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  • Multiple analytical functions in a query


Question and Answer

Connor McDonald

Thanks for the question, Swarag.

Asked: July 25, 2018 - 6:24 pm UTC

Last updated: July 26, 2018 - 3:58 am UTC

Version: Oracle 11g (

Viewed 1000+ times

You Asked

Dear Tom,
Thanks for this wonderful platform where there is always opportunity to learn something new on things we think we already know. Really appreciate it.

I have a query regarding the analytical functions in Oracle. Query is based on the Employees table in HR schema.

This is the query

select employee_id,salary,rownumb,dnsrnk
from (select e.*,
row_number() over(partition by e.salary order by e.employee_id desc) rownumb,
dense_rank() over(order by salary desc) dnsrnk
from employees e where e.department_id = 80)
where dnsrnk = 7;

SQL> select employee_id,salary,rownumb,dnsrnk
2 from (select e.*,
3 row_number() over(partition by e.salary order by e.employee_id desc) rownumb,
4 dense_rank() over(order by salary desc) dnsrnk
5 from employees e where e.department_id = 80)
6 /
----------- ---------- ---------- ----------
145 14000.00 1 1
146 13500.00 1 2
207 12000.00 1 3
147 12000.00 2 3
168 11500.00 1 4
174 11000.00 1 5
148 11000.00 2 5
162 10500.00 1 6
149 10500.00 2 6
169 10000.00 1 7
156 10000.00 2 7
150 10000.00 3 7
170 9600.00 1 8

But the following query is not returning anything

select employee_id,salary,rownumb,dnsrnk
from (select e.*,
row_number() over(partition by e.salary order by e.employee_id desc) rownumb,
dense_rank() over(order by salary desc) dnsrnk
from employees e where e.department_id = 80)
where dnsrnk = 7;

What am i doing wrong here?

and Connor said...

I suspect perhaps an issue with because I can't reproduce that in

I ran your queries unaltered, I just stripped off the right-part of the output to keep it from being too wide

SQL>   select e.*,
  2       row_number() over(partition by e.salary order by e.employee_id desc) rownumb,
  3       dense_rank() over(order by salary desc) dnsrnk
  4       from hr.employees e
  5       where e.department_id = 80;

EMPLOYEE_ID FIRST_NAME           LAST_NAME                 EMAIL                     PHONE_NUMBER         HIRE_D
----------- -------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------- ------
        145 John                 Russell                   JRUSSEL                   011.44.1344.429268   01-OCT
        146 Karen                Partners                  KPARTNER                  011.44.1344.467268   05-JAN
        147 Alberto              Errazuriz                 AERRAZUR                  011.44.1344.429278   10-MAR
        168 Lisa                 Ozer                      LOZER                     011.44.1343.929268   11-MAR
        174 Ellen                Abel                      EABEL                     011.44.1644.429267   11-MAY
        148 Gerald               Cambrault                 GCAMBRAU                  011.44.1344.619268   15-OCT
        162 Clara                Vishney                   CVISHNEY                  011.44.1346.129268   11-NOV
        149 Eleni                Zlotkey                   EZLOTKEY                  011.44.1344.429018   29-JAN
        169 Harrison             Bloom                     HBLOOM                    011.44.1343.829268   23-MAR
        156 Janette              King                      JKING                     011.44.1345.429268   30-JAN
        150 Peter                Tucker                    PTUCKER                   011.44.1344.129268   30-JAN
        170 Tayler               Fox                       TFOX                      011.44.1343.729268   24-JAN
        163 Danielle             Greene                    DGREENE                   011.44.1346.229268   19-MAR
        157 Patrick              Sully                     PSULLY                    011.44.1345.929268   04-MAR
        151 David                Bernstein                 DBERNSTE                  011.44.1344.345268   24-MAR
        158 Allan                McEwen                    AMCEWEN                   011.44.1345.829268   01-AUG
        152 Peter                Hall                      PHALL                     011.44.1344.478968   20-AUG
        175 Alyssa               Hutton                    AHUTTON                   011.44.1644.429266   19-MAR
        176 Jonathon             Taylor                    JTAYLOR                   011.44.1644.429265   24-MAR
        177 Jack                 Livingston                JLIVINGS                  011.44.1644.429264   23-APR
        159 Lindsey              Smith                     LSMITH                    011.44.1345.729268   10-MAR
        153 Christopher          Olsen                     COLSEN                    011.44.1344.498718   30-MAR
        160 Louise               Doran                     LDORAN                    011.44.1345.629268   15-DEC
        154 Nanette              Cambrault                 NCAMBRAU                  011.44.1344.987668   09-DEC
        171 William              Smith                     WSMITH                    011.44.1343.629268   23-FEB
        172 Elizabeth            Bates                     EBATES                    011.44.1343.529268   24-MAR
        164 Mattea               Marvins                   MMARVINS                  011.44.1346.329268   24-JAN
        161 Sarath               Sewall                    SSEWALL                   011.44.1345.529268   03-NOV
        155 Oliver               Tuvault                   OTUVAULT                  011.44.1344.486508   23-NOV
        165 David                Lee                       DLEE                      011.44.1346.529268   23-FEB
        166 Sundar               Ande                      SANDE                     011.44.1346.629268   24-MAR
        179 Charles              Johnson                   CJOHNSON                  011.44.1644.429262   04-JAN
        167 Amit                 Banda                     ABANDA                    011.44.1346.729268   21-APR
        173 Sundita              Kumar                     SKUMAR                    011.44.1343.329268   21-APR

34 rows selected.

SQL> select employee_id,salary,rownumb,dnsrnk
  2  from (
  3    select e.*,
  4       row_number() over(partition by e.salary order by e.employee_id desc) rownumb,
  5       dense_rank() over(order by salary desc) dnsrnk
  6       from hr.employees e
  7       where e.department_id = 80
  8     )
  9  where dnsrnk = 7;

----------- ---------- ---------- ----------
        169      10000          1          7
        156      10000          2          7
        150      10000          3          7

Hope this helps.

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