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  • FORALL Update - Updating multiple columns


May 4th

Question and Answer

Tom Kyte

Thanks for the question, Adam.

Asked: January 03, 2002 - 10:50 am UTC

Last updated: May 11, 2012 - 6:43 am UTC

Version: 8i

Viewed 50K+ times! This question is

You Asked

Sorry for the confusion.

profile_cur has 19 columns and has 1-2 million rows. An UPDATE in the cursor loop will update 1 row and 19 columns at once. The Update is dependent on results of 19 procedures which are quite complex. I can not do a one hit update outside of the cursor loop.

FOR profile_rec IN profile_cur
QuoToPurDays( profile_rec.personid
, profile_rec.QuoToPurDays
, changedFlag );

IF changedFlag = TRUE THEN
UPDATE profile
SET quotopurdays = profile_rec.QuoToPurDays,
WHERE personid = profile_rec.personid;
changedFlag := FALSE;

I tried to use the CURSOR loop to populate a PL table of profilePeople_rec. I tried to use this PL table of records to so a FORALL update etc..

OPEN profile_cur FOR sqlStmt;
FETCH profile_cur INTO profile_rec;

QuoToPurDays( profile_rec.personid
, profile_rec.QuoToPurDays
, changedFlag );

IF changedFlag = TRUE THEN
people_tab(x).personid := profile_rec.personid;
people_tab(x).quotopurdays := profile_rec.quotopurdays;
x := x +1;
changedFlag := FALSE;
CLOSE profile_cur;

FORALL bulkNum IN 1..people_tab.COUNT
UPDATE profile
SET quotopurdays = people_tab(bulkNum).QuoToPurDays,
WHERE personid = people_tab(bulkNum);

Oracle will not allow a FORALL update to use a PL table of records in the update as above etc..

My method of using FORALL to update many columns is by splitting a PL table of a string using SUBSTR in fixed places. This seems a messy way of getting around the problem.

FORALL bulkNum IN 1..people_tab.COUNT
UPDATE profile
SET quotopurdays = LTRIM(SUBSTR(people_tab(bulkNum),0,6)),
maildays = LTRIM(SUBSTR(people_tab(bulkNum),7,9)),
WHERE personid = LTRIM(SUBSTR(people_tab((bulkNum),50,9);

How can you use FORALL to update many rows using a PL table, Collection etc? Am I taking the wrong approach?

Do you agree that FORALL is quicker than an update in the cursor loop?


and Tom said...

Now it makes sense. Ok. What we (well, you) want to do is ARRAY fetch N records, do your thing to them, and ARRAY update N records (or less). We can do that using the following logic. (i don't like that substr trick, just adds overhead). With just 19 columns, you'll want a table/column.

The following example shows how to accomplish this. If you wanted, you could make the L_RECORD variable a package GLOBAL (define it in the body, not in a procedure in the body) and just pass the INDEX around from subroutine to subroutine. That way, all of the subroutines in this package could access the i'th element of the RECORD of TABLES we have defined. It would make argument passing trivial and avoid that substr trick alltogether. Alternatively, you could code it as I have using IN OUT NOCOPY parameters.

So, we'll start with a table to update:

ops$tkyte@ORA817DEV.US.ORACLE.COM> create table emp as select * from scott.emp;
Table created.

and a package spec, we'll definitely be using a package here

ops$tkyte@ORA817DEV.US.ORACLE.COM> create or replace package do_update
2 as
3 procedure do_it;
4 end;
5 /

Package created.

now, we can define a record that represents a row in our table. In this case, it really represents an ARRAY of rows in our table. Note that we are fetching out the ROWID for updating (faster) and we are saving a changed flag as well

ops$tkyte@ORA817DEV.US.ORACLE.COM> create or replace package body do_update
2 as
3 type rowidArray is table of rowid index by binary_integer;
5 type empRec is record
6 (
7 empno dbms_sql.number_table,
8 ename dbms_sql.varchar2_table,
9 job dbms_sql.varchar2_table,
10 mgr dbms_sql.number_table,
11 hiredate dbms_sql.date_table,
12 sal dbms_sql.number_table,
13 comm dbms_sql.number_table,
14 deptno dbms_sql.number_table,
15 rowid rowidArray,
16 changed dbms_sql.varchar2_table
17 );

this little routine just mimicks your setup. We update any empno with an ODD empno

20 procedure QuoToPurDays( p_empno in number, p_ename in out NOCOPY varchar2, p_changed in out NOCOPY varchar2 )
21 is
22 begin
23 if (mod(p_empno,2) = 1 )
24 then
25 p_ename := initcap( p_ename );
26 p_changed := 'Y';
27 end if;
28 end;

now for the meat of the routine. Here we Array fetch N records (set l_array_size to the number of records you want to process. Use numbers between say 100 and 1000 to see what works best for you. Don't go overboard!!)

30 procedure do_it
31 is
32 l_record empRec;
33 l_array_size number default 5;
34 l_done boolean;
35 l_cnt number default 1;
37 cursor c is select emp.*, rowid, 'N' from emp;
38 begin
40 open c;
41 loop

you might want to use dbms_application_info.SET_SESSION_LONGOPS (if you have my book, i have a good example of the use in there). The advantage to that is various tools use that table to show progress -- as well, it will estimate the time to completion for you when possible. Just setting client info though gives you the ability from another session to "see" where you are in your processing, I'll show you the query later

42 dbms_application_info.set_client_info
43 ( 'processing ' || l_cnt || ' thru ' || (l_cnt+l_array_size-1) );

Ok, here we bulk fetch N records into our arrays -- including the rowids and an array of changed flags -- all 'N' to begin with:

45 fetch c bulk collect into l_record.empno, l_record.ename, l_record.job,
46 l_record.mgr, l_record.hiredate,
47 l_record.sal, l_record.comm, l_record.deptno,
48 l_record.rowid, l_record.changed
49 LIMIT l_array_size;
50 l_done := c%notfound;

we need to save this boolean, so we can exit the loop at the end. We might ask for 100 rows -- our last fetch will get say 55 rows -- notfound will be set but we need to process those last 55 FIRST before we exit!

52 for i in 1 .. l_record.empno.count
53 loop
54 QuoToPurDays( l_record.empno(i), l_record.ename(i), l_record.changed(i) );
55 /* ..... */
56 end loop;

there we just do your 19 complex functions.... and then:

58 forall i in 1 .. l_record.empno.count
59 update emp
60 set empno = l_record.empno(i),
61 ename = l_record.ename(i),
62 job = l_record.job(i),
63 mgr = l_record.mgr(i),
64 hiredate = l_record.hiredate(i),
65 sal = l_record.sal(i),
66 comm = l_record.comm(i),
67 deptno = l_record.deptno(i)
68 where rowid = l_record.rowid(i)
69 and l_record.changed(i) = 'Y';

we update the records you need to have updated by rowid. We only update those records where the changed flag = 'Y'.

71 exit when (l_done);
72 l_cnt := l_cnt + l_array_size;
73 end loop;
74 end;
77 end;
78 /

Package body created.

and that is it. Here is an example of it running:

ops$tkyte@ORA817DEV.US.ORACLE.COM> select empno, mod(empno,2), ename from emp;

---------- ------------ ----------
7369 1 SMITH
7499 1 ALLEN
7521 1 WARD
7566 0 JONES
7654 0 MARTIN
7698 0 BLAKE
7782 0 CLARK
7788 0 SCOTT
7839 1 KING
7844 0 TURNER
7876 0 ADAMS
7900 0 JAMES
7902 0 FORD
7934 0 MILLER

14 rows selected.

ops$tkyte@ORA817DEV.US.ORACLE.COM> exec do_update.do_it

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

ops$tkyte@ORA817DEV.US.ORACLE.COM> select empno, mod(empno,2), ename from emp;

---------- ------------ ----------
7369 1 Smith
7499 1 Allen
7521 1 Ward
7566 0 JONES
7654 0 MARTIN
7698 0 BLAKE
7782 0 CLARK
7788 0 SCOTT
7839 1 King
7844 0 TURNER
7876 0 ADAMS
7900 0 JAMES
7902 0 FORD
7934 0 MILLER

14 rows selected.

only the records we wanted updated are...

ops$tkyte@ORA817DEV.US.ORACLE.COM> select username, client_info
2 from v$session
3 where username = user;

processing 11 thru 15

and that shows how to see "where" you are in the processing - -you can run this query repeatedly from another session whilst this procedure runs.

