How do achieve this in Java (via JDBC)
Bala, June 07, 2004 - 12:07 pm UTC
Hi tom,
Thanks a lot.
I need to achieve this handling special characters from Java. The sql insert statement is embedded in JDBC code.
I just want to confirm that, if i use prepared statements (one must use in Java), the actual implementation of Bind variables in Java, then it will automatically handle storing the special characters in DB VARCHAR2 columns.
Is my understanding correct.
Thanks a lot.
June 07, 2004 - 1:30 pm UTC
the two most important words you need to know as a java developer doing jdbc coding:
*bind variables*
Use prepared statments.
FORGET that the statement class even exists.
binding removes the need to escape, yes.
How to allow storing and retrieving special characters
Shaun White, July 08, 2004 - 2:50 pm UTC
How do I keep/load special characters using sqlldr. When loading data with special characters to varchar2 and clob columns, the data in both columns invalidate the special chacacters or atleast they are not readable just empty squares returned.
July 08, 2004 - 3:53 pm UTC
set your nls_lang properly to match the character set in your database.
special characters
mike, September 22, 2004 - 6:32 pm UTC
When a user enters a special character in <texarea> field in HTML form as:
"Rule 1" Wait 1 hour Finalize book
And I read back from oracle using sql*plus select it has the upside down question mark:
"Rule 1" Wait 1 hour ¿ Finalize book¿
When I read back to the web form it looks fine.
Is there any special coding for mod_plsql that I have to do for C.R.U.D for the special characters.
The instance is using WE8ISO8859P1 for character set.
September 22, 2004 - 7:40 pm UTC
seems they might not be using characters that are in the we8iso8859p1 character set.
funny, in order to put that back into a textarea, you'd have to use htp.escape_sc or something equivalent -- that only escapes real "quotes" with " -- what does the actual html show for these special characters.
A reader, September 23, 2004 - 5:35 am UTC
special characters
mike, September 23, 2004 - 7:31 pm UTC
The HTML looks like this (without using escapes_sc) looks like IE does that automatically:
On Edit Form:
<TD><TEXTAREA name="i_item_description" cols=39 rows=3 WRAP="VIRTUAL">"Rule 1" Wait 1 hour ?Finalize book?</TEXTAREA></TD>
On print form.
"Rule 1" Wait 1 hour ?Finalize book?
1. How can i verify that we8iso8859p1 character
set does not support that character?
2. How can I fix this issue? If it is character set do I have to change it to UTF8? Would that be easy to do?
Thank you,
September 24, 2004 - 10:29 am UTC
IE cannot do that automagically.
You must be doing that.
<form action=foo>
<textarea name="i" cols=39 rows=3 wrap="virtual">
"Rule 1" Wait one hour
put that into a file and open it. You'll see that view source in IE will be something like exactly the same. You must be escapeing that somewhere. (ie 6.0.26)
If IE did that automatically, could do that automatically -- there would be no need to escape special characters. YOU NEED to be very careful -- what if something puts in the rule
"And then you shall enter </textarea>"
And you do not escape <> as < and > ???? oh sad day -- be careful with that on all forms...
in sqlplus dump that character -- see what "ascii code" it is.
You can refer to
Article-ID: <Note:14786.1>
Alias: OLS:106056.069
Folder: server.Globalization
Topic: Reference - Character Set Definitions
Title: Definition of the WE8ISO8859P1 Character Set
on metalink -- but specially there is a gap:
127 7F 127 XE33 DEL (delete, rubout) Control character
160 A0 155 SP30 No-break / required space Punctuation
Similar isssue and how I solved
Meyer Tollen, September 24, 2004 - 6:51 am UTC
I have a MOD/PLSQL HTMLDB application...
Had the same "intermittent" problem...found out:
When users pasted into the text area from MS-WORD or MS-OUTLOOK (Microsoft Office Programs), I would get the upside down Question mark you mention instead of quotes when I printed their data back to the screen...MS uses a special char and their quotes...
However, if they typed quotes into the textarea from their keyboard there was no only happened when pasting from microsoft office apps.
Test it again...Is that what you are having?
If yes, this will fix it for if you do this on the insert...
