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Question and Answer

Tom Kyte

Thanks for the question, sijo.

Asked: June 14, 2000 - 12:03 am UTC

Last updated: April 22, 2013 - 6:56 pm UTC

Version: 7.x,8.1.5

Viewed 10K+ times! This question is

You Asked

hello thomas,
i am sijo here
thanx for ur last answr

i want to calculate the cumulative sal from the emp tble
how do i do it?
ename sal cum sal
smith 800 800
allan 1600 2400
ward 1250 3650

thanx ,

and Tom said...

In Oracle8i release 2 (8.1.6), we have analytic functions to perform this operation.  In that release, you can code:

scott@TKYTE816> SELECT ename, sal,
  2         SUM(sal) OVER 
              (ORDER BY ename RANGE UNBOUNDED PRECEDING) l_csum
  3  FROM emp;

ENAME             SAL     L_CSUM
---------- ---------- ----------
ADAMS            1100       1100
ALLEN            1600       2700
BLAKE            2850       5550
CLARK            2450       8000
FORD             3000      11000
JAMES             950      11950
JONES            2975      14925
KING             5000      19925
MARTIN           1250      21175
MILLER           1300      22475
SCOTT            3000      25475
SMITH             800      26275
TURNER           1500      27775
WARD             1250      29025

14 rows selected.

To get the results.  In 7.x -- 8.1.5, we can <b>sometimes</b> use a "trick".

scott@ORA734.WORLD> create or replace package my_pkg
  2  as
  3      function running_total( p_num in number )
  4      return number;
  5      pragma restrict_references(running_total,wnds,rnds);
  6      pragma restrict_references(my_pkg,
  7                                 wnds,rnds,wnps,rnps);
  8      g_running_total number default 0;
  9  end;
 10  /

Package created.

scott@ORA734.WORLD> create or replace package body my_pkg
  2  as
  3      function running_total( p_num in number ) return number
  4      is
  5      begin
  6          g_running_total := g_running_total + p_num;
  7          return g_running_total;
  8      end;
  9  end;
 10  /

Package body created.

scott@ORA734.WORLD> begin
  2      my_pkg.g_running_total := 0;
  3  end;
  4  /

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

<b>You must call this before any query that uses it is run -- it'll reset the running total for us</b>

scott@ORA734.WORLD> select ename, sal, my_pkg.running_total(sal)
  2    from emp
  3  /

---------- ---------- -------------------------
SMITH             800                       800
ALLEN            1600                      2400
WARD             1250                      3650
JONES            2975                      6625
MARTIN           1250                      7875
BLAKE            2850                     10725
CLARK            2450                     13175
SCOTT            3000                     16175
KING             5000                     21175
TURNER           1500                     22675
ADAMS            1100                     23775
JAMES             950                     24725
FORD             3000                     27725
MILLER           1300                     29025

14 rows selected.

<b>So, there is the running total -- however, if we apply aggregates or order by's to the query:</b>

scott@ORA734.WORLD> begin
  2      my_pkg.g_running_total := 0;
  3  end;
  4  /

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

scott@ORA734.WORLD> select ename, sal, my_pkg.running_total(sal)
  2    from emp
  3   order by ename
  4  /

---------- ---------- -------------------------
ADAMS            1100                     23775
ALLEN            1600                      2400
BLAKE            2850                     10725
CLARK            2450                     13175
FORD             3000                     27725
JAMES             950                     24725
JONES            2975                      6625
KING             5000                     21175
MARTIN           1250                      7875
MILLER           1300                     29025
SCOTT            3000                     16175
SMITH             800                       800
TURNER           1500                     22675
WARD             1250                      3650

14 rows selected.

<b>It does not work the same.  The ORDER by in this case is applied AFTER the SELECT (projection) is (has to be -- you could order by my_pkg.running_total if you wanted to).  How to get around this in 7.x - 8.0 (make sure you read and understand <code>before using this method!)

scott@ORA734.WORLD> begin
2 my_pkg.g_running_total := 0;
3 end;
4 /

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

scott@ORA734.WORLD> select ename, sal, my_pkg.running_total(sal)
2 from (select ename,sum(sal) sal
3 from emp
4 group by ename, rowid )
5 /

---------- ---------- -------------------------
ADAMS 1100 1100
ALLEN 1600 2700
BLAKE 2850 5550
CLARK 2450 8000
FORD 3000 11000
JAMES 950 11950
JONES 2975 14925
KING 5000 19925
MARTIN 1250 21175
MILLER 1300 22475
SCOTT 3000 25475
SMITH 800 26275
TURNER 1500 27775
WARD 1250 29025

14 rows selected.


Now, in Oracle8i, version 8.1.5 (before the cumulative SUM -- in 8.1.6 the first query is the way to go)

scott@8i> select ename, sal, my_pkg.running_total(sal)
2 from (select ename,sal
3 from emp
4 order by ename )
5 /

---------- ---------- -------------------------
ADAMS 1100 1100
ALLEN 1600 2700
BLAKE 2850 5550
CLARK 2450 8000
FORD 3000 11000
JAMES 950 11950
JONES 2975 14925
KING 5000 19925
MARTIN 1250 21175
MILLER 1300 22475
SCOTT 3000 25475
SMITH 800 26275
TURNER 1500 27775
WARD 1250 29025

14 rows selected.


  (30 ratings)

Is this answer out of date? If it is, please let us know via a Comment


and with a "where" clause?

Cesar Salas, April 05, 2002 - 5:08 pm UTC

Hi tom,

What is wrong with this query?

exec my_pkg.gtotal := 0;

select n, s, rt
(select ename n, sal s, my_pkg.rtotal(sal) rt from
(select ename, sal from emp order by ename))

---------- --------- ---------
ADAMS 1100 1100
ALLEN 1600 2700
BLAKE 2850 5550
CLARK 2450 8000
FORD 3000 11000
JAMES 950 11950
JONES 2975 14925
KING 5000 19925
MARTIN 1250 21175
MILLER 1300 22475
SCOTT 3000 25475
SMITH 800 26275
TURNER 1500 27775
WARD 1250 29025

-- Ok, but when I try...

exec my_pkg.gtotal := 0;

select n, s, rt
(select ename n, sal s, my_pkg.rtotal(sal) rt from
(select ename, sal from emp order by ename))
where rt < 6000

---------- --------- ---------
ALLEN 1600 30625
SMITH 800 31425
WARD 1250 32675

I only want fetch records while rt < :x, Is it possible?
I can't use analytic functions...


