANDING'

My question is whether there is a way to categorize PAID or OUTSTANDING using a pattern definition instead? Does that make sense?

Thanks in advance
Chris Saxon
June 28, 2023 - 12:20 pm UTC

You can use the CLASSIFIER function to rename the name of the pattern variable. So it's a matter of making the pattern along with naming and defining the variables to give the output you want.

If there's something specific you're trying to understand here, please post a new question. The original has gnarly requirements - matching payments made before and after an invoice. I (would hope that!) this is rare in the real world. Generally, invoices are issued first and payments are made against them. So you can sort by date and likely have an invoice_id or similar to match; this simplifies the logic vastly.

Trying to make generalizations from a specific, hard problem is difficult!

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