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Question and Answer

Tom Kyte

Thanks for the question, Logo .

Asked: June 01, 2001 - 3:44 pm UTC

Last updated: January 12, 2005 - 1:09 pm UTC

Version: 8,1.6

Viewed 1000+ times

You Asked


What is the difference between SET TRANSACTION READ ONLY and SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL SERIALIZABLE? As for as my understanding goes, both of them don't see any committed changes from other sessions during the duration of the transaction.

Logo Palanisamy

and Tom said...

one can update.

the other cannot.

set transaction read only predates serializable by a couple of years -- if they had come out at the same time, we probably would not have read only as serializable is a superset of read only.


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Transaction Read only and isolation level serializable

Logo Palanisamy, June 01, 2001 - 4:08 pm UTC

Well said.

set transaction read write

michael, March 26, 2004 - 10:06 am UTC


I understand the need for set transaction read only; however, I do not understand the need for set transaction read write.

If the transaction is not committed due to error, will the entire transaction ROLLBACK?

Can you please give me an example of a situation where SET TRANSACTION READ WRITE is necessary and not necessary?

Thank you.

Tom Kyte
March 26, 2004 - 10:55 am UTC

it is our way of "begin transaction" if you well. It is part of the standard SQL.

you don't ever really need to use it. I've never used it.


Sergei, April 08, 2004 - 10:07 am UTC

I am totally confused, sorry.
A 'TRANSACTION' is something that CHANGES the data, as opposed to SQL QUERY, that does not change data.
Therefore, the TRANSACTION should be able to write, and can not be set READ ONLY by definition.

Please set me strait, I'm missing something here.


Tom Kyte
April 08, 2004 - 10:53 am UTC

a transaction is a set of statements -- nothing more, nothing less.

if you set transaction read only -- then all sql statements issued in that transaction, until you commit, are run "as of that point in time".

if you set transaction readonly at 12 noon -- run a query and go to lunch. when you come back and run that query again, the answer will be the same -- no matter what has happened to the table in other sessions (until you commit)

a transaction is just a set of consecutive statements.

What about v$views ?

Marc, April 08, 2004 - 1:00 pm UTC

Is the phrase <if you set transaction read only -- then all sql statements issued in that transaction, until you commit, are run "as of that point in time"> also true and valid for queries against v$views?

Thanks in advance.

Tom Kyte
April 08, 2004 - 3:36 pm UTC

v$views are documented to not return read consistent results as they are the results of querying in memory structures, not data in tables.

so -- no, it does not apply to them at all.

read only vs serializable

Menon, December 27, 2004 - 10:23 am UTC

"set transaction read only predates serializable by a couple of years -- if they
had come out at the same time, we probably would not have read only as serializable is a superset of read only. "
I understand the difference between the two but how is
serializable a superset of read only? read only is more
restrictive than serializable. If you did not have the
read only "isolation level", how would you have implemented
read only?

Tom Kyte
December 27, 2004 - 10:41 am UTC

something that is a superset contains all of the functionality plus.

read only is a subset of the functionalty of serializable.

serializable is a superset of read only.


Menon, December 27, 2004 - 10:50 am UTC

that way "read uncommitted" is a super set of "read committed"?
I know what you mean - it is just that here functionality
is defined in a way by being more restrictive.
read only disallows insert, update etc.
serializable does not.
in that way, serializable does not provide the
functionality provided by read only.

Tom Kyte
December 27, 2004 - 10:58 am UTC

no, read uncommitted is not a super set of read committed .

they have totally different attributes, they are not supersets/subsets of eachother at all.

serializable provides all of the functionality of READ ONLY plus other stuff that read only cannot do. Hence serializable is a SUPERSET of read only. read only is a SUBSET of the functionality of serializable.

A read only transaction is in fact a serializable transaction whereby modifications are not permitted.

read uncommitted and read committed -- they have entirely different attributes -- they are not subsets of each other at all.

a silly question

amit poddar, December 27, 2004 - 11:03 am UTC

All these terms and their definitions, they are always in your head or you refer to some documentation/your books to answer these type of questions.

Tom Kyte
December 27, 2004 - 11:30 am UTC

the terms on this page -- in the head, they are just "part of the database"

Guess these terms stick because I learned about databases -- not "SQL", but databases.