Tom Kyte
April 06, 2002 - 11:03 am UTC

As I said:

To get the results. In 7.x -- 8.1.5, we can sometimes use a "trick"

You cannot -- you need to use the anlytic functions.

If sal is equal then not cumulated

dharma, August 01, 2002 - 8:01 pm UTC

The documentation says if two of the salaries were equal in subsequent rows, then the salary will not be cumulated, is there any way to overcome that?
for example when sal 130 comes continuously its not cumulated.

deptno empno sal cum_sal
10 1 100 100
10 3 120 220
10 2 130 350
10 5 130 350
10 4 150 500

Tom Kyte
August 05, 2002 - 9:57 am UTC

Depends on the WINDOW clause you use.  In the above example I provided, what you say is inaccurate:

ops$tkyte@ORA817DEV.US.ORACLE.COM> create table emp as select ename, 100 sal from scott.emp;

Table created.

ops$tkyte@ORA817DEV.US.ORACLE.COM> SELECT ename, sal,
  2         SUM(sal) OVER
  3                (ORDER BY ename RANGE UNBOUNDED PRECEDING) l_csum
  4    FROM emp;

ENAME             SAL     L_CSUM
---------- ---------- ----------
ADAMS             100        100
ALLEN             100        200
BLAKE             100        300
CLARK             100        400
FORD              100        500
JAMES             100        600
JONES             100        700
KING              100        800
MARTIN            100        900
MILLER            100       1000
SCOTT             100       1100
SMITH             100       1200
TURNER            100       1300
WARD              100       1400

14 rows selected.

Now, if I change that JUST A BIT, the salaries are "accumulated" but not as you might desire them to be:

ops$tkyte@ORA817DEV.US.ORACLE.COM> SELECT ename, sal,
  2         SUM(sal) OVER
  3                (ORDER BY sal RANGE UNBOUNDED PRECEDING) l_csum
  4    FROM emp;

ENAME             SAL     L_CSUM
---------- ---------- ----------
SMITH             100       1400
ALLEN             100       1400
WARD              100       1400
JONES             100       1400
MARTIN            100       1400
BLAKE             100       1400
CLARK             100       1400
SCOTT             100       1400
KING              100       1400
TURNER            100       1400
ADAMS             100       1400
JAMES             100       1400
FORD              100       1400
MILLER            100       1400

14 rows selected.

(set theory kicking in here!!! all of the rows are logically the same, they don't come before or after eachother hence the range unbounded preceding is the same set every time).  Easy enough to fix:

ops$tkyte@ORA817DEV.US.ORACLE.COM> SELECT ename, sal,
  2         SUM(sal) OVER
  3                (ORDER BY sal, EMPNO RANGE UNBOUNDED PRECEDING) l_csum
  4    FROM emp;

ENAME             SAL     L_CSUM
---------- ---------- ----------
SMITH             100        100
ALLEN             100        200
WARD              100        300
JONES             100        400
MARTIN            100        500
BLAKE             100        600
CLARK             100        700
SCOTT             100        800
KING              100        900
TURNER            100       1000
ADAMS             100       1100
JAMES             100       1200
FORD              100       1300
MILLER            100       1400

14 rows selected.

Just add something to make the SAL, <something> unique (eg: rowid would do it as well)


great solution

jigar, June 28, 2003 - 2:46 am UTC

brilliant answer as always

But what if the following.........

Neil Chapman, September 04, 2003 - 8:19 am UTC

I have the following records in a table

Account Cycle Val
999 1 0.11
999 2 0.18
999 3 0.27
999 4 0.35
999 5 0.52
999 6 0.61
999 7 -200
999 8 0.63
999 9 92.00
999 10 88.00
999 11 -400
999 12 0.8

And I want to produce a RUNNING TOTAL of the VAL column, but when it is a MINUS figure, then RESET the running total to 0.

I therefore want...........

Cycle Running Total
1 0.11
2 0.29
3 0.56
4 0.91
5 1.43
6 2.04
7 0
8 0.63
9 92.63
10 180.63
11 0
12 0.80

Can see how to do the running total, but not how to reset it to zero.

Tom Kyte
September 04, 2003 - 9:59 am UTC

what we can do is this. I'll build it iteratively, first we'll need to add something inside of account to subpartition account - to get our "breaks".

to do that i'll take the CYCLE column you have and take the max of the cycle in a sliding window -- based on "val"  -- we'll return NULL if val is not negative -- so this decoded cycle only has a value when val is negative.  taking the max of that in this window gives us something to "break" on:

ops$tkyte@ORA920LAP> select account, cycle, val,
  2         max( decode(sign(val),-1,cycle,decode(cycle,1,1,null)) )
  3            over (partition by account order by cycle) max_cycle
  4    from t
  5  /

---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
       999          1        .11          1
       999          2        .18          1
       999          3        .27          1
       999          4        .35          1
       999          5        .52          1
       999          6        .61          1
       999          7       -200          7
       999          8        .63          7
       999          9         92          7
       999         10         88          7
       999         11       -400         11
       999         12         .8         11

12 rows selected.

Now, a running total by account/max_cycle is easy:

ops$tkyte@ORA920LAP> select account, cycle, val,
  2         sum(decode(sign(val),1,val,null))
  3            over (partition by account, max_cycle order by cycle) running
  4    from (
  5  select account, cycle, val,
  6         max( decode(sign(val),-1,cycle,decode(cycle,1,1,null)) )
  7            over (partition by account order by cycle) max_cycle
  8    from t
  9         )
 10  /

---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
       999          1        .11        .11
       999          2        .18        .29
       999          3        .27        .56
       999          4        .35        .91
       999          5        .52       1.43
       999          6        .61       2.04
       999          7       -200
       999          8        .63        .63
       999          9         92      92.63
       999         10         88     180.63
       999         11       -400
       999         12         .8         .8

12 rows selected.

