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Question and Answer

Connor McDonald

Thanks for the question, vikram.

Asked: September 24, 2019 - 5:15 pm UTC

Last updated: January 13, 2022 - 12:17 am UTC

Version: 11g

Viewed 1000+ times

You Asked

We have a table which contains db_name and usernames. In the output we need list of users per DB i.e. number of columns will be equal to distinct db_name.

sample output format:

Database version: 11g

Below is sample script for reference:

CREATE TABLE app_users (
    username   VARCHAR2(40),
    db_name    VARCHAR2(40)

insert all
into app_users values ('USER1','DB1')
into app_users values ('USER2','DB1')
into app_users values ('USER3','DB1')
into app_users values ('USER4','DB2')
into app_users values ('USER5','DB2')
select * from dual;

Please help.

and Connor said...

We don't have dynamic pivot currently, but the good folks at AMIS wrote a nice dynamic pivot function a while back, details here:

which can be used to achieve what you want. Once created, you only need the last select :-)

  2  type PivotImpl as object
  3  (
  4    ret_type anytype,      -- The return type of the table function
  5    stmt varchar2(32767),
  6    fmt  varchar2(32767),
  7    cur integer,
  8    static function ODCITableDescribe( rtype out anytype, p_stmt in varchar2, p_fmt in varchar2 := 'upper(@p@)', dummy in number := 0 )
  9    return number,
 10    static function ODCITablePrepare( sctx out PivotImpl, ti in sys.ODCITabFuncInfo, p_stmt in varchar2, p_fmt in varchar2 := 'upper(@p@)', dummy in number := 0 )
 11    return number,
 12    static function ODCITableStart( sctx in out PivotImpl, p_stmt in varchar2, p_fmt in varchar2 := 'upper(@p@)', dummy in number := 0 )
 13    return number,
 14    member function ODCITableFetch( self in out PivotImpl, nrows in number, outset out anydataset )
 15    return number,
 16    member function ODCITableClose( self in PivotImpl )
 17    return number
 18  )
 19  /

Type created.

