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May 4th

Question and Answer

Chris Saxon

Thanks for the question, Gordan.

Asked: February 20, 2018 - 11:00 am UTC

Last updated: April 24, 2019 - 1:38 pm UTC

Version: 11g Release 2 Express Edition

Viewed 1000+ times

You Asked

I am sorry for asking this seemingly trivial question, but I have been struggling with it for some time, my deadline is approaching and I can't find any answers for it.

I have 3 tables:
Calendar table:

Employee table


Attendance table

cj_emp_cal references cj_cal and cj_emp using a foreign key.

I need to create an interactive report where I will display all the employees in separate rows and have columns for each day of a selected month. All the employees have been 'assigned' a working day in the CJ_EMP_CAL table and I need to display the status (A - Absent, P - Present, OT - Overtime, V - vacation) in the report for each day and each employee respectively.
I also need to add two more columns as data for each employee (cj_emp.department and cj_emp.station).

Thank you for being a wonderful resource!

Best regards,

with LiveSQL Test Case:

and Chris said...

So, if an employee has no entry in CJ_EMP_CAL, does that mean they should be shown as absent? Or something else?

In any case, it sounds like you need to show all the rows from CJ_CAL in the timeframe. Then any related rows in the other tables. So you need to outer join them all together.

Which gives a query like:

select c.cal_date, s.stat_name, ec.emp_id, e.department , e.station
from   CJ_CAL c
left join CJ_EMP_CAL ec 
on    c.cal_id = ec.cal_id
and   ec.emp_id in (1, 2, 3, 4)
left join  CJ_EMP e
on    e.emp_id = ec.emp_id
left join CJ_STATUS s
on    ec.status = s.stat_id
where  c.cal_date >= date'2018-02-01'
and    c.cal_date < date'2018-02-08'
order  by ec.emp_id, c.cal_date;

01-FEB-2018 06:08:04   OVERTIME           1 GSE          YHM       
02-FEB-2018 06:08:04   PRESENT            1 GSE          YHM       
03-FEB-2018 06:08:04   OVERTIME           1 GSE          YHM       
04-FEB-2018 06:08:04   ABSENT             1 GSE          YHM       
05-FEB-2018 06:08:04   OVERTIME           1 GSE          YHM       
06-FEB-2018 06:08:04   PRESENT            1 GSE          YHM       
07-FEB-2018 06:08:04   PRESENT            1 GSE          YHM       
01-FEB-2018 06:08:04   VACATION           2 GSE          YHM       
02-FEB-2018 06:08:04   ABSENT             2 GSE          YHM       
03-FEB-2018 06:08:04   OVERTIME           2 GSE          YHM       
04-FEB-2018 06:08:04   OVERTIME           2 GSE          YHM       
05-FEB-2018 06:08:04   ABSENT             2 GSE          YHM       
06-FEB-2018 06:08:04   PRESENT            2 GSE          YHM       
07-FEB-2018 06:08:04   OVERTIME           2 GSE          YHM       
01-FEB-2018 06:08:04   ABSENT             3 GSE          YHM       
02-FEB-2018 06:08:04   OVERTIME           3 GSE          YHM       
03-FEB-2018 06:08:04   OVERTIME           3 GSE          YHM       
04-FEB-2018 06:08:04   ABSENT             3 GSE          YHM       
05-FEB-2018 06:08:04   OVERTIME           3 GSE          YHM       
06-FEB-2018 06:08:04   PRESENT            3 GSE          YHM       
07-FEB-2018 06:08:04   VACATION           3 GSE          YHM       
01-FEB-2018 06:08:04   ABSENT             4 GSE          YVR       
02-FEB-2018 06:08:04   VACATION           4 GSE          YVR       
03-FEB-2018 06:08:04   PRESENT            4 GSE          YVR       
04-FEB-2018 06:08:04   OVERTIME           4 GSE          YVR       
05-FEB-2018 06:08:04   PRESENT            4 GSE          YVR       
06-FEB-2018 06:08:04   OVERTIME           4 GSE          YVR       
07-FEB-2018 06:08:04   ABSENT             4 GSE          YVR


  (4 ratings)

Is this answer out of date? If it is, please let us know via a Comment



Gordan, February 20, 2018 - 2:47 pm UTC

Hey Chris,

it's not quite what I'm looking for.
The report has a predefined format:
employee_id, employee_name, department, station, 1, 2, 3, 4,... 31

the number columns being the day in a given month.

There are records for calendar dates in cj_cal
and for each record from cj_emp there is data inserted in cj_emp_cal.

The administrator will then need to mark attendance for each day (based on cj_emp_cal) and I will need to provide the report, so an example record in the repord would be:

11, John, GSE, YHM, P, P, P, A, P, OT ....
(P - present, A - Absent etc.)
Regardless of the definition of the statuses I still have to provide the status for each day from CJ_EMP_CAL for that employee.
Chris Saxon
February 21, 2018 - 2:24 pm UTC

See the review below

PIVOT by another other name...

