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Question and Answer

Chris Saxon

Thanks for the question, Ankit.

Asked: August 10, 2017 - 7:48 am UTC

Last updated: November 17, 2023 - 11:02 am UTC

Version: 12.1.0

Viewed 100K+ times! This question is

You Asked


how to create view with parameter?

we want to create view definition as below,

create view test_item_v
select item_class,
from test_item_class
where rev_id = v_rev_id;

Please suggest.


and Chris said...

UPDATE 8 Feb 2022

From 19.6 you can do this with SQL macros.

This example creates a macro that returns the sum of the salaries in each department, optionally filtered by hire date:

create or replace function department_salaries ( 
  hired_after_date date default date'2000-01-01'
) return clob sql_macro as
  stmt clob;
  stmt := 
    'select department_id, sum ( salary ) 
     from   hr.employees
     where  hire_date > hired_after_date
     group  by department_id';
  return stmt;
end department_salaries;

select * from department_salaries ();

------------- -----------
           50      156400
           40        6500
          110       20308
           90       58000
           30       24900
           70       10000
           10        4400
           20       19000
           60       28800
          100       51608
           80      304500

select * from department_salaries ( date'2006-01-01' );

------------- -----------
           50       73700
           30        5100
           60       24000
          100       14700
           80      150700

select * from department_salaries ( sysdate );

no rows selected

This Live SQL tutorial explains the process in detail:

Original answer for versions before 19.6

You can't.

You can get close with sys_context. Though you need to call this to set the value before querying the view:

create table t (
  x int
insert into t 
  select rownum x from dual
  connect by level <= 10;


create or replace context ctx using ctx_api;

create or replace package ctx_api as

  procedure set_filter(val in varchar2);
end ctx_api;

create or replace package body ctx_api is

  procedure set_filter(val in varchar2) is
    dbms_session.set_context('CTX', 'filter', val);
  end set_filter;

end ctx_api;

create or replace view vw as 
  select * from t
  where  x = sys_context('CTX', 'filter');
exec ctx_api.set_filter(1);

select * from vw;


exec ctx_api.set_filter(2);

select * from vw;


And it won't work in all situations.

Or you may be able to work around it using (temporary) tables. Though again, this requires you to initialize the data first and may not always be appropriate:

create global temporary table tmp (
  x int

create or replace view vw as 
  select * from t
  where  t.x = (select tmp.x from tmp);
insert into tmp values (3);
select * from vw;



  (11 ratings)

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Ankit Bhatt, August 10, 2017 - 10:59 am UTC

Thanks a lot Chris. very helpful snippets but our issue is that we are passing rev_id at run time, so for that can we use sys_context? please suggest.
Chris Saxon
August 10, 2017 - 1:49 pm UTC

You have to set the context before querying the view. If you can't do that, this won't work for you.

followup on last comments

Ankit Bhatt, August 10, 2017 - 4:29 pm UTC

Thanks again. in the same view, we are joining 2 tables and creating a view and for those table definitions are as under,

create table test_item_class(calc_abc varchar2(10),rev_id number,cost number,resale number,margin number)


create table test_item_details(item_class varchar2(10), item_desc varchar2(50))


insert into test_item_class values ('A',1,1000,500,300)


insert into test_item_class values ('B',1,2000,400,200)


insert into test_item_class values (null,1,3000,300,100)


insert into test_item_class values ('C',2,1200,500,300)


insert into test_item_class values ('D',2,1500,500,200)


insert into test_item_details values ('A','Desc_A')


insert into test_item_details values ('B','Desc_B')


insert into test_item_details values ('C','Desc_C')


insert into test_item_details values ('D','Desc_D')


insert into test_item_details values ('A1A','Desc_A1A')


insert into test_item_details values ('A1B','Desc_A1B')



CREATE VIEW test_item_v AS
SUM(a.cost) cost,
SUM(a.resale) resale,
SUM(a.margin) margin
tic.calc_abc item_class,
COUNT(DISTINCT tic.cost) cost,
COUNT(DISTINCT tic.resale) resale,
COUNT(DISTINCT tic.margin) margin
test_item_class tic
RIGHT OUTER JOIN test_item_details tid ON tid.item_class = tic.calc_abc
) a

Now we want output as,

item_class | rev_id | Cost | resale | Margin

A | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1

B | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1





Is it possible to get with the given details?


Chris Saxon
August 11, 2017 - 2:49 pm UTC

Hmmm. I don't think so. Querying rev_id in the view means you inner joining test_item_class instead of outer joining it. So you end up removing all rows except A & B.