FYI it is ASCII #191
Hope that solves it for you,
character set
mike, September 24, 2004 - 10:31 am UTC
I do not have a problem with regular quote. The problem comes with "reverse quote" (not sure what is called but it ia the last set in this sentence.
"Rule 1" Wait 1 hour Finalize book
Fixing it using SQL*plus does not solve future problems. Keep checking what special characters the user entered and then fixing it is not very exciting.
September 24, 2004 - 11:43 am UTC
well, since you have to fix your code anyway (if you are not escaping special characters, you have a horrible bug in the first place)
So, you could
a) use sqlplus to 'fix' existing data
b) either use a trigger to :new.string :=
translate(:new.string,chr(NNN)||chr(MMM),'''''...' );
where NNN, MMM are the 'bad guys' that word is injecting.
Might not be exciting, but neither is probably 1/2 of what we have to do day to day to keep things working right.
Giridhar, January 10, 2005 - 6:47 am UTC
Hi tom,
i have similar problem. User entered special character RENE(E acute uppercase) in Mainframes. we get the files ftped from Mainframes to oracle. when the data is inserted in our datbaase, its getting translated as REN?.
Our NLS settings are as follows:
May i know what went wrong?
Thanks in advance.
January 10, 2005 - 8:59 am UTC
No idea, knowing the database character set isn't enough.
who/what loads this
how is the data transfered.
what is the client nls settings when you load
is that E acute uppercase character supported in we8iso
is the E acute uppercase in fact still there after you transfer from mainframe before you load it...
Web Characters
Martin Guillen, May 15, 2005 - 5:50 pm UTC
Tom: I have an we8iso8859p1 database with an accented character on it:
SQL> select * from nls_database_parameters where parameter = 'NLS_CHARACTERSET';
---------------- ------------
SQL> select * from tilde;
But when I query the data with the mod_plsql module via this test procedure:
SQL> ed
Wrote file afiedt.buf
1 create or replace
2 procedure test
3 as
4 l_test tilde.a%type;
5 begin
6 htp.htmlopen;
7 htp.headopen;
8 htp.headclose;
9 htp.bodyopen;
10 select * into l_test from tilde;
11 htp.p(l_test);
13 htp.print(owa_util.get_cgi_env('REQUEST_CHARSET'));
14 htp.bodyclose;
15 htp.htmlclose;
16* end;
SQL> /
Procedure created.
The browser shows:
So it yous then character '¢'...
The browsers used to test it (ie and firefox) use western (iso-8859) encoding.
The dad is configured with:
So all seems to be using the same character set.
Why the browser don't you what is on the database?
Thank you,
May 15, 2005 - 8:01 pm UTC
but what characterset is mod_plsql having in its NLS_LANG? the app server has what environment set up?
Web Characters
Martin Guillen, May 16, 2005 - 1:53 am UTC
Application servers (Oracle HTTP server 10g 9.0.4 for Linux and Windows) have the same settings. For example on Linux:
oracle@star:~> export NLS_LANG=AMERICAN_AMERICA.WE8ISO8859P1
oracle@star:~> env | grep NLS
oracle@star:~> /opt/oracle/product/oas904/opmn/bin/opmnctl startall
opmnctl: starting opmn and all managed processes...
Same results:
Any way opmnctl script sets NLS_LANG to AMERICAN_AMERICA.WE8ISO8859P1.
ñ is chr(241) in the browser (i've tested it) with:
create or replace
procedure test2
Also the mod_plsql sets nls parameters, this is an sql_trace(snipped) done with a logon trigger:
PARSING IN CURSOR #1 len=67 dep=0 uid=149 oct=42 lid=149 tim=353136398337 hv=107578029 ad='67da9f68'
alter session set nls_language= "AMERICAN" nls_territory= "AMERICA"
PARSE #1:c=0,e=743,p=0,cr=0,cu=0,mis=1,r=0,dep=0,og=4,tim=353136398320
EXEC #1:c=0,e=155,p=0,cr=0,cu=0,mis=0,r=0,dep=0,og=4,tim=353136400258
May 16, 2005 - 7:58 am UTC
that is just the language at the bottom, nothing about the character set.
sorry -- if the NLS_LANG is consistently set everywhere across the board, we just transfer bits and bytes from place to place and don't touch them.