See the "LINKS I LIKE" tab, the Book on "Transaction Processing" is one of the original books I learned from.


Menon, December 27, 2004 - 11:08 am UTC

"no, read uncommitted is not a super set of read committed ."
I know that - that was a "rhetorical" question...

"serializable provides all of the functionality of READ ONLY plus other stuff that read only cannot do."

I am not sure about that (or rather I would not put
it that way.)
serializable is less restrictive than read only.
If serializable could provide all functionality of read only
then read only is redundant right? Tell me how would
you implement read only functionality if it were not
there (there may be ways I am not aware of.)
I think we are disagreeing more on how to say something
rather than how something works...

Tom Kyte
December 27, 2004 - 12:14 pm UTC

not really - rhetorical questions are those that have "obvious, to the speaker, answers"

"that way "read uncommitted" is a super set of "read committed"?"

is not an accurate portrayal :)

read only is pretty much redundant in light of serializable -- yes. If you don't perform an insert, update, delete, or merge in a serializable tranaction, all you have is a "read only" one. read only is in fact serializable without modifications, nothing more, nothing less.

If read only didn't exist syntactically, I would tell you to use serializable.

continuing the debate...

Menon, December 27, 2004 - 12:57 pm UTC

"not really - rhetorical questions are those that have "obvious, to the speaker,

a. the answer to my question was obvious - NO - you said it yourself...:),
b. Hey anyways I put the word rhetorical in quotes!:)

"If you don't perform an insert, update, delete, or merge in a serializable tranaction,
all you have is a "read only" one"

The functionality that I am talking about is that
of not being *able* to insert/update etc..:
scott@ORA92I> create table t1 ( x number );

Table created.

scott@ORA92I> set transaction islolation level = serializable;
set transaction islolation level = serializable
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00900: invalid SQL statement

scott@ORA92I> insert into t1(x ) values( 1 );

1 row created.

scott@ORA92I> rollback;

Rollback complete.

scott@ORA92I> set transaction read only;

Transaction set.

scott@ORA92I> insert into t1(x ) values( 1 );
insert into t1(x ) values( 1 )
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01456: may not perform insert/delete/update operation inside a READ ONLY transaction
(I know you dont need the above code - just for
my thinking...)

read only provides it, serializable does not...
In the end, it is all a matter of how you think about it.
(Just like read committed provides the "restrictive"
functionality of being able to see only committed
transactions - as opposed to "anything goes" in
read uncommitted...

Tom Kyte
December 27, 2004 - 1:38 pm UTC

read only is therefore a subset of serializable.

just like standard edtion of Oracle is a subset of the Enterprise Edition which is a superset of Standard.

I can do everything in Enterprise I can do in Standard
I can do everything in Serializable I can do in Read only

There are things in Enterprise Edition I can do that I cannot in Standard
There are things in Serializable I can do that I cannot in Read only

the "may not" is removal of functionality -- "you cannot do that". But everything I CAN DO in read only I CAN DO in serializable.

David Aldridge, December 27, 2004 - 1:23 pm UTC


Shurely shome mishtake?

good catch David:)

Menon, December 27, 2004 - 1:46 pm UTC

just for the record, the corrected test...
scott@ORA92I> drop table t1;

Table dropped.

scott@ORA92I> create table t1 ( x number );

Table created.

scott@ORA92I> set transaction isolation level serializable;

Transaction set.

scott@ORA92I> insert into t1(x ) values( 1 );

1 row created.

scott@ORA92I> rollback;

Rollback complete.

scott@ORA92I> set transaction read only;

Transaction set.

scott@ORA92I> insert into t1(x ) values( 1 );
insert into t1(x ) values( 1 )
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01456: may not perform insert/delete/update operation inside a READ ONLY transaction

no point in arguing any further on this...

getting the "set transaction" values

Menon, January 12, 2005 - 11:22 am UTC

Hi Tom
Simple question.
Is there a way to get the value of the "set transaction"
setting for a given transaction? e.g. if you set it
to read only or serializable...(dbms_transaction does
not provide it.) The view v$transaction does not
seem to provide it..

By the same token is there a way to get your session's
settings set by "alter session"?

Tom Kyte
January 12, 2005 - 1:09 pm UTC

not that I am aware of