I think you need to do this in the subquery which is inside the view.

Add column to filter to view or use table function

Evan, August 10, 2017 - 6:40 pm UTC

When I've run into this problem, what I've usually done is added the column I want to have as a parameter to the view and then when I select from the view I have a condition in the WHERE clause on the column.

So in this example, add rev_id to the view e.g.

create view test_item_v
select rev_id,
from test_item_class;
--I think you'll need to add a group by clause since there are aggregate functions

and then when using the view

select *
from test_item_v
where rev_id = v_rev_id;

Another option is to create a PL/SQL table function with a parameter for the column you want to parameterize. Then execute the SQL statement using the parameter passed in. Finally, return the result set.
Chris Saxon
August 11, 2017 - 2:39 pm UTC

Yep, those are worth investigating.

RE: Add column to filter...

Duke Ganote, August 11, 2017 - 4:52 pm UTC

One potential issue with adding a column to the view, then filtering on the results, is an "unpushed" predicate. For small data sets and/or a simple view-query (where the optimizer can transform the query in order to push the predicate), it's not important.

However for large data sets, it's the difference between the first SELECT (which mimics a view with a column/parameter) and the second:

SQL> exec DBMS_application_info.set_client_info('SYS'); -- here's the parameter I want. Owner = 'SYS'

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

SQL> select cnt from ( select owner, count(*) cnt from dba_source group by owner ) where owner = userenv('client_info');


SQL> select count(*) cnt from dba_source where owner = userenv('client_info');


Same results, but for a complex query or very large data set, the difference in execution time could be significant.
Chris Saxon
August 14, 2017 - 2:27 pm UTC

Yep, if the optimizer can't push the predicate for some reason the SQL could be too slow.

SQL table macros

Stew Ashton, January 19, 2021 - 10:21 am UTC

Now that SQL table macros are available in the current long-term support release (19c), here is the macro equivalent of a parameterized view.

First, a tiny test table:
drop table test_item_class purge;
create table test_item_class(item_class, rev_id, total_cost, total_resale, margin) as
select 'A', 1, 100, 90, 10 from dual;

Next, a view definition that might actually work if parameters were allowed:
create view test_item_v as 
select item_class,
sum(total_cost) sum_cost,
sum(total_resale) sum_resale,
sum(margin) sum_margin
from test_item_class
where rev_id = v_rev_id
group by item_class, rev_id;
Now, instead of preceding the SELECT statement by "create view", we have to create a function. The code that wraps the SELECT part is a few lines more, but that's it.
create or replace function test_item_v(v_rev_id in number) return varchar2 sql_macro is
  return '
select item_class,
sum(total_cost) sum_cost,
sum(total_resale) sum_resale,
sum(margin) sum_margin
from test_item_class
where rev_id = v_rev_id
group by item_class, rev_id
end test_item_v;
select * from test_item_v(1);

- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
A          1        100         90         10
Best regards, Stew
Chris Saxon
January 19, 2021 - 1:09 pm UTC

Great point Stew

Why use SQL Macro Functions?

Stew Stryker, May 25, 2021 - 9:16 pm UTC

Thanks to Stew Ashton for pointing out that you can use the new SQL Macro Function capabilities to create the equivalent of a view that accepts a parameter.

Pardon my short-sightedness, but why bother to do this? How is this better than having a view, then adding a WHERE clause on one or many fields in the view?
Chris Saxon
May 26, 2021 - 1:21 pm UTC

If you have an inline view like this:

select * from (
  select c1, count(*)
  from   ...
  group by c1

You can't add

where c2 = ...

To the outer query because c2 is only present in the inner query, you need to push it inside the inline view like this:

select * from (
  select c1, count(*)
  from   ...
  where c2 = ...
  group by c1

A regular view is the same principle - there are many cases where filtering outside the view is impossible or gives different results to filtering inside it

sysdate on sql macros

Rajeshwaran, Jeyabal, July 26, 2021 - 3:04 pm UTC


in the below sql macro included the call to dbms_output for debugging purpose.
when passed the date values explicit, working fine.
but when passed as sysdate, it is not working fine, could you please help us to get this understand better.

demo@QES1> select banner_full from v$version;

