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Hands on Lab: Introduction to JavaScript for APEX Developers

APEX developers only need to know a little bit of JavaScript to have a significant impact, and that's what this hands-on lab is all about! You'll start by learning some of the basics of JavaScript, then learn how to add JavaScript to APEX apps, and finally, you'll learn to use jQuery to work with the DOM.



    Introduction to JavaScript for APEX Developers - Lab

    For developers that know SQL and PL/SQL, no other framework is as empowering as Oracle Application Express (APEX). But at the end of the day, APEX creates web apps, and it's JavaScript that programs the web. Over the years, JavaScript's role in APEX apps has increased, both for the creators of APEX and the developers using it - a trend that will continue in the years to come. APEX developers only need to know a little bit of JavaScript to have a significant impact, and that's what this hands-on lab is all about! You'll start by learning some of the basics of JavaScript, then learn how to add JavaScript to APEX apps, and finally, you'll learn to use jQuery to work with the DOM.

    Introduction to JavaScript for APEX Developers - Video

    Recording of APEX Office Hours session on this topic, by Dan McGhan

Workshop Info

Session Has Completed - 24 June 2020
2 Hours
Oracle APEX