Are you saying that when you htp.print(chr(241)) you get the right thing?
print out the DUMP() of the string too if so:
9 htp.bodyopen;
10 select * into l_test from tilde;
11 htp.p(l_test);;
select DUMP(column) into l_string from tilde;
13 htp.print(owa_util.get_cgi_env('REQUEST_CHARSET'));
14 htp.bodyclose;
Web Characters
Martin Guillen, May 16, 2005 - 11:32 am UTC
This is the procedure:
SQL> ed
Wrote file afiedt.buf
1 create or replace
2 procedure test3
3 as
4 l_test tilde.a%type;
5 l_test2 varchar2(30);
6 begin
7 htp.htmlopen;
8 htp.headopen;
9 htp.headclose;
10 htp.bodyopen;
11 select * into l_test from tilde;
12 htp.p(l_test);
14 select dump(a) into l_test2 from tilde;
15 htp.p(l_test2);
17 htp.print(chr(241));
18 htp.bodyclose;
19 htp.htmlclose;
20* end;
SQL> /
Procedure created.
And the result:
Typ=1 Len=1: 164
SQL> select tilde.a, chr(164), chr(241) from tilde;
---------- - -
ñ ñ ±
Do you show especial characters in this web site?
Web Characters
Martin Guillen, May 16, 2005 - 1:48 pm UTC
dads.conf has:
In fact if I change that parameter it gets reflected in:
when the procedure is executed.
Thank you Tom. I will searh a little more in the web to see if someone had the same problem.
Thank you again,
Special characters
Linda Cotto, October 07, 2006 - 7:44 pm UTC
I have a datafile that was created as
Now the file_name is showing the two slashes after the custoravl22.
The dbf was stored in the /cust/oravl22/ORACLE_PCTIOL/dbf/refwaitdat.dbf
When trying to resize it gives me a:
ORA-01511: error in renaming log/data files
ORA-01516: nonexistent log file, datafile, or tempfile
I see this tablespace and datafile through the console also.
October 07, 2006 - 7:46 pm UTC
can you offline the tablespace and rename the datafile - does that help?
special character
sam, November 08, 2008 - 12:08 am UTC
Is there something special I have to do to store/retrieve special characters from a web form using mod_plsql.
The DB is we8 characterset.
I assume user can key in whatever diacritic or symbol using his keyboard and oracle will save it. is this correct?
Now on the way out from DB to web page, I have to use escpae_SC and it the diacritic will be displayed
November 11, 2008 - 2:51 pm UTC
they can key in whatever characters are supported by your we8iso... character set.
For example, if I paste in MS Word 'smart' (also known as dumb) quotes, you'll see this (since my database is not a WINDOWS characterset, but the we8iso... one)
This is `the so called smart quotes¿ in action
when I pasted that - it looked "normal", after I submit - it did not - why? because my database doesn't support those characters - I didn't create it to support those characters.
special chars
A reader, November 12, 2008 - 6:49 pm UTC
November 14, 2008 - 4:15 pm UTC
like demonstrated above, smart quotes - no
A reader, November 13, 2008 - 2:21 pm UTC
Actually iwant the XML to display the ASCII quivalent for each special charcter. how woudl you do that without escaping it.
November 14, 2008 - 4:50 pm UTC
I would
a) learn everything about charactersets, especially the ones I'm using
b) learn everything about the character set I'm using in XML
so that I can successfully consider all of the issues I'll encounter when developing my code.
escaping entities is going to be UNAVOIDABLE in XML - it supports what it supports.
Think about it, what would you do with < or > in XML? You have to escape many things, many many things
retrieve special symbols
A reader, November 15, 2008 - 2:35 pm UTC
I think XML has a special set of characters and diacritic symbols that cannot be used in normal XML strings.
Some of these characters a
& - &
< - <
> - >
" - "
' - '
For example, the following XML string is invalid:
<Organization>Oracle & Microsoft</Organization>
Whereas the following is valid XML:
<Organization>Oracle & Microsoft</Organization>
Users enter many book title descriptions that include diacritics (using alt key and numeric combination &#xxxx). Oracle 9i saves those titles in DB.
I want to generate an XML file from DB that is used by another desktop publishing software which parses this XML and fails if the diacritic is printed instead of the "&#xxxx". I think i need to print the numeric character reference for those diacritics. correct?