Note: you need 816 or update for the LIMIT.


  (46 ratings)

Is this answer out of date? If it is, please let us know via a Comment


Just kibitzing

A reader, January 04, 2002 - 9:51 am UTC

Swell example of just how bulk collects, collections and bulk insert/updates ought to interact. For maintainability, and since I'm a lazy typist, I'd make a couple of changes to the code pro-forma.

In lieu of your record of dbms_sql.*_table's I'd use a PL/SQL table (or perhaps varray?) but most importantly declare it based on the structure of the cursor for ease of maintenance down the road:

5 type empRec is record
6 (
7 empno dbms_sql.number_table,
8 ename dbms_sql.varchar2_table,
9 job dbms_sql.varchar2_table,
10 mgr dbms_sql.number_table,
11 hiredate dbms_sql.date_table,
12 sal dbms_sql.number_table,
13 comm dbms_sql.number_table,
14 deptno dbms_sql.number_table,
15 rowid rowidArray,
16 changed dbms_sql.varchar2_table
17 );


l_records empTab;

And then change the fetch:

fetch c bulk collect into l_record.empno, l_record.ename, l_record.job,
46 l_record.mgr, l_record.hiredate,
47 l_record.sal, l_record.comm, l_record.deptno,
48 l_record.rowid, l_record.changed




Tom Kyte
January 04, 2002 - 1:48 pm UTC

Oh, that you could.... but you cannot....

ops$tkyte@ORA817DEV.US.ORACLE.COM> declare
  2          type empTab is table of emp%rowtype index by binary_integer;
  3          l_records empTab;
  4          cursor c is select * from emp;
  5  begin
  6          open c;
  7          fetch c bulk collect into l_records;
  8          close c;
  9  end;
 10  /
        fetch c bulk collect into l_records;
ERROR at line 7:
ORA-06550: line 7, column 28:
PLS-00597: expression 'L_RECORDS' in the INTO list is of wrong type
ORA-06550: line 7, column 2:
PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored

ops$tkyte@ORA817DEV.US.ORACLE.COM> declare<b>
  2          type empTab is table of number index by binary_integer;</b>
  3          l_records empTab;
  4          cursor c is select<b> empno</b> from emp;
  5  begin
  6          open c;
  7          fetch c bulk collect into l_records;
  8          close c;
  9  end;
 10  /

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

You cannot bulk collect into an ARRAY OF RECORDS.  You can into a RECORD OF ARRAYS..... 

Another Great Explanation

A Thankful DBA, January 04, 2002 - 1:26 pm UTC


I plan on sharing this with all of our developers.



Sasa, January 08, 2002 - 10:44 am UTC

Hi Tom,

Thanks for this explanation.I've tried several times to manage this but couldn't.
Could you please just explain
dbms_sql.number_table .I presume it is declaration of pl/sql table in record type?

Tom Kyte
January 08, 2002 - 11:58 am UTC

Instead of defining my own types -- I borrowed the definitions from dbms_sql:

-- Bulk SQL Types
type Number_Table is table of number index by binary_integer;
type Varchar2_Table is table of varchar2(2000) index by binary_integer;
type Date_Table is table of date index by binary_integer;


they are just plsql table types -- you could define your OWN if you want.

Just a doubt...

Neeti, January 08, 2002 - 12:58 pm UTC

I was always fascinated by the bulk methods but never used
it because I never saw an example of FOR ALL clause with
END LOOP. The example I have seen show only one line
command after FOR ALL so its good to know that FOR ALL
can handle a multi line transaction with END LOOP.

My question is related to the same in this thread
where user wants to collect in bulk and process the data.

Why are using an extra step to process the array of
records and then updating the data in next step.
Why can't we do the processing in FOR ALL block.


Tom Kyte
January 08, 2002 - 2:12 pm UTC

The FOR ALL is just a way to bulk execute a single statement. The END LOOP is *not* associated with it at all. Lets look at the code without the comments:

40 open c;
41 loop
42 dbms_application_info.set_client_info
43 ( 'processing ' || l_cnt || ' thru ' || (l_cnt+l_array_size-1) );
45 fetch c bulk collect into l_record.empno, l_record.ename, ....

50 l_done := c%notfound;
52 for i in 1 .. l_record.empno.count
53 loop
54 QuoToPurDays( l_record.empno(i), l_record.ename(i), ....
55 /* ..... */
56 end loop;

58 forall i in 1 .. l_record.empno.count
59 update emp
60 set empno = l_record.empno(i),
61 ename = l_record.ename(i),
62 job = l_record.job(i),
63 mgr = l_record.mgr(i),
64 hiredate = l_record.hiredate(i),
65 sal = l_record.sal(i),
66 comm = l_record.comm(i),
67 deptno = l_record.deptno(i)
68 where rowid = l_record.rowid(i)
69 and l_record.changed(i) = 'Y';
71 exit when (l_done);
72 l_cnt := l_cnt + l_array_size;
73 end loop;
74 end;

So, in psuedo code:

fetch N records

loop N times, processing N records

for all i in 1 .. N update ...
end loop

the end loop is not associated with the FOR ALL. FOR ALL is a single statement executed atomically.

Excellent explanation

She, April 09, 2002 - 11:38 am UTC

Never knew one could do this using Oracle.
Just great !

bulk update

A reader, August 23, 2002 - 8:19 am UTC

Hi Tom

I have a procedure which takes 10 hours to process 1 million rows, I am not sure if it can be optimized with forall array processing.
The code is something like

IS SELECT cust_id FROM x_temp;
l_custid NUMBER;
l_varob NUMBER;
l_cnt NUMBER := 0;
l_objid NUMBER;
for i in c1
l_cnt := l_cnt + 1;
select blah blah
into l_custid
from x_cust
where cust_id = c1.cust_id;
update x_cust blah blah;
select obj_id
into l_objid
from x_obj
where blah blah;
update x_cust;
when no_data_found then blah blah;
when others then update x_temp;
if l_cnt = 5000 then commit; l_cnt := 0; end if;
end loop;

I have to process row by row and there are 1 million rows. Can this kind of process use array processing? Or conventional cursor is the only bet?

Tom Kyte
August 23, 2002 - 1:58 pm UTC

better idea.

lose the commit.
lose the procedure.

Lets see the blah blah blahs (try to put it in a question, not in a review). I'll betcha we can avoid a ton of the row by row stuff.

that will be array processing on steroids.


SHD, January 09, 2003 - 10:24 am UTC


Why this gives error?

Shaji, May 13, 2003 - 9:48 am UTC

Hi Tom,

I just replicated your do_it procedure in this way

10 OPEN C1;
16* END;
17 /
ERROR at line 12:
ORA-06550: line 12, column 4:
PLS-00497: cannot mix between single row and multi-row (BULK) in INTO list
ORA-06550: line 12, column 4:
PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored

. Why this gave such error and in your case not?

Tom Kyte
May 13, 2003 - 10:30 am UTC

you have an array of records.

I had a record of array's

totally different data structures. 9i permits bulk collection into arrays of records, 8i did not.

Difference between record of arrays and array of records

A reader, May 13, 2003 - 5:39 pm UTC


If you could, can you highlight the differences between an "record of arrays" and "array of records" with some simple examples. And when one might use what?

Tom Kyte
May 13, 2003 - 5:43 pm UTC

sorry -- but seems obvious to me?

an array of records



a record of arrays

a single record with attributes that happen to be arrays.

One would use a record of arrays in 8i to facilitate bulk collects whilst using a record.

Bulk append to a collection

John, May 13, 2003 - 9:52 pm UTC

Hi Tom,

Is it possible to bulk append to a collection. Say I have a collection x that already has 5 elements populated. Now I want to add 10 elements to it. Is there a way to avoid, in the case of nested table, doing
end loop;

Obviouly if I do a select BULK COLLECTION INTO x again, all the 5 existing elements will be over written.

- John

Tom Kyte
May 14, 2003 - 6:36 am UTC

No, not really. You can optimize the extend by extending all N at once but then you would be doing singleton assignments to move the second collection into the first.


Shaji, May 14, 2003 - 4:48 am UTC

Hi Tom,
I just overlooked your above emprec definition. Thanks a lot for the clarification.


