First there was...
First there was the “deep insults” misprint. Now it is ‘forward’ looking… You would think – you would really think – that a publishing company would be able to get the word foreword right – especially if that are going to stamp it big and bold on the front cover of the book!

Laughing out loud – that is far too funny for words. Anyway, the book in question is Oracle Database Programming using Java and Web Services (that is a mouthful). I wrote the foreword for it. Brand new book – just came out.
Just to keep things in threes (things happen in threes of course) I’ll add a link to this news article. It is about a press release sent out by a company that makes a spell checker. You guessed it, it had spelling errors on it! How ironic.
Laughing out loud – that is far too funny for words. Anyway, the book in question is Oracle Database Programming using Java and Web Services (that is a mouthful). I wrote the foreword for it. Brand new book – just came out.
Just to keep things in threes (things happen in threes of course) I’ll add a link to this news article. It is about a press release sent out by a company that makes a spell checker. You guessed it, it had spelling errors on it! How ironic.
Posting at 5:21PM. Aren't you supposed to be helping your team put a presentation together at this moment?
Roderick -
Our team works fast :) We were all done by then...
On the front cover of my son's "Summer Fun" workpacket from school the teacher wrote part of the school name as "Elemetary".
What school district is that again David? :) Welcome back from Spain, too.
It might be that my eyesight is starting to fail me and that I need to consider getting real glasses, but can the actual typo be pointed out? I tried squinting my eyes real close to the image, but couldn't see a mistake.
there is forward, as in "moving forward" and there is a FOREWORD, as in .. prefatory comments (as for a book) especially when written by someone other than the author
These marketing tricks make a big laugh :)
That is beautiful.
It's funny indeed.
Just a side question,
why should (things happen in threes of course)?
things happen in threes is just a saying...
Hello Tom,
now we know where George from the Chronicles of George (
works these days ;-)
This is a universal saying as in French too they say "jamais deux sans trois".
Would you give us a little synapses of the book? Is it a java book that accesses an Oracle databases?
What 'web service' features does Oracle have?
The traditional division of labor between the database (which only stores and manages SQL and XML data for fast, easy data search and retrieval) and the application server (which runs application or business logic, and presentation logic) is obsolete.
So, what is SQL data, anyways?
Sorry if the description of the book on Amazon is not enough. I have requested that the first chapter and the TOC be available on Amazon the publisher has promised to do so. I'll post all these as well as the code samples on my blog asap
In the mean time, here is a draft of the first chapter
Hope this gives more details.
Oops, the link to the first chapter was truncated, here it is again
Regarding Web services capabilities of the Oracle database, there are two considerations.
a) Database as Web Services consumer regards the invocation of external Web services from within the database (SQL, PL/SQL, Java); it only requires enabling the database to do so using a Database Web services client stack (free on OTN).
b) Database as Web services provider regards exposing PL/SQL packages but also AQ queues or operations, SQL Queries, even SQL DML, and Java stored procedures as Web services. It requires the Web Services provider stack in Oracle AS.
Part V of the book is about complete step-by-step examples of doing both types of operations using either a GUI or a command line tool.
Hope this clarifies, Kuassi
My understanding is that a web service is basically a remote procedure call over the web with a wrapper.
So is this what you are proposing:
1. Write a package to do something.
2. Create a package spec for that which exposes some services (procedure calls)
3. Use a utility provided by Oracle to create WSDL (xml standard for converting an API to xml).
4. Then the party that wants to call your 'web service' (your package).
Runs an oracle tool to turn the WSDL into the remote procedure call.
Is this correct?
5. Then the call gets run through the Oracle application server or whatever application server you are using? Can you do it with a simple Web Server like Tomcat or Resin?
Not sure if I should move this to Kuassi's blog or not...
You are correct that a Web service can be viewed as remote call over the web using a defined XML messaging protocol (i.e., SOAP). When you add the infrastructure services and Quality of Services such as security, reliable messaging, and so on, this becomes the so called SOA (old timers can make an anaogy with CORBA and CORBA services).
The interactions and steps are a bit more complicated than the steps you have outlined but i don't want to fill up Tom's Blog with the details of the book.
To get to your question as why not use Tomcat, Resin or any abritraty container, it does not suffice to have a SOAP Servlet which marshalls or unmarshalls the SOAP messages, you also needs a piece of code associated with the Web service in question which invokes the corresponding database operation upon receving the SOAP request then pass back the response within the SOAP response message. You can build a program by hand to do that but Oracle furnish tools/utilities to generate the corresponding piece of code and the wrapper for database as web service consumer or database as web service provider.
Sure we can pursue this conversation on my blog.
nice site for more books I have some more gifts..
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