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Question and Answer

Chris Saxon

Thanks for the question, Ciro .

Asked: July 13, 2020 - 6:48 pm UTC

Last updated: July 14, 2020 - 1:49 pm UTC

Version: 11g Release

Viewed 1000+ times

You Asked


I am unconfortable with the query below because it takes about 42 seconds to run and bring about 40000 records.

ss.sup_in , 
from suppliers ss  
left join ( 
    first_value(bk.bank_in) over (partition by bs.sup_in order by ps.pay_day desc) as lastbank 
  bills bs  
  inner join bills_payments bp  
  on  bs.bill_tab = bp.bill_tab  
  and bs.bill_pad = bp.bill_pad  
  and bs.bill_in  = bp.bill_in  
  and bs.org_tab  = bp.org_tab  
  and bs.org_pad  = bp.org_pad  
  and bs.org_in   = bp.org_in  
  inner join payments ps  
  on  bp.pay_tab = ps.pay_tab  
  and bp.pay_pad = ps.pay_pad  
  and bp.pay_in  = ps.pay_in  
  and bp.org_tab = ps.org_tab  
  and bp.org_pad = ps.org_pad  
  and bp.org_in  = ps.org_in  
  inner join banks bk  
  on  ps.bank_tab = bk.bank_tab  
  and ps.bank_pad = bk.bank_pad  
  and ps.bank_in  = bk.bank_in ) lb 
on  ss.sup_tab = lb.sup_tab  
and ss.sup_pad = lb.sup_pad  
and ss.sup_in  = lb.sup_in 

group by 
ss.sup_in , 

Is there other way to do this? I want to get all suppliers with the last bank used to pay their bills. If there is no payment, show 0.

I noticed that the subquery below lists all payments for each supplier and for me, it´s not necessary:

    first_value(bk.bank_in) over (partition by bs.sup_in order by ps.pay_day desc) as lastbank 
  bills bs  
  inner join bills_payments bp  
  on  bs.bill_tab = bp.bill_tab  
  and bs.bill_pad = bp.bill_pad  
  and bs.bill_in  = bp.bill_in  
  and bs.org_tab  = bp.org_tab  
  and bs.org_pad  = bp.org_pad  
  and bs.org_in   = bp.org_in  
  inner join payments ps  
  on  bp.pay_tab = ps.pay_tab  
  and bp.pay_pad = ps.pay_pad  
  and bp.pay_in  = ps.pay_in  
  and bp.org_tab = ps.org_tab  
  and bp.org_pad = ps.org_pad  
  and bp.org_in  = ps.org_in  
  inner join banks bk  
  on  ps.bank_tab = bk.bank_tab  
  and ps.bank_pad = bk.bank_pad  
  and ps.bank_in  = bk.bank_in

The commands to create tables and records are available on live sql link.

Best Regards,

Ciro Stahlschmidt

with LiveSQL Test Case:

and Chris said...

Thanks for providing all the scripts. But to help with slow queries, there's something else we need to see:

The execution plan!

Get this by running:

set serveroutput off
alter session set statistics_level = all;

<your query>

select * 
from   table(dbms_xplan.display_cursor(null, null, 'ALLSTATS LAST'));

Make sure this plan includes E-rows, A-rows, and buffers columns. Once you have it, post it here.

I noticed that the subquery below lists all payments for each supplier and for me, it´s not necessary:

If it's not necessary... then why is it in the query?!

The outer query uses lastbank, which comes from the banks table. Looking at the joins, this goes from suppliers though all the tables to banks. So it seems to me it is necessary. If you think otherwise, you'll need to explain why.

It may be that you can make this quicker by left joining all the tables in the subquery.

And replacing last_value with:

max ( bk.bank_in ) keep ( dense_rank first order by ps.pay_day desc )

To give something like:

  ,nvl ( max ( bk.bank_in ) keep ( dense_rank first order by ps.pay_day desc ), 0 )
from suppliers ss  
left join bills bs  
on  ss.sup_tab = bs.sup_tab  
and ss.sup_pad = bs.sup_pad  
and ss.sup_in  = bs.sup_in 
left join bills_payments bp  
on  bs.bill_tab = bp.bill_tab  
and bs.bill_pad = bp.bill_pad  
and bs.bill_in  = bp.bill_in  
and bs.org_tab  = bp.org_tab  
and bs.org_pad  = bp.org_pad  
and bs.org_in   = bp.org_in  
left join payments ps  
on  bp.pay_tab = ps.pay_tab  
and bp.pay_pad = ps.pay_pad  
and bp.pay_in  = ps.pay_in  
and bp.org_tab = ps.org_tab  
and bp.org_pad = ps.org_pad  
and bp.org_in  = ps.org_in  
left join banks bk  
on  ps.bank_tab = bk.bank_tab  
and ps.bank_pad = bk.bank_pad  
and ps.bank_in  = bk.bank_in
group by  ss.sup_in ;

But really we need to the execution plan to see what options there are here.

Is this answer out of date? If it is, please let us know via a Comment

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