Shaji, May 14, 2003 - 4:50 am UTC

Hi Tom,
I just overlooked the emprec definition. Thanx for the clarification.

Simultaneous Updates on different columns

rama, May 15, 2003 - 9:29 am UTC


This is my question.

Table A
ID -- Primary key

Now Session 1:
select 1 into var1 where id = 1 for update;
-- can we say select 1 into var2 where id = 1 for update of col1, col2 ? And does this resolve the lock issue?
update a set col = xxx, col2=yyyy where id = 1;

Session 2:
select 1 into var1 where id = 1 for update;
update a set col4=zzzz, col5=qqqq where id = 1;

Now, when these are executed simultaneouly, though on the same row for DIFFERENT COLUMNS, how to resolve this locking issue. We have these update statements in our batch jobs that get kicked off every night at same time. The values for the columns come from different sources.

Your help would be much appreciated. thanks much.

Tom Kyte
May 15, 2003 - 9:42 am UTC

ROWS are locked, not columns.

two sessions cannot select the same row for update. the "of col1, col2" is used to removed ambiguities in the event the query references more then one table. it does not lock columns.

Thanks !

rama, May 15, 2003 - 10:20 am UTC

Thanks Tom. I thought so, but just want to confirm. thanks again.

Bulk fetch into array of records (objects)

Piotr Jarmuz, May 15, 2003 - 10:32 am UTC

totally different data structures. 9i permits bulk collection into arrays of
records, 8i did not.

Could you please give a small example?
I tried this in 9iR2:

create table rec as select object_id id, object_name name from all_objects where rownum<=100

type record_t is record
id number,
name varchar2(30)

type arr_t is table of record_t;
arr record_t;
select * bulk collect into arr from rec;
for i in 1..100 loop
dbms_output.put_line('id=' || arr(i).id || ' name=' || arr(i).name);
end loop;

The following error has occurred:

ORA-06550: line 11, column 3:
PLS-00497: cannot mix between single row and multi-row (BULK) in INTO list
ORA-06550: line 11, column 34:
PL/SQL: ORA-00904: : invalid identifier
ORA-06550: line 11, column 3:
PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
ORA-06550: line 13, column 16:
PLS-00222: no function with name 'ARR' exists in this scope
ORA-06550: line 13, column 5:
PL/SQL: Statement ignored


Tom Kyte
May 15, 2003 - 10:36 am UTC

ops$tkyte@ORA920LAP> create table rec as select object_id id, object_name name from all_objects where rownum<=100
  2  /

Table created.

ops$tkyte@ORA920LAP> declare
  2  type record_t is record
  3  (
  4  id number,
  5  name varchar2(30)
  6  );
  8  type arr_t is table of record_t;
  9  arr <b>ARR_T;</b>
 10  begin
 11       select * bulk collect into arr from rec;
 12       for i in 1..100 loop
 13            dbms_output.put_line('id=' || arr(i).id || ' name=' || arr(i).name);
 14       end loop;
 15  end;
 16  /
id=17287 name=/1005bd30_LnkdConstant
id=7559 name=/10076b23_OraCustomDatumClosur

your code was trying to bulk collect into a RECORD, not an array of records ;) 

It works

Piotr Jarmuz, May 15, 2003 - 10:36 am UTC


It works! It was my typo:

should be:
arr arr_t;

instead of:
arr record_t;


Bulk updates

lakshmi, May 15, 2003 - 11:23 am UTC


Completion Time with Bulk Fetch and Single Fetch

Vivek Sharma, September 30, 2003 - 7:11 am UTC

Dear Tom,

One of my daily night process takes around 12 hours to completes which processes around 6 Lakhs of rows. The logic built was that the number of rows to be processed are inserted into a table which is first truncated. This is a simple insert (insert into <tablename> select * from <another_tablename>. The logic built by the application tea was

define a cursor
for cursor
processing.... (calling some procedures / functions)
inserting into another table
end loop;

It processes 6 lakhs records. I wanted to use bulk collect feature using records as shown by you in the top. But when compared to single processing the tieme taken is same in both the cases. i.e single record processing takes same amount of time as buld processing. Based on the logic developed by our developer, I have created a package with both the options (Bulk Fetch and Single Fetch).
The package is as under :

create or replace package vivek
procedure do_it;
procedure do_it_single;
function check_odd_even(objid in number) return varchar2;
function check_prime(objid in number) return varchar2;

create or replace package body vivek
type rowidArray is table of rowid index by binary_integer;

type vivekRec is record
t_owner dbms_sql.varchar2_table,
t_object_name dbms_sql.varchar2_table,
t_object_id dbms_sql.number_table,
t_odd_even dbms_sql.varchar2_table,
t_prime dbms_sql.varchar2_table,
t_rowid rowidArray

function check_prime(objid in number)
return varchar2
l_value number default 0;
l_cnt number default 2;
while l_cnt<objid
if l_value=0 then
end if;
end loop;
if l_value = 0 then
return 'Not a Prime No.';
return 'Prime No.';
end if;
-- end of prime function

function check_odd_even(objid in number) return varchar2
l_value number;
if l_value = 0 then
return 'Even';
return 'Odd';
end if;
---------------- end of odd_even function

procedure do_it is
l_record vivekRec;
l_array_size number default 1000;
l_cnt number default 1;
l_start number;
l_run number;
cursor main is
select rowid, owner, object_name, object_id
from vivek_test
where rownum<=20000;
-- execute immediate ('truncate table vivek_completion_time');
update vivek_completion_time
set time_taken=null
where processing_for='Bulk Processing';
open main;
('processing '||l_cnt||' thru '||(l_cnt+l_array_size-1));

fetch main bulk collect into l_record.t_rowid, l_record.t_owner, l_record.t_object_name,
l_record.t_object_id limit l_array_size;

for i in 1..l_record.t_owner.count
-- to check whether the object_id is prime number;
l_record.t_prime(i):= check_prime(l_record.t_object_id(i));
-- check whether the object_id is odd number
l_record.t_odd_even(i) := check_odd_even(l_record.t_object_id(i));
end loop;

forall i in 1..l_record.t_owner.count

-- if l_record.t_prime='Prime No.' and l_record.t_odd_even='Odd' then
insert into vivek_test2_prime(owner, object_name, subobject_name, object_id,
created, last_ddl_time, status)
select l_record.t_owner(i), l_record.t_object_name(i), l_record.t_prime(i),
l_record.t_object_id(i), sysdate, sysdate, l_record.t_odd_even(i)
from vivek_test
where rowid = l_record.t_rowid(i)
and l_record.t_prime(i)='Prime No.';
-- and l_record.t_odd_even(i)='Odd';

forall i in 1..l_record.t_owner.count
insert into vivek_test2_odd(owner, object_name, subobject_name, object_id,
created, last_ddl_time, status)
select l_record.t_owner(i), l_record.t_object_name(i), l_record.t_prime(i),
l_record.t_object_id(i), sysdate, sysdate, l_record.t_odd_even(i)
from vivek_test
where rowid = l_record.t_rowid(i)
and l_record.t_odd_even(i)='Odd';

-- elsif l_record.t_prime='Prime No.' and l_record.t_odd_even='Even' then

forall i in 1..l_record.t_owner.count
insert into vivek_test2_even(owner, object_name, subobject_name, object_id,
created, last_ddl_time, status)
select l_record.t_owner(i), l_record.t_object_name(i), l_record.t_prime(i),
l_record.t_object_id(i), sysdate, sysdate, l_record.t_odd_even(i)
from vivek_test
where rowid = l_record.t_rowid(i)
and l_record.t_odd_even(i)='Even';