Duke Ganote, February 20, 2018 - 6:09 pm UTC

So it's just a pivot and adding in a few more columns, right?

select e.emp_id, e.last_name
     , max(case extract(day from cal_date) when 1 then s.stat_name end) as "1"
     , max(case extract(day from cal_date) when 2 then s.stat_name end) as "2"
     , max(case extract(day from cal_date) when 3 then s.stat_name end) as "3"
     , max(case extract(day from cal_date) when 4 then s.stat_name end) as "4"
     , max(case extract(day from cal_date) when 5 then s.stat_name end) as "5"
     , max(case extract(day from cal_date) when 6 then s.stat_name end) as "6"
     , max(case extract(day from cal_date) when 7 then s.stat_name end) as "7"
     , max(case extract(day from cal_date) when 8 then s.stat_name end) as "8"
     , max(case extract(day from cal_date) when 9 then s.stat_name end) as "9"
     , max(case extract(day from cal_date) when 28 then s.stat_name end) as "28"
     , max(case extract(day from cal_date) when 29 then s.stat_name end) as "29"
     , max(case extract(day from cal_date) when 30 then s.stat_name end) as "30"
     , max(case extract(day from cal_date) when 31 then s.stat_name end) as "31"
  from cj_emp_cal EC
  join cj_cal C
    on c.cal_id = ec.cal_id
  join cj_emp e
    on e.emp_id = ec.emp_id
  join ( select stat_id, substr(stat_name,1,1) as stat_name from cj_status ) s
    on s.stat_id = ec.status
 where TRUNC(cal_date,'MM') = date'2018-02-01' 
 and status is not null
group by e.emp_id, e.last_name order by 1;

EMP_ID LAST_NAME 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 28 29 30 31
1 Hand A P O V A O A A A  -   -   -   - 
2 Bulthuis A V P A O O A V A  -   -   -   - 
3 Setchell O O O A O P O O O  -   -   -   - 
4 Espada A A A A A O A O O  -   -   -   - 
5 Santiago V A P O O A V A O  -   -   -   - 
6 Gillespie V A V A O A P A A  -   -   -   - 
7 Westerterp O A A V O O P P O  -   -   -   - 
8 Franklin P V A A O P O O A  -   -   -   - 
9 Perry O O A A O O O P P  -   -   -   - 
10 Matt A O P A A V P O P  -   -   -   - 
11 Jodilynn O P O O P P O O P  -   -   -   - 
12 Mackenzie O P O A A A P V O  -   -   -   - 
13 Brent O O A P O O P P A  -   -   -   - 
14 Robert O A O A O P V P P  -   -   -   - 
15 Ross O V O O A V A P O  -   -   -   - 
16 Smerilli O P P A A O O A O  -   -   -   - 
17 Kevin V O A A O A V O V  -   -   -   - 
18 Beam P O O O O A V O P  -   -   -   - 
19 Linger O A O P A O O A A  -   -   -   - 

Chris Saxon
February 21, 2018 - 2:24 pm UTC

Seems so, may as well use regular pivot:

with rws as (
  select e.emp_id, e.last_name, extract(day from cal_date) dy, s.stat_name
  from   cj_emp_cal EC
  join   cj_cal C
  on     c.cal_id = ec.cal_id
  join   cj_emp e
  on     e.emp_id = ec.emp_id
  join   ( 
    select stat_id, substr(stat_name,1,1) as stat_name from cj_status 
  ) s
  on     s.stat_id = ec.status
  where  TRUNC(cal_date,'MM') = date'2018-02-01' 
  and    status is not null
  select * from rws
  pivot (
    min(stat_name) for dy in (1,2,3,4,5) --etc.

EMP_ID   LAST_NAME    1   2   3   4   5   
       3 Setchell     A   O   O   A   O   
      17 Kevin        P   A   O   O   A   
       8 Franklin     V   O   A   A   P   
      13 Brent        P   A   P   O   P   
      16 Smerilli     O   A   O   A   P   
       9 Perry        O   V   P   A   O   
      11 Jodilynn     O   O   O   V   O   
      15 Ross         A   O   O   O   A   
      19 Linger       P   P   A   A   P   
       1 Hand         O   P   O   A   O   
      12 Mackenzie    A   V   O   A   A   
       6 Gillespie    A   O   O   V   O   
       7 Westerterp   P   A   O   V   A   
      10 Matt         O   A   O   P   O   
      14 Robert       A   O   O   V   O   
       4 Espada       A   V   P   O   P   
       5 Santiago     P   A   V   O   P   
      18 Beam         O   O   O   V   O   
       2 Bulthuis     V   A   O   O   A 


Gordan, February 23, 2018 - 8:05 pm UTC

Hey Chris,

I ended up 'bruteforcing' it with cases, but I will definitely switch it to the pivot. It is just what I needed!

Thank you for the introduction to pivots in Oracle SQL!
Thank you for being such a wonderful team!

Connor McDonald
February 24, 2018 - 1:19 am UTC

Glad we could help

In, out, and lunch break time

kuttikumar, April 23, 2019 - 1:21 pm UTC

EMP_ID LAST_NAME 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 28 29 30 31
1 Hand A P O V A O A A A - - - -
2 Bulthuis A V P A O O A V A - - - -
3 Setchell O O O A O P O O O - - - -
4 Espada A A A A A O A O O - - - -
5 Santiago V A P O O A V A O - - - -
6 Gillespie V A V A O A P A A - - - -
7 Westerterp O A A V O O P P O - - - -
8 Franklin P V A A O P O O A - - - -
9 Perry O O A A O O O P P - - - -
10 Matt A O P A A V P O P - - - -
11 Jodilynn O P O O P P O O P - - - -
12 Mackenzie O P O A A A P V O - - - -
13 Brent O O A P O O P P A - - - -
14 Robert O A O A O P V P P - - - -
15 Ross O V O O A V A P O - - - -
16 Smerilli O P P A A O O A O - - - -
17 Kevin V O A A O A V O V - - - -
18 Beam P O O O O A V O P - - - -
19 Linger O A O P A O O A A - - - -

i want (P) in time, out time and lunch break time details.

for example
EMP_ID LAST_NAME 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 28 29 30 31
1 Hand P O V A O A A A ..........
in 9.00 Am
breakin 1.30 PM
breakout 2.30 PM
out 6.00 PM

Chris Saxon
April 24, 2019 - 1:38 pm UTC

And how exactly would we infer those details from the source data?

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