SQL> create or replace type body PivotImpl as
  2    static function ODCITableDescribe( rtype out anytype, p_stmt in varchar2, p_fmt in varchar2 := 'upper(@p@)', dummy in number )
  3    return number
  4    is
  5      atyp anytype;
  6      cur integer;
  7      numcols number;
  8      desc_tab dbms_sql.desc_tab2;
  9      rc sys_refcursor;
 10      t_c2 varchar2(32767);
 11      t_fmt varchar2(1000);
 12    begin
 13      cur := dbms_sql.open_cursor;
 14      dbms_sql.parse( cur, p_stmt, dbms_sql.native );
 15      dbms_sql.describe_columns2( cur, numcols, desc_tab );
 16      dbms_sql.close_cursor( cur );
 17  --
 18      anytype.begincreate( dbms_types.typecode_object, atyp );
 19  for i in 1 .. numcols - 2
 20  loop
 21        atyp.addattr( desc_tab( i ).col_name
 22                    , case desc_tab( i ).col_type
 23                        when 1   then dbms_types.typecode_varchar2
 24                        when 2   then dbms_types.typecode_number
 25                        when 9   then dbms_types.typecode_varchar2
 26                        when 11  then dbms_types.typecode_varchar2  -- show rowid as varchar2
 27                        when 12  then dbms_types.typecode_date
 28                        when 208 then dbms_types.typecode_varchar2  -- show urowid as varchar2
 29                        when 96  then dbms_types.typecode_char
 30                        when 180 then dbms_types.typecode_timestamp
 31                        when 181 then dbms_types.typecode_timestamp_tz
 32                        when 231 then dbms_types.typecode_timestamp_ltz
 33                        when 182 then dbms_types.typecode_interval_ym
 34                        when 183 then dbms_types.typecode_interval_ds
 35                      end
 36                    , desc_tab( i ).col_precision
 37                    , desc_tab( i ).col_scale
 38                    , case desc_tab( i ).col_type
 39                        when 11 then 18  -- for rowid col_max_len = 16, and 18 characters are shown
 40                        else desc_tab( i ).col_max_len
 41                      end
 42                    , desc_tab( i ).col_charsetid
 43                    , desc_tab( i ).col_charsetform
 44                    );
 45  end loop;
 46      if instr( p_fmt, '@p@' ) > 0
 47      then
 48        t_fmt := p_fmt;
 49      else
 50        t_fmt := '@p@';
 51      end if;
 52      open rc for replace( 'select distinct ' || t_fmt || '
 53                        from( ' || p_stmt || ' )
 54            order by ' || t_fmt
 55     , '@p@'
 56                         , desc_tab( numcols - 1 ).col_name
 57     );
 58  loop
 59        fetch rc into t_c2;
 60    exit when rc%notfound;
 61        atyp.addattr( t_c2
 62                    , case desc_tab( numcols ).col_type
 63                      when 1   then dbms_types.typecode_varchar2
 64                      when 2   then dbms_types.typecode_number
 65                      when 9   then dbms_types.typecode_varchar2
 66                      when 11  then dbms_types.typecode_varchar2  -- show rowid as varchar2
 67                      when 12  then dbms_types.typecode_date
 68                      when 208 then dbms_types.typecode_urowid
 69                      when 96  then dbms_types.typecode_char
 70                      when 180 then dbms_types.typecode_timestamp
 71                      when 181 then dbms_types.typecode_timestamp_tz
 72                      when 231 then dbms_types.typecode_timestamp_ltz
 73                      when 182 then dbms_types.typecode_interval_ym
 74                      when 183 then dbms_types.typecode_interval_ds
 75                    end
 76                  , desc_tab( numcols ).col_precision
 77                  , desc_tab( numcols ).col_scale
 78                  , case desc_tab( numcols ).col_type
 79                      when 11 then 18  -- for rowid col_max_len = 16, and 18 characters are shown
 80                      else desc_tab( numcols ).col_max_len
 81                    end
 82                  , desc_tab( numcols ).col_charsetid
 83                  , desc_tab( numcols ).col_charsetform
 84                    );
 85      end loop;
 86  close rc;
 87      atyp.endcreate;
 88      anytype.begincreate( dbms_types.typecode_table, rtype );
 89      rtype.SetInfo( null, null, null, null, null, atyp, dbms_types.typecode_object, 0 );
 90      rtype.endcreate();
 91      return odciconst.success;
 92    exception
 93      when others then
 94        return odciconst.error;
 95    end;
 96  --
 97    static function ODCITablePrepare( sctx out PivotImpl, ti in sys.ODCITabFuncInfo, p_stmt in varchar2, p_fmt in varchar2 := 'upper(@p@)', dummy in number )
 98    return number
 99    is
100      prec     pls_integer;
101      scale    pls_integer;
102      len      pls_integer;
103      csid     pls_integer;
104      csfrm    pls_integer;
105      elem_typ anytype;
106      aname    varchar2(30);
107      tc       pls_integer;
