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  • ADD_MONTHS Function returning last day of the month


May 4th

Question and Answer

Chris Saxon

Thanks for the question, Arnab.

Asked: March 28, 2020 - 12:52 am UTC

Last updated: March 05, 2024 - 1:31 pm UTC

Version: Oracle 12c

Viewed 10K+ times! This question is

You Asked

The question I have is regarding the ADD_MONTHS function. The live sql link for the test case is as below:-

If we have a look at this link it has 3 components:-
1. A function that takes an old date and adds a month until the date is greater than the sysdate
2. The function is called with an old date 25/03/1999. The output returns a date 25/04/2020 which is as expected
3. Then the function is called with an old date 28/03/1999. The output returns a date of 31/03/2020. In spite of the fact that the input date was NOT the last date of the month why did the output date become the date of the month? Why does an in-between date 28th Feb go on to dictate that all next monthly dates should be the last date of the month? Or am I missing something?
What would one do if one were to need the date 28/04/2020 instead of 31/03/2020 in the bullet point 3 above?

Arnab P

with LiveSQL Test Case:

and Connor said...

As per the docs

"If date is the last day of the month or if the resulting month has fewer days than the day component of date, then the result is the last day of the resulting month. Otherwise, the result has the same day component as date."

which means that

result := ADD_MONTHS(x,2) ;

is NOT the same as

result := ADD_MONTH(x,1);
result := ADD_MONTH(result,1)


SQL> select add_months(date '2020-01-30',1) from dual;


SQL> select add_months(date '2020-02-29',1) from dual;


SQL> select add_months(date '2020-01-30',2) from dual;


So you can take advantage of MONTHS_BETWEEN for this

SQL> create or replace function fn_get_next_monthly_date(i_in_date date)
  2  return date
  3  is
  4      l_date date;
  5      l_mb int;
  6  begin
  7      l_mb := months_between(sysdate,i_in_date);
  8      l_date := add_months(i_in_date, l_mb);
  9      return l_date;
 11  end fn_get_next_monthly_date;
 12  /

Function created.

SQL> select fn_get_next_monthly_date(to_date('25/03/1999', 'dd/mm/yyyy')) from dual;


SQL> select fn_get_next_monthly_date(to_date('28/03/1999', 'dd/mm/yyyy')) from dual;



  (5 ratings)

Is this answer out of date? If it is, please let us know via a Comment


Next Monthly Anniversary Date

Arnab Panja, April 01, 2020 - 2:53 pm UTC

Thanks for the answer.
I have changed the script now to use months_between function. The objective of the script was to do the below

1. Given a date (some time in the back say 28/03/1999)
2. Find out the monthly anniversary date just immediately after the system date.

So after making the changes as you have suggested if I run this using input date (for Point 1) as 28/03/1999 and a system date as 01/04/2020 what I get is 28/03/2020 back which is understood from the script.
Then I need to apply just one more add_months to arrive at the date I need.

I think this method gives me a consistent and correct answer all the time to the objective as I have mentioned above.

Thanks for helping me out.
~ Arnab P

Connor McDonald
April 02, 2020 - 3:25 am UTC

Glad we could help

Missing days

A. Olsen, July 23, 2020 - 7:13 am UTC

The method you suggested as a solution for the problem is the correct one indeed.
But I would like to ask if the design of add_months is good enough.

As you mention, the doc says: "If date is the last day of the month or if the resulting month has fewer days than the day component of date, then the result is the last day of the resulting month. Otherwise, the result has the same day component as date."

So it works as designed. The problem with this function is, that it's missing a few days each year.
Say for instance:

select add_months(to_date('30/11/2021','dd/mm/yyyy'),1) from dual;


If an application needs, for any reason, 29/11/2021 to return 29/12/2021, then the same application might expect 30/11/2021 to return 30/12/2021 - but 30/12/2021 is "hidden" by the function and cannot be achieved.

I would argue, that add_months should have a second, optional in parameter, that alters between "last day" in according to application specifications.
Chris Saxon
July 23, 2020 - 7:40 am UTC

If there are changes you'd like to see to Oracle Database features, please submit them to the ideas forum:

This enables us to see how much support there is for changes like this and prioritise appropriately.

Note you can get 30 Nov -> 30 Dec by adding an interval of one month. But this suffers the opposite problem, adding one month to 31 Oct -> 31 Nov, which is invalid!

select date'2020-11-30' + interval '1' month ,
       add_months ( date'2020-11-30', 1 ) 
from   dual;

DATE'2020-11-30'+INTERVAL'1'MONTH    ADD_MONTHS(DATE'2020-11-30',1)   
30-DEC-2020 00:00:00                 31-DEC-2020 00:00:00   

select date'2020-10-31' + interval '1' month
from   dual;

ORA-01839: date not valid for month specified

About "Last Day" of Add_Months

Peter G, June 24, 2022 - 3:40 pm UTC

I agree with A. Olsen when saying
"add_months should have a second, optional in parameter, that alters between "last day" in according to application specifications."