-- elsif l_record.t_prime='Not a Prime No.' and l_record.t_odd_even='Even' then
forall i in 1..l_record.t_owner.count
insert into vivek_test2_prime(owner, object_name, subobject_name, object_id,
created, last_ddl_time, status)
select l_record.t_owner(i), l_record.t_object_name(i), l_record.t_prime(i),
l_record.t_object_id(i), sysdate, sysdate, l_record.t_odd_even(i)
from vivek_test
where rowid = l_record.t_rowid(i)
and l_record.t_prime(i)='Not a Prime No.';
-- and l_record.t_odd_even(i)='Even';

forall i in 1..l_record.t_owner.count
insert into vivek_test2(owner, object_name, subobject_name, object_id,
created, last_ddl_time, status)
values (l_record.t_owner(i), l_record.t_object_name(i), l_record.t_prime(i),
l_record.t_object_id(i), sysdate, sysdate, l_record.t_odd_even(i));
exit when main%notfound;

end loop;
close main;
update vivek_completion_time
set time_taken=ltrim(rtrim(to_char(l_run)))||' hsecs.'
where processing_for='Bulk Processing';
-- insert into vivek_completion_time values(l_run||' hsecs.');
-- dbms_output.put_line('Time Taken '||l_run||' secs.');
-- end of do_it procedure

procedure do_it_single is
t_owner vivek_test.owner%type;
t_object_name vivek_test.object_name%type;
t_object_id vivek_test.object_id%type;
l_cnt number default 1;
l_start number;
l_run number;
t_prime varchar2(30);
t_odd_even varchar2(30);
l_array_size number:=20000;

cursor main is
select owner, object_name, object_id
from vivek_test
where rownum<=l_array_size;

update vivek_completion_time
set time_taken=null
where processing_for='Single Processing';
open main;
('processing '||l_cnt||' thru '||(l_array_size));
fetch main into t_owner, t_object_name,
t_prime:= check_prime(t_object_id);
t_odd_even := check_odd_even(t_object_id);

if t_prime='Prime No.' and t_odd_even='Odd' then
insert into vivek_test2_prime(owner, object_name, subobject_name, object_id,
created, last_ddl_time, status)
values(t_owner, t_object_name, t_prime,
t_object_id, sysdate, sysdate, t_odd_even);

insert into vivek_test2_odd(owner, object_name, subobject_name, object_id,
created, last_ddl_time, status)
values (t_owner, t_object_name, t_prime,
t_object_id, sysdate, sysdate, t_odd_even);
elsif t_prime='Prime No.' and t_odd_even='Even' then

insert into vivek_test2_prime(owner, object_name, subobject_name, object_id,
created, last_ddl_time, status)
values(t_owner, t_object_name, t_prime,
t_object_id, sysdate, sysdate, t_odd_even);
insert into vivek_test2_even(owner, object_name, subobject_name, object_id,
created, last_ddl_time, status)
values (t_owner, t_object_name, t_prime,
t_object_id, sysdate, sysdate, t_odd_even);

elsif t_prime='Not a Prime No.' and t_odd_even='Odd' then
-- and l_record.t_odd_even='Even' then
insert into vivek_test2_prime(owner, object_name, subobject_name, object_id,
created, last_ddl_time, status)
values(t_owner, t_object_name, t_prime,
t_object_id, sysdate, sysdate, t_odd_even);
insert into vivek_test2_odd(owner, object_name, subobject_name, object_id,
created, last_ddl_time, status)
values (t_owner, t_object_name, t_prime,
t_object_id, sysdate, sysdate, t_odd_even);
insert into vivek_test2_prime(owner, object_name, subobject_name, object_id,
created, last_ddl_time, status)
values(t_owner, t_object_name, t_prime,
t_object_id, sysdate, sysdate, t_odd_even);
insert into vivek_test2_even(owner, object_name, subobject_name, object_id,
created, last_ddl_time, status)
values (t_owner, t_object_name, t_prime,
t_object_id, sysdate, sysdate, t_odd_even);
end if;
insert into vivek_test2(owner, object_name, subobject_name, object_id,
created, last_ddl_time, status)
values (t_owner, t_object_name, t_prime,
t_object_id, sysdate, sysdate, t_odd_even);
exit when main%notfound;
end loop;
close main;
update vivek_completion_time
set time_taken=ltrim(rtrim(to_char(l_run)))||' hsecs.'
where processing_for='Single Processing';
-- insert into vivek_completion_time values(l_run||' hsecs.');
-- dbms_output.put_line('Time Taken '||l_run||' secs.');

-- end of do_it_single procedure

end; -- end of package

The procedure do_it uses bulk processing with 1000 rows as limit and do_it_single processes single row at a time. the time taken by both the processes is inserted into another table after completion of this process. The check was made for 20000 rows.

-------------------- --------------------
50973 hsecs. Bulk Processing
51774 hsecs. Single Processing

In do_it procedure, everytime the object_id is checked for prime number check and odd_even check. Then it gets inserted using forall. There are no indexes on the main table which is vivek_test.

What I assume is that since I am calling the functions in a loop using for loop and this loop is being executed total no. of records time hence there can be no improvement. Is there any way that I can pass bulk parameters to functions instead of running the loop 20000 times. How do I improve the performance of do_it procedure over do_it_single procedure. I have also tried to skip the for loop and modify all the forall's as
insert into vivek_test2_odd(owner, object_name, subobject_name, object_id,
created, last_ddl_time, status)
select l_record.t_owner(i), l_record.t_object_name(i), check_prime(l_record.t_object_id(i)),
l_record.t_object_id(i), sysdate, sysdate, check_odd_even(l_record.t_object_id(i))
from vivek_test
where rowid = l_record.t_rowid(i)
and check_odd_even(l_record.t_object_id(i))='Odd';

But it took more time than the previous.
Please help. This will help me enhance my knowledge towards application tuning. There are 3-4 similar processes which I need to improve in terms of response time.


Tom Kyte
September 30, 2003 - 7:32 am UTC

hmm, thats a ton of code.

if you have my book Expert One on One Oracle -- read chapter 10, learn how to use the tools there. Also refer to the chapter on dbms_profiler -- once you have the SQL perfectly fast.

I cannot read the above code and "tune it" for you -- well, maybe I could but thats not what this is about.

I'd be looking to REMOVE ALL procedural code, period.

Bulk Binding arrays

Kapil, March 06, 2004 - 4:12 am UTC

Hi Tom,

You said that in 8i it would not be possible to bulk collect in arrays of records. I have a similar question for bulk binds. Can we bulk bind arrays of records or arrays of some other data type using the forall statement in 8i. In case it is not possible then can we bulk bind arrays of records/"some data type" using subscripting to bind the element seperately?


Tom Kyte
March 06, 2004 - 8:15 am UTC

You can bulk bind arrays of SCALARS with forall

either a record of arrays
or individual arrays.

Excellent, as always

A reader, August 30, 2004 - 2:01 pm UTC

Thanks for an excellent explanation of the bulk collect and forall. I was able to quickly take your example and apply it to my case. Thanks for helping me keep my job!! =)


A reader, June 27, 2005 - 10:11 am UTC

Hello Tom,
I am making exact the same as you but it dosen't work. Why?
  2    TYPE Service_T IS RECORD
  3    (
  4      id           NUMBER
  5     ,service_name VARCHAR2(250)
  6     ,description  VARCHAR2(100)
  7    );
 10    service_list   Service_T ;
157    service_list.EXTEND;
158           := 1;
159    service.service_name := 'XXX';
160    service.description  := 'YYY';
175    FORALL i IN 1 ..
176      INSERT INTO onmanage.lang_services (id
177                                         ,description
178                                         ,service_name)
179      VALUES (
180             ,service_list.description(i)
181             ,service_list.service_name(i))
182      RETURNING id BULK COLLECT INTO serviceid_list;
ERROR at line 179:
ORA-06550: line 179, column 29:
PL/SQL: ORA-01747: invalid user.table.column, table.column, or column


Tom Kyte
June 27, 2005 - 10:26 am UTC

be nice to have a 100% complete, yet concise, yet compilable example to work with

(bulk collect? on a single row insert??)

Bulk collect

Shahrouz Darvishzadeh, June 27, 2005 - 1:22 pm UTC

Sorry I didn't want to waste your time. Here a "working" fragment of the code. I know how it looks like. Database is getting data from a sensor. Therefore this funny "1 row insertion".