108    begin
109      tc := ti.RetType.GetAttrElemInfo( 1, prec, scale, len, csid, csfrm, elem_typ, aname );
110  --
111      if instr( p_fmt, '@p@' ) > 0
112      then
113        sctx := PivotImpl( elem_typ, p_stmt, p_fmt, null );
114      else
115        sctx := PivotImpl( elem_typ, p_stmt, '@p@', null );
116      end if;
117      return odciconst.success;
118    end;
119  --
120    static function ODCITableStart( sctx in out PivotImpl, p_stmt in varchar2, p_fmt in varchar2 := 'upper(@p@)', dummy in number )
121    return number
122    is
123      cur         integer;
124      numcols     number;
125      desc_tab    dbms_sql.desc_tab2;
126      t_stmt      varchar2(32767);
127      type_code   pls_integer;
128      prec        pls_integer;
129      scale       pls_integer;
130      len         pls_integer;
131      csid        pls_integer;
132      csfrm       pls_integer;
133      schema_name varchar2(30);
134      type_name   varchar2(30);
135      version     varchar2(30);
136      attr_count  pls_integer;
137      attr_type   anytype;
138      attr_name   varchar2(100);
139      dummy2      integer;
140    begin
141      cur := dbms_sql.open_cursor;
142      dbms_sql.parse( cur, p_stmt, dbms_sql.native );
143      dbms_sql.describe_columns2( cur, numcols, desc_tab );
144      dbms_sql.close_cursor( cur );
145  --
146  for i in 1 .. numcols - 2
147  loop
148        t_stmt := t_stmt || ', "' || desc_tab( i ).col_name || '"';
149  end loop;
150  --
151      type_code := sctx.ret_type.getinfo( prec
152                                        , scale
153                                        , len
154                                        , csid
155                                        , csfrm
156                                        , schema_name
157                                        , type_name
158                                        , version
159                                        , attr_count
160                                        );
161      for i in numcols - 1 .. attr_count
162      loop
163        type_code := sctx.ret_type.getattreleminfo( i
164                                                   , prec
165                                                   , scale
166                                                   , len
167                                                   , csid
168                                                   , csfrm
169                                                   , attr_type
170                                                   , attr_name
171                                                   );
172        t_stmt := t_stmt || replace( ', max( decode( ' || sctx.fmt || ', ''' || attr_name || ''', ' || desc_tab( numcols ).col_name || ' ) )'
173                               , '@p@'
174                           , desc_tab( numcols - 1 ).col_name
175             );
176  end loop;
177  t_stmt := 'select ' || substr( t_stmt, 2 ) || ' from ( ' || sctx.stmt || ' )';
178  for i in 1 .. numcols - 2
179  loop
180    if i = 1
181    then
182          t_stmt := t_stmt || ' group by "' || desc_tab( i ).col_name || '"';
183    else
184          t_stmt := t_stmt || ', "' || desc_tab( i ).col_name || '"';
185    end if;
186  end loop;
187  --
188  dbms_output.put_line( t_stmt );
189      sctx.cur := dbms_sql.open_cursor;
190      dbms_sql.parse( sctx.cur, t_stmt, dbms_sql.native );
191      for i in 1 .. attr_count
192      loop
193        type_code := sctx.ret_type.getattreleminfo( i
194                                                   , prec
195                                                   , scale
196                                                   , len
197                                                   , csid
198                                                   , csfrm
199                                                   , attr_type
200                                                   , attr_name
201                                                   );
202        case type_code
203          when dbms_types.typecode_char          then dbms_sql.define_column( sctx.cur, i, 'x', 32767 );
204          when dbms_types.typecode_varchar2      then dbms_sql.define_column( sctx.cur, i, 'x', 32767 );
205          when dbms_types.typecode_number        then dbms_sql.define_column( sctx.cur, i, cast( null as number ) );
206          when dbms_types.typecode_date          then dbms_sql.define_column( sctx.cur, i, cast( null as date ) );
207          when dbms_types.typecode_urowid        then dbms_sql.define_column( sctx.cur, i, cast( null as urowid ) );
208          when dbms_types.typecode_timestamp     then dbms_sql.define_column( sctx.cur, i, cast( null as timestamp ) );
209          when dbms_types.typecode_timestamp_tz  then dbms_sql.define_column( sctx.cur, i, cast( null as timestamp with time zone ) );
210          when dbms_types.typecode_timestamp_ltz then dbms_sql.define_column( sctx.cur, i, cast( null as timestamp with local time zone ) );
