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  • Insert data into a table using the data from another table



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Question and Answer

Chris Saxon

Thanks for the question, Mukti.

Asked: September 16, 2015 - 1:31 pm UTC

Last updated: September 18, 2015 - 4:00 am UTC

Version: Oracle 10

Viewed 50K+ times! This question is

You Asked


I have a question.

I need to insert data into a table Student with columns names as Student_id, batch_id and student_name, but I have another table with name batch_job and in this table I have a column batch_id.
The value of the column batch_id in table student should be based on the values of the column batch_id of the table batch_job and on the where clause of the batch_job

somewhat Like this
INSERT INTO Student VALUES ('student_id',job_id,student_name)(
where Student.job_id in (SELECT job_id FROM batch_job WHERE BATCH_STATUS = 'SUCCESS'))

how can we implement such a scenario?

Thanks in advance.

and Chris said...

To insert values from another table there's two methods:

For a single row insert, you can put the select statement directly in the where clause:

create table t (x integer);

insert into t values ((select 1 from dual));

1 row inserted.

select * from t;


to insert multiple rows, use a select statement instead of a values clause:
delete t;

insert into t
  select rownum
  from   dual 
  connect by level <= 5;

5 rows inserted.
select * from t;


I'm guessing you want something along the lines of:

insert into student 
  select 'student_id', job_id , 'student name'
  from   batch_job 
  where  batch_status = 'SUCCESS';

You'll need to post create table statements with example before and after data for us to verify this though.


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Insert option

Rajeshwaran, Jeyabal, September 16, 2015 - 2:35 pm UTC

The value of the column batch_id in table student should be based on the values of the column batch_id of the table batch_job

insert into student(c1,c2,c3..)
select c1,c2,c3...
from batch_job b
where b.batch_id in (select s.batch_id from student s)