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  • Inserting huge amount of data into Oracle database from an application


Question and Answer

Connor McDonald

Thanks for the question, Alexey.

Asked: February 11, 2016 - 5:40 am UTC

Last updated: February 11, 2016 - 6:18 am UTC

Version: 11g

Viewed 10K+ times! This question is

You Asked

I'm creating an application which inserts huge amount of data into the database. I'm using a native Oracle driver for NodeJS:

If I use the statements like
"BEGIN insert into my_table values (1, 2, 3); insert into my_table values (4, 5, 6); ... END;"
without bind parameters but just constants as values it takes long time and causes extra shared memory usage (I guess due to prepared statements).

If I use the bind parameters, so I have the statement like this:
"BEGIN insert into my_table values (:p1, :p2, :p3); insert into my_table values (:p4, :p5, :p6); ... END;"
then I have a limited batch size, due to limitation of the maximum number of bind parameters, thus I have to DDOS the database with the huge amount of requests.

Both methods described above are creating huge network traffic, which exceeds amount of data 2-3 times.

So I've found out that with Oracle there is one way to do it fast:
1) create CSV files
2) use SQLLDR or LOAD_DATA statement.

I'm looking for something I have in MsSql or MySql:
1) In MsSql I have a special method for bulk inserting huge amount of data:
2) In MySql, there is a special syntax for bulk inserting data via SQL statement:

My question is:
What is the best way to load huge amount of data into Oracle database directly from application without CSV files?

and Connor said...

Check out the latest addition to the driver

You can bind to PLSQL associative arrays, and thus (for example) send batches of (say) 500 records at a time.

The performance differences are pretty astounding. eg

Test 1:
variable v1 number
variable v2 number
exec :v1 := 1; :v2 := 2;
set feedback off
select systimestamp from dual;

insert into T values (:v1,:v2);
insert into T values (:v1,:v2);
insert into T values (:v1,:v2);
... (50,000 in total)
select systimestamp from dual;

which yields

SQL> @c:\temp\ins.sql

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

11-FEB-16 PM +08:00

11-FEB-16 PM +08:00

So about 3.5 seconds

Then creating a script to do it in batches,

Test 2:
select systimestamp from dual;
type list is table of number index by pls_integer;
v1 list; v2 list;
for i in 1 .. 1000 loop
v1(i) := 1; v2(i) := 2;
end loop;

forall i in 1 .. 1000
insert into T values (v1(i),v2(i));
(repeated 50 times )
select systimestamp from dual;

SQL> @c:\temp\ins2.sql

11-FEB-16 PM +08:00

11-FEB-16 PM +08:00

That's 50,000 rows in 0.08 seconds. Not too shabby :-)


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Alexey Ivasyuk, February 11, 2016 - 6:33 am UTC

Thank you! I will try it asap!

Amazingly fast!

Alexey Ivasyuk, February 11, 2016 - 12:26 pm UTC

I have just completed testing of this approach! It's AMAZINGLY fast!

Thank you!

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