Is there a special function in Oracle for that or how would you do it.
November 18, 2008 - 6:48 pm UTC
.... I think XML has a special set of characters and diacritic symbols that cannot
be used in normal XML strings.....
ding, ding, ding - you win. Yes, that is absolutely true and absolutely why I wrote:
I would
a) learn everything about charactersets, especially the ones I'm using
b) learn everything about the character set I'm using in XML
so that I can successfully consider all of the issues I'll encounter when developing my code.
escaping entities is going to be UNAVOIDABLE in XML - it supports what it supports.
Think about it, what would you do with < or > in XML? You have to escape many things, many many things
You no longer have to "think" that, you can rest assured, it is true.
Have you read the XML database developers guide? We do that - yes... - has all of the documentation for your version.
A reader, November 19, 2008 - 12:18 am UTC
November 21, 2008 - 5:44 pm UTC
aren't you sort of wanting to know about XML and how to process XML and what is available to you in XML and the functionality in the database to process XML?
You should be dying to read that manual - not complaining.
You are most interested in chapter 10 (a quick skim would have told you that - "Generating XML Data from the Database"
ops$tkyte%ORA11GR1> select xmlelement( "myTag", 'howdy <doody>' ) from dual;
<myTag>howdy <doody></myTag>
Now, imagine the possibilities - read that chapter.
Yes, sometimes you have to read in order to learn.
A reader, November 21, 2008 - 8:41 pm UTC
Yes that is the chapter i was reading and I did notice a mention that XMLELEMENT does escape and convert to unicode.
Does this mean that every diacritic or special charater stored in in the We8ISO oracle database will be converted to the unicode equivalent character ( i believe this is the same number user enters with ALTnnn) on the keyboard unless i am wrong.
November 24, 2008 - 4:32 pm UTC
it outputs well formed XML - if that means having to escape something, sure, it'll do it.
You really need to read
Frank van Bortel, November 24, 2008 - 5:58 am UTC
First, escape_sc would have done the trick and was mentioned before.
Second - Unicode and MicroSoft Windows is not the same. "Special" characters, being entered using ALT+numeric keybord is just the entry of the current codepage - usually cp850.
Third: why does everybody insist on using WE8ISO in a web environment with "special" (read MS coded) characters?
Just stick to WE8MSWIN1252.
Last: 99% of these problems are not. They are just the incapability of the program used, to display the correct characters.
CLI users of SQL*Plus should excersise "chcp 1252" before starting SQL*Plus, and select Lucinda Console for lettertype - lots of "problems" gone...
How to allow special characters to store in DB
sachin, November 24, 2008 - 8:03 am UTC
I could not understand, what you are trying to say?
November 24, 2008 - 7:24 pm UTC
if you are commenting to Frank - I believe he is trying to say
"you know, if you all took time to understand charactersets - something you you will have to deal with, in fact currently have to deal with - you'd be a lot better off than saying 'special characters' - since in reality there is no such concept as 'special characters'."
He is trying to say "understand the problem, then the solutions are rather easy, think about the characterset you choose carefully"
A reader, November 24, 2008 - 7:43 pm UTC
I am little confused.
can you explain how the charcter set code thing works from the time you insert from a client screen using windows keyboard to the time it goes to Oracle DB until it is retreived into from database into XML file? The XML file will be generated over the web so that user can do view/source and save the file and import it into other deskptop publishing software to generate a catalog.
basically, When user types ALT1234 for a diacritic/special on the client how is it saved in the WE8ISO8859 Database? Then how do you generate an XML file for this code in WE8 or unicode.
Do i use XMELEMENT or CONVERT function?
November 24, 2008 - 8:05 pm UTC
you really want to read this: basically
if a client has the same character set as the database
NO CONVERSION TAKES PLACE in either direction
else (if they differ)
upon insert the data from the client is converted into the characterset
of the database, ISO tells us the rules to map data from characterset A
into characterset B
upone retrieval, the data from the database is converted into the characterset
of the client, ISO .......
end if;
So, that describes the client -> database -> client
Now, enter XML. XML uses an encoding scheme (you can read all about that, 10's of thousands of sources on XML - suggestion: get a book on XML if you are going to be doing lots of XML, learn about that thing you are going to use)
So, when creating the XML stuff - we encode what we must, following the documented rules of XML
Reader: start reading
Frank van Bortel, November 27, 2008 - 11:25 am UTC
Tom, I was kind of saying that "a reader" should do some reading, as you also suggested.