Roll your own ...

Adrian Billington, September 04, 2003 - 10:31 am UTC

I was looking at this and thought this would be a perfect use for a user-defined aggregate function. I've added my implementation of a function I've called "BREAKSUM" below:-

920> --
920> -- Create a TYPE to support our aggregate "BREAKSUM" function...
920> --
920> CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE typ_obj_breaksum AS OBJECT
2 (
3 sum NUMBER,
5 STATIC FUNCTION ODCIAggregateInitialize (
6 sctx IN OUT typ_obj_breaksum
9 MEMBER FUNCTION ODCIAggregateIterate (
10 self IN OUT typ_obj_breaksum,
11 value IN NUMBER
14 MEMBER FUNCTION ODCIAggregateTerminate (
15 self IN typ_obj_breaksum,
16 retval OUT NUMBER,
17 flags IN NUMBER
21 self IN OUT typ_obj_breaksum,
22 ctx2 IN typ_obj_breaksum
24 );
25 /

Type created.

920> CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE BODY typ_obj_breaksum IS
3 /************************** Initialisation ********************************/
4 STATIC FUNCTION ODCIAggregateInitialize (
5 sctx IN OUT typ_obj_breaksum
8 sctx := typ_obj_breaksum(0);
9 RETURN ODCIConst.Success;
10 END;
12 /************************** Iteration ********************************/
13 MEMBER FUNCTION ODCIAggregateIterate (
14 self IN OUT typ_obj_breaksum,
15 value IN NUMBER
18 self.sum := CASE
19 WHEN value > 0
20 THEN self.sum + value
21 ELSE 0
22 END;
23 RETURN ODCIConst.Success;
24 END;
26 /************************** Termination ********************************/
27 MEMBER FUNCTION ODCIAggregateTerminate (
28 self IN typ_obj_breaksum,
29 retval OUT NUMBER,
30 flags IN NUMBER
33 retval := self.sum;
34 RETURN ODCIConst.Success;
35 END;
37 /************************** Merge ********************************/
39 self IN OUT typ_obj_breaksum,
40 ctx2 IN typ_obj_breaksum
43 self.sum := self.sum + ctx2.sum;
44 RETURN ODCIConst.Success;
45 END;
47 END;
48 /

Type body created.

920> sho err
No errors.
920> --
920> -- BREAKSUM user-defined aggregate function...
920> --
2 input NUMBER
5 AGGREGATE USING typ_obj_breaksum;
6 /

Function created.

920> --
920> -- Create a table with the data in question...
920> --
920> CREATE TABLE accounts ( account NUMBER, cycle NUMBER, val NUMBER(5,2) );

Table created.


Session altered.

920> INSERT INTO accounts VALUES ( 999, 1, 0.11 );

1 row created.

920> INSERT INTO accounts VALUES ( 999, 2, 0.18 );

1 row created.

920> INSERT INTO accounts VALUES ( 999, 3, 0.27 );

1 row created.

920> INSERT INTO accounts VALUES ( 999, 4, 0.35 );

1 row created.

920> INSERT INTO accounts VALUES ( 999, 5, 0.52 );

1 row created.

920> INSERT INTO accounts VALUES ( 999, 6, 0.61 );

1 row created.

920> INSERT INTO accounts VALUES ( 999, 7, -200 );

1 row created.

920> INSERT INTO accounts VALUES ( 999, 8, 0.63 );

1 row created.

920> INSERT INTO accounts VALUES ( 999, 9, 92.00 );

1 row created.

920> INSERT INTO accounts VALUES ( 999, 10, 88.00 );

1 row created.

920> INSERT INTO accounts VALUES ( 999, 11, -400 );

1 row created.

920> INSERT INTO accounts VALUES ( 999, 12, 0.8 );

1 row created.

920> --
920> -- Now we can use our BREAKSUM function over the data...
920> --
920> SELECT account
2 , cycle
3 , val
4 , BREAKSUM ( val ) OVER
5 ( PARTITION BY account ORDER BY cycle ) AS running
6 FROM accounts;

---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
999 1 .11 .11
999 2 .18 .29
999 3 .27 .56
999 4 .35 .91
999 5 .52 1.43
999 6 .61 2.04
999 7 -200 0
999 8 .63 .63
999 9 92 92.63
999 10 88 180.63
999 11 -400 0
999 12 .8 .8

12 rows selected.


Tom Kyte
September 04, 2003 - 11:24 am UTC

interesting solution -- neat.

but, i tested it on a scaled up scenario, the plsql call (which can be removed) does add some amount of cpu overhead.

for a in 1 .. 998
for c in 1..15
insert into accounts values ( a, c, decode(mod(c,5), 0, -1, 1 ) );
end loop;
end loop;

SELECT account
, cycle
, val
( PARTITION BY account ORDER BY cycle ) AS running
FROM accounts

call count cpu elapsed disk query current rows
------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
Parse 1 0.03 0.04 0 30 0 0
Execute 1 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0
Fetch 1000 1.71 1.70 0 38 0 14982
------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
total 1002 1.74 1.74 0 68 0 14982
select account, cycle, val,
over (partition by account, max_cycle order by cycle) running
from (
select account, cycle, val,
max( decode(sign(val),-1,cycle,decode(cycle,1,1,null)) )
over (partition by account order by cycle) max_cycle
from accounts

call count cpu elapsed disk query current rows
------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
Parse 1 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0
Execute 1 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0
Fetch 1000 0.40 0.40 0 38 0 14982
------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
total 1002 0.40 0.40 0 38 0 14982

as always -- i go back to my mantra "if you can do it in a single sql statement"...

Mirjana, September 04, 2003 - 10:37 am UTC

It's a fair cop...

Adrian Billington, September 04, 2003 - 11:36 am UTC

Funny, because as you posted your followup I was just identifying the fact that the SQL solution was quicker when running at volume.

