May/June 2001
How do I serialize Java objects into the Oracle database and vice versa? For those of you who are not Java programmers, let's start with a bit of explanation. In Java, if an object is "serializable," you can save it to disk or send it to another program over the network. A serializable object is one that can be saved as a serial stream of bytes and reloaded later. To serialize an object into the database means to save the object instance into the database for later use. The program "variable" (object instance) will be saved.
I asked our Java guru Mark Piermarini ( to come up with an example to answer this question. His Java code example, shown below, includes the following steps:
Creating an object
Serializing it into the database
Reading it back out
Printing it
These are the database objects you'll need to run this example:
create sequence java_obj_seq; create table java_objects( id number, classname varchar2(2048), bytes blob default empty_blob() )
We use the sequence to create a "primary key" for our object instances. We'll need this number later to retrieve a specific instance. The table is what we use to store the object instance. Here we store the classname of the original Java instance in a varchar2 field, and in the BLOB we'll store the bytes of the serialized object as shown in "Serializing Java Objects Code Example." When we run the code, we get the following:
$ /usr/java1.2/bin/java serial2 Done serializing java.util.LinkedList ID= 1 Done de-serializing java.util.LinkedList Object= [This, is, a, test, 123123123, Sun Jan 21 09:45:21 EST 2001]
According to the results of running the code, the object has been serialized and stored in the database. In fact, we can log in using SQL*Plus and see it if we like:
scott@DEV816> create or replace function clean( p_raw in blob ) return varchar2 2 as 3 l_tmp long default utl_raw.cast_to_varchar2( dbms_lob.substr(p_raw,2000,1)); 4 l_char char(1); 5 l_return long; 6 begin 7 for i in 1 .. length(l_tmp) 8 loop 9 l_char := substr( l_tmp, i, 1 ); 10 if ( ascii(l_char) between 32 and 127 ) 11 then 12 l_return := l_return || l_char; 13 else 14 l_return := l_return || '.'; 15 end if; 16 end loop; 17 return l_return; 18 end; 19 / Function created. scott@DEV816> scott@DEV816> select id, classname, 2 dbms_lob.getlength(bytes) len, 3 clean(bytes) clean 4 from java_objects 5 /
You can see how to serialize using a BLOB as the input stream and deserialize using the BLOB again. You can also review the contents to some extent. You'll need to use the UTL_RAW package, because SQL functions don't work on the RAW data type, so you must turn "raw" data into varchar2 so SQL*Plus will print it. UTL_RAW might not be installed on your system—it comes with Oracle7 Release 7.1.6 and up. To install UTL_RAW:
Go to the directory $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin
Connect only as SYS or INTERNAL, using SVRMGRL
Type @utlraw and press Enter
Type @prvtrawb.plb and press Enter
I would like to retrieve TABLE_NAMES from ALL_TABLES where the table name is like 'ADD_'. I tried using the following, but my query is returning ADDRESS and ADD_CODES:
select distinct table_name from all_tables where table_name like 'ADD_%'
I also tried using the ESCAPE sequence:
select distinct table_name from all_tables where table_name like 'ADD\_%'
Your question comes up frequently. How do you use LIKE to find data that contains an underscore or percent sign? The answer is to escape the underscore and/or percent sign in the LIKE template. You have to designate what character you would like to use via the ESCAPE keyword. A slash is commonly used, but any character would actually work:
select distinct table_name from all_tables where table_name like 'ADD\_%' ESCAPE '\' /
I have written a UNIX shell script to automate an execution of stored procedures and functions one after another. These pro-cedures/functions return a success/failure code. If one of the procedures fails due to some error, then I want to stop execution of other procedures in the queue and return a failure code in shell script, or otherwise keep continuing and return success code at the end. I don't know how to communicate this return code from Oracle to the UNIX shell script, because this return code becomes unavailable as the control comes back from Oracle to UNIX. This script will be executed by Autosys scheduler, which schedules other jobs as well based on this result.
