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  • how to insert data from clob to another table



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Question and Answer

Chris Saxon

Thanks for the question, Bhogesh.

Asked: October 06, 2015 - 11:59 am UTC

Last updated: November 04, 2015 - 1:12 am UTC

Version: 11g

Viewed 10K+ times! This question is

You Asked

Hi ..

create table t1(c clob)

insert into t1 values ('NAME;AGE;GENDER;DOB;PHONE;ZIP
create table t2 (
name varchar2(5),
age number,
gender varchar2(1),
dob date,
phone varchar2(20),
zip varchar2(6)

1)I need to insert the data from t1 to t2 , in the t1 header column need not to insert in t2
2)some validation like if the clob column any spaces are there , need to validate that one( starting of clob column).

and Chris said...

1) You need to go through a two step process.

First convert the single clob row into one row per line within it. I've done this by using the "connect by level" row generation method, counting how many newlines there are in the string and substracting one (because you have a header row).

With rows generated, just substring out each line. I've done this using instr to find the position of the nth occurrence of linefeed (chr(10)) plus one to find the start of each line. The length of each line is found by subtracting the nth position of chr(10) from the n+1 position of it (minus one).

select substr(c, 
              instr(c, chr(10), 1, level)+1, 
              instr(c, chr(10), 1, level+1)-instr(c, chr(10), 1, level)-1) val
from   t1
connect by level <= regexp_count(c, chr(10))-1;


Once you've go the individual rows, it's simply a matter of using string manipulation as above to get the field values, this time looking for semi colons instead of chr(10)s:

with rws as (
  select substr(c, 
                instr(c, chr(10), 1, level), 
                instr(c, chr(10), 1, level+1)-instr(c, chr(10), 1, level)) val
  from   t1
  connect by level <= regexp_count(c, chr(10))-1
select substr(val, 1, instr(val, ';', 1, 1)-1) name, 
       to_number(substr(val, instr(val, ';', 1, 1)+1, instr(val, ';', 1, 2)-1-instr(val, ';', 1, 1))) age, 
       substr(val, instr(val, ';', 1, 2)+1, instr(val, ';', 1, 3)-1-instr(val, ';', 1, 2)) gender, 
       to_date(substr(val, instr(val, ';', 1, 3)+1, instr(val, ';', 1, 4)-1-instr(val, ';', 1, 3)), 'mm/dd/yyyy') dob, 
       substr(val, instr(val, ';', 1, 4)+1, instr(val, ';', 1, 5)-1-instr(val, ';', 1, 4)) phone, 
       substr(val, instr(val, ';', 1, 5)+1) zip
from   rws;

NAME              AGE G DOB                 PHONE                ZIP  
---------- ---------- - ------------------- -------------------- ------
AMIT               33 M 26/08/1982 00:00:00 1112221111           11223 
SAM                30 M 26/08/1985 00:00:00 1113331111           11223 
ANU                28 F 26/08/1987 00:00:00 1114441111           11223 
MARK               25 M 26/08/1990 00:00:00 1115551111           11223 

You can then insert them with a insert into t2 select ...

2) not sure what you mean by that - please provide an example


  (2 ratings)

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Loading is taking more time.

Bhogesh waraprasad, November 03, 2015 - 6:49 pm UTC

Hi Tom

We have 10 M.B of data in t1 table c column (that is nearly 1,50,000 records). with the following code, it is taking long time that is more than 30 minutes. for selecting also it is taking 30 minutes and after that we need to insert the data into t2 table. so it will take more one hour. Is there any better approach regarding this.

we are using oracle 12c

Thanks & Regards,
T.Bhogeswara Prasad.

Loading is taking more time.

Bhogesh waraprasad, November 03, 2015 - 6:51 pm UTC

Hi Tom

We have 10 M.B of data in t1 table c column (that is nearly 1,50,000 records). with the following code, it is taking long time that is more than 30 minutes. for selecting also it is taking 30 minutes and after that we need to insert the data into t2 table. so it will take more one hour. Is there any better approach regarding this.

we are using oracle 12c

Thanks & Regards,
T.Bhogeswara Prasad.
Chris Saxon
November 04, 2015 - 1:12 am UTC

A better approach would be via PL/SQL in this case.

Here's some rough pseudo code:

for each clob in T1
read 32k into a string s
find position of chr(10), call this x
if no chr(10) found, then exit the loop, ie, we will get the next 32k
each_row := substr(s,1,x-1)
parse this row into column values, this time looking for commas
store column values in a plsql table
once you get to (say) 1000 rows, bulk bind insert into t2
end loop
end loop

Hope this helps

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