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  • Procedure Inserting Dupes Despite Test for Existing Record Prior to Insert


Question and Answer

Connor McDonald

Thanks for the question, Phil.

Asked: September 29, 2020 - 1:38 pm UTC

Last updated: September 30, 2020 - 2:24 am UTC


Viewed 1000+ times

You Asked


I have a fairly simple pl/sql procedure invoked by a java program that itself is invoked when a user clicks a link on a website. The procedure takes in 2-3 parameters, and its main purpose is to insert 1 record (based on the params) into a table.  (If needed, a version of the proc is in the LiveSQL link. Table and column names changed to protect the innocent.)

Prior to the insert, the procedure tests whether the row it's about to insert already exists. This is necessary because we're only avoiding dupes for the specific values passed in by this program, whereas dupes involving other values are OK, so there is no unique constraint.

If the row already exists, then the proc inserts this "failed" attempt into a logging table (this part is done by error handling, which I'm somewhat regretting and thinking of rewriting in a simple ELSE part of an IF, but it's unlikely this is relevant to my question).

If the row does not yet exist, then it gets inserted, but I should note that there's a quick SELECT INTO between the test and the insert.

Vast majority of the time this works fine, but a handful of duplicates have gotten into the table!  The timestamps on the date_inserted field indicate that the dupes were inserted anywhere from 0 to a whole 18 seconds apart from one another.

I have some ideas on why this may be happening (multiple clicks & network latency causing multiple sessions & procedure calls to fire simultaneously...perhaps first session committing between the time second session tests and inserts), but outside a unique constraint, is there anything I can do within the procedure to stop these dupes from sneaking in?  

Would it stop the dupes entirely if I test for the row's existence within the insert? Something like:

insert into user_demo 
with new_rec as (
     1 as internal_id, 
     'ABC' as demo_code, 
     'blah' as user_demo_comment, 
     sysdate as date_inserted
  from dual
select *
from new_rec
where not exists
  (select 'x'
   from user_demo ud2 
   where ud2.internal_id = new_rec.internal_id
     and ud2.demo_code = demo_code);

Thank you!

PS.  If you look at the proc in LiveSQL, please excuse the gross varchar2 type on what should probably be a date parameter. I'm aware this is not a best practice, but letting you know it's there in the interest of full disclosure.

Thank you in advance,

with LiveSQL Test Case:

and Chris said...

You have a concurrency problem here.

Oracle Database has statement level consistency by default. This means DML can only see changes committed at the time the statement starts.

So if two people call this procedure at the same time, duplicate values are inevitable. The flow is could go like this:

T(ime)1 = user 1 runs the select, finds no rows
T2 = user 1 inserts a row
T3 = user 2 runs the select

At this point user 1 has not committed their changes. So user 2 can't see the row user 1 inserted. Thus the query at T3 returns no rows, and they insert the same values.

An easy way to see this is to stick a wait into the procedure just before the commit. This is to give you enough time to run the process in a second session while waiting for the first to complete:

insert into users 
  values ( 1, 1 );
insert into demos 
  values ( 'DEM', 'DEMO' );

create or replace procedure p_demo( 
  p_id           varchar2,  
  p_demo_code    varchar2, 
  clicked_on     varchar2 default to_char(sysdate,'mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') 
) as 

  l_internal_id        number;
  l_user_demo_comment  varchar2(100);

  cursor cur_demo is
    select 'x' 
    from user_demo 
    where internal_id = l_internal_id
    and demo_code = demo_code; 

  r_demo   cur_demo%rowtype;
  e_user_already_demoed  exception;


  select internal_id  
  into l_internal_id   
  from users  
  where user_facing_id = p_id; 
  open cur_demo;   
  fetch cur_demo into r_demo;     
  if cur_demo%found then
      close cur_demo;
      raise e_user_already_demoed;    
      select demo_desc||' '||clicked_on      
      into l_user_demo_comment    
      from demos    
      where demo_code = p_demo_code; 
       insert into user_demo (      
          internal_id, demo_code, user_demo_comment, date_inserted    
       )  values (
         l_internal_id, p_demo_code, l_user_demo_comment, sysdate    
       dbms_session.sleep ( 10 );
   end if; 
   close cur_demo; 
  when e_user_already_demoed then     
    dbms_output.put_line ( 'ALREADY DEMOED' );
  when no_data_found then     
    dbms_output.put_line ( 'NDF' );
END p_demo;

PRO session 1
exec p_demo ( 1, 'DEM' );
PRO in session 2
exec p_demo ( 1, 'DEM' );

PRO session 1 or 2
select *
from   user_demo;

             1 DEM          DEMO 09/29/2020 15:41:31    29-SEP-2020 15:41:31    
             1 DEM          DEMO 09/29/2020 15:41:32    29-SEP-2020 15:41:32  

Would it stop the dupes entirely if I test for the row's existence within the insert?

The problem is still possible here. A second user could start the insert before the first commits. So the query won't see the new row and insert a duplicate.

The easiest way to solve this is with a unique constraint. As you only want to prevent duplicates for a subset of values, you'll want a function-based unique index. This maps duplicate allowed values to null and duplicates disallowed to a column.

For example, for the code UNQ, this only allows you to insert one row with that value:

create unique index ui 
  on user_demo ( case when demo_code = 'UNQ' then demo_code end );
insert into demos 
  values ( 'UNQ', 'Unique code' );

You can then rewrite the whole procedure to a plain insert:

create or replace procedure p_demo( 
  p_id           varchar2,  
  p_demo_code    varchar2, 
  clicked_on     varchar2 default to_char(sysdate,'mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') 
) as 

  insert into user_demo (      
    internal_id, demo_code, user_demo_comment, date_inserted    
  )  values (
    ( select internal_id  
      from users  
      where user_facing_id = p_id
    p_demo_code, (
      select demo_desc||' '||clicked_on      
      from demos    
      where demo_code = p_demo_code
    ), sysdate    
end p_demo;

At this point you can also remove the wait to see the effect. If the first session hasn't committed, any other sessions trying to insert the code UNQ are blocked until it completes:

PRO session 1
exec p_demo ( 1, 'UNQ' );
PRO session 2 - this will be blocked until session 1 commits/rollsback
exec p_demo ( 2, 'UNQ' );

PRO session 1

PRO session 2 
ORA-00001: unique constraint (CHRIS.UI) violated

select * from user_demo;

             1 DEM          DEMO 09/29/2020 15:41:31           29-SEP-2020 15:41:31    
             1 DEM          DEMO 09/29/2020 15:41:32           29-SEP-2020 15:41:32    
             1 UNQ          Unique code 09/29/2020 15:46:40    29-SEP-2020 15:46:40


  (1 rating)

Is this answer out of date? If it is, please let us know via a Comment


Phil Goldenberg, September 29, 2020 - 7:46 pm UTC

This is great, thanks so much! I was aware of FBIs but for some odd reason never associated enforcing uniqueness with them. One thing I neglected to mention is that the ID field also needs to be included in the same unique constraint. So after playing around with it a little, I appended to your solution with:

create unique index ui 
  on user_demo ( 
    case when demo_code = 'UNQ' then internal_id end,
    case when demo_code = 'UNQ' then demo_code end

Not sure if there's a better or more concise way to do it, but this seems to work well.

Also, with this solution I guess it's not so bad that I'm logging the non-unique insert attempts in the exception block, and I can just swap out catching the custom error with ORA-00001 instead.

Thanks again!

Connor McDonald
September 30, 2020 - 2:24 am UTC

Glad we could help

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