I assume you are using SQL*Plus. If so, the WHENEVER SQLERROR directive can help. We can return a status from 0...255 to the UNIX shell. This is usually in the $status or $rc environment variable immediately after execution of a command. Here is a CSH script that shows how this might work:
#!/bin/csh sqlplus -s scott/tiger >>EOF variable rc number whenever sqlerror exit sql.sqlcode begin :rc := 55; -- this is really your function call, not 55 if ( :rc <> 0 ) then raise_application_error( (-20000- 224) - :rc, 'Bummer' ); end if; end; / EOF set x=$status echo $x
When I run this code, I see:
$ test.csh begin * ERROR at line 1: ORA-20279: Bummer ORA-06512: at line 5 55
The 55 is what we're looking for. The key is to use:
raise_application_error( (-20000-224) - :rc, 'Bummer' );
to raise the error. We can raise errors in a given range, but the shell will only keep an unsigned byte in the status return value (values 0...255). It takes our exit file and just looks at that last byte. By using -20000-224 and subtracting from your return code, we end up exiting with the value of your return code (given that :RC is in the range...255).
I created a view called V_EMP in one user object called CDSMANAGER, and I want to view the content of the view V_EMP from a different user called CDSBATCH, which is in the same database. I don't want to use the username in the SELECT statement, as follows:
select * from cdsmanager.v_emp;
I also don't want to use a synonym. Is there any way to obtain the content without mentioning the username, that is, without using the CDSMANAGER.VIEW name?
Here are your options (I've included even the ones you don't want to use):
Use a private synonym. This will make it so that only CDSBATCH does not have to qualify the tablename. As CDSBATCH, issue this command:
SQL> create synonym v_emp for cdsmanager.v_emp;
Use a public synonym. This allows all users to use V_EMP if they have been granted access to the base table. By this I mean that all users will see the synonym V_EMP, but they might not be able to see the base table CDSMANAGER.V_EMP. As a user with the CREATE PUBLIC SYNONYM privilege, execute this command:
SQL> create public synonym v_emp for cds- manager.v_emp;
I myself prefer to use a private synonym over a public synonym if at all possible, so as to not "pollute" the database namespace with lots of synonyms. If I am going to host many applications in my database, I try to be sensitive to the fact that many people will be creating things in there. There can be only one "V_EMP" public synonym. If I use it, then no one else can. The only fair thing to do is not to use the public synonym. Use ALTER SESSION. Use the ALTER SESSION SET command ( ALTER SESSION SET CURRENT_SCHEMA =cdsmanager;) in CDSBATCH's session. Then instead of adding CDSBATCH as the default schema name when resolving objects, we'll use CDSMANAGER as the default name. For example:
ops$tkyte@DEV816> desc emp ERROR: ORA-04043: object emp does not exist ops$tkyte@DEV816> alter session set current_schema=scott; Session altered. ops$tkyte@DEV816> desc emp Name Null? Type ----------- ---------- -------------------- EMPNO NOT NULL NUMBER(4) ENAME VARCHAR2(10) JOB VARCHAR2(9) MGR NUMBER(4) HIREDATE DATE SAL NUMBER(7,2) COMM NUMBER(7,2) DEPTNO NUMBER(2)
This command finds SCOTT.EMP for me the second time without my having to specify SCOTT. This does not affect your privileges at all—you still need to be granted access to the object. This ALTER SESSION simply changes the way we attempt to resolve names. This command was first documented in Oracle8i but exists in prior releases as well. It is used extensively by IMP during the import of objects. Use a view. As CDSBATCH, issue this command:
SQL> create view v_emp as select * from cdsmanager.v_emp;
This method has the advantage over the synonyms in that, as CDSBATCH, you have a copy of the metadata about V_EMP in your schema. A query on USER_TAB_COLUMNS and such, when you're logged in as CDSBATCH, will return rows for V_EMP. A synonym would not do that.
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