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  • How to estimate the daily growth of all tablespaces


May 4th

Question and Answer

Connor McDonald

Thanks for the question, Roberto.

Asked: September 07, 2017 - 7:12 pm UTC

Last updated: September 11, 2017 - 8:23 am UTC

Version: 11g

Viewed 10K+ times! This question is

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Im trying to find a way of estimating the daily rate of growth in bytes of all system and user tablespaces (specifically the tables and indexes contained in the tablespaces).

To my understanding, Oracle doesn't provide a mechanism that returns the rate of growth in bytes of a tablespace (please correct me if there's a query to get this) so my approach is to calculate the size of the tablespaces (tables and indexes) on a daily basis and then subtract the size in bytes of one day to another, to estimate the daily growth

To do this I'm using the following query, which gets the tablespace_name, the sum in bytes of the tablespace tables and indexes (both user and system ones), and the time the query was executed

  sum(bytes) "BYTES",
    sum(bytes) "BYTES",
  FROM user_segments
  WHERE segment_type = 'INDEX' OR segment_type = 'TABLE'
  GROUP BY tablespace_name, current_timestamp
    sum(bytes) "BYTES",
  FROM dba_segments
  WHERE segment_type = 'INDEX' OR segment_type = 'TABLE'
  GROUP BY tablespace_name, current_timestamp)
GROUP BY tablespace_name, current_timestamp;

Is this query correct to what I'm looking for? Are this really the sum of the bytes of the tables and indexes by tablespace or am I missing something?
Is there any way to estimate the growth in bytes of the tablespaces instead of subtracting the sum of bytes on a daily basis?

Thanks in advance,

and Connor said...

I can make use of dba_hist_tbspc_space_usage which is snapshots in time of tablespace usage

SQL> desc dba_hist_tbspc_space_usage
 Name                                                                    Null?    Type
 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- -----------------------------------
 SNAP_ID                                                                          NUMBER
 DBID                                                                    NOT NULL NUMBER
 TABLESPACE_ID                                                                    NUMBER
 TABLESPACE_SIZE                                                                  NUMBER
 TABLESPACE_MAXSIZE                                                               NUMBER
 TABLESPACE_USEDSIZE                                                              NUMBER
 RTIME                                                                            VARCHAR2(25)
 CON_DBID                                                                         NUMBER
 CON_ID                                                                           NUMBER

We dont have tablespace *name* in there, but we can get that with v$tablespace

SQL> desc v$tablespace
 Name                                                                    Null?    Type
 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- -----------------------------------
 TS#                                                                              NUMBER
 NAME                                                                             VARCHAR2(30)
 INCLUDED_IN_DATABASE_BACKUP                                                      VARCHAR2(3)
 BIGFILE                                                                          VARCHAR2(3)
 FLASHBACK_ON                                                                     VARCHAR2(3)
 ENCRYPT_IN_BACKUP                                                                VARCHAR2(3)
 CON_ID                                                                           NUMBER

And to make those snap_id's to calendar dates, we can use dba_hist_snapshot

SQL> desc dba_hist_snapshot
 Name                                                                    Null?    Type
 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- -----------------------------------
 SNAP_ID                                                                 NOT NULL NUMBER
 DBID                                                                    NOT NULL NUMBER
 INSTANCE_NUMBER                                                         NOT NULL NUMBER
 STARTUP_TIME                                                            NOT NULL TIMESTAMP(3)
 BEGIN_INTERVAL_TIME                                                     NOT NULL TIMESTAMP(3)
 END_INTERVAL_TIME                                                       NOT NULL TIMESTAMP(3)
 FLUSH_ELAPSED                                                                    INTERVAL DAY(5) TO SECOND(1)
 SNAP_LEVEL                                                                       NUMBER
 ERROR_COUNT                                                                      NUMBER
 SNAP_FLAG                                                                        NUMBER
 SNAP_TIMEZONE                                                                    INTERVAL DAY(0) TO SECOND(0)
 CON_ID                                                                           NUMBER

A quick check of the docs tells us that the figures in dba_hist_tbspc_space_usage are in blocks, so we'll need to bring in dba_tablespaces as well get to the block size (or if you're database is all on 8k you can omit that) but other than that we can put together a query to suit our needs fairly quickly

So something like this should get you started

   trunc(dhtsu.tablespace_size*dt.block_size/1024/1024/1024)  gb,
   trunc(dhtsu.tablespace_usedsize*dt.block_size/1024/1024/1024) gb_used
   dba_hist_tbspc_space_usage dhtsu,
   v$tablespace vts,
   dba_tablespaces dt,
   dba_hist_snapshot dhs
where dhtsu.snap_id = dhs.snap_id
and   dhtsu.tablespace_id = vts.ts#
and          = dt.tablespace_name 
order by 2,1;


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Is this answer out of date? If it is, please let us know via a Comment


Issue with dba_hist_tbspc_space_usage;

Roberto Mora Gonzalez, September 08, 2017 - 2:12 am UTC

I like the approach proposed because it's simple and seems like it would be efficient.

However, I seem to be having an issue with
dba_hist_tbspc_space_usage because (at least when I query its contents) the result is empty

I tried running the query in another machine and in that case I did got results but only from the SYSTEM tablespace, not the others (eg. USERS)

Is there anything I need to tweak to make the snapshots work for me ?

Is there an approach that does not require snapshots but manually querying the database with a scheduled job?

Connor McDonald
September 11, 2017 - 8:23 am UTC

Its possible you are not licensed for the diagnostic pack. Or perhaps try this:

SQL> show parameter control_management_pack_access

NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
------------------------------------ ----------- -------------------
control_management_pack_access       string      DIAGNOSTIC+TUNING

If that is not set, or set to none, you might not be taking snapshot...which means many of the DBA_HIST_... tables will not be populated.

In which case, you'd need to do something equivalent yourself, ie, at regular intervals take a copy of your usage and record it in a date-stamped table.

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