January/February 2015
Over several months, the development team members at (the fictional) extremememe.info had tackled their worst performance issues and bugs. I’d helped them upgrade to Oracle Database 12c Release 1, and I’d trained them on best practices for PL/SQL development. Sandra, the team lead, then informed me that it was time to switch focus and improve the maintainability of the extremememe.info codebase.
Answers (a) and (b) are correct. Answer (c) is incorrect because it displays -6502-Value=. Once the exception propagates to the outermost block, the l_value declared in the procedure is “gone” and quite different from the l_value declared in the outermost block, which has a value of NULL. |
“Over the last couple of years,” Sandra began, “our codebase has gotten larger and more convoluted. A ‘small’ bad design decision from the early days has demanded more workarounds, and now we have big problems understanding and enhancing our code.”
To extremememe’s credit, Sandra had obtained approval from her manager to put new development and all noncritical bug fixes on hold for a month so the team could engage in a targeted cleanup of its code.
“First up,” said Sandra, “we need to do something about the biggest, fattest, most critical package in our entire application: em_central.”
“Well, you know what they say: dream no small dreams,” I mused. “Subprograms in that package are used all over the application, and you want to start with that?”
“We don’t really have any choice,” explained Sandra. “You’re right: lots of other program units call procedures and functions in em_central, and multiple developers often need to work on the package body. Sometimes programmers are queued up, waiting for their turn. And then there’s the size of the package. Its scope has gradually increased over the years. So now the package specification has close to 100 subprograms, covering five different functional areas, and the package body is running close to 10,000 lines long.”
Now there’s a story line many of us will find familiar. Most applications feature configuration or utility packages that are widely used. They then become convenient dumping grounds for new functionality that doesn’t fit anywhere else. Next, that new functionality expands, and before you know it, every developer calls and needs to work on that package.
“OK,” I told Sandra, “You’re the boss: em_central it is. I’ll review the package and come up with a set of recommendations for changing things.”
“Actually, I prefer to take a different approach. You’ve taught us a lot, Steven. Now it’s time for my team to take the lead. So Lakshmi and Wanda are going to take on the em_central refactoring project. They will present their efforts to you, and you can give them feedback.”
Pay a consultant to sit back and comment on other people’s work? Gotta love it!
I am exploring how to reorganize massive amounts of code, but I cannot show all that code in this article. I will, instead, use highly artificial names and “empty” procedures (simply executing NULL;) as placeholders for the real thing. Because the focus of this article is on constructing and changing interfaces, rather than the code inside, this simplification should not interfere with understanding the key points.
So here’s my simplified representation of em_central:
I use the prefixes “a” and “b” to represent two different major areas of functionality, with two procedures “in” each area. (I put the word “in” in quotation marks because the procedures are together only by virtue of their shared prefix.) In a real package, there would be dozens of subprograms for each area.
A week went by, and then I got a request for a meeting with Lakshmi and Wanda. They were ready to show me their reworking of em_central. We grabbed a conference room, and Lakshmi showed me this code:
DROP PACKAGE em_central / CREATE PACKAGE em_central_a IS PROCEDURE a_do_this; PROCEDURE a_do_that; END; / CREATE PACKAGE em_central_b IS PROCEDURE b_do_more; PROCEDURE b_do_less; END; /
She was about to show me the package bodies, but I stopped her: “I don’t need to see the implementations. This is definitely not the approach you want to take.”
Wanda protested, “But we broke up the big package into smaller packages. Lakshmi is responsible for area a, and I’m responsible for area b. So now we can edit and compile simultaneously—we don’t have to wait for the other to finish.”
“That’s true,” I nodded, “and that’s all good. But you’ve violated your contract with the developers on your team. And establishing a new contract will be expensive and time-consuming.”
“Contract?” asked Lakshmi. “What are you talking about? We never signed a contract with our teammates.”
“Oh yes, you did. As soon as you compiled em_central and made it available for use, you entered into a contract with everyone who uses it—including yourself—and now you must respect it.”
Package specifications define what you can do with the functionality implemented in the package body. Each subprogram has a header, with a name and parameter list. When you invoke a subprogram, you must conform to this header (most importantly in the way you specify arguments for your parameters).