The only reason I would possibly consider the aggregate over the SQL would be to remove the complexity from the SQL itself if legibility was a real issue. The SQL-only solution already has one level of in-line view nesting which could easily turn into three or four when we scale up to a real life business-related reporting requirement or we are not dealing in "subpartitions" that start neatly at 1 but instead need to find different minimums for each partition. But if the people who support the app. are comfortable reading the SQL, then of course it makes sense to go for the quickest every time...

I hadn't considered the PL/SQL context switching when I wrote the aggregate. I assumed because we were plugging into the extensibility framework that a user-defined aggregate might work nearly as fast as a built-in. Alas not. Your SQL solution has 7 built-in function calls whereas mine has one user-defined function call, yet there's no comparison in performance.


Tom Kyte
September 04, 2003 - 11:44 am UTC

I love inline views -- nested 3 or 4 deep sometimes. makes the sql so easy to read.

SQL can be commented just like code!!!

we can use LAG() easily to see if we are at "1", we just need to decode( lag(cycle) over (...), NULL, cycle, null ) (if first cycle -- spit it out)

I think people can parse the sql and if commented -- like code -- it would be as legible as anything else.

I always find a mixed code+sql implementation harder to read and maintain. I always prefer a pure SQL set based solution myself!

maybe if we stop trying to insulate people from "really hard scary stuff", they'll begin to understand the power that is there? and it'll become less scary and hard.

Wait'll you see the sql MODEL clause in the next release -- now that, that is going to be really cool and can change many things. iteration, recursion, dynamic subscripting -- alot like have a spreadsheet in sql. I really hope people wouldn't avoid using it cause "it looks strange" at first.

Bring it on...

Adrian Billington, September 04, 2003 - 11:59 am UTC


Speaking on behalf of the team I work in, absolutely not. We are very quick to embrace new "stuff". For example, I love analytics and my colleagues and I leapt on them as soon as they were available in 816 and now they are all over our systems - aggregations, derivations, data marts. We are looking to make use of all the whizz-bang stuff wherever it makes sense to do so and not because it makes our CVs look good ;o)

Can't wait for 10g - I notice the first articles on new features are starting to trickle through. It's a little unfair that certain non-Oracle stalwarts and beta-partners get access to information so early that they can write books / articles before the product is even on the market. Means we "everyday" people down here don't get a look in before it's too late...


Tom Kyte
September 05, 2003 - 1:31 pm UTC

everyday people can write books too!! the people who write most of the books are in fact everyday people.

Yes, the people writing about the new features get a peek at them before hand. It is a mixed bag though, until very very very recently

10g was 10i....
the model clause was called spreadsheet...

and thousands of other changes from beta to beta :)

9i and 10g

Asim Naveed, September 06, 2003 - 12:55 am UTC


Its really nice to know about MODEL Clause.

We are developing a BI front end product that will
have feature that it can support both SQL SERVER analysis
services and Oracle 9i rel. 2
(without OLAP option) at the backend.

In this product, I have made the metrics using MDX's
calculated members feature (i.e a spread sheet
within a database).

But I was unable to do that in pure SQL of ORACLE.
I have made some metrics using analytical functions, but
those are static queries not dynamic.

Can I say to my boss that if you want it in pure SQL then
wait for the MODEL clause of 10g.

Please answer the following,

1- Is MODEL clause providing the functionality something
like Calculated members provide in Analysis Services.

2- Is it correct that 9i rel.2 didnt have any feature
equivalent to MDX's calculated members. Note that
we can easily just define the formula, name it
and then store it. Then when
we select dimensions in the query , it applies that
formula to that dimensions, we do not have to
explicitly put the formula in the query.


Tom Kyte
September 06, 2003 - 8:48 am UTC

1) i don't know what calculated members "provides" so cannot really comment.

2) aren't those called "views"

Cum. Sum

Jagjeet Singh Malhi, September 19, 2003 - 2:17 am UTC

 hello Sir .. 

 This query is working with 8.1.5  

SQL> select ename,sal from emp;

ENAME             SAL
---------- ----------
SMITH             800
ALLEN            1600
WARD             1250
JONES            2975
MARTIN           1250
BLAKE            2850
CLARK            2450
SCOTT            3000
KING             5000
TURNER           1500
ADAMS            1100
JAMES             950
FORD             3000
MILLER           1300

14 rows selected.

SQL> get a
  1  Select ename,sal,
  2    (select sum(sal) from (Select rownum r,ename,sal from
  3    (select ename,sal from emp  )) QUERY_REPEAT
  4    where query_repeat.r <= main_query.r ) cum_sal
  5  from
  6    (Select rownum r,ename,sal from
  7*   (select ename,sal from emp  )) MAIN_QUERY
SQL> /

ENAME             SAL    CUM_SAL
---------- ---------- ----------
SMITH             800        800
ALLEN            1600       2400
WARD             1250       3650
JONES            2975       6625
MARTIN           1250       7875
BLAKE            2850      10725
CLARK            2450      13175
SCOTT            3000      16175
KING             5000      21175
TURNER           1500      22675
ADAMS            1100      23775
JAMES             950      24725
FORD             3000      27725
MILLER           1300      29025

14 rows selected.

SQL> select ename,sal from emp order by sal;

ENAME             SAL
---------- ----------
SMITH             800
JAMES             950
ADAMS            1100
WARD             1250
MARTIN           1250
MILLER           1300
TURNER           1500
ALLEN            1600
CLARK            2450
BLAKE            2850
JONES            2975
SCOTT            3000
FORD             3000
KING             5000

14 rows selected.

SQL> get a
  1  Select ename,sal,
  2    (select sum(sal) from (Select rownum r,ename,sal from
  3    (select ename,sal from emp order by sal )) query_repeat
  4    where query_repeat.r <= main_query.r ) cum_sal
  5  from
  6    (Select rownum r,ename,sal from
  7*   (select ename,sal from emp order by sal )) main_query
SQL> /

ENAME             SAL    CUM_SAL
---------- ---------- ----------
SMITH             800        800
JAMES             950       1750
ADAMS            1100       2850
WARD             1250       4100
MARTIN           1250       5350
MILLER           1300       6650
TURNER           1500       8150
ALLEN            1600       9750
CLARK            2450      12200
BLAKE            2850      15050
JONES            2975      18025
SCOTT            3000      21025
FORD             3000      24025
KING             5000      29025

14 rows selected.

