July/August 2016
We all know and love SQL for its high-level set operations; there’s no need to write a program to iterate through rows to do grouping, ordering, unions, intersections, and so on. Just describe the data you want and let the Oracle Database SQL engine do all the heavy lifting for you.
And then there’s PL/SQL: a procedural language designed to perform if-then-else logic that SQL cannot easily handle and to build powerful APIs on top of your data structures. So this means that you can’t perform set operations on PL/SQL collections, right? Wrong!
One of the three types of PL/SQL collections is the nested table. One of the most delightful features of nested tables is the ability to use MULTISET operators on them to perform unions, intersections, minuses, and more—completely outside of any SQL statement!
The quizzes in this column introduce you to some of the MULTISET-related functionality for nested tables.
I create the following package specification for use in all three quizzes:
CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE plch_pkg IS /* "IS TABLE" without "INDEX BY" means: nested table! */ TYPE numbers_t IS TABLE OF NUMBER; /* Put values in each collection using the construction function */ primes numbers_t := numbers_t (3, 11, 5, 7, 11); under_ten numbers_t := numbers_t (4, 5, 8, 6, 7); lotsa_dups numbers_t := numbers_t (1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3); no_dups numbers_t := numbers_t (1, 2, 3); END; /
One really nice aspect of object types is that PL/SQL automatically creates a constructor function with the same name as the type, which you can use to initialize an instance of an object type.
Which of the following choices displays “7” after execution?
DECLARE l_numbers plch_pkg.numbers_t; BEGIN l_numbers := plch_pkg.primes MULTISET UNION ALL plch_pkg.under_ten; DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (l_numbers.COUNT); END; /
DECLARE l_numbers plch_pkg.numbers_t; BEGIN l_numbers := plch_pkg.primes MULTISET UNION DISTINCT plch_pkg.under_ten; DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (l_numbers.COUNT); END; /
DECLARE l_numbers plch_pkg.numbers_t; BEGIN l_numbers := plch_pkg.primes MULTISET UNION plch_pkg.under_ten; DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (l_numbers.COUNT); END; /
MULTISET UNION (and the other variations) works differently from SQL’s UNION. In SQL, unless you include ALL, duplicates are removed. With MULTISET UNION, unless you include DISTINCT, duplicates are retained.
I should also point out that although you can use MULTISET inside PL/SQL code, the exact same functionality is available within SQL. That makes sense, given that you can create relational tables that have columns whose datatypes are nested table types.
Read more about multiset operators.
Mathematically speaking, a multiset differs from a set in two ways: a multiset may contain duplicates, and the order of elements in it does not matter. Kind of sounds like a relational table, right? It should—relational tables are multisets, too.
Although it can be useful to allow duplicates in a multiset, it is also very helpful to be able to easily and quickly get rid of those duplicates.
Which of the following choices displays “3” after execution?
DECLARE l_numbers plch_pkg.numbers_t; BEGIN l_numbers := SET (plch_pkg.lotsa_dups); DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (l_numbers.COUNT); END; /
DECLARE l_numbers plch_pkg.numbers_t; BEGIN l_numbers := plch_pkg.lotsa_dups MULTISET INTERSECT plch_pkg.lotsa_dups; DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (l_numbers.COUNT); END; /
DECLARE l_numbers plch_pkg.numbers_t; BEGIN l_numbers := plch_pkg.lotsa_dups MULTISET EXCEPT plch_pkg.lotsa_dups; DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (l_numbers.COUNT); END; /
When working with nested tables, you have a basic decision to make: are duplicates OK? If not, make sure you include DISTINCT in your MULTISET operations and use SET to quickly and simply remove any duplicates.
Read more about SET.
I have two nested tables in my PL/SQL program and need to figure out if one collection is entirely contained within the other. Sure, I could write a program involving nested loops and comparisons and so forth. But do I really need to do that?
Which of the following choices displays “Contained” after execution?
BEGIN IF plch_pkg.lotsa_dups SUBMULTISET OF plch_pkg.no_dups THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Contained'); ELSE DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Escaped'); END IF; END; /
BEGIN IF plch_pkg.no_dups SUBMULTISET OF plch_pkg.lotsa_dups THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Contained'); ELSE DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Escaped'); END IF; END; /
DECLARE l_numbers plch_pkg.numbers_t := plch_pkg.lotsa_dups MULTISET EXCEPT plch_pkg.no_dups; BEGIN IF l_numbers.COUNT = 0 THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Contained'); ELSE DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Escaped'); END IF; END; /
SUBMULTISET offers a great reminder: if you are ever writing a program and thinking, “Gee, it really seems like Oracle Database should do this for me,” stop coding. There is a very good chance Oracle Database does contain a feature that will help you. So do your research, and avoid reinventing the wheel!
Read more about SUBMULTISET.
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