Thank you very much
Shahrouz Darvishzadeh

  2    TYPE Service_T IS RECORD
  3    (
  4      id           NUMBER
  5     ,service_name VARCHAR2(250)
  6     ,description  VARCHAR2(100)
  7    );
  8    TYPE Service_LT   IS TABLE OF Service_T;
  9    service_list   Service_T ; --  := Service_LT();
       serviceid_list ServiceId_LT;
 10  BEGIN
 11    -- ============
 12    -- Prepare data
 13    -- ============
 14    service_list.EXTEND;
 15           := 1002000001;
 16    service.service_name := 'XXX';
 17    service.description  := 'YYY';
 19    -- ===================
 20    -- Insert service data
 21    -- ===================
 22    FORALL i IN 1 ..
 23      INSERT INTO onmanage.lang_services (id
 24                                         ,description
 25                                         ,service_name)
 26      VALUES (
 27             ,service_list.description(i)
 28             ,service_list.service_name(i))
 29      RETURNING id BULK COLLECT INTO serviceid_list;
 30  END;
 31  /
    VALUES (
ERROR at line 26:
ORA-06550: line 26, column 29:
PL/SQL: ORA-01747: invalid user.table.column, table.column, or column
ORA-06550: line 23, column 5:
PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored 

Tom Kyte
June 27, 2005 - 2:23 pm UTC

see the extra dot in there. line 26....

then there is the fact that you defined service_list of type service_t -- but service_t is a record, not a table, so the .extend cannot work.

and then you assign to something called service, but there is not any such variable.

and you are trying to BULK COLLECT, but think about it -- you are doing an insert .. values. there is NOTHING to bulk collect, it is a single row operation!

you can bulk bind a record of arrays, but not the other way about.
and so on.

Thanks a lot

A reader, June 28, 2005 - 3:01 am UTC

Just an Idea...

Richard, June 29, 2005 - 11:03 am UTC

I was very interested in the question posed by "A Reader" (the one where you replied,
"better idea.

lose the commit.
lose the procedure"

Sadly (for A Reader and me), you asked for the question to be asked as a new one. Fair enough, but now I'm wondering if A Reader ever did ask the question, again.

Frustrated, an idea popped into my head: why not have user IDs (a bit like OTN IDs), so that it'd be easy to search for questions asked by certain persons? Also, it'd be nice to be able to sort the "Recent" questions by date, age, and the question-poser's ID.

Bulk Collect, and then FORALL UPDATE

Lise, September 13, 2005 - 7:39 am UTC

Hi Tom,

After reading this thread, could you please confirm that this is the way to declare types/variables for BULK COLLECT with FORALL UPDATE:

CURSOR c_extract IS
SELECT col1, col2 ....;
TYPE rt_extract IS RECORD( col1 dbms_sql.Varchar2_Table,
col2 dbms_sql.Varchar2_Table...);
l_extract rt_extract;
OPEN c_extract;
FETCH c_extract BULK COLLECT INTO l_extract.col1,
FORALL i IN 1..l_extract.col1.COUNT
UPDATE a_table SET a.col3 = l_extract.col1(i) ....;
I will be using l_extract a few more times to update other tables.

Also, would you have any suggestions as how I could make this prettier please?

FORALL i IN 1..l_extract_rt.sl_rowid.COUNT SAVE EXCEPTIONS
INSERT INTO payment_instructions (
, sub_account_id
, min_amount)
SELECT sa.account_id
, sa.sub_account_id
, TO_NUMBER(l_extract_rt.sl_new_repayment_amt(i))
FROM sub_accounts sa
FROM payment_instructions pi2
, sub_accounts sa2
WHERE pi2.ac_transfer_type_id = lc_msapd
AND pi2.next_payment_date = TO_DATE(l_extract_rt.sl_effective_date(i), lc_dt_format))
AND pi2.account_id = sa2.account_id
AND pi2.sub_account_id = sa2.sub_account_id
AND sa2.sub_account_number = l_extract_rt.sl_bn_if_accno(i)
AND sa.sub_account_number = l_extract_rt.sl_bn_if_accno(i)
AND l_extract_rt.sl_first_payment_indicator(i) = lc_first_pymnt
SELECT sa.account_id
, sa.sub_account_id
, TO_NUMBER(l_extract_rt.sl_new_repayment_amt(i))
FROM sub_accounts sa
, payment_instructions pi
FROM payment_instructions pi2
, sub_accounts sa2
WHERE pi2.next_payment_date = TO_DATE(l_extract_rt.sl_effective_date(i), lc_dt_format)
AND pi2.ac_transfer_type_id = lc_msapd
AND pi2.account_id = sa2.account_id
AND pi2.sub_account_id = sa2.sub_account_id
AND sa2.sub_account_number = l_extract_rt.sl_bn_if_accno(i))
AND pi.next_payment_date = (SELECT MAX(pi1.next_payment_date)
FROM payment_instructions pi1
WHERE pi1.next_payment_date < TO_DATE(l_extract_rt.sl_effective_date(i),lc_dt_format)
AND pi1.ac_transfer_type_id = lc_msapd
AND pi1.sub_account_id = sa.sub_account_id
AND pi1.account_id = sa.account_id)
AND pi.ac_transfer_type_id = lc_msapd
AND sa.account_id = pi.account_id
AND sa.sub_account_id = pi.sub_account_id
AND sa.sub_account_number = l_extract_rt.sl_bn_if_accno(i)

Tom Kyte
September 13, 2005 - 12:22 pm UTC

ops$tkyte@ORA9IR2> create table t as select * from all_users where 1=0;

Table created.

ops$tkyte@ORA9IR2> declare
  2          type array is table of t%rowtype;
  3          l_data array;
  4          cursor c is select * from all_users;
  5  begin
  6          open c;
  7          loop
  8                  fetch c bulk collect into l_data limit 10;
  9                  forall i in 1 .. l_data.count
 10                          insert into t values l_data(i);
 11                  exit when c%notfound;
 12          end loop;
 13          close c;
 14  end;
 15  /

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

is another way...

to make that prettier - sure, it would look like this:

-- The logic of the following SELECT is as follows 
-- afdsa fad af daf ad fa fa dfa
-- ............ nice comment explaining what this does 
-- how it does it, and so on...

FORALL i IN 1..l_extract_rt.sl_rowid.COUNT SAVE EXCEPTIONS
INSERT INTO payment_instructions (
                    , sub_account_id
                    , min_amount)
....... code as is, looks pretty to me 

..but I am doing an update not insert

Lise, September 14, 2005 - 8:26 am UTC

Using the definition you suggested is perfect for FORALL inserts. However I wish to perform updates. In that case I would need to do as follows:

type array is table of t%rowtype;
l_data array;
type t_username is table of t.username%TYPE INDEX BY PLS_INTEGER;
l_username t_username;
type t_created is table of t.created%TYPE INDEX BY PLS_INTEGER;
l_created t_created;

cursor c is select * from all_users;
open c;
fetch c bulk collect into l_data limit 10;
for i in 1 .. l_data.count loop
l_username(i) := l_data(i).username;
l_created(i) := l_data(i).created + 1;
end loop;
forall i in 1 .. l_data.count
insert into t values l_data(i);
forall i in 1 .. l_data.count
update t set userid = 'NN', created = l_created(i) where username = l_username(i);
exit when c%notfound;
end loop;
close c;

Tom Kyte
September 14, 2005 - 9:02 am UTC

indeed, sorry, saw the big insert and focused on that. Yes, your approach is the correct one for updates.

(unless of course we can make this a SINGLE update statement -- without any code at all of course!)

FORALL with UPDATE or INSERT depending

Lise, November 09, 2005 - 5:16 am UTC

Hi Tom,

building on my previous question please, how would you go about resolving the issue where either an update or insert is required depending on an indicator.
I have made use of the bulk collect, and then I would like to use forall update/ forall insert. However I know that a forall can only accept one dml statement. I can see in another thread that you offered a way of forall inserting into different tables.
Perhaps the best way would be to use a MERGE statement? PS! I cannot do a forall insert and then a forall update since the records must be processed in timestamp order.
Any hints would be very much appreciated thanks.

Tom Kyte
November 10, 2005 - 5:14 pm UTC

records must be processed in some order??? whoa, backup the bus - set based operations are going to be incredibly problematic there - they have no order of application.


Found another thread - so ignore my last question

Lise, November 09, 2005 - 6:38 am UTC

I can see you have already answered this question somewhere else: </code> <code>

It explains it all. Thanks!

A reader, July 27, 2006 - 5:15 am UTC


Following is our ETL logic. We take one record from a source and then based on some criteria split that record into almost 24 records, and then decide either to update those 24 records or to insert them in the target table. If they already exist then update , and if they don't exist then insert them. 

The source records are around 26000. And after processing them they become 26000 * 24. 
And taking a lot of time.
Can we take some benefit of bulk loading in the following particular scenerio to improve performance. OR anything else that can give us a performance shoot.


Table created.

