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  • sqlplus: How to have describe use fewer columns than linesize.


Question and Answer

Tom Kyte

Thanks for the question, Shannon.

Asked: April 27, 2011 - 7:17 pm UTC

Last updated: April 29, 2011 - 8:53 am UTC

Version: 10.2.0

Viewed 1000+ times

You Asked

I frequently use a linesize in sqlplus that is much longer than the width of the window it is running in and would like to, at the same time, limit describe to using 80 to 130 characters per line.

The SQL*PLUS User's Guide and Reference says, "Columns output for the DESCRIBE command are typically allocated a proportion of the linesize currently specified. Decreasing or increasing the linesize with the SET LINESIZE command usually makes each column proportionally smaller or larger." [Emphasis added]

So it says that typically and usually but I haven't found a section that describes how to achive the atypical and unusual situation of describe using fewer columns than linesize's setting. Is there a way? If so, please describe and/or point to relevant documentation.

and Tom said...

I think they were just being "cautious" in their writing. As far as I know, describe relies entirely on linesize to set its width.


  (2 ratings)

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Wijnand Engelkes, April 29, 2011 - 1:21 am UTC

I use a self-made sql to accomplish this.

This is my d.sql:

save currentsql replace
show linesize
desc &what_to_describe
ho echo remember to set the linesize back to the original value mentioned above
get currentsql

Would it be possible to somehow "remember" the current linesize and set it back to that afterwards?

Sorry if this is pathetic. It works for me.
Always eager to see a better solution.

Thanks for all the wonderful tips, Tom, I always start with your page every day at the office.

Tom Kyte
April 29, 2011 - 8:53 am UTC

Ok, here is what I do to deal with this sort of stuff. In my login.sql file, I have:

column E new_value E
column S new_value SETTINGS
select decode( substr( dbms_utility.port_string, 1, 5 ), 'IBMPC', 'vi', 'vi' ) E,
       decode( substr( dbms_utility.port_string, 1, 5 ),
               'IBMPC', 'c:\temp\xtmpx'||to_char(sysdate,'yyyymmddsssss')||'.sql',
                        '/tmp/xtmpx' || to_char(sysdate,'yyyymmddsssss') ||'.sql' ) S
  from dual;
define _editor=&E

so, that sets my editor to VI always now (used to be between vi and notepad a long time ago)... And it sets another define variable to a temporary file name - the define variable is SETTINGS.

Then I have a script - sset (save settings) that is just this:

store set &SETTINGS rep

and another script - rset (restore settings) that is just this:


and then my desc.sql is:

set verify off
set linesize 72
set pagesize 9999
set feedback off
set echo off

alter session set cursor_sharing=force;

Prompt Datatypes for Table &1

column data_type format a20
column column_name heading "Column Name"
column data_type   heading "Data|Type"
column data_length heading "Data|Length" format a10
column nullable    heading "Nullable" format a8

select column_name,
       decode( data_type, 'NUMBER',
               decode( data_precision, NULL, NULL,
                '('||data_precision||','||data_scale||')' ),
              1,11) data_length,
       decode( nullable, 'Y', 'null', 'not null' ) nullable
from all_tab_columns
where owner = user
  and table_name = upper('&1')
order by column_id

Prompt Indexes on &1
column index_name heading "Index|Name"
column Uniqueness heading "Is|Unique" format a6
column columns format a32 word_wrapped

select substr(a.index_name,1,30) index_name, 
       decode(a.uniqueness,'UNIQUE','Yes','No') uniqueness, 
max(decode( b.column_position,  1, substr(b.column_name,1,30),
NULL )) ||
max(decode( b.column_position,  2, ', '||
substr(b.column_name,1,30), NULL )) ||
max(decode( b.column_position,  3, ', '||
substr(b.column_name,1,30), NULL )) ||
max(decode( b.column_position,  4, ', '||
substr(b.column_name,1,30), NULL )) ||
max(decode( b.column_position,  5, ', '||
substr(b.column_name,1,30), NULL )) ||
max(decode( b.column_position,  6, ', '||
substr(b.column_name,1,30), NULL )) ||
max(decode( b.column_position,  7, ', '||
substr(b.column_name,1,30), NULL )) ||
max(decode( b.column_position,  8, ', '||
substr(b.column_name,1,30), NULL )) ||
max(decode( b.column_position,  9, ', '||
substr(b.column_name,1,30), NULL )) ||
max(decode( b.column_position, 10, ', '||
substr(b.column_name,1,30), NULL )) ||
max(decode( b.column_position, 11, ', '||
substr(b.column_name,1,30), NULL )) ||
max(decode( b.column_position, 12, ', '||
substr(b.column_name,1,30), NULL )) ||
max(decode( b.column_position, 13, ', '||
substr(b.column_name,1,30), NULL )) ||
max(decode( b.column_position, 14, ', '||
substr(b.column_name,1,30), NULL )) ||
max(decode( b.column_position, 15, ', '||
substr(b.column_name,1,30), NULL )) ||
max(decode( b.column_position, 16, ', '||
substr(b.column_name,1,30), NULL )) columns
from all_indexes a, all_ind_columns b
where a.owner = user
and a.table_name = upper('&1')
and b.table_name = a.table_name
and b.table_owner = a.owner
and a.index_name = b.index_name
group by substr(a.index_name,1,30), a.uniqueness

prompt Triggers on &1
set long 5000
select trigger_name, trigger_type,
       triggering_event, trigger_body
from user_triggers where table_name = upper('&1')
alter session set cursor_sharing=exact;

Save sqlplus buffer too

Andrew Markiewicz, April 29, 2011 - 9:51 am UTC

I have a similar script but I also save what's in the sqlplus buffer so I don't lose the current sql statement for the inevitable event when I run one of my utility script in a session that I have a sql I don't want to lose.
My two scripts are save_state.sql and restore_state.sql

-- save_state.sql
define saveid=&1
set term off
store set $HOME/tmp&&saveid\_set.sql replace
save $HOME/tmp&&saveid\_orig replace
set term on

-- restore_state.sql
set term off
get $HOME/tmp&&saveid\_orig
set term off

host rm $HOME/tmp&&saveid*
undefine saveid
set term on

-- test_savestate.sql
select 'BEGIN STATE' from dual
show line
@save_state test_ss

set line 300
select 'CURRENT STATE' from dual
show line

show line

-- Run test_savestate
  1* select 'BEGIN STATE' from dual
linesize 200
  1* select 'CURRENT STATE' from dual
linesize 300
  1* select 'BEGIN STATE' from dual
linesize 200