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  • The "greater" PGA memory size allocated in rman channel


Question and Answer

Chris Saxon

Thanks for the question, yulin.

Asked: February 19, 2021 - 11:40 am UTC

Last updated: March 02, 2021 - 6:50 pm UTC


Viewed 1000+ times

You Asked

1) Why the following each rman channel process memory allocated were almost all more than the _pga_max_size?
2) Why the following total rman channel processes' memory allocated could be far more than the global pga_target?

SQL> SELECT a.ksppinm AS parameter, c.ksppstvl AS VALUE, a.ksppdesc AS description, b.ksppstdf AS "Default?"
  2  FROM x$ksppi a,  x$ksppcv b,  x$ksppsv c  WHERE a.indx = b.indx  AND a.indx = c.indx AND a.ksppinm IN 
  3  ('pga_aggregate_target','_pga_max_size','_smm_max_size','_smm_px_max_size') ORDER BY a.ksppinm;

PARAMETER             VALUE              DESCRIPTION                                        Default?
--------------------- ------------------ -------------------------------------------------- ----------
_pga_max_size         209715200          Maximum size of the PGA memory for one process     TRUE
_smm_max_size         102400             maximum work area size in auto mode (serial)       TRUE
_smm_px_max_size      524288             maximum work area size in auto mode (global)       TRUE
pga_aggregate_target  1073741824         Target size for the aggregate PGA memory consumed  FALSE
                                         by the instance

SQL> select component, current_size/1024/1024  "CURRENT_SIZE", min_size/1024/1024 "MIN_SIZE", max_size/1024/1024 "MAX_SIZE", 
  2  user_specified_size/1024/1024 "USER_SPECIFIED_SIZE", last_oper_type "TYPE"  from  v$memory_dynamic_components where rownum < 100;

COMPONENT                                                        CURRENT_SIZE   MIN_SIZE   MAX_SIZE USER_SPECIFIED_SIZE TYPE
---------------------------------------------------------------- ------------ ---------- ---------- ------------------- -------------
shared pool                                                               656        528        656                   0 GROW
large pool                                                                416        416        416                   0 STATIC
java pool                                                                  64         64         64                   0 STATIC
streams pool                                                                0          0          0                   0 STATIC
SGA Target                                                               3072       3072       3072                   0 STATIC
DEFAULT buffer cache                                                     1888       1888       1904                   0 SHRINK
KEEP buffer cache                                                           0          0          0                   0 STATIC
RECYCLE buffer cache                                                        0          0          0                   0 STATIC
DEFAULT 2K buffer cache                                                     0          0          0                   0 STATIC
DEFAULT 4K buffer cache                                                     0          0          0                   0 STATIC
DEFAULT 8K buffer cache                                                     0          0          0                   0 STATIC
DEFAULT 16K buffer cache                                                    0          0          0                   0 STATIC
DEFAULT 32K buffer cache                                                    0          0          0                   0 STATIC
Shared IO Pool                                                              0          0          0                   0 STATIC
PGA Target                                                               1024       1024       1024                1024 STATIC
ASM Buffer Cache                                                            0          0          0                   0 STATIC

16 rows selected.

SQL> select sid, spid, s.program, event, pga_used_mem,pga_max_mem from v$process p, v$session s 
  2  where addr = s.paddr and s.program like '%rman%'  order by pga_used_mem desc;

    SID SPID                     PROGRAM                                          EVENT                             PGA_USED_MEM PGA_MAX_MEM
------- ------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------- ------------ -----------
   1123 120921                   rman@JCHXRST (TNS V1-V3)                         Backup: MML read backup piece        542165387   562245814
   1057 120917                   rman@JCHXRST (TNS V1-V3)                         Backup: MML read backup piece        542127691   562245814
   1024 120915                   rman@JCHXRST (TNS V1-V3)                         Backup: MML read backup piece        541392107   562753046
    892 120907                   rman@JCHXRST (TNS V1-V3)                         SQL*Net message from client          106517430   113455286
   1090 120919                   rman@JCHXRST (TNS V1-V3)                         Backup: MML restore backup piece      21407539    24588470
    958 120914                   rman@JCHXRST (TNS V1-V3)                         SQL*Net message from client             980323     1913014

6 rows selected.


and Chris said...

1) The limit is on work areas - one process can have many of these. For example, a SQL statement with active hash joins and sorts.

2) pga_aggregate_target is a goal, not a fixed upper limit. The actual amount allocated can be greater than this. MOS note 1392549.1 has several examples of how this works with the other memory target parameters.


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The doubt about the _pga_max_size

A reader, March 02, 2021 - 2:52 pm UTC

Could you explain more things about the _pga_max_size 。。。?
Chris Saxon
March 02, 2021 - 6:50 pm UTC

It's an underscore parameter - leave it alone unless instructed by Oracle support

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