To followup on your character conversions (and make things more difficult) consider code points. Let's take a special character as the Euro symbol.
Many MicroSoft Windows implementations allow that symbol to be generated by pressing the ALT key, and the keys 0, 1, 2 and 8 of the numeric keypad. If you use the correct codepage, that is - and here's the first source of special character problems: how would a double-byte Chinese version of before mentioned OS represent that symbol? Not as a euro-symbol. Not a database in sight.
Just a client representation failure. Set the correct code page, and you might see the correct symbol.
Now, let's expand the model with an Oracle client and database implementation, but rollback on the OS - assume similar OS's are being used on the input as well as the output side.
MicroSoft uses 0x80 (128 decimal) as code point for the Euro symbol (at least in West European cope pages). So, the oracle client gets offered 0x80.
Now, assume the Oracle client uses WE8MSWIN1252, and
your database uses WE8ISO8859P15 (which it should - P1 does not support the euro symbol), then 0x80 will be translated to 0xA4 - the code point for the Euro Symbol in WE8ISO8859p15.
Upon retrieval, 0xA4 gets translated back to whatever the client uses - if that is NOT a characterset, that maps 0xA4 back to 0x80, I hope you understand, you will have a problem.
If you have a program, that does not understand how to represent 0x80, you have yet another problem (Command Line interfaces - CLI, or "DOS-box", often suffer from this).
I hope this clarifies some of this -difficult- matter.
BTW. this also explains why some scenarios will happily store and display special characters: namely when there's no conversion at all - the scenario Tom uses...
Oh - and my CLI shows a question mark when using ALT+0128, unless I specify the CLI to use Lucinda Console; the standard character set does not know how the Euro symbol.
A reader, January 13, 2009 - 12:21 am UTC
to create a valid xml file from data in oracle database with ISO88591 do you write the code to convert every single special character or symbol to the equivalent html reference or iso or unicode reference per this list. would you store all of these in a table and just replace each occurence of the character with equivalent reference entity.
The file will be eventualy will be imported by desktop publishing software to generate a catalogue.
A reader, January 13, 2009 - 12:40 pm UTC
Would this option also work instead of escaping all those special symbols. Put them in a CDATA tag.
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<text_data desc="sample html">
<h1>Hello world</h1>
<text_data desc="sample text">
This is some sample text.<br />
Hello world
January 16, 2009 - 4:02 pm UTC
woe be to you that puts data like ]]> inside the cdata.
think about it.
A reader, January 16, 2009 - 4:15 pm UTC
I am not going to use the PCDATA tag.
If you want to give a user an XML file generated by a client program so he import the data in desktop publishing program and print it, would you code it so it will replace the 5 reseverd XML charcters ( <, > , &, ", ') with entity code equivalent or you would do the whole ISO character from 160 to 259.
A reader, January 16, 2009 - 11:49 pm UTC
I have create a sample xml file with some special symbol entities (second description). It seems IE xml parser can't read them. Do you know if this is correct or not. I also tried the file with special sybmol and still would not display in IE.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<book id="bk101">
<author>Gambardella, Matthew</author>
<title>XML Developer's Guide</title>
<description>An in-depth look at creating applications
with "XML". 7 > 5 & 6 < 8</description>
<book id="bk102">
<author>Ralls, Kim</author>
<title>Midnight Rain</title>
<description>These are special diacritics Degree sign
&176; Capital O, slash
&216; </description>
special characters
A reader, January 17, 2009 - 12:04 pm UTC
sorry did not meant to ask a windoze question.
this is a pure Oracle one.
If you simply want to create Well_formed XML file from oracle database (ISO8859-P1) that stores spanish diacritics:
Á É Í Ó Ú Ñ Ü á é í ó ú ñ ñ ü
would you write them as they are to the file or would you REPLACE each character with the ENTITY Number corresponding to it i.e
Á = "Á"
É = "É"
replace (column,CHR(193),'Entity Number'); ---OR
replace (column,'Á' ,'Entity Number');
or does this also depend on the client program reading this data.