SQL> select ename,sal from emp order by ename;

ENAME             SAL
---------- ----------
ADAMS            1100
ALLEN            1600
BLAKE            2850
CLARK            2450
FORD             3000
JAMES             950
JONES            2975
KING             5000
MARTIN           1250
MILLER           1300
SCOTT            3000
SMITH             800
TURNER           1500
WARD             1250

14 rows selected.

SQL> get a
  1  Select ename,sal,
  2    (select sum(sal) from (Select rownum r,ename,sal from
  3    (select ename,sal from emp order by ename )) query_repeat
  4    where query_repeat.r <= main_query.r ) cum_sal
  5  from
  6    (Select rownum r,ename,sal from
  7*   (select ename,sal from emp order by ename )) main_query
SQL> /

ENAME             SAL    CUM_SAL
---------- ---------- ----------
ADAMS            1100       1100
ALLEN            1600       2700
BLAKE            2850       5550
CLARK            2450       8000
FORD             3000      11000
JAMES             950      11950
JONES            2975      14925
KING             5000      19925
MARTIN           1250      21175
MILLER           1300      22475
SCOTT            3000      25475
SMITH             800      26275
TURNER           1500      27775
WARD             1250      29025

14 rows selected.


Tom Kyte
September 20, 2003 - 5:02 pm UTC

do it for a real sized set of data :)

How about this in versions before or equal to 8.1.5

Asim Naveed, September 21, 2003 - 4:18 am UTC

select a.empno, a.ename, a.sal, sum(b.sal)
from emp a, emp b
WHERE a.sal > b.sal
a.sal= b.sal
and a.rowid >= b.rowid)
group by a.empno, a.ename, a.rowid,a.sal
order by a.sal, a.rowid

Just replase the a.sal column in WHERE clause and
ORDER BY clause of the above query with what ever column
you want to order by even if the column is not unique.

Tom , please comment on correctness and performance
of above query

Tom Kyte
September 21, 2003 - 10:12 am UTC

this is the power of analytics, they remove the need for messy, non-intuitive, SLOW self joins and other tricks.

that is a non-equi join of a table with itself.  think about the work involved.

but a trivial benchmark shows how bad this is:

ops$tkyte@ORA920> drop table emp;
                                                                                                      Table dropped.
ops$tkyte@ORA920> create table emp
  2  as
  3  select object_id empno, object_name ename, object_id/100  sal
  4    from all_objects
  5   where rownum <= 100
  6  /
                                                                                                      Table created.
ops$tkyte@ORA920> set autotrace traceonly statistics

ops$tkyte@ORA920> select a.empno, a.ename, a.sal, sum(b.sal)
  2  from emp a, emp b
  3  WHERE a.sal > b.sal
  4  OR
  5  (
  6  a.sal= b.sal
  7  and a.rowid >= b.rowid)
  8  group by a.empno, a.ename, a.rowid,a.sal
  9  order by a.sal, a.rowid
 10  /
100 rows selected.
Elapsed: 00:00:00.07
          0  recursive calls
          0  db block gets
        303  consistent gets</b>

ops$tkyte@ORA920> select a.empno, a.ename, a.sal, sum(sal) over (order by sal, rowid) sum_sal
  2    from emp a
  3  /
100 rows selected.
Elapsed: 00:00:00.09
          0  recursive calls
          0  db block gets
          3  consistent gets</b>

ops$tkyte@ORA920> set autotrace off

ops$tkyte@ORA920> delete from emp;
100 rows deleted.
ops$tkyte@ORA920> insert into emp
  2  select object_id empno, object_name ename, object_id/100  sal
  3    from all_objects
  4   where rownum <= 1000
  5  /
1000 rows created.

ops$tkyte@ORA920> set autotrace traceonly statistics

ops$tkyte@ORA920> select a.empno, a.ename, a.sal, sum(b.sal)
  2  from emp a, emp b
  3  WHERE a.sal > b.sal
  4  OR
  5  (
  6  a.sal= b.sal
  7  and a.rowid >= b.rowid)
  8  group by a.empno, a.ename, a.rowid,a.sal
  9  order by a.sal, a.rowid
 10  /
1000 rows selected.
<b>Elapsed: 00:00:01.62
          0  recursive calls
          0  db block gets
       9009  consistent gets</b>

ops$tkyte@ORA920> select a.empno, a.ename, a.sal, sum(sal) over (order by sal, rowid) sum_sal
  2    from emp a
  3  /
1000 rows selected.
<b>Elapsed: 00:00:00.17
          0  recursive calls
          0  db block gets
          9  consistent gets</b>

ops$tkyte@ORA920> set autotrace off

ops$tkyte@ORA920> delete from emp;
1000 rows deleted.
ops$tkyte@ORA920> insert into emp
  2  select object_id empno, object_name ename, object_id/100  sal
  3    from all_objects
  4   where rownum <= 10000
  5  /
10000 rows created.

ops$tkyte@ORA920> set autotrace traceonly statistics

ops$tkyte@ORA920> select a.empno, a.ename, a.sal, sum(b.sal)
  2  from emp a, emp b
  3  WHERE a.sal > b.sal
  4  OR
  5  (
  6  a.sal= b.sal
  7  and a.rowid >= b.rowid)
  8  group by a.empno, a.ename, a.rowid,a.sal
  9  order by a.sal, a.rowid
 10  /
10000 rows selected.
<b>Elapsed: 00:03:17.97
          0  recursive calls
          0  db block gets
     580058  consistent gets</b>

ops$tkyte@ORA920> select a.empno, a.ename, a.sal, sum(sal) over (order by sal, rowid) sum_sal
  2    from emp a
  3  /
10000 rows selected.
<b>Elapsed: 00:00:00.42
          0  recursive calls
          0  db block gets
         58  consistent gets</b>

ops$tkyte@ORA920> set autotrace off

<b>pretty compelling isn't it</b>


Compare with solutions in 8,.1.5 an prior

Asim Naveed, September 21, 2003 - 2:14 pm UTC

You are 100 percent right, that analytics are faster,
but I propose this solution for versions 8.1.5 and earlier,
those dont have analytic functions, so can you please
compare this solution with other solutions in version
8.1.5 or earlier.