Elapsed: 00:00:00.00

  2      CURSOR C1 IS
  4      L_EMPNO NUMBER;
  5  BEGIN
  6      FOR REC IN C1 LOOP
  7         BEGIN
  8           SELECT    A.EMPNO
  9               INTO      L_EMPNO
 10           FROM      EMP_ETL A,
 11                         EMP_ETL B,
 12                         EMP_ETL C
 13               WHERE     A.EMPNO = B.EMPNO
 14               AND       A.EMPNO = C.EMPNO
 15               AND       B.EMPNO = C.EMPNO
 16               AND       A.ETL_CRITERIA = 1
 17               AND       B.ETL_CRITERIA = 2
 18               AND       C.ETL_CRITERIA = 3
 19            AND          A.EMPNO = REC.EMPNO;
 20            UPDATE EMP_ETL
 21                 SET     ETL_VALUE     = REC.JOB
 22                 WHERE     ETL_CRITERIA= 1
 23                    AND         EMPNO = REC.EMPNO;
 24                  UPDATE EMP_ETL
 25                 SET ETL_VALUE = REC.SAL
 26                 WHERE ETL_CRITERIA = 2
 27                    AND   EMPNO = REC.EMPNO;
 28                  UPDATE EMP_ETL
 29                 SET ETL_VALUE = REC.DEPTNO
 30                 WHERE ETL_CRITERIA = 3
 31                    AND EMPNO = REC.EMPNO;
 32         EXCEPTION
 33             WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN
 34                     INSERT INTO EMP_ETL
 35                             VALUES (REC.EMPNO,REC.JOB,1);
 36                     INSERT INTO EMP_ETL
 37                             VALUES (REC.EMPNO,REC.SAL,2);
 38                     INSERT INTO EMP_ETL
 39                             VALUES (REC.EMPNO,REC.DEPTNO,3);
 40         END;
 41       END LOOP;
 42* END;
SQL> /

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

Elapsed: 00:00:00.00

     EMPNO ETL_VALUE  ETL_CRITERIA                                              
---------- ---------- ------------                                              
      7369 CLERK                 1                                              
      7369 800                   2                                              
      7369 20                    3                                              
      7499 SALESMAN              1                                              
      7499 1600                  2                                              
      7499 30                    3                                              
      7521 SALESMAN              1                                              
      7521 1250                  2                                              
      7521 30                    3                                              
      7566 MANAGER               1                                              
      7566 2975                  2                                              
      7566 20                    3                                              
      7654 SALESMAN              1                                              
      7654 1250                  2                                              
      7654 30                    3                                              
      7698 MANAGER               1                                              
      7698 2850                  2                                              
      7698 30                    3                                              
      7782 MANAGER               1                                              
      7782 2450                  2                                              
      7782 10                    3                                              
      7788 ANALYST               1                                              
      7788 3000                  2                                              
      7788 20                    3                                              
      7839 PRESIDENT             1                                              
      7839 5000                  2                                              
      7839 10                    3                                              
      7844 SALESMAN              1                                              
      7844 1500                  2                                              
      7844 30                    3                                              
      7876 CLERK                 1                                              
      7876 1100                  2                                              
      7876 20                    3                                              
      7900 CLERK                 1                                              
      7900 950                   2                                              
      7900 30                    3                                              
      7902 ANALYST               1                                              
      7902 3000                  2                                              
      7902 20                    3                                              
      7934 CLERK                 1                                              
      7934 1300                  2                                              
      7934 10                    3                                              

42 rows selected.

Elapsed: 00:00:00.03
  2      CURSOR C1 IS
  4      L_EMPNO NUMBER;
  5  BEGIN
  6      FOR REC IN C1 LOOP
  7         BEGIN
  8           SELECT    A.EMPNO
  9               INTO      L_EMPNO
 10           FROM      EMP_ETL A,
 11                         EMP_ETL B,
 12                         EMP_ETL C
 13               WHERE     A.EMPNO = B.EMPNO
 14               AND       A.EMPNO = C.EMPNO
 15               AND       B.EMPNO = C.EMPNO
 16               AND       A.ETL_CRITERIA = 1
 17               AND       B.ETL_CRITERIA = 2
 18               AND       C.ETL_CRITERIA = 3
 19            AND          A.EMPNO = REC.EMPNO;
 20            UPDATE EMP_ETL
 21                 SET     ETL_VALUE     = REC.JOB
 22                 WHERE     ETL_CRITERIA= 1
 23                    AND         EMPNO = REC.EMPNO;
 24                  UPDATE EMP_ETL
 25                 SET ETL_VALUE = REC.SAL
 26                 WHERE ETL_CRITERIA = 2
 27                    AND   EMPNO = REC.EMPNO;
 28                  UPDATE EMP_ETL
 29                 SET ETL_VALUE = REC.DEPTNO
 30                 WHERE ETL_CRITERIA = 3
 31                    AND EMPNO = REC.EMPNO;
 32         EXCEPTION
 33             WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN
 34                     INSERT INTO EMP_ETL
 35                             VALUES (REC.EMPNO,REC.JOB,1);
 36                     INSERT INTO EMP_ETL
 37                             VALUES (REC.EMPNO,REC.SAL,2);
 38                     INSERT INTO EMP_ETL
 39                             VALUES (REC.EMPNO,REC.DEPTNO,3);
 40         END;
 41       END LOOP;
 42 END;
 43  /

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

Elapsed: 00:00:00.00

     EMPNO ETL_VALUE  ETL_CRITERIA                                              
---------- ---------- ------------                                              
      7369 CLERK                 1                                              
      7369 800                   2                                              
      7369 20                    3                                              
      7499 SALESMAN              1                                              
      7499 1600                  2                                              
      7499 30                    3                                              
      7521 SALESMAN              1                                              
      7521 1250                  2                                              
      7521 30                    3                                              
      7566 MANAGER               1                                              
      7566 2975                  2                                              
      7566 20                    3                                              
      7654 SALESMAN              1                                              
      7654 1250                  2                                              
      7654 30                    3                                              
      7698 MANAGER               1                                              
      7698 2850                  2                                              
      7698 30                    3                                              
      7782 MANAGER               1                                              
      7782 2450                  2                                              
      7782 10                    3                                              
      7788 ANALYST               1                                              
      7788 3000                  2                                              
      7788 20                    3                                              
      7839 PRESIDENT             1                                              
      7839 5000                  2                                              
      7839 10                    3                                              
      7844 SALESMAN              1                                              
      7844 1500                  2                                              
      7844 30                    3                                              
      7876 CLERK                 1                                              
      7876 1100                  2                                              
      7876 20                    3                                              
      7900 CLERK                 1                                              
      7900 950                   2                                              
      7900 30                    3                                              
      7902 ANALYST               1                                              
      7902 3000                  2                                              
      7902 20                    3                                              
      7934 CLERK                 1                                              
      7934 1300                  2                                              
      7934 10                    3                                              

42 rows selected.

Elapsed: 00:00:00.03 

Thank you for the information

Ammu, May 09, 2008 - 5:23 am UTC

Thanks Tom for the useful information.
I was wondering is there any way we can use like this

FORALL i IN 1 .. t_id.COUNT

WHERE emp_id=t_id(i);

WHERE emp_id=t_id(i);

Currently I kept two times
FORALL i IN 1 .. t_id.COUNT

Hope this is the correct way.
FORALL i IN 1 .. t_id.COUNT
WHERE emp_id=t_id(i);

FORALL i IN 1 .. t_id.COUNT
WHERE emp_id=t_id(i);


Reader, January 23, 2009 - 10:50 pm UTC

CREATE OR REPLACE procedure proc(p_trade_dt in number)
cursor cur_a is
select val
,(price1+price2) price
,((price1+price2)/2 mid_price
,decode( typ, 'B', QTY, 0 ) buy
,decode( typ, 'S', QTY, 0 ) sell
,(decode( type, 'B', QTY, 0 ) + decode( typ, 'S', QTY, 0 )) buy_sell from price_data
where trade_dt_key=p_trade_dt;

cursor cur_b is
select *
from price_new
where trade_dt_key = p_trade_dt;

type price_type is table of cur_a%ROWTYPE;

price_tab price_type;


open cur_a;
fetch cur_a bulk collect into price_tab;
close cur_a;

FORALL i IN 1 .. price_tab.COUNT
update price_new pn
set price1 = -- sum(mid_prc) for the time period in --where clause
where val = price_tab(i).val
and (pn.last_minus_5 >= price_tab(i).price_dt
pn.last_time <= price_tab(i).tradedate);
end proc;
cur_a returns 300 rows. cur_b returns 3 million rows.
I need to update price_new.price1, if cur_a.val = cur_b.val and price_dt should be between last_minus_5 last_time. Can you please let me know if the usage of forall is correct? Please advice.
Tom Kyte
January 24, 2009 - 1:19 pm UTC

I cannot evaluate code that doesn't make sense or compile.