January 17, 2009 - 12:49 pm UTC
it is not really an Oracle one, it is - much like the above - an XML question.
It would depend on the encoding you decided to use for your XML wouldn't it (your xml specifies a characterset). (SMK - you have bought and read a book or two on XML right? I mean, as much as you have been asking about it - I hope you have 'studied' it, it seems to be a big part of your current job...)
oracle XML
A reader, January 18, 2009 - 9:53 pm UTC
yes i did. I always listen to your advice.
It seems that it depends more on the XML editor/parser and how it translates things rather than how the document is encoded. XML parsers should be able to read both: the special character OR the entity code for it. It should translate to the corresponding character and display it.
There most popular charactersets are: acsii/win1252, iso-8859 and unicode.
Everyone says MXL parsers need a UNICODE (UTF-8 or UTF-16) file but it is not true as they can read the 255 characters supported by ISO-8859.
1. If i am creating this file on the server where oracle is installed, I assume it will create in the same characterset of the database "ISO8859", correct? Is there a way for Oracle to create the file in UNICODE format.
2. If the client (i.e PB) is creating the file, then I assume Oracle has nothing to do with it other than delivering the data in ISO8859 format to the client. The client will convert that character set to Win-1252 and then save the file in whatever format it supports. correct?
line feed
A reader, November 25, 2009 - 6:26 pm UTC
Happy Thangsgiving!
Quick question on how oracle stores line feed (ASCII 10)
Line feed
A visual basic client sends some data in XML format file.
There are a few line feeds that needs to be stored in oracle.
The client encodes the data in the XML file. It then calls an oracle API using HTTP so it can stored nicely in the db. The XML file has entity reference for line feed " " .
I use XML EXTRACEVALUE oracle function to extract the data from the file and store it into oracle table. When i quey the data in SQL*plus I see a new line where the line feed is. When I look using toad I see a || symbol.
My question, how can I verify that the line feed is stored correctly? Should it be stored as or CHR(10) or anything else?
I also display this data into a web page in XML format. I do not see any of those 
 characters. The data is printed in one line. We would need to display those line feeds on the web page though.
Can you advise please.
November 28, 2009 - 11:17 am UTC
we just store whatever you give us.
If you store an xml document with entity codes in it - that is what you have stored, just select out the entire xml document - do not do any processing, just get the document - and you'll see what exactly is in there.
we do not convert the entity codes when you save an xml document. Upon display - different environments will do what they want to display it
ops$tkyte%ORA10GR2> create table t ( x xmltype );
Table created.
ops$tkyte%ORA10GR2> set define off
ops$tkyte%ORA10GR2> insert into t values ( xmltype( '<data>Hello World</data>' ) );
1 row created.
ops$tkyte%ORA10GR2> select * from t;
ops$tkyte%ORA10GR2> select t.x.getclobval() from t t;
<data>Hello World</data>
specia character
A reader, November 28, 2009 - 7:52 pm UTC
1. Can you demo it using VARCHAR2 (not xmltype) column and XMELEMENT function to extract that data..
I have a VARCHAR2(50) type column and my cursor uses XMLELEMENT().
It seems the line feed is there but the web page does not show .
2. using your test, should not the line feed show up on the web page. It did not. Shall i replace that with <br>?
SQL> select title from books where bkno=1234
Justice for All:
Earl Warren and the
Nation He Made
SQL> select t.title.getclobval() from books t where bkno=1234
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-22806: not an object or REF
SQL> select xmlelement("title",t.title) from books t where bkno=1234
<title>Justice for All:
Earl Warren and the
Nation He Made</title>
SQL> select dump(title) from books where bkno=1234
Typ=1 Len=51: 74,117,115,116,105,99,101,32,102,111,114,32,65,108,108,58,10,69,97,114,108,32,87,97,11
November 29, 2009 - 8:31 am UTC
1) well, you sure can.
This I can promise you - if you insert in a varchar2 - we will store....
and nothing else, a varchar2 is just a string, what you put in, you get out.
xmlelement will do formatting for you, conversions, transformations - it will not show you exactly what is in the table because it has to parse and process the data in order to give you the data. If you want the original text, just SELECT THE ORIGINAL TEXT.
2) if you are just using html without a <pre> tag - newlines are "suggestions", not mandates.