211          when dbms_types.typecode_interval_ym   then dbms_sql.define_column( sctx.cur, i, cast( null as interval year to month ) );
212          when dbms_types.typecode_interval_ds   then dbms_sql.define_column( sctx.cur, i, cast( null as interval day to second ) );
213        end case;
214  end loop;
215      dummy2 := dbms_sql.execute( sctx.cur );
216      return odciconst.success;
217    end;
218  --
219    member function ODCITableFetch( self in out PivotImpl, nrows in number, outset out anydataset )
220    return number
221    is
222      c1_col_type pls_integer;
223      type_code   pls_integer;
224      prec        pls_integer;
225      scale       pls_integer;
226      len         pls_integer;
227      csid        pls_integer;
228      csfrm       pls_integer;
229      schema_name varchar2(30);
230      type_name   varchar2(30);
231      version     varchar2(30);
232      attr_count  pls_integer;
233      attr_type   anytype;
234      attr_name   varchar2(100);
235      v1     varchar2(32767);
236      n1     number;
237      d1     date;
238      ur1    urowid;
239      ids1   interval day to second;
240      iym1   interval year to month;
241      ts1    timestamp;
242      tstz1  timestamp with time zone;
243      tsltz1 timestamp with local time zone;
244    begin
245      outset := null;
246      if nrows < 1
247      then
248  -- is this possible???
249        return odciconst.success;
250      end if;
251  --
252  dbms_output.put_line( 'fetch' );
253      if dbms_sql.fetch_rows( self.cur ) = 0
254      then
255        return odciconst.success;
256      end if;
257  --
258  dbms_output.put_line( 'done' );
259      type_code := self.ret_type.getinfo( prec
260                                        , scale
261                                        , len
262                                        , csid
263                                        , csfrm
264                                        , schema_name
265                                        , type_name
266                                        , version
267                                        , attr_count
268                                        );
269      anydataset.begincreate( dbms_types.typecode_object, self.ret_type, outset );
270      outset.addinstance;
271      outset.piecewise();
272      for i in 1 .. attr_count
273      loop
274        type_code := self.ret_type.getattreleminfo( i
275                                                   , prec
276                                                   , scale
277                                                   , len
278                                                   , csid
279                                                   , csfrm
280                                                   , attr_type
281                                                   , attr_name
282                                                   );
283  dbms_output.put_line( attr_name );
284          case type_code
285            when dbms_types.typecode_char then
286              dbms_sql.column_value( self.cur, i, v1 );
287              outset.setchar( v1 );
288            when dbms_types.typecode_varchar2 then
289              dbms_sql.column_value( self.cur, i, v1 );
290              outset.setvarchar2( v1 );
291            when dbms_types.typecode_number then
292              dbms_sql.column_value( self.cur, i, n1 );
293              outset.setnumber( n1 );
294            when dbms_types.typecode_date then
295              dbms_sql.column_value( self.cur, i, d1 );
296              outset.setdate( d1 );
297            when dbms_types.typecode_urowid then
298              dbms_sql.column_value( self.cur, i, ur1 );
299              outset.seturowid( ur1 );
300            when dbms_types.typecode_interval_ds then
301              dbms_sql.column_value( self.cur, i, ids1 );
303      outset.setintervalds( ids1 );
304            when dbms_types.typecode_interval_ym then
305              dbms_sql.column_value( self.cur, i, iym1 );
306              outset.setintervalym( iym1 );
307            when dbms_types.typecode_timestamp then
308              dbms_sql.column_value( self.cur, i, ts1 );
309              outset.settimestamp( ts1 );
310            when dbms_types.typecode_timestamp_tz then
311              dbms_sql.column_value( self.cur, i, tstz1 );
312              outset.settimestamptz( tstz1 );
313            when dbms_types.typecode_timestamp_ltz then
314              dbms_sql.column_value( self.cur, i, tsltz1 );
315              outset.settimestampltz( tsltz1 );
316          end case;
317      end loop;
318      outset.endcreate;
319      return odciconst.success;
320    end;
321  --
322    member function ODCITableClose( self in PivotImpl )
323    return number
324    is
325      c integer;
326    begin
327      c := self.cur;
328      dbms_sql.close_cursor( c );
329      return odciconst.success;
330    end;
331  end;
332  /

