By Blaine Carter
After you’ve gotten the hang of performing basic create, retrieve, update, delete (CRUD) operations with the cx_Oracle driver for Python, you’re ready to start tapping into some of the real power of Oracle Database.
Python is an excellent language for most things you want your application to do, but when you’re processing data, it just goes faster if you do the work where the data is. This article covers how to execute Oracle PL/SQL functions and procedures with Python and cx_Oracle. If you’re not already familiar with PL/SQL, you can get some help from Steven Feuerstein and Bryn Llewellyn (see “Additional Resources”).
The following are required to run through the steps in this article with me:
To run through the examples in this article, you’ll also need to create the following objects in a database schema that is safe to experiment in. Make sure you have permissions to create the following objects.
CREATE TABLE lcs_people ( id NUMBER GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS identity, name VARCHAR2(20), age NUMBER, notes VARCHAR2(100) ) / ALTER TABLE LCS_PEOPLE ADD CONSTRAINT PK_LCS_PEOPLE PRIMARY KEY ("ID") / CREATE TABLE LCS_PETS ( id NUMBER GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY, name VARCHAR2(20), owner NUMBER, type VARCHAR2(100) ) / ALTER TABLE LCS_PETS ADD CONSTRAINT PK_LCS_PETS PRIMARY KEY ("ID") / ALTER TABLE LCS_PETS ADD CONSTRAINT FK_LCS_PETS_OWNER FOREIGN KEY ("OWNER") REFERENCES "LCS_PEOPLE" ("ID") / INSERT INTO lcs_people (name, age, notes) VALUES ('Bob', 35, 'I like dogs') / INSERT INTO lcs_people (name, age, notes) VALUES ('Kim', 27, 'I like birds') / INSERT INTO lcs_pets (name, owner, type) VALUES ('Duke', 1, 'dog') / INSERT INTO lcs_pets (name, owner, type) VALUES ('Pepe', 2, 'bird') / COMMIT /
To keep everything clean, I’ll be putting my PL/SQL code into a package called pet_manager.
CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE pet_manager AS PROCEDURE reset_data; PROCEDURE add_pet ( name_p IN VARCHAR2, owner_id_p IN NUMBER, pet_type_p IN VARCHAR2 ); FUNCTION add_pet ( name_p IN VARCHAR2, owner_id_p IN NUMBER, pet_type_p IN VARCHAR2 ) RETURN NUMBER; FUNCTION add_pet ( name_p IN VARCHAR2, owner_id_p IN NUMBER, pet_type_p IN VARCHAR2, need_license_p OUT VARCHAR2 ) RETURN NUMBER; END; / CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY pet_manager IS /* * Reset the example data */ PROCEDURE reset_data AS BEGIN DELETE FROM lcs_pets; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE ('alter table lcs_pets modify id generated BY DEFAULT as identity (START WITH 3)'); DELETE FROM lcs_people; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE ('alter table lcs_people modify id generated BY DEFAULT as identity (START WITH 3)'); INSERT INTO lcs_people (id, name, age, notes) VALUES (1, 'Bob', 35, 'I like dogs'); INSERT INTO lcs_people (id, name, age, notes) VALUES (2, 'Kim', 27, 'I like birds'); INSERT INTO lcs_pets (id, name, owner, type) VALUES (1, 'Duke', 1, 'dog'); INSERT INTO lcs_pets (id, name, owner, type) VALUES (2, 'Pepe', 2, 'bird'); COMMIT; END reset_data; /* * Add a new Pet */ PROCEDURE add_pet ( name_p IN VARCHAR2, owner_id_p IN NUMBER, pet_type_p IN VARCHAR2 ) IS BEGIN INSERT INTO lcs_pets ( name, owner, type ) VALUES ( name_p, owner_id_p, lower(pet_type_p) ); COMMIT; END add_pet; /* * Add a new Pet return new id */ FUNCTION add_pet ( name_p IN VARCHAR2, owner_id_p IN NUMBER, pet_type_p IN VARCHAR2 ) RETURN NUMBER IS new_pet_id NUMBER; BEGIN INSERT INTO lcs_pets ( name, owner, type ) VALUES ( name_p, owner_id_p, lower(pet_type_p) ) RETURNING id INTO new_pet_id; COMMIT; RETURN new_pet_id; END add_pet; /* * Add a new Pet return new id and if it needs a license. */ FUNCTION add_pet ( name_p IN VARCHAR2, owner_id_p IN NUMBER, pet_type_p IN VARCHAR2, need_license_p OUT VARCHAR2 ) RETURN NUMBER IS new_pet_id NUMBER; BEGIN INSERT INTO lcs_pets ( name, owner, type ) VALUES ( name_p, owner_id_p, lower(pet_type_p) ) RETURNING id INTO new_pet_id; IF lower(pet_type_p) IN ('dog', 'cat') THEN need_license_p := 'yes'; ELSE need_license_p := 'no'; END IF; COMMIT; RETURN new_pet_id; END add_pet; END pet_manager; /
To clean up the database when you are finished with the series, you need to drop the two tables and the PL/SQL package. When you execute the drops, please make sure you’re connected to the correct schema where you created the tables.
