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Question and Answer

Tom Kyte

Thanks for the question.

Asked: March 29, 2001 - 11:27 pm UTC

Last updated: October 02, 2002 - 10:39 am UTC

Version: 8.1.5

Viewed 1000+ times

You Asked

The RBS stores only the rowid for INSERT statements bcos to undo the INSERT, Oracle has to only delete that row. I was wondering with Oracle 8i how does Oracle manage it!! In the Transportable Tablespaces, if we have Transported TS to a database then the rowid might not be unique for that database. In this case what will happen? Is it that new rows will however have unique rowids but the mention of duplication is regarding already existing rows...

I am finding the information from this site very, very useful. And it makes me wonder how you manage to answer questions ranging from development to DBA activities. I really appreciate your knowledge base.



and Tom said...

Thanks for the feedback.

No one ever said a rowid must be unique!!! They don't have to be, consider this tiny example:

tkyte@TKYTE816> create cluster emp_dept_cluster
2 ( deptno number(2) )
3 size 1024
4 /

Cluster created.

tkyte@TKYTE816> create index emp_dept_cluster_idx
2 on cluster emp_dept_cluster
3 /
Index created.

tkyte@TKYTE816> create table emp
2 cluster emp_dept_cluster(deptno)
3 as
4 select * from scott.emp
5 /
Table created.

tkyte@TKYTE816> create table dept
2 cluster emp_dept_cluster(deptno)
3 as
4 select * from scott.dept
5 /
Table created.

tkyte@TKYTE816> select rowid from emp
2 intersect
3 select rowid from dept;


Every rowid assigned to the rows in DEPT have been assigned to the rows in EMP as well. That is because it takes a TABLE + ROWID to uniquely identify a row. The ROWID pseudo column is unique only within a table.


  (7 ratings)

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Size of stored ROWID

Andrew Clarke, April 30, 2002 - 3:43 am UTC

I'm trying to estimate the rollback segment size for a very large insert transaction (potentially 20 million rows).

Does Oracle store the ROWID in its binary form (13 bytes) or in character form (18 bytes)? I would guess the former, but I don't know where to look to find definitive answer.

cheers, APC

Tom Kyte
April 30, 2002 - 7:33 am UTC

You'll never do it that way. The amount of rollback generated will be a function of the indexes as well.

Best bet:

o run your insert transaction for a subset of the rows, say 1,000, then 10,000 then 100,000

o look at your used_ublk in v$transaction after each one (rollback after each insert)

o extrapolate up to 20,000,000 with those three observations.


Shajan Joseph, April 30, 2002 - 10:14 am UTC

Tom, is this correct?

In a non-clustered table, ROWID will be unique. On the other hand, tables belong to same cluster and their rows can have the same ROWID.

Tom Kyte
April 30, 2002 - 11:42 am UTC

No really, not strictly speaking in a semantic sense.

In a TABLE (clustered or otherwise) a rowid will alwyas be UNIQUE.
In a database, a rowid does not have to be UNIQUE, you can have the same rowid for two different tables..

How is that

A reader, May 01, 2002 - 6:04 am UTC


If i understood right what you are trying to say. You mean that there will be two tables inside one block.

This was discussed in one of the groups and thrashed by HJR and You saying that there can be only one table in a Block.

So Now the rowid will change sice the Block is going to change. so how can a database have the same rowid for different tables.

Your comments pls.


Ganesh R

Tom Kyte
May 01, 2002 - 7:28 am UTC


You'll have to point me to that discussion, I know that is false. There can be dozens of tables using a single block -- the data dictionary is full of it -- I spend many pages in my book explaining that. Give me the link into that shows this discussion.

I don't know what you mean by:

"So Now the rowid will change sice the Block is going to change."

at all. As for "how can a database ..." -- the example above shows HOW. You need an object_name+rowid to get a row. The block format includes a table and row directory on it. If you have my book -- read the chapter on tables, i go into this in detail.

One Segment Inside a Block.

A reader, May 01, 2002 - 8:44 am UTC


Sorry About this but i am not able to lay my hands on that particular thread.

Can i say that A Block can Have Only One Segment inside it. If it is a Heap Table than there will be only table/Segment Right inside the Block. When you take a Cluster it is still one Segment Inside the Block But more than One Table Sharing the same Block and Hence can have the same rowid.

Your comments Pls.


Ganesh R

Tom Kyte
May 01, 2002 - 9:10 am UTC

Ahh - that was the discussion - it was about SEGMENTS, not about tables.

I believe I made an over generalization regarding that with regards to SEGMENTS.

A cluster is a segement.
A table created in a cluster is not.

A table created normally (no cluster) is a segment (or may be made up of segments/partitions)

A segment/ block is accurate. If you were to complete the example above with:

1* select segment_name, segment_type from user_segments

------------------------------ ------------------

it shows the EMP table and DEPT table are *not* segments -- the CLUSTER is.

Thanks a Ton !!!

A reader, May 01, 2002 - 9:17 am UTC


Ganesh R


A reader, May 01, 2002 - 9:32 am UTC

Dear Tom,
So can we conclude that if it is not clusters, than rowid would still be unique accross tables?

Tom Kyte
May 01, 2002 - 9:46 am UTC


Sagi, October 02, 2002 - 8:46 am UTC

Hi Tom!

Is it true that accessing a table is faster than a clustered table? I read this very long ago in some book. But today when i was trying your example i was surprised to see that accessing clustered tables is faster than normal table.

Say we had the below two tables in SCOTT shcema:

Default EMP & DEPT Tables and
EMP1 & DEPT1 (Clustered Tables -- as shown by you in the example)


I find that
SELECT * FROM EMP1 is faster than

So it shows that accessing the clustered tables are faster. Is there any performance issues say if the tables are huge. Would you suggest to have clustered tables created in Production Environment?

Finaly, the table
---- Picked below from your example ---
create table emp1
cluster emp_dept_cluster(deptno)
select * from scott.emp

is this a cluster table. If not then can you explain regarding it.


Tom Kyte
October 02, 2002 - 10:39 am UTC

just keep reading that chapter on tables in my book - over and over.

If one table type was "FASTER" then some other table type for all operations -- tell me -- why would we have it?

All tables are not created equal. They have different characteristics. Your job -- understand what these characteristics are, know when they might apply to a problem at hand (eg: don't run out and make EVERY table an IOT), and use them after benchmarking and testing to destruction.

It would be an utter waste of time for Oracle to have invented a really slow table.

As my book says "you use clustered tables each and every day of your life with Oracle. the data dictionary is built on them".

Read about the different types....
Think about how they are implemented....
Apply them to particular problems when they are relevant....