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  • Script to allow specific users the ability to kill a session


May 4th

Question and Answer

Connor McDonald

Thanks for the question, Carla.

Asked: March 03, 2017 - 11:04 pm UTC

Last updated: March 05, 2017 - 12:38 am UTC


Viewed 1000+ times

You Asked


Is there a script available that can kill a session but will only allow specific users (pre-defined in the script) the capability to perform the kill? If not, how can this be performed?

and Connor said...

Here's an example of one my own that I've used on client sites in the past. You would (should) augment/test/tailor the script for your own needs

Sample Usage
By default, we report any session that has a status of active or killed. We'll see the session details, whether it's running or blocked, plus the SQL ID etc.

SQL> select * from table(sys.my_session.s);

Session       User/Elapsed Secs       Current SQL     Status        Program                                 Blocked by Session
257,5501      ASKTOM (0)              89uk42w1xkdty   ACTIVE        sqlplus.exe-comcdona
368,43752     ASKTOM (12)             a40p1nyb24j18   ACTIVE        sqlplus.exe-comcdona

Alternatively, we can pass in "ALL" to see all sessions

SQL> select * from table(sys.my_session.s('all'));

Session       User/Elapsed Secs       Current SQL     Status        Program                                 Blocked by Session
1,13808       SYS (1769614)                           INACTIVE      VKTM-oracle
2,23469       SYS (1769611)                           INACTIVE      DIAG-oracle
3,36185       SYS (1769611)                           INACTIVE      DBW0-oracle
4,21472       SYS (1769611)                           INACTIVE      SMON-oracle
5,8033        SYS (1769611)                           INACTIVE      PXMN-oracle
6,16680       SYS (1769605)                           INACTIVE      TMON-oracle
7,61493       SYS (1769605)                           INACTIVE      ARC3-oracle
9,16830       APEX_PUBLIC_USER (1122)                 INACTIVE      APEX Listener-oracle
11,3902       SYS (1769590)                           INACTIVE      CJQ0-oracle
12,20631      SYS (1769587)                           INACTIVE      QM00-oracle
14,50003      APEX_LISTENER (949)                     INACTIVE      APEX Listener-oracle
17,2037       SYS (1769585)                           INACTIVE      Q009-oracle
22,41550      SYS (125)                               INACTIVE      W002-oracle
26,52963      ORDS_PUBLIC_USER (99637)                INACTIVE      APEX Listener-oracle
28,27784      SYS (3693)                              INACTIVE      W007-oracle
30,9396       ORDS_PUBLIC_USER (1306)                 INACTIVE      APEX Listener-oracle
119,21406     SYS (1769614)                           INACTIVE      GEN0-oracle
120,9696      SYS (1769611)                           INACTIVE      DBRM-oracle
121,65040     SYS (1769611)                           INACTIVE      LGWR-oracle
122,64828     SYS (1769611)                           INACTIVE      LG01-oracle
123,65400     SYS (1769611)                           INACTIVE      MMON-oracle

By default, you can just call the "kill" routine and we'll look for a single session that

- has been active for more than 10 seconds,
- is owned by you,
- is within a list of known user accounts
- is running on your terminal,
- came from sqlplus or sql developer,
- is not a parallel slave

etc etc....Basically you edit the code to be as restrictive as required to protect people from themselves :-)

I'm just dbms_output-ing in this case, but you get the idea. We first try a kill, and then attempt a disconnect as well.

SQL> exec sys.my_session.kill
alter system kill session '368,43752' immediate
alter system disconnect session '368,43752'

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

You can see that this was the only applicable ASKTOM process from the active list in the first query.

If we don’t find a session, or find more than 1 session, you'll get errors, eg

SQL> exec sys.my_session.kill
BEGIN my_session.kill; END;

ERROR at line 1:
ORA-20000: No suitable session found for killing

SQL> exec sys.my_session.kill
BEGIN my_session.kill; END;

ERROR at line 1:
ORA-20000: More than one session found.  Pass in the SID number

In the latter case, you can do a more selective kill, eg

SQL> exec sys.my_session.kill(368)
alter system kill session '368,43752' immediate

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

And here is the source

create or replace
package sys.my_session is

  procedure kill(p_sid number default null);

  function s(p_type varchar2 default 'ACTIVE') return sys.odcivarchar2list pipelined;


-- Choose (wisely) which schemas you want to give access to this
grant execute on sys.my_session to ???????;

create or replace
package body sys.my_session is

procedure kill(p_sid number default null) is
  l_sid     int;
  l_serial# int;
  l_user    varchar2(30) := user;
  select s.sid, s.serial#
  into   l_sid, l_serial#
  from   v$session s,
         v$px_session p

  -- Here is where you implement all the rules for controlling exactly *what* sessions
  -- people will be allowed to kill.