Tom Kyte
September 21, 2003 - 2:37 pm UTC

my suggestion would be to do this in the client, as you are fetching rows, in really old software like that.

the cost of doing it in SQL is exhorbinant.

Yet another try for versions before or equal to 8.1.5

Urs, September 22, 2003 - 8:24 am UTC

This one is still slower than analytics but scales better than pure SQL without
analytics. Following Tom's mantra: If you can't do it in SQL, use...

  2  PACKAGE test_nocvs
  3  IS
  4     FUNCTION sum_up(
  5        pRowNumber   IN   PLS_INTEGER,
  6        pValue       IN   NUMBER)
  7        RETURN NUMBER;
 10  END;
 11  /

Paket wurde erstellt.

Abgelaufen: 00:00:00.60
  2  PACKAGE BODY test_nocvs
  3  IS
  4     pckSum   NUMBER;
  6     FUNCTION sum_up(
  7        pRowNumber   IN   PLS_INTEGER,
  8        pValue       IN   NUMBER)
  9        RETURN NUMBER
 10     IS
 11     BEGIN
 12        IF pRowNumber = 1 THEN
 13           pckSum := pValue;
 14        ELSE
 15           pckSum := pckSum + pValue;
 16        END IF;
 18        RETURN pckSum;
 19     END;
 20  END;
 21  /

Paketrumpf wurde erstellt.

Abgelaufen: 00:00:00.60

SQL> create table emp as
  2  select object_id empno, object_name ename, object_id/100  sal
  3    from all_objects
  4  where rownum <= 10000;

Tabelle wurde angelegt.

Abgelaufen: 00:00:01.42
SQL> set autotrace traceonly statistics
SQL> select a.empno, a.ename, a.sal, sum(sal) over (order by sal,rowid) sum_sal
  2  from emp a;

3087 Zeilen ausgewõhlt.

Abgelaufen: 00:00:02.44

          0  recursive calls
         12  db block gets
         16  consistent gets
         12  physical reads
          0  redo size
     122266  bytes sent via SQL*Net to client
      14456  bytes received via SQL*Net from client
        207  SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client
          1  sorts (memory)
          0  sorts (disk)
       3087  rows processed

SQL> select a.empno, a.ename, a.sal, test_nocvs.sum_up(rownum, a.sal) sum_sal
  2  from emp a;

3087 Zeilen ausgewõhlt.

Abgelaufen: 00:00:02.54

          0  recursive calls
         12  db block gets
        221  consistent gets
          0  physical reads
          0  redo size
     122822  bytes sent via SQL*Net to client
      14456  bytes received via SQL*Net from client
        207  SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client
          0  sorts (memory)
          0  sorts (disk)
       3087  rows processed

Is there a SUM - like function for characters

Raj, January 09, 2004 - 3:16 pm UTC

I love your responses with multiple solutions.
I am trying to make use of this window functions to append (concat) the column value for multiple rows.
create table emp (empid number, empname varchar2(1));
empid empname
1 R
1 A
1 J
2 B
2 I
2 L
2 L

How could I use OVER aggregates to come up with -
emplid Fullname

Thanks !

Tom Kyte
January 09, 2004 - 3:23 pm UTC

OVER are analytics -- they are not aggregates at all.....

IF there is a known upper bound on the number of rows/empid -- eg:

select max(cnt) from ( select count(*) cnt from t group by empid )

is a well known, stable number -- then

ops$tkyte@ORA920PC> select deptno,
  2         max(decode(rn,1,ename||',')) ||
  3         max(decode(rn,2,ename||',')) ||
  4         max(decode(rn,3,ename||',')) ||
  5         max(decode(rn,4,ename||',')) ||
  6         max(decode(rn,5,ename||','))
  7    from (select deptno,ename,row_number() over(partition by deptno order by
  8    ename) rn from emp ) emp
  9   group by deptno
 10  /
---------- -------------------------------------------------------


also, search this site for



Raj, January 09, 2004 - 3:47 pm UTC

It's magical solution I would say.
Thank you !

cumulative sal

A reader, January 11, 2004 - 6:15 pm UTC

Reg. posting 1 above

>>In Oracle8i release 2 (8.1.6), we have analytic functions to perform this
>>operation. In that release, you can code:

>>SELECT ename, sal,
>> SUM(sal) OVER
>> FROM emp;

In the above example, I would like to know how the following can be done
if I want to show dept no. along with the employee name and then show the totals per dept.

----- ---------- ---------- ----------
10 ADAMS 1100 1100
10 ALLEN 1600 2700
10 BLAKE 2850 5550
Dept 10 total 5550
20 CLARK 2450 8000
20 FORD 3000 11000
20 JAMES 950 11950
20 JONES 2975 14925
20 KING 5000 19925
Dept 20 total 14375
30 MARTIN 1250 21175
30 MILLER 1300 22475
30 SCOTT 3000 25475
30 SMITH 800 26275
30 TURNER 1500 27775
30 WARD 1250 29025
Dept 30 total 9100

DB Version:

Thank you

Tom Kyte
January 12, 2004 - 1:10 am UTC

scott@ORA9IR2> select decode( grouping(ename), 0, deptno ) deptno,
2 decode( grouping(ename), 0, ename, 'Dept ' || deptno || ' total' )
3 ename,
4 sal,
5 sum(sal) over (partition by deptno order by sal) l_csum
6 from emp
7 group by grouping sets ((deptno), (deptno,ename,sal))
8 /

---------- -------------------- ---------- ----------
10 MILLER 1300 1300
10 CLARK 2450 3750
10 KING 5000 8750
Dept 10 total 8750
20 SMITH 800 800
20 ADAMS 1100 1900
20 JONES 2975 4875
20 FORD 3000 10875
20 SCOTT 3000 10875
Dept 20 total 10875
30 JAMES 950 950
30 MARTIN 1250 3450
30 WARD 1250 3450
30 TURNER 1500 4950
30 ALLEN 1600 6550
30 BLAKE 2850 9400
Dept 30 total 9400

17 rows selected.

