January/February 2016
One of the most important functions of PL/SQL is to help developers construct and manage transactions in their code. Which means that it is also very important for PL/SQL developers to understand transaction-related features of the language.
Here are three questions drawn from PL/SQL Challenge to test your knowledge of transaction-related features in PL/SQL.
After I execute these statements, which of the choices will mean that “Last Count =0” is displayed?
CREATE TABLE plch_stuff ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, nm VARCHAR2 (5) UNIQUE) / CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE plch_insert ( insert_row_in IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE) IS BEGIN IF insert_row_in THEN INSERT INTO plch_stuff VALUES (1, 'Hat'); END IF; DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Count='||SQL%ROWCOUNT); END; /
BEGIN UPDATE plch_stuff SET nm = 'Glove'; plch_insert; DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Last Count='||SQL%ROWCOUNT); END; /
BEGIN UPDATE plch_stuff SET nm = 'Glove'; INSERT INTO plch_stuff VALUES (1, 'Hat'); DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Last Count='||SQL%ROWCOUNT); END; /
BEGIN UPDATE plch_stuff SET nm = 'Glove'; plch_insert (insert_row_in => FALSE); DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Last Count='||SQL%ROWCOUNT);
SQL%ROWCOUNT is a call-level setting; it returns the number of rows returned by the most recently executed SELECT statement or modified by a nonquery data manipulation language (DML) statement.
What is displayed on the screen after I execute the following statements?
CREATE TABLE plch_stuff ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, nm VARCHAR2 (5) UNIQUE) / BEGIN INSERT INTO plch_stuff VALUES (1, 'Hat'); COMMIT; END; / BEGIN DELETE FROM plch_stuff WHERE id = 0; DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ( 'Rows deleted = ' || SQL%ROWCOUNT); EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('No rows deleted'); END; /
Rows deleted = 0
Rows deleted = 1
No rows deleted
When you execute an UPDATE or a DELETE and no rows are found to modify or remove, NO_DATA_FOUND is not raised (as occurs with a SELECT -INTO). Instead, the statement executes successfully and SQL%ROWCOUNT is set to 0.
What is displayed on the screen after I execute the following statements?
CREATE TABLE plch_stuff ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, nm VARCHAR2 (5) UNIQUE ) / DECLARE l_count PLS_INTEGER; BEGIN INSERT INTO plch_stuff VALUES (1, 'Hat'); INSERT INTO plch_stuff VALUES (1, 'Jacket'); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN SELECT COUNT (*) INTO l_count FROM plch_stuff; DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Rows = ' || l_count); END; /
Rows =
Rows = 0
Rows = 1
With very few exceptions relating directly to transactions, such as “ORA-06519: active autonomous transaction detected and rolled back,” the raising of an exception will not reverse the results of any successfully completed but not yet committed nonquery DML statements, such as inserts. This fact is reflected by the state of the plch_stuff table in the exception section.
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