You have cursor b, you never use it. Your update - doesn't make sense.

Using psuedo code or just plain text, provide specifications - not code - that describes your question in full detail..

oh, and if you expect "sample code", I expect 'create table'

Cant We Use When clause in FORALL

Vara, April 03, 2009 - 1:36 am UTC

Hi tom,

Cant we use WHEN clause in FORALL during UPDATE also. I know we can use it in INSERT, but I wonder is there any way to use this in update. The same way like below..

forall i in 1 .. l_fileid.count
when (address_flag='Y') then
into emp_addr( address, city, empno ) values ( address, city, s.currval )
select l_lname(i) lname, l_fname(i) fname, l_address(i) address, l_city(i) city, l_phone(i)
phone1,l_address_flag(i) address_flag, l_phone_flag(i) phone_flag
from dual;


Tom Kyte
April 03, 2009 - 7:30 am UTC

you can update at most (and at least) one table at a time in an update, period.

forall update using when clause

Vara, April 05, 2009 - 3:40 am UTC

Yeah...agreed. I want to update based on when clause in a single table.
When (ADDRESS_FLAG='Y') .... I want to update some rows...
When (ADDRESS_FLAG='N') .... I want to update another set of rows.

Tom Kyte
April 07, 2009 - 5:32 am UTC

does not make sense.

I don't know what you mean.

give an example


Vara, April 24, 2009 - 1:45 pm UTC

Sorry for the delay.

Here is my example. I have a thought of using this when I'm doing a conversion program.

I picked up all the data from stage tables into plsql table types using bulk collect. After validations I have a couple of table types which stores the (1)error flag and success falg against the (2)record id's. Now I want to update the error_flag in my stage table when the plsql table returns an error for that record_id or update the same table with the derived values (which are stored in another table type) for some other columns when the record is success for that record_id.


Tom Kyte
April 27, 2009 - 12:32 pm UTC

sketch it out a tad better, you know, with - an example! create table, insert into table, fill in your plsql collections - give us something to work with here.


Christiane, August 27, 2009 - 5:48 am UTC

Hi Tom,
this construction has an excellent performance. Thanks for your detailed explanation. We use this now in Ora 9i.

In your example ... (pseudo code)
loop <cur>
fetch N records <bulk collect>

loop N times, processing N records
end loop

for all i in 1 .. N update ...
end loop <cur>

Where's the best place to put in the commit. Within each bulk block or only one commit at the end?
Is it true that with each bulk block execution runtime's getting a little higher. 500 DS in 4 minutes, next 500 DS in 6 minutes and so on. What's the reason for that?

regards, Christiane
Tom Kyte
August 28, 2009 - 4:44 pm UTC

... Where's the best place to put in the commit. Within each bulk block or only one
commit at the end?

if your code is just what you have there - you should be able to answer that.

What if the loop would go 50 times.
What if after the 25th loop the code fails (ora-1555 for example, but could be anything).
Can you restart your code if you committed in the loop?

if not - the commit cannot go in the loop - you would corrupt data.

Also, if you commit in the loop, people will start seeing part of your processing before other parts are done - is that OK with you?

It has nothing to do with performance, everything to do with "what is your transaction, your logical unit of work. are you restartable, is it ok for others to see your unfinished work. If you say "no" to either - you CANNOT put the commit in the loop"

... What's the
reason for that?

no idea, trace it and see. I do not know what your data looks like, what your process is like, what your update involves, how your update works.

Using an expression in the forall

Ashwin Nair, December 08, 2009 - 4:58 pm UTC

Hi Tom,

Lovely article. Liked it.

Referring to your example, can I use an expression where the value is evaluated in the update statement itself.
Will there be any degradation in performance?

Here, I've added a substr to the ename.

58 forall i in 1 .. l_record.empno.count
59 update emp
60 set empno = l_record.empno(i),
61 ename = substr(l_record.ename(i), 1, 4),
62 job = l_record.job(i),
63 mgr = l_record.mgr(i),
64 hiredate = l_record.hiredate(i),
65 sal = l_record.sal(i),
66 comm = l_record.comm(i),
67 deptno = l_record.deptno(i)
68 where rowid = l_record.rowid(i)
69 and l_record.changed(i) = 'Y';

I'm working on something similar where I have to do something like this in the update
to_char(to_date(<varchar_column>, 'YYYYMMDDHH24MISS'), 'YYYYMMDD') || '120101'

Thank you,

Tom Kyte
December 10, 2009 - 1:24 pm UTC

benchmark it and let us know? Let us know what happens if you do the above versus moving just the "Y" records to another plsql table and using that without the predicate. It is what I would do.

I have no idea what:

to_char(to_date(<varchar_column>, 'YYYYMMDDHH24MISS'), 'YYYYMMDD') || '120101'


bulk update

INDRANIL DAS, June 04, 2010 - 2:27 am UTC

Hi Tom,
I am trying to do a bulk update as below, could you please show me where I am doing the mistake-
Thanks for your help in advance.
SQL> declare
  3  cursor Cur1
  4  is
  5  select distinct location_name_key,back_office_loc_code
  6  from mps.location_code_mapping a, mps.packing_list_header b
  7  where a.location_name_key = b.fob_point_key
  8  and fob_point_key is not null;
 10  Type Cur1_Type
 11  is
 12  Table of Cur1%rowtype;
 14  c Cur1_Type;
 16  begin
 18  forall x in c.FIRST..c.LAST
 19  update mps.PACKING_LIST_HEADER a set a.fob_point_code=x.back_office_loc_code
 20  where a.FOB_POINT_KEY = x.location_name_key and a.fob_point_code is null;
 21  commit;
 22  end;
 23  /
where a.FOB_POINT_KEY = x.location_name_key and a.fob_point_code is null;
ERROR at line 20:
ORA-06550: line 20, column 25:
PLS-00487: Invalid reference to variable 'X'
ORA-06550: line 20, column 25:
PL/SQL: ORA-00904: "X"."LOCATION_NAME_KEY": invalid identifier
ORA-06550: line 19, column 1:
PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored

Hi Again ( Bulk Update )

INDRANIL DAS, June 04, 2010 - 3:25 am UTC

Hi Tom,
Now I am getting as  below-
SQL> declare
  2  cursor Cur1
  3    4  select distinct location_name_key,back_office_loc_code
  5  from mps.location_code_mapping a, mps.packing_list_header b
  6  where a.location_name_key = b.fob_point_key
  7  and fob_point_key is not null;
  9  Type Cur1_Type is table of Cur1%rowtype;
 11  c Cur1_Type;
 13  begin
 15  forall x in c.FIRST..c.LAST
 16  update mps.PACKING_LIST_HEADER set fob_point_code=c(x).back_office_loc_code
 17  where  FOB_POINT_KEY = c(x).location_name_key
 18  and    fob_point_code is null;
 19  commit;
 20  end;
 21  /
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-06531: Reference to uninitialized collection
ORA-06512: at line 15

Tom Kyte
June 08, 2010 - 12:38 pm UTC

you have not filled up your array, what do you think you are updating from???? there is nothing in your array to update with.

Advantages Of Using Packages

Surendar.j, June 09, 2010 - 4:18 am UTC

Kindly tell me what is main advantages of using packages
pls dont say collection of procedures and functions ,reusabilty,modularity...........
Tom Kyte
June 10, 2010 - 11:40 am UTC

why not, you've taken the best reasons and scoffed at them. If you don't think those are reasons enough, you should give *serious* consideration to another line of work - the world has enough "really bad code" to go around.

I did a search for

why use packages

here on asktom and on the first page of hits was:

Procedure vs Package

amongst others. Read away....

use of rowids?

Karl, July 17, 2010 - 8:42 am UTC


could the use of rowids in this case be potentially dangerous? As far as my understanding goes, the rowid can only change during a rebuild/table altering, import/export, partition move or if the table is an iot.