Cumulative sal

A reader, January 12, 2004 - 7:41 am UTC

Excellent answer. - Thank you

Cumulative sum

Moiz, January 20, 2004 - 12:46 am UTC

I want to do the following in a single query:

If I have a budget of only, say 7000, then I want to get a list of those employees who will be paid through this budget. Our companies policy is to do the following:
1. Sort the employees in ascending order of their salaries
2. Find the cumulative sum of the salaries
3. Put a "where" clause on this sum

I tried using the following query which is giving wrong result: 

  1  select ename, sal, deptno, total from
  2  (select ename, sal, deptno,
  3  sum(sal) over (order by rowid range unbounded preceding) Total
  4  from emp)
  5  where total < 7000
  6* order by sal
SQL> /

ENAME             SAL     DEPTNO      TOTAL
---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
SMITH             800         20        800
WARD             1250         30       3650
ALLEN            1600         30       2400
JONES            2975         20       6625

This is wrong because I am missing James whose sal is 950.

Tom Kyte
January 20, 2004 - 8:16 am UTC

well, you ordered by ROWID, not by salary.

sum(sal) over (order by sal, empno) total

is what you want.

grouping by bands

dxl, November 02, 2004 - 10:14 am UTC

create table t1 (name varchar2(40), age number(10));

insert into t1 values ('JOHN', 8);
insert into t1 values ('MARY', 75);
insert into t1 values ('MARK', 6);
insert into t1 values ('LUKE', 7);
insert into t1 values ('JO', 8);
insert into t1 values ('DONNA', 58);
insert into t1 values ('AMY', 55);
insert into t1 values ('DAVID', 78);
insert into t1 values ('SANDRA', 56);
insert into t1 values ('MELISSA', 28);
insert into t1 values ('ABBEY', 33);

From the above table data how can i create a query that looks like this:

--------- -------------
10TO19 0
20TO29 1
30TO39 1
40TO49 0
50TO59 3
60TO69 0
70TO79 2
OVER80 0

ie creating agebands and grouping by them.
I would like to do it in one sql statement if possible,
i have been playing around with aggregates and sums but can't quite see how to get it right.
Are there any analytic functions i could use? or should it be sums and decodes?
(This is for


Tom Kyte
November 02, 2004 - 10:55 am UTC

select ageband, count(*)
from (
select case when age < 10 then 'under10'
when age between 10 and 19 then '10to19'
when age >= 80 'Over80' ageband
from t
group by ageband;

Another method

Glen Morris, November 03, 2004 - 8:36 pm UTC

Here is another possible method which makes use of a relatively new function (9i and 10g - not sure about 8i).

This would only work because the 'bands' are of the same size.

select case width_bucket(age,10,79,7)
when 0 then 'under10'
when 1 then '10to19'
when 2 then '20to29'
when 3 then '30to39'
when 4 then '40to49'
when 5 then '50to59'
when 6 then '60to69'
when 7 then '70to79'
when 8 then 'Over80'
end ageband
from t1
group by width_bucket(age,10,79,7)

Similar to bands

PK, October 22, 2006 - 10:26 am UTC

I have a table with following sample data:

Key Band Cost
1 A 100
2 B 1000
3 C 1100

Here Key is uniqe (it need not be a number). There are no pre-defined number of bands or number of rows.

Input is Cost.

If cost is less than or equal to 100, band should be A.
If cost is greater than 100 and less than or equal to 1000, band should be B
...and so on
If cost is greater than 1100, cost should be C.

How I can achieve this in one SQL query. I know that it is a bit easy to use PL/SQL block, but I want to achieve this using a one SQL query.

Any suggestions?

Tom Kyte
October 22, 2006 - 4:12 pm UTC

if cost is > 1100 cost should be C??????

and here I thought C would be 1000 > x <= 1100 ??? that does not seem to fit the logic, are you sure that is what you meant?

Similar to bands -Clarification

PK, October 23, 2006 - 6:07 am UTC

Sorry for the confusion. Please ignore the following for the time being:

If cost is greater than 1100, cost should be C.

Can you please suggest the query for the rest of scenarios?


Tom Kyte
October 23, 2006 - 10:16 am UTC

select * from t where cost = (select min(cost) from t where cost >= :x)

find the minimum cost greater than or equal to the cost you are looking at (:x)

get that record

Similar to bands - Thanks

PK, October 23, 2006 - 2:59 pm UTC

Thanks for the simple solution. I was thinking of some analytical functions....

what if we need a running "difference"

KK, November 21, 2006 - 11:44 pm UTC

Hi Tom,

What if the requirement is that we need a running "difference" not a running total. If the rows in the table are as follow:-

SLno: Ename Sal
1 Jone 4000
2 Allan 7000
3 Tom 9000
4 Victor 1000

Now if I want to divide x dollars to employees shown in the above order and then get a balance column as follows:-
If x=13,000
Ename Sal Balance
Jone 4000 0
Allan 7000 0
Tom 9000 6000
Victor 1000

If x=5,000
Ename Sal Balance
Jone 4000 0
Allan 7000 6000
Tom 9000 0
Victor 1000

If x=21,000
Ename Sal Balance
Jone 4000 0
Allan 7000 0
Tom 9000 0
Victor 1000 0

Could you please tell us how would the query look like?