Type body created.

SQL> create or replace
  2  function pivot( p_stmt in varchar2, p_fmt in varchar2 := 'upper(@p@)', dummy in number := 0 )
  3  return anydataset pipelined using PivotImpl;
  4  /

Function created.

SQL> CREATE TABLE app_users (
  2      username   VARCHAR2(40),
  3      db_name    VARCHAR2(40)
  4  );

Table created.

SQL> insert all
  2  into app_users values ('USER1','DB1')
  3  into app_users values ('USER2','DB1')
  4  into app_users values ('USER3','DB1')
  5  into app_users values ('USER4','DB2')
  6  into app_users values ('USER5','DB2')
  7  select * from dual;

5 rows created.


SQL> select * from table(pivot('select row_number() over ( partition by db_name order by username) as x, db_name, username from app_users'));

         X DB1                                      DB2
---------- ---------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------
         1 USER1                                    USER4
         2 USER2                                    USER5
         3 USER3


  (5 ratings)

Is this answer out of date? If it is, please let us know via a Comment


Thank you trying to understand the solution :)

vikram chandel, September 25, 2019 - 5:06 pm UTC

Thank you. I am trying to understand overall query :) not an easy one though.

Somehow if we can decide the number of columns i.e. DB_NAME field values well in advance. Then how can we get list of users within each columns using pivot query. Please assist.

Chris Saxon
September 26, 2019 - 10:34 am UTC

The database adds an implicit group by for any columns in the table not in the PIVOT clause.

So calculate a row_number() in a subquery for each db_name. And take the min username for each number:

with rws as (
  select a.*,
         row_number () over ( 
           partition by db_name 
           order by username 
         ) rn
  from   app_users a
  select * from rws
  pivot (
    min ( username ) for db_name in (
      'DB1', 'DB2'

RN   'DB1'   'DB2'    
    1 USER1    USER4     
    2 USER2    USER5     
    3 USER3    <null>    

If you want to know more about (un)pivot, read

Dynamic Pivot

Rajeshwaran, Jeyabal, September 26, 2019 - 12:42 pm UTC

Another approach for Dynamic Pivot using a bit of PL/SQL like this

demo@PDB1> create or replace function generic_pivot(
  2     p_source in varchar2,
  3     p_pivotfor in varchar2,
  4     p_aggfns in varchar2
  5  )
  6  return sys_refcursor as
  7     l_sql dbms_sql.Varchar2_Table ;
  8     l_result sys_refcursor;
  9     l_pivot_in_list long;
 10  begin
 11     l_sql(1) := q'$ select listagg(''''||#P_PIVOTFOR# ||''' as "'||#P_PIVOTFOR#||'"',',') within group ( order by #P_PIVOTFOR# )
 12                     from ( select distinct #P_PIVOTFOR# from #P_SOURCE# ) $' ;
 13     l_sql(2) := q'$ select * from #P_SOURCE#
 14                                     pivot( #P_AGGFNS#
 15                                             for #P_PIVOTFOR# in (#PIVOT_IN_LIST#) ) order by 1,2 $';
 17     l_sql(1) := replace( l_sql(1) ,'#P_PIVOTFOR#',p_pivotfor);
 18     l_sql(1) := replace( l_sql(1) ,'#P_SOURCE#',p_source);
 20     execute immediate l_sql(1) into l_pivot_in_list;
 22     l_sql(2) := replace( l_sql(2),'#P_SOURCE#',p_source);
 23     l_sql(2) := replace( l_sql(2),'#P_AGGFNS#',p_aggfns);
 24     l_sql(2) := replace( l_sql(2),'#P_PIVOTFOR#',p_pivotfor);
 25     l_sql(2) := replace( l_sql(2),'#PIVOT_IN_LIST#',l_pivot_in_list);
 28     open l_result for l_sql(2);
 29     return l_result;
 30  end;
 31  /

Function created.

demo@PDB1> variable l_sql varchar2(150)
demo@PDB1> begin
  2     :l_sql := ' ( select db_name,username, '||
  3             ' row_number() over(partition by'||
  4             ' db_name order by username) r '||
  5             ' from app_users ) ';
  6  end;
  7  /

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

demo@PDB1> variable x refcursor
demo@PDB1> exec :x := generic_pivot( :l_sql,'db_name','max(username)' );

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

demo@PDB1> print x

         R DB1       DB2
---------- --------- --------
         1 USER1     USER4
         2 USER2     USER5
         3 USER3


Chris Saxon
September 26, 2019 - 2:31 pm UTC

Hmmm, string replacement. I smell SQL injection!

Thank you

vikram chandel, September 26, 2019 - 7:25 pm UTC

Thank for answering our doubts team.

on SQL Injection part.

Rajeshwaran, Jeyabal, September 27, 2019 - 2:25 am UTC

...Hmmm, string replacement. I smell SQL injection! ....

But that is just an idea, once should take and sanitize the input using DBMS_ASSERT to be free from SQL Injection.

Requesting this for postgres

Siddheshwar, January 12, 2022 - 10:52 am UTC

I have implemented this for our db, now we are migrating to postgres.

unfortunately , nothing found like this in PG.

Requesting your help to get PostgreSQL version for this .

Connor McDonald
January 13, 2022 - 12:17 am UTC

You'd need to find a postgres SQL forum for that :-)

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