“That’s pretty obvious, right?” I asked Wanda and Lakshmi. They nodded. “What is less obvious is that the person who wrote the package specification also needs to conform to that header. That’s the contract.
“This means that if you need to make changes to a subprogram in the future, you should ensure that the header remains consistent or backward-compatible with all current invocations of that program. Otherwise, you will break existing, tested, stable code.”
Backward compatibility for subprogram invocations is achieved in three main ways:
“So,” I concluded, “you cannot drop the em_central package and replace it with two new packages. That will invalidate virtually all your program units and require team members to change dozens, maybe hundreds, of programs.
“You’ve got to keep the em_central package specification in place so all those existing programs don’t have to change. What you need to focus on is the package body: how does that need to change to utilize those two new packages, em_central_a and em_central_b?”
So Wanda and Lakshmi got back to work. A week later, they asked for a meeting to share their revised implementation. First they showed me the em_central_a and em_central_b package bodies (the specifications were unchanged from the last meeting):
CREATE PACKAGE BODY em_central_a IS PROCEDURE private_stuff IS BEGIN NULL; END; PROCEDURE a_do_this IS BEGIN private_stuff; END; PROCEDURE a_do_that IS BEGIN private_stuff; END; END; / CREATE PACKAGE BODY em_central_b IS PROCEDURE private_stuff IS BEGIN NULL; END; PROCEDURE b_do_more IS BEGIN private_stuff; END; PROCEDURE b_do_less IS BEGIN private_stuff; END; END; /
Then it was time for the em_central package body. Wanda explained, “Rather than dropping em_central, we rebuilt the package body of em_central so that it redirects to the helper packages.”
CREATE PACKAGE BODY em_central IS PROCEDURE a_do_this IS BEGIN em_central_a.a_do_this; END; PROCEDURE a_do_that IS BEGIN em_central_a.a_do_that; END; PROCEDURE b_do_more IS BEGIN em_central_b.b_do_more; END; PROCEDURE b_do_less IS BEGIN em_central_b.b_do_less; END; END; /
“Nice work!” I declared. “You’ve respected the contract and changed only the package body. That enables you now to focus your attention on the approach you took when implementing those redirects. I have only two concerns, and that’s not bad at all.”
1. Redundant information in subprogram names. Wanda and Lakshmi changed the implementation of em_central.b_do_more to
Because the name of the package now includes the “b” suffix (and context), it is no longer necessary to include “b” as a prefix on the subprogram. When all the code was in em_central, the “b” prefix was used to partition the single package into functional areas.
Now they have separate packages for each functional area, a much better approach. I therefore recommended to Wanda and Lakshmi that the “a” and “b” prefixes be dropped from all subprograms in the em_central_a and em_central_b packages.
2. Redundant code in the two helper packages. This is a much more serious problem. The original em_central package contained a procedure, private_stuff, that was called by all the public subprograms but that did not appear in the specification of em_central. Anything defined in the package body but left out of the specification is not accessible from outside of the package.
As a result, when the implementations of those public subprograms were moved to their own packages, they could no longer access the private_stuff procedure in em_central. This problem can be resolved in a few ways:
This is a very bad idea. First, private subprograms should stay private. Otherwise, you risk exposing functionality that should not be called directly. Second, extremememe would then have a very tangled set of dependencies between these packages, which could cause serious maintenance headaches.
The “main” em_central package should depend on its helper packages, but those helpers should not, in turn, depend on em_central.
Wanda nodded. “Yep, that’s what we did. So no cross-dependencies, and both helper package bodies compile.”
“That’s all true,” I replied, “but do you really want to copy the private_stuff logic? What happens if it needs to change?”
“We’ll change it in both places. What’s the big deal?”
“Are you so sure you will remember to fix it in both places? And what happens when someone else has to maintain your code? How will they even know, much less remember?”
“I’ve got it!” piped up Lakshmi. “Let’s add a comment before each private_stuff program, like this:”
/* Any changes here should be applied*/ /* to em_central_b as well. */
I nodded. “Sure, you can do that, and I confess: I have done that. But it’s not the best solution, because anything that involves copying rather than reusing code is suboptimal. How could you avoid copies of private_stuff code?”
They were both silent for a moment, and then Wanda declared: “Put it in its own package!”