drop table lcs_pets / drop table lcs_people / drop package pet_manager /
Boilerplate Template Header
The boilerplate template header for this article assumes that cx_Oracle is installed. Here is the boilerplate code
import cx_Oracle import os connectString = os.getenv('db_connect') con = cx_Oracle.connect(connectString) cur = con.cursor() # Your code here
and a description of what the code does.
I will include this code section with all Python examples and use the connection object con and the cursor object cur throughout this article. For each example in the article, replace the # Your code here line above with the code for that example.
Anonymous PL/SQL Block
Let’s start off with the most basic process and simply execute an anonymous block of PL/SQL code to reset the database tables.
# reset data statement = """ BEGIN DELETE FROM lcs_pets; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE ('alter table lcs_pets modify id generated BY DEFAULT as identity (START WITH 3)'); DELETE FROM lcs_people; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE ('alter table lcs_people modify id generated BY DEFAULT as identity (START WITH 3)'); INSERT INTO lcs_people (id, name, age, notes) VALUES (1, 'Bob', 35, 'I like dogs'); INSERT INTO lcs_people (id, name, age, notes) VALUES (2, 'Kim', 27, 'I like birds'); INSERT INTO lcs_pets (id, name, owner, type) VALUES (1, 'Duke', 1, 'dog'); INSERT INTO lcs_pets (id, name, owner, type) VALUES (2, 'Pepe', 2, 'bird'); COMMIT; END;""" cur.execute(statement)
When I run the above code in my Python template, named for this example,
the code is successful and does not return a response.
You can execute any data definition language (DDL) or data manipulation language (DML) statement this way, but if you’re going to run PL/SQL, it’s usually best to compile it to the database.
Execute a PL/SQL Procedure
Using the code from this anonymous block, I create a procedure in the pet_manager PL/SQL package called reset_data.
To call this procedure from Python, I use the cursor.callproc method and pass in the package.procedure name to execute it.
When I run the this code line in my Python template, named for this example,
the code is successful and does not return a response. When everything works, there will not be any response. So this works as a “fire and forget” way to call database procedures.
Pass Parameters
I have a procedure in my pet_manager PL/SQL package that I can use to create a new pet in the LCS_PETS table. The add_pet procedure will accept the Python pet_name, owner_id, and pet_type variable values. Using these values, it will insert a new entry into the LCS_PETS table.
/* * Add a new Pet */ PROCEDURE add_pet ( name_p IN VARCHAR2, owner_id_p IN NUMBER, pet_type_p IN VARCHAR2 ) IS BEGIN INSERT INTO lcs_pets ( name, owner, type ) VALUES ( name_p, owner_id_p, lower(pet_type_p) ); COMMIT; END add_pet;
On the Python side, I prefer to set my values with variables so that my code is easier to read. I create and set the pet_name, owner_id, and pet_type values. Next, I call the cursor.callproc method and add an array containing the values to pass in in the order in which they are defined in the database.
pet_name = 'Roger' owner_id = 1 pet_type = 'fish' # Add a new pet cur.callproc('pet_manager.add_pet', [pet_name, owner_id, pet_type])
When I run the above code in my Python template, named for this example,
the code is successful and does not return a response. Once again, if everything works, there will be no response—no value returned.
Get PL/SQL Function Return Values
When a row is added to the LCS_PETS table, a new ID is automatically generated. Having this ID can be useful, so I created an add_pet function in my pet_manager PL/SQL package that creates a new pet in the LCS_PETS table, and it will return the new ID.
/* * Add a new Pet return new id */ FUNCTION add_pet ( name_p IN VARCHAR2, owner_id_p IN NUMBER, pet_type_p IN VARCHAR2 ) RETURN NUMBER IS new_pet_id NUMBER; BEGIN INSERT INTO lcs_pets ( name, owner, type ) VALUES ( name_p, owner_id_p, lower(pet_type_p) ) RETURNING id INTO new_pet_id; COMMIT; RETURN new_pet_id; END add_pet;
Additional Resources
The following resources provide deeper dives into cx_Oracle, Python, PL/SQL, and more.