It's tempting to use rowid here since it's the fastest access path, but I'm curious if there could be a downside?
Tom Kyte
July 19, 2010 - 1:56 pm UTC

select for update could be used to remove any issues like that - however, the only edge case that could be problematic would be a partition key update (no ddl/reorgs can happen while we are updating the table). and even then - the rowid would change AFTER we moved the row (after the update) so even then it would not affect it.

actually, this process should start with "lock table t in exclusive mode" since they plan on updating every row anyway

Great resolution on bulk update and nice discussion forum

Jiban, June 21, 2011 - 1:45 am UTC

It's really a wonderful discussion topic. I had some concerns with bulk update which beed adressed neatly through the demonstration.


Tom Rose, January 12, 2012 - 12:31 am UTC

This really gave me a base for a script. Thanks

Array of records and record of array

SandeepT, April 26, 2012 - 3:14 am UTC

Hi Tom,
I've confusion on one of your followup with
"A reader from Chicago, IL, USA" on January 4, 2002 - 1pm Central time zone:
You mentioned -
Oh, that you could.... but you cannot....
ops$tkyte@ORA817DEV.US.ORACLE.COM> declare
2 type empTab is table of emp%rowtype index by binary_integer;
3 l_records empTab;
4 cursor c is select * from emp;
5 begin
6 open c;
7 fetch c bulk collect into l_records;
8 close c;
9 end;
10 /
fetch c bulk collect into l_records;
ERROR at line 7:
ORA-06550: line 7, column 28:
PLS-00597: expression 'L_RECORDS' in the INTO list is of wrong type
ORA-06550: line 7, column 2:
PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored

AND on down the line, in second followup, you mentioned -
Followup September 13, 2005 - 12pm Central time zone:

ops$tkyte@ORA9IR2> create table t as select * from all_users where 1=0;

Table created.

ops$tkyte@ORA9IR2> declare
2 type array is table of t%rowtype;
3 l_data array;
4 cursor c is select * from all_users;
5 begin
6 open c;
7 loop
8 fetch c bulk collect into l_data limit 10;
9 forall i in 1 .. l_data.count
10 insert into t values l_data(i);
11 exit when c%notfound;
12 end loop;
13 close c;
14 end;
15 /

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

I'm confused since both examples are same and I feel that first one should not give you error as well.
please explain if I'm loosing any point here!

Tom Kyte
April 26, 2012 - 8:07 am UTC

what changed was the YEAR and the VERSIONS

Oracle 8i Release 3 did not support bulk collecting into arrays of records.

Oracle 9i Release 2 did support such a construct.

That is why there are always dates, always versions with each and every example.

Bulk collect and forall update

Bonita Graupe, May 10, 2012 - 3:17 am UTC

I have never done bulk collect and forall updates. I followed the blog, and found it very useful, however I am trying the accomplish the following and cannot find an example (any example will also help):
My table to be updated contains about 135 million records of which about a third of these records must be updated daily therefore I need the fastest method of updating.

I need to bulk collect from the original table and update these records with values from another table (also millions of records).

Pseudo code will also help.

I created a type 'record' as per Tom's example which contains the columns that I have in a record in the table.
I am getting the PLS-00371 error (at most one declaration for 'L_UPDATE_VOUCHERS' is permitted)
My procedure:
-- cursor of the table which contains the updated values. These values must be used to update
-- the records in table FACT_PREP_V_BONITA_small
cursor c_update_vouchers is
select * from fact_prep_v_tmp2_tb_small;

TYPE t_update_vouchers is table of c_update_vouchers%ROWTYPE INDEX BY PLS_INTEGER;
l_update_vouchers t_update_vouchers;

-- cursor of the original table that must be updated
cursor c_update_fact_vouchers is
select FACT_PREP_V_BONITA_small.*, rowid from FACT_PREP_V_BONITA_small for update;

type rowidArray is table of rowid index by binary_integer;
type update_vouchers_rec is record

l_update_vouchers update_vouchers_rec;

-- other varaiables
l_done boolean;

-- open cursor of records in fact table that must be updated
open c_update_fact_vouchers;

fetch c_update_fact_vouchers bulk collect into l_update_vouchers.SERIESNO, l_update_vouchers.SERIALNO,
l_update_vouchers.BATCHNO, l_update_vouchers.PACKAGENO, l_update_vouchers.STATUS,
l_update_vouchers.DATEUSED, l_update_vouchers.LOCKED, l_update_vouchers.LOCKEDREASON,
l_update_vouchers.MSISDN, l_update_vouchers.PSTATUS, l_update_vouchers.PSTRANSACTION,
l_update_vouchers.PLOCKED, l_update_vouchers.PLTRANSACTION, l_update_vouchers.LOADDATE,
l_update_vouchers.VOUCHERID limit 1000;

l_done := c_update_fact_vouchers%notfound;

-- open cursor of records in temporary table which contains updated information
open c_update_vouchers;

forall i in 1 .. l_update_vouchers.VOUCHERID.count
update FACT_PREP_V_BONITA_small upd
set upd.status = c_update_vouchers.tmp5_status(i),
upd.dateused = c_update_vouchers.tmp6_dateused(i),
upd.locked = c_update_vouchers.tmp7_locked(i),
upd.lockedreason = c_update_vouchers.tmp8_lockedreason(i),
upd.msisdn = c_update_vouchers.tmp9_msisdn(i),
upd.pstatus = c_update_vouchers.tmp10_pstatus(i),
upd.pstransaction = c_update_vouchers.tmp11_pstransaction(i),
upd.plocked = c_update_vouchers.tmp12_plocked(i),
upd.pltransaction = c_update_vouchers.tmp13_pltransaction(i)
where rowid = l_update_vouchers.ROWID(i);
exit when (l_done);

end loop;
close c_update_fact_vouchers;
end loop;
close c_update_vouchers;

Tom Kyte
May 10, 2012 - 8:49 am UTC

My table to be updated contains about 135 million records of which about a
third of these records must be updated daily therefore I need the fastest
method of updating.

you are kidding right? seriously?

we need to do this without update - there are not enough hours in the day.

Are we allowed to take downtime for this - can the table be unavailable for a short period of time?

Forall update

Bonita Graupe, May 10, 2012 - 6:02 am UTC

Sorry I made a change:
forall i in 1 .. l_update_vouchers.VOUCHERID.count
update FACT_PREP_V_BONITA_small upd
set upd.status = c_update_vouchers.tmp5_status(i),
upd.dateused = c_update_vouchers.tmp6_dateused(i),
upd.locked = c_update_vouchers.tmp7_locked(i),
upd.lockedreason = c_update_vouchers.tmp8_lockedreason(i),
upd.msisdn = c_update_vouchers.tmp9_msisdn(i),
upd.pstatus = c_update_vouchers.tmp10_pstatus(i),
upd.pstransaction = c_update_vouchers.tmp11_pstransaction(i),
upd.plocked = c_update_vouchers.tmp12_plocked(i),
upd.pltransaction = c_update_vouchers.tmp13_pltransaction(i)
where rowid = l_update_vouchers.ROWID(i)
and upd.voucherid = c_update_vouchers.tmp14_voucherid;

Forall update

Bonita Graupe, May 11, 2012 - 4:20 am UTC

Good day,
thank you for the reply. NO, I am not kidding. Yes I need to update about 40 million records in the table daily. Yes I can have downtime on the table that needs to be updated. The data must just be available at the start of business day (the table can be off-line from end of business day of the previous day until start of business day the next day - the table is for Business Intelligence purposes and not an real-time table).
I was also thinking of maybe truncating the table and rather inserting the records. I tried inserting new records (about 45 million at one time) and it was running for only 10 minutes to insert these records. However I would appreciate an example (or assistance to get my procedure working) as I can always use it for updates of other tables.
Kind regards
Tom Kyte
May 11, 2012 - 6:43 am UTC

Instead of updating, I will strongly and seriously suggest

a) you really find a different way to handle your data


b) use a CREATE TABLE AS SELECT to select out the data along with modifications. drop the old table, rename the new table, add indexes etc. All of this can be done in parallel, nologging - skipping all undo and redo generation. It will take a fraction of the resources of an update.

Or use your truncate + insert /*+ APPEND */ (direct path load)

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