Oracle Database 19c Enterprise Edition Release - Production

demo@QES1> create or replace function date_range( p_from_dt in date,
  2     p_to_dt in date )
  3  return varchar2
  4  sql_macro is
  5     l_sql long;
  6  begin
  7     dbms_output.put_line(' from_dt = '|| to_char(p_from_dt,'dd-mon-yyyy') ||
  8             ' to_Dt = '|| to_char(p_to_dt,'dd-mon-yyyy') );
 10     l_sql := q'# with date_range( start_dt, end_dt ) as (
 11                                     select to_date('XXX','dd-mon-yyyy') as start_dt,
 12                                             to_date('YYY','dd-mon-yyyy') as end_dt
 13                                     from dual
 14                                     union all
 15                                     select start_dt+1, end_dt
 16                                     from date_range
 17                                     where start_dt+1 <= end_dt )
 18                             select  start_dt from date_range #';
 19     l_sql := replace(l_sql,'XXX',to_char(p_from_dt,'dd-mon-yyyy') );
 20     l_sql := replace(l_sql,'YYY',to_char(p_to_dt,'dd-mon-yyyy') );
 22     dbms_output.put_line(l_sql);
 23     return l_sql;
 24  end;
 25  /

Function created.

demo@QES1> select * from date_range( to_date('01-jul-2021','dd-mon-yyyy'),
  2     to_date('03-jul-2021','dd-mon-yyyy') );


 from_dt = 01-jul-2021 to_Dt = 03-jul-2021
 with date_range( start_dt, end_dt ) as (
                                        select to_date('01-jul-2021','dd-mon-yyyy') as start_dt,
                                                to_date('03-jul-2021','dd-mon-yyyy') as end_dt
                                        from dual
                                        union all
                                        select start_dt+1, end_dt
                                        from date_range
                                        where start_dt+1 <= end_dt )
                                select  start_dt from date_range
demo@QES1> select * from date_range( sysdate, sysdate+3 );


 from_dt =  to_Dt =
 with date_range( start_dt, end_dt ) as (
                                        select to_date('','dd-mon-yyyy') as start_dt,
                                                to_date('','dd-mon-yyyy') as end_dt
                                        from dual
                                        union all
                                        select start_dt+1, end_dt
                                        from date_range
                                        where start_dt+1 <= end_dt )
                                select  start_dt from date_range

Chris Saxon
July 26, 2021 - 3:31 pm UTC

This looks suspiciously like an example from a recent post by Jonathan Lewis:

As he notes there, all the date replacement, to_char, etc. is unnecessary. You use the parameter names directly as-is the text of the macro you return. The problem is there's currently a bug when using the WITH clause.


hard parse, February 08, 2022 - 2:31 pm UTC

when passed the date values explicit, working fine.
but when passed as sysdate, it is not working fine,

Parameters should not be used in the body of sql_macro itself, other than dbms_tf.table_t and dbms_tf.columns_t. The body is executed only on hardparse, the runtime values of columns, variables and functions (sysdate) are not available.

The strangeness of the implementation is that the number and date13 literals are available in the body of the function, but varchar2 and date12 are not.
Chris Saxon
February 08, 2022 - 3:16 pm UTC

Parameters should not be used in the body of sql_macro itself, other than dbms_tf.table_t and dbms_tf.columns_t.


The strangeness of the implementation is that the number and date13 literals are available in the body of the function, but varchar2 and date12 are not.

I'm unclear what you mean by date12/13, but varchar2 literals are always null in the function body; number and date literals are still accessible.

date and timestamp

dualism, February 08, 2022 - 9:56 pm UTC

I'm unclear what you mean by date12/13

Internal date format is 12 or 13 bytes.
SQL> select dump(date '1-1-1') d13, dump(cast(date '1-1-1' as date)) d12 from dual;

                             D13                                D12
________________________________ __________________________________
Typ=13 Len=8: 1,0,1,1,0,0,0,0    Typ=12 Len=7: 100,101,1,1,1,1,1

SQL> with function fu21c(
  2    s varchar2, c clob, vs ku$_vcnt,
  3    d13 date, d12 date,
  4    r raw, n number
  5  ) return varchar2 sql_macro as
  6    function q(l varchar2, v varchar2) return varchar2 as
  7    begin
  8      return 'select '''||replace(l, '''', '''''')||''' par, '''
  9                        ||replace(v, '''', '''''')||''' val from dual
 10  ';
 11    end;
 12  begin
 13    return           q('varchar2', s)
 14    ||'union all '|| q('clob',     to_char(c))
 15    ||'union all '|| q('ku$_vcnt', vs(1))
 16    ||'union all '|| q('date13', to_char(d13,'yyyy-mm-dd'))
 17    ||'union all '|| q('date12', to_char(d12,'yyyy-mm-dd'))
 18    ||'union all '|| q('raw',    rawtohex(r))
 19    ||'union all '|| q('number', to_char(n));
 20  end;
 21  select *
 22  from fu21c('str1', to_clob('str2'), ku$_vcnt('str3'),
 23             date '1-1-1', cast(date '1-1-1' as date),
 24             hextoraw('414243'), 123);
 25* /