  -- must be my own login
  where  s.username = l_user
  -- must be running something for 10 seconds or more
  and    s.status = 'ACTIVE'
  and    s.last_call_et > 10
  -- must be SQL Dev or SQL Plus
  and    ( upper(s.program) like '%SQLPLUS%'
        or upper(s.program) like '%SQL%DEVELOPER%'
  -- must be an account we're allowed to kill (just in case they circumvent the 'own login' check above)
  and   s.username in ('??????','??????')
  -- must be on the same machine as the problem session
  and   upper(s.terminal) = upper(sys_context('USERENV','TERMINAL'))
  -- allow override for explicit sid
  and   s.sid = nvl(p_sid,s.sid)
  -- must not be a parallel slave
  and   s.sid = p.sid(+)
  and   s.serial# = p.serial#(+)
  and   s.sid != p.qcsid(+)
  and   p.sid is null;

    dbms_output.put_line('alter system kill session '''||l_sid||','||l_serial#||''' immediate');
--    execute immediate 'alter system kill session '''||l_sid||','||l_serial#||''' immediate';
    when others then null;

    dbms_output.put_line('alter system disconnect session '''||l_sid||','||l_serial#||'''');
--    execute immediate 'alter system disconnect session '''||l_sid||','||l_serial#||'''';
    when others then null;
  -- No session found, means you're fine or trying to be nasty
  when no_data_found then
     raise_application_error(-20000,'No suitable session found for killing');
  -- More than one session found, means we'll need the sid explicitly
  when too_many_rows then
     raise_application_error(-20000,'More than one session found.  Pass in the SID number');

function s(p_type varchar2 default 'ACTIVE') return sys.odcivarchar2list pipelined is
 for i in ( 
    select row_number() over ( order by s.sid)  r, s.sid, s.serial#,
      || ' ('||s.last_call_et||')' username,
      case when s.lockwait is null then
           case when s.username is null then
      else 'BLOCKED'
      end status,
      nvl(s.sql_id,' ') sql_id,
      nvl(case when s.program is not null then
             ( case when s.program like 'oracle%(%)%' then regexp_substr(s.program,'^oracle.*\((.*)\).*$',1, 1, 'i', 1)
                    else s.program
                    end )
           when s.username is null then ( select p.program
                                          from   v$process p
                                          where  s.PADDR = p.ADDR )
           end || '-' || s.osuser,' ') program ,
           nvl(to_char(blocking_session),' ') blocking_session,
             when blocking_session is null then cast(null as varchar2(1))
              cast(( select substr(s1.osuser||'-'||s1.program,1,60)
                from   v$session s1
                where s1.sid = s.blocking_session
              ) as varchar2(60))
           end,' ') blocker
    from v$session s,
              ( select sid job_sid
                from   v$lock
                where  type = 'JQ' ) j
    where s.sid = j.job_sid(+)
    and (
          ( upper(p_type) = 'ACTIVE' 
            and s.status in ('ACTIVE','KILLED')
            and ( s.username is not null or ( s.username is null and s.last_call_et < 300 ) )
          upper(p_type) = 'ALL'
    order by s.sid
   if i.r = 1 then
     pipe row ( rpad('Session',14)||
                rpad('User/Elapsed Secs',24)||
                rpad('Current SQL',16)||
                rpad('Blocked by Session',20)
     pipe row ( rpad('-',14,'-')||
   end if;
   pipe row ( rpad(i.sid||','||i.serial#,14)||
 end loop;


sho err
select * from table(my_session.s('all'));


  (2 ratings)

Is this answer out of date? If it is, please let us know via a Comment


Excellent and fast response

A reader, March 04, 2017 - 3:15 pm UTC

Thank you very much Connor.
Your method is great and actually more complex than what I was looking for (but excellevt for down the road).

I was looking for something that may be run adhoc (not automatically), that only a set number of users (less than five specific users) will be able to execute the kill command that's incorporated in the script. The script will be placed in the application that many use, but only the above users should be able to perform the kill command.

So perhaps a check in the script to ensure the person is one of the users defined in the script, if not, then the kill command will not run.

Connor McDonald
March 05, 2017 - 12:38 am UTC

Same logic applies.

a) create a procedure owned by a privileged account (ie, has the capacity to execute the kill command)

b) grant execute on the procedure to only the 5 users that should have access to it

c) inside the proc you can have additional checks etc

What would Tom say??

John, March 06, 2017 - 8:19 am UTC

    when others then null;


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