If you want a break - use <pre> </pre> OR use <br> where you have newlines.
A reader, November 29, 2009 - 12:51 pm UTC
Here is how my program logic works.
I still do not understand why i do not see the line feed entity in the generated xml file from DB using view source
or sql*plus. please see examples below.
1) I use EXTRACTELEMENT() to extract the TITLE from a well formed XML file.
2) I save that data into a TITLE VARCHAR2(50) field.
3) Then I use cursor and XMLELEMENT() to query data from database and generate an XML file.
cursor c_query (bkno) is
SELECT XMLELEMENT("Title",title),other columns from books;
htp.p('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>');
for x in c_query(p_bkno)
end loop;
I will demo my point here:
/** here I can see the entity reference. it does not seem database thinks this is a line feed ***/
SQL> create table t (x varchar2(100) );
Table created.
SQL> insert into t values ('Justice for All: Earl Warren and the Nation He Made');
1 row created.
SQL> select * from t;
Justice for All: Earl Warren and the Nation He Made
1 row selected.
/*** THis how the code works. I do see line feeds in sql*plus but no entiry reference in the xml ***?
create table t1 (x varchar2(100));
Table created
SELECT extractvalue(column_value,'/title/text()') title
from table(xmlsequence(extract(xmltype('<data><title>Justice for All: Earl Warren and the Nation He Made</title></data>'),'/data/*')));
SQL> SELECT * from t1;
Justice for All:
Earl Warren and the
Nation He Made
1 row selected.
SQL> select xmlelement("title",x) from t1;
<title>Justice for All:
Earl Warren and the
Nation He Made</title>
1 row selected.
so how can i get the line feed entity printed when i generate the xml file and replace it with <br> or <pre> tags.
November 30, 2009 - 1:43 am UTC
the entity reference is just that, it is the same as a newline, Just like you can use   for a space - it is still *just a space*
is a newline
chr(10) is a newline
ascii code 10 is a newline
a newline is a newline is a newline
and you are seeing the newline in sqlplus as a newline
and you are seeing the newline in html if you view source, but in html a newline is a suggestion, not a mandate - hence, it just shows it as whitespace.
If you want to see a line break, you'll need to convert newlines into <br> tags (a simple REPLACE() will do that) OR use the pre tag.
Pratap, June 10, 2010 - 10:14 am UTC
Hi Tom,
I need to store the º (Alt+0186)symbol in oracle database. Currently I am using a column of varchar2 type since this column has some other data as well.But when I insert this in database, instead of degree sign I get question (?) syombol like ?C. Please let me know your suggestions.
June 10, 2010 - 2:37 pm UTC
that is alt+0186 in SOME CHARACTER SET, not all....
Apparently the character set your database supports, or that your client is configured to support (NLS_LANG setting) does not agree with you that alt+0186 is the 'degree' symbol.
You might want to peek at this document: to get an idea of the complexity behind what you are asking here... The choice of character set is crucial and if you have one that does not support your data - you may be somewhat "out of luck" as far as storing it goes. UTF might be something you would want to consider (see the nvarchar2 type)
Pratap, June 11, 2010 - 9:32 am UTC
Hi Tom,
Many thanks for your suggestion.
We have AL32UTF8 character set configured. Also we tried having column of NVARCHAR2 data type. But still we could not get rid of the issue.
Please let us know if we are missing anything there.
June 22, 2010 - 7:40 am UTC
in your clients character set, alt+that number isn't a degree - your CLIENT has a NLS_LANG setting.
Need to select from a table having special character in data
kc, April 05, 2011 - 8:03 am UTC
Hi Tom,
I have a table whose value in one of the rows is "M@M" and a procedure which uses this value in the where clause eg: "SELECT column1, column2 from table_name WHERE column3 = 'M&M';" . However when i try to compile this procedure, it asks for an input value because of the @.
All i can find is to use SET ESCAPE '\'; and then use a "\" before the "@" , but that cannot be incorporated inside the procedure.
Kindly help me find a permanent solution to this.
PS : Im on Oracle
April 12, 2011 - 12:20 pm UTC
SQL> set define off
'&' is only a special character to sqlplus, you just need to tell sqlplus to stop thinking it is special. set define off does that.