How to convert the UNIX time_t to an Oracle DATE

and vice versa....

if you would like to convert the Unix 'seconds since 1970' number into a meaningful date, it is easy to do if you know your timezone.  The following is in Pro*C but shows the SQL "to_date" and date arithmetic you would perform to convert this number into an Oracle date:

time_t  theTime;
varchar otime[50];


    printf( "%s", ctime( &theTime ) );

    EXEC SQL SELECT to_char(
        new_time( to_date('01011970','ddmmyyyy') + 1/24/60/60 * :theTime,
        'GMT', 'EDT' ), 'dd-mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss' )
        into :otime from dual;

Wed May 13 21:35:06 1998
13-may-1998 21:35:06

this will do it in the timezone EDT for example.  Instead of using new_time (in the event it does not handle your time zone), you may just add "+ (gmt_offset)/24" to the first argument I am passing to new_time.  That will perform the same operation.

If you want the date in a format that is a C time type and you are sure it'll fit (eg: its after 1/1/1970 and before some time in the future when the C time type stops working) AND you know your timezone (you can use a C function to get that) you can use:

static void process()
    time_t      t;

    EXEC SQL SELECT (new_time(sysdate,'EDT','GMT') -
                     to_date('01-jan-1970','dd-mon-yyyy')) * (24*60*60)
               INTO :t
               FROM DUAL;

    printf( "C   Time = %d\n", time(NULL) );
    printf( "SQL Time = %d\n", t );

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