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  • Composite Primary Key and Number generated


Question and Answer

Chris Saxon

Thanks for the question, Alberto.

Asked: January 22, 2019 - 11:38 pm UTC

Last updated: January 23, 2019 - 4:13 pm UTC

Version: Oracle (

Viewed 1000+ times

You Asked

Hello Tom,

I have one table Invoice which has 6 columns.Out of which 2 column are composite primary key.

create table invoice (
  area           integer,
  invoid         number
    generated always as identity,
  designation    varchar (20),
  date_inv       date,
  discount_tot   number (5,2),
  cost_tot       number (12,2)

alter table invoice 
  add constraint t_pk 
  primary key ( Area, Invoid ); 

So, my question is
1) How can generate a sequence (invoid) for each region?

For example:

Area 1200 use invoid from 1 to 1500
Area 1500 use invoid from 1501 to 4000
Area 2000 use invoid from 4001 to 5000
Area 2500 use invoid from 5001 to 5750, etc

All the Users use the same table (Invoice), but users in Area 1200 when insert a record the program has to use the own Area sequence (invoid)

I need to generate
Thank you in advance.

Alberto Rico

and Chris said...

If you want to do something like this, you can:

- Create a sequence for each area
- Have a trigger which inspects the value for area and chooses the appropriate sequence.

For example:

create table invoice (
  area           integer,
  invoid         number,
  designation    varchar (20),
  date_inv       date,
  discount_tot   number (5,2),
  cost_tot       number (12,2)

alter table invoice 
  add constraint t_pk 
  primary key ( Area, Invoid ); 
create sequence area1_seq 
  start with 1
  maxvalue 1500;
create sequence area2_seq
  start with 1501
  maxvalue 4000;
create or replace trigger invoice_trg
before insert on invoice
for each row
  if :new.area = 1 then
    :new.invoid := area1_seq.nextval;
  elsif :new.area = 2 then
    :new.invoid := area2_seq.nextval;
  end if;

insert into invoice ( area ) 
  values ( 1 );
insert into invoice ( area ) 
  values ( 2 );

select * from invoice;

     1        1 <null>        <null>             <null>     <null> 
     2     1501 <null>        <null>             <null>     <null> 


Are you really saying there's an upper limit of 1,500 invoices for area 1200?! Seriously?

Because that's what making ( area, invoice_id ) the primary key and setting the limit for area 1200 to the values 1 - 1,500 means.

I strongly urge you to reconsider this design. Make the primary key a simple sequence/identity column.

If you need to make a business key which is a combination of area + invoice#, put a unique constraint on these columns. And come up with a scheme which won't run out of numbers!

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