Tom Kyte
November 24, 2006 - 12:27 pm UTC

I don't get "tom 9000 6000" - seems like 7000 not 6000

ops$tkyte%ORA10GR2> variable x number
ops$tkyte%ORA10GR2> exec :x := 13000

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

ops$tkyte%ORA10GR2> select slno, ename, sal,
  2         sum(sal) over (order by slno) sumsal,
  3         case when (sum(sal) over (order by slno)-sal > :x)
  4                  then to_number( null )
  5                          when (sum(sal) over (order by slno) < :x)
  6                  then 0
  7                          else sum(sal) over (order by slno)-:x
  8                   end sumsal
  9    from t
 10   order by slno
 11  /

      SLNO ENAME             SAL     SUMSAL     SUMSAL
---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
         1 jone             4000       4000          0
         2 allan            7000      11000          0
         3 tom              9000      20000       7000
         4 victor           1000      21000

ops$tkyte%ORA10GR2> exec :x := 5000

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

ops$tkyte%ORA10GR2> /

      SLNO ENAME             SAL     SUMSAL     SUMSAL
---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
         1 jone             4000       4000          0
         2 allan            7000      11000       6000
         3 tom              9000      20000
         4 victor           1000      21000

ops$tkyte%ORA10GR2> exec :x := 21000

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

ops$tkyte%ORA10GR2> /

      SLNO ENAME             SAL     SUMSAL     SUMSAL
---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
         1 jone             4000       4000          0
         2 allan            7000      11000          0
         3 tom              9000      20000          0
         4 victor           1000      21000          0

A reader, December 05, 2006 - 2:22 pm UTC

You are unbelievable....

Cumulative Total

Tennyson Dias, March 26, 2007 - 7:57 am UTC


Thank you for your wonderful site, now got a small enquiry below


A1 15/12/06 3
A1 15/01/07 5
A1 15/01/07 -1
A1 08/02/07 -2
A1 15/02/07 6
A2 10/01/07 10

so i am interested code wise month wise opening balance and closing balance
Now suppose i run query for the period for Jun and Feb, i want output like this

A1 01/07 3 7
A1 02/07 7 5
A2 01/07 10 10
can we achive this using analytical function as i dont want use procedure

any help/ suggestion on this is highly appriciated.

Thank you

Tom Kyte
March 26, 2007 - 11:08 am UTC

no create, in inserts, no lookie - and no promises

Cumulative Total... Try this query

Jignesh, March 27, 2007 - 12:05 pm UTC

SELECT code, to_char(mnth, qty,
(sum(qty) over
(ORDER BY code, mnth RANGE UNBOUNDED PRECEDING))-qty op_bal,
sum(qty) over (ORDER BY code, mnth RANGE UNBOUNDED PRECEDING) cl_bal
(select code, trunc(doc_date,'MM') mnth, sum(qty) qty
from <YourTableName>
group by code, trunc(doc_date,'MM')

Cumulative sum with Reset

Soumadip, September 04, 2012 - 5:34 am UTC

Hi Tom,

I have a similar query with one of the post before with slight changes.

My Data is like this :-

ID Tot_sum
1 20
2 40
3 -50
4 70
5 10
6 -100
7 30
8 50
9 -90
10 20

I want the cumulative sum of tot_sum and want to reset the counter when the sum reaches negative and shows the sum as zero like this :-

ID Tot_sum Running_sum
1 20 20
2 40 60
3 -50 10
4 70 80
5 10 90
6 -100 0
7 30 30
8 50 80
9 -90 0
10 20 20

Scripts :-

create table S1

insert into S1 (ID, TOT_SUM)
values (1, 20);
insert into S1 (ID, TOT_SUM)
values (2, 40);
insert into S1 (ID, TOT_SUM)
values (3, -50);
insert into S1 (ID, TOT_SUM)
values (4, 70);
insert into S1 (ID, TOT_SUM)
values (5, 10);
insert into S1 (ID, TOT_SUM)
values (6, -100);
insert into S1 (ID, TOT_SUM)
values (7, 30);
insert into S1 (ID, TOT_SUM)
values (8, 50);
insert into S1 (ID, TOT_SUM)
values (9, -90);
insert into S1 (ID, TOT_SUM)
values (10, 20);

Please let me know can we do it using only SQL statement.
I am using Oracle 10g.


chari, April 14, 2013 - 5:59 am UTC



1, A ,100, 100
2, B ,200, 300
3, C ,300, 600


1, A ,600
2, B ,600
3, C ,600


Tom Kyte
April 22, 2013 - 6:56 pm UTC


yes, you could get your running total using a scalar subquery - it would be about the slowest, least efficient, most IO intensive approach you could take - but it would "work"

I would not suggest this ever - not with analytic windowing functions.

need your clarification

Ranjan, September 26, 2013 - 10:20 pm UTC

Hi Tom,

I think there is a bug in your below logic posted for "Neil Chapman" in september4,2003.
But by "ODCIAggregate" technique it gives the correct result

select account, cycle, val,
2 sum(decode(sign(val),1,val,null))
3 over (partition by account, max_cycle order by cycle) running
4 from (
5 select account, cycle, val,
6 max( decode(sign(val),-1,cycle,decode(cycle,1,1,null)) )
7 over (partition by account order by cycle) max_cycle
8 from t
9 )
10 /

---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
999 1 .11 .11
999 2 .18 .29
999 3 .27 .56
999 4 .35 .91
999 5 .52 1.43
999 6 .61 2.04
999 7 -200
999 8 .63 .63
999 9 92 92.63
999 10 88 180.63
999 11 -400
999 12 .8 .8

If we will update the value for cycle 11 from -400 to -150.63 , then the
corresponding running for cycle 11 should be 180-150.63=30 and then for cycle 12
it should add up 30+.8=30.8 but it is giving null for cycle 11 and .8 for cycle 12.


select account, cycle, val,
2 sum(decode(sign(val),1,val,null))
3 over (partition by account, max_cycle order by cycle) running
4 from (
5 select account, cycle, val,
6 max( decode(sign(val),-1,cycle,decode(cycle,1,1,null)) )
7 over (partition by account order by cycle) max_cycle
8 from t
9 )
10 /

---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
999 1 .11 .11
999 2 .18 .29
999 3 .27 .56
999 4 .35 .91
999 5 .52 1.43
999 6 .61 2.04
999 7 -200
999 8 .63 .63
999 9 92 92.63
999 10 88 180.63
999 11 -150.63
999 12 .8 .8

I think it seems very difficult to do with single sql without that "user defined aggregate" technique.

Could you please say about my findings.

Thanks as always,

More to Explore


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