Meanwhile, this is how I solved when running into this problem today, Reconciling reports made in pure SQL with same reports in Informatica,
turned out to have minor differences in some corner cases.
create or replace function infa_add_months(in_date date, in_months number)
return date deterministic
    -- Implementation style Informatica's ADD_TO_DATE
    -- Add_to_date adds one month like this:
    --   Date 2022-03-31 + 1 Month = 2022-04-31
    -- Since 2022-04-31 is not a valid date, then last day of the month
    -- is returned, that is 2022-04-30. In the same way, 
    --   Date 2022-04-30 + 1 Month is 2022-05-30

    l_date date;
    l_date := add_months(in_date, in_months);
    -- Oracle's add_month will preserve the "Last Day", E.g:
    -- Adding one month to 2022-04-30 results in 2022-05-31
    -- Informatica does not do that, and will return 2022-05-30
    -- We compensate by saying new day of month cannot be greater than
    -- original day of month.
    if extract(day from l_date) > extract(day from in_date)
      l_date := l_date - (extract(day from l_date) - extract(day from in_date));
    end if;
    return l_date;
end infa_add_months;

Chris Saxon
June 27, 2022 - 12:52 pm UTC

Thanks for sharing

Leap year hickup

Martin Mierke, February 29, 2024 - 9:03 am UTC

At least it explains the logic behind it, but I was getting a result yesterday when comparing last year's data with actual data and that was showing based on this function, so instead of getting data for the 28th the query wanted to return data for the 29th.

SELECT ADD_MONTHS(TO_DATE('2023-02-27', 'yyyy-mm-dd'), 12), ADD_MONTHS(TO_DATE('2023-02-28', 'yyyy-mm-dd'), 12)


Basically, while in 99.99% of the cases, add_months returns the wanted result, I would consider the behavior as a bug in ths situation.
Connor McDonald
March 01, 2024 - 1:58 am UTC

Our intent/assumption around ADD_MONTHS is that your primarily dealing with month related operations. For example, in a case of

where date_col < add_months(..., N)

then there would be a reasonable expectation that if you are on the end of a month, you want to get "N" *complete* months.

But I take your point. add_months,12 is a common technique to get next years same day.

A month is imprecise

Jonathan Taylor, March 01, 2024 - 4:53 pm UTC

I've seen conversations go back and forth on many occassions about this - I've wasted more time than I care to admit on this topic!
The fact is given a month isn't a precise unit of time - so there is always going to be vaguery and interpretation. You may as well try to define the length of a piece of string.

Given that that 28/2/2023 is the last day of Feburary 2023, then I would say 12 months later is the last day of Feburary 2024 - so 29/2/2024.
So The ADD_MONTHS(,12) function I would argue is the correct answer or at the very least an acceptable answer, not a bug.

Looking at it the other way, if we insist 28/2/2024 (not the 29th) is considered 1 year later than 28/2/2023, then presumably we can all agree one year earlier than 28/2/2024 is 28/2/2023.
So what is one year earlier than 29/2/2024? It can't be 29/2/2023 so what is is:-
* 1/3/2023 - This is in a completely different month, so could be perceived to be "wrong" (although I imagine many leap year birthdays are celebrated then)
* 28/2/2023 - so we are saying one year earlier than BOTH 28/2/2024 and 29/2/2024 falls on the same day, which could also be perceived to be "wrong".

We often get the same debate in any year, leap or not, when people don't like that one month after 31st January is 28th (or 29th) February - they see it as having less time to e.g. meet a deadline set by the application.
However, they can't give a precise definition of what constitutes one month, that works in all cases, both while adding and subtracting. Any suggestions they give are just as "perceviably wrong" and subject to a counter-argument as the problem they are trying to solve.
The same people who are paid monthly do not have a problem with technically being paid more per hour in February than any other month though!

If you are in the "28/2/2023 + 1 year = 28/2/2024" camp, you can always use NUMTODSINTERVAL:-

SELECT TIMESTAMP '2023-02-28 00:00:00' + NUMTOYMINTERVAL (1,'YEAR') oneyearlater

However, this doesn't work so well in reverse....
SELECT TIMESTAMP '2024-02-29 00:00:00' - NUMTOYMINTERVAL (1,'YEAR') oneyearearlier
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01839: date not valid for month specified

Chris Saxon
March 05, 2024 - 1:31 pm UTC

Great points - whenever doing calculations in units of a month it's important to state exactly how you define these cases to work.

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