If you have any problems using cx_Oracle, you can get help here. |
When I run the following code in my Python template, named for this example,
the code is successful and returns a value for new_pet_id.
pet_name = 'Roger' owner_id = 1 pet_type = 'fish' # add a new pet new_pet_id = cur.callfunc('pet_manager.add_pet', int, [pet_name, owner_id, pet_type]) print (new_pet_id) 4
OUT Parameters
OUT parameters can be very handy when you need to pass back more than one piece of information. I have an add_pet function in the pet_manager PL/SQL package that checks to see if the pet type I’m adding needs a license. The function returns the new ID, as before, in addition to a yes or no value through the OUT parameter.
/* * Add a new Pet return new id and if it needs a license. */ FUNCTION add_pet ( name_p IN VARCHAR2, owner_id_p IN NUMBER, pet_type_p IN VARCHAR2, need_license_p OUT VARCHAR2 ) RETURN NUMBER IS new_pet_id NUMBER; BEGIN INSERT INTO lcs_pets ( name, owner, type ) VALUES ( name_p, owner_id_p, lower(pet_type_p) ) RETURNING id INTO new_pet_id; IF lower(pet_type_p) IN ('dog', 'cat') THEN need_license_p := 'yes'; ELSE need_license_p := 'no'; END IF; COMMIT; RETURN new_pet_id; END add_pet;
To work with the OUT parameter in Python, I add a string variable called need_license. It can be defined with cursor.var(str). Then I add the new variable to the values array in the correct position. This works the same way when you’re using OUT parameters with the callproc method.
To get the value from need_license, I call its getvalue() function. When I run the following code in my Python template, named for this example,
the code is successful and returns values for new_pet_id and need_license.
pet_name = 'Roger' owner_id = 1 pet_type = 'dog' need_license = cur.var(str) # Add a new pet new_pet_id = cur.callfunc('pet_manager.add_pet', int, [pet_name, owner_id, pet_type, need_license]) print ("New pet id: {}\nLicense needed: {}".format(new_pet_id, need_license.getvalue())) New pet id: 5 License needed: yes
Accept Argument Values
So far I’ve hardcoded the variable values in the Python code, and the methods are fairly simple, so there’s a low chance of errors. But for most methods, I want to accept parameter values that can be passed into the Python code and then on to the PL/SQL functions. I modify the Python method to accept command-line arguments.
I need to import sys so that I can use sys.argv[] to grab the command-line arguments and assign them to the variables.
import cx_Oracle import os import sys connectString = os.getenv('db_connect') con = cx_Oracle.connect(connectString) cur = con.cursor() pet_name = sys.argv[1] owner_id = sys.argv[2] pet_type = sys.argv[3] need_license = cur.var(str) # Add a new pet new_pet_id = cur.callfunc('pet_manager.add_pet', int, [pet_name, owner_id, pet_type, need_license]) print ("New pet id: {}\nLicense needed: {}".format(new_pet_id, need_license.getvalue()))
When I run the above code in my Python template, named for this example, and add a dog as input
python3 rover 2 dog
the code is successful and returns values for new_pet_id and need_license.
New pet id: 4 License needed: yes
Or if I run the same code and add a fish as input instead,
python3 roger 1 fish
the code is successful and returns values for new_pet_id and need_license.
New pet id: 4 License needed: no
PL/SQL Exceptions
Now that I’m accepting outside argument values, the chance that I’ll eventually get errors with the above code is almost a certainty. If an error happens in the Python code, I can handle it as I normally would. But what if the PL/SQL code throws an error?
It’s easy enough to test this. Make the same call as before to add a dog, but pass in a string for the second value (2x).
python3 rover 2x dog
It returns the following error:
Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 22, in[pet_name, owner_id, pet_type, need_license]) cx_Oracle.DatabaseError: ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character to number conversion error ORA-06512: at line 1
I recommend that you handle errors as close to where they happen as you can. In this example, you could catch the error in the PL/SQL function and either handle it or raise it. If you don’t handle it in PL/SQL, it will be passed back to cx_Oracle, which will throw a cx_Oracle.DatabaseError. At that point, you can handle it as you would when any other error is thrown in your Python application.
Next Steps
DOWNLOAD cx_Oracle.
GET this article’s code examples from GitHub.
READ the “Perform Basic CRUD Operations with cx_Oracle” series:
Part 1.
Part 2.
Part 3.
Part 4.
Illustration by Wes Rowell
DISCLAIMER: We've captured these popular historical magazine articles for your reference. Links etc contained within these article possibly won't work. These articles are provided as-is with no guarantee that the information within them is the best advice for current versions of the Oracle Database.