        PAR           VAL
___________ _____________
ku$_vcnt    str3
date13      0001-01-01
raw         414243
number      123

Chris Saxon
February 09, 2022 - 2:41 pm UTC

I see thanks


M. Soliman, February 24, 2022 - 7:44 am UTC

Hi Chris ,

Can i use DBMS_RLS kage to add Dynamic Policy to view that will acts like dynamic where condition in view ?

Kindly .. Explain this feature

Chris Saxon
February 24, 2022 - 1:57 pm UTC

DBMS_RLS is part of Virtual Private Database (VPD). This transparently adds where clauses to queries against on the table the policy is on.

It's "sort-of" dynamic, because you can define criteria to conditionally apply the policy - e.g. only for certain users. Whether this achieves what you want depends on what you're trying to do.

Read up on how this works in the docs:

If you have a specific question about how this works, submit a new question explaining what you're trying to do.

ORA-22905 on parameterized view

Youcef Kazar, November 14, 2023 - 1:35 pm UTC

hi Chris,
I followed the tutorial you provided ( )

i have created a SQL Macro :

create or replace FUNCTION FAILURES_SUMMARY(p_periode_start_date DATE DEFAULT trunc(sysdate , 'MM')
    , p_periode_end_date   DATE default sysdate) 
                   RETURN clob SQL_MACRO as
  RETURN q'{

    , u.operation_type_id
    , ot.operation_type
    , ot.operation_nature_id
    , opn.OPERATION_NATURE_NAME AS operation_nature
    , vt.equipment_name
    , vt.machine_id
    , vt.machine_name
    , vt.machine_nature
    , CASE
      WHEN vt.machine_nature = 1 THEN
      'Turbo Alternateurs'
      'Machine Principales'
      END AS machine_nature_name
    , mop.ouvrage
    , vt.ppl_category_id
    , pc.ppl_category_type as ppl_category_name
    , u.unavailibility_report_date
    , availibility_date
    , nvl(
        OVER(PARTITION BY vt.pipleline_code, pc.ppl_category_type, vt.machine_nature ), 0
    )   AS tot_failures
        OVER(PARTITION BY vt.pipleline_code, pc.ppl_category_type, vt.machine_nature, u.operation_type_id), 0
    )   AS tot_failures_by_operation_nature
    --, periode_length(u.unavailibility_report_date, p_periode_start_date, p_periode_end_date)
    , CASE
      WHEN unavailibility_report_date > trunc(
          sysdate, 'MM'
      ) THEN
          sysdate - unavailibility_report_date, 0
          sysdate - trunc(
              sysdate, 'MM'
          ), 0
      END AS tot_failure_days
    unavailibility_reporting   u
    LEFT JOIN mnt_tree                   vt ON u.equipment_id = vt.equipment_id
    LEFT JOIN PIPELINE_CATEGORIES        pc ON pc.ppl_category_id = vt.ppl_category_id
    LEFT JOIN machine_operating_pipeline mop ON vt.machine_id = mop.machine_id
    LEFT JOIN operations_types           ot ON ot.operation_type_id = u.operation_type_id
    left join operation_natures          opn on ot.OPERATION_NATURE_ID = opn.OPERATION_NATURE_ID
  }' ;

But when running macro FAILURES_SUMMARY using the following query:

select * from FAILURES_SUMMARY(p_periode_start_date => to_date('14/11/2023','dd/mm/yyyy')
                               ,p_periode_end_date => to_date('10/11/2023','dd/mm/yyyy'));

i get the below error:

ORA-22905: cannot access rows from a non-nested table item
22905. 00000 - "cannot access rows from a non-nested table item"
*Cause: attempt to access rows of an item whose type is not known at
parse time or that is not of a nested table type
*Action: use CAST to cast the item to a nested table type
Error at Line: 1 Column: 15
Chris Saxon
November 17, 2023 - 11:02 am UTC

A lot is going in that SQL statement. Can you narrow down exactly what the problem is? And create a test case (create table + inserts + query) you can share with us?

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