Which brings us to the third, and best, way to avoid redundant code in the helper packages, and the approach we ended up taking at extremememe.
Always aim for a single point of definition for the logic in your application. As long as you are adding two more helper packages, why not add a third? A helper, em_central_private, for the helpers:
CREATE PACKAGE em_central_private IS PROCEDURE private_stuff; END; / CREATE PACKAGE BODY em_central_private IS PROCEDURE private_stuff IS BEGIN NULL; END; END; /
So we removed the private_stuff procedure from em_central_a and em_central_b and changed the calls to private_stuff to em_central_private.private_stuff:
CREATE PACKAGE BODY em_central_b IS PROCEDURE b_do_more IS BEGIN em_central_private.private_stuff; END; PROCEDURE b_do_less IS BEGIN em_central_private.private_stuff; END; END; /
After so many iterations, Wanda, Lakshmi, and I decided that it was time to recap what we’d accomplished so far:
“So are we done?” asked Lakshmi.
“Yes and no,” I replied. “The word should is an interesting one for programmers and software. Should is all about doing the right thing and about intention. Programming is all too often just about doing whatever it takes to get the job done on time.”
“But everyone can just keep on doing what they did before: calling em_central subprograms.”
“Sure,” I agreed. “They can do that, but they can also write code like this:”
BEGIN em_central_a.do_this; em_central_private.private_stuff; END; /
“Only if they have EXECUTE privileges on those packages,” noted Wanda.
“If each of your developers worked in his or her own schema,” I said, “you could use grants to control access. But all your developers connect to the same schema.”
After a moment of silent thought, Lakshmi spoke up: “Could we add code to each of the subprograms to raise an exception if the ‘wrong’ program calls it?”
“Yes, you could. You can obtain the execution call stack and then parse it to determine which program invoked a ‘private’ subprogram. [Editor’s note: Refer to the “Protect at Runtime” sidebar for this solution.] But because you have upgraded to Oracle Database 12c, there is a better way: whitelisting with ACCESSIBLE BY.”
Before Oracle Database 12c, PL/SQL could not prevent a session from using any and all subprograms in packages to which that session’s schema had been granted EXECUTE privileges. Developers had to accept that violations of their subprograms would or could occur or write code to restrict access (as shown in the “Protect at Runtime” sidebar).
As of Oracle Database 12c, you can now include a clause in the header of your program unit that specifies a “whitelist” of other PL/SQL units that can access the PL/SQL unit you are creating or altering.
As I explained to Wanda and Lakshmi: “All you have to do is add the ACCESSIBLE BY clause and include a comma-delimited list of the program units that can call it.”
We applied the change to em_central_ private:
CREATE PACKAGE em_central_private ACCESSIBLE BY (em_central_a, em_central_b) IS PROCEDURE private_stuff; END; /
If anything besides a subprogram in those two packages calls private_stuff, it will see this compilation error:
ERROR at line 2: ORA-06550: line 2, column 1: PLS-00904: insufficient privilege to access object EM_CENTRAL_PRIVATE ORA-06550: line 2, column 1: PL/SQL: Statement ignored
Wanda and Lakshmi were both excited about the power and implementation of ACCESSIBLE BY.
“It reminds me of SQL,” said Lakshmi. “I am not telling PL/SQL how it should restrict access. I just describe what I need done, and the underlying engine does all the work for me.”
“And I love,” Wanda chimed in, “that I am able to do it with such a small change in my code.”
Each PL/SQL article offers a quiz to test your knowledge of the information provided in it. The quiz appears below and also at PL/SQL Challenge (plsqlchallenge.com), a website that offers online quizzes on the PL/SQL language as well as SQL, Oracle Application Express, database design, and deductive logic. Here is your quiz for this article: Which of the following statements about Oracle Database 12c PL/SQL is true? a. If a procedure A is defined in a package specification, then a program unit in any schema with EXECUTE authority on that package can always execute A. b. If a procedure A is defined in the body of a package but not in the specification, then only subprograms in that package can invoke A directly. c. You include an ACCESSIBLE BY clause for each program unit you want to whitelist for execution, as in CREATE PACKAGE BODY em_central_private ACCESSIBLE BY (em_central_a), ACCESSIBLE BY (em_central_b) IS |
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