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  • Side-effects when working with associative array in pl/sql


Question and Answer

Connor McDonald

Thanks for the question, Andrei.

Asked: June 12, 2018 - 7:43 am UTC

Last updated: June 15, 2018 - 4:38 am UTC


Viewed 1000+ times

You Asked

I've noticed strange side-effect when working with associative arrays in pl/sql. Basically, it appearts, that when element of the array is passed to procedure as "in out nocopy", then after procedure finishes, Oracle copies possibly updated element back into associative array. The problem is, Oracle uses the variable that contained key before the procedure was called. Everything is fine untill procedure also changes that key.

I've provided the code as LiveSQL Link, but just in case include it also here:
    type tr_zs_info is record(
        von varchar2(10),
        bis varchar2(10)
    type th_zs_set is table of tr_zs_info index by varchar2(10);

    l_key varchar2(10);
    l_other varchar2(10);
    l_hash th_zs_set;

    procedure split_period(
        pl_el in out nocopy tr_zs_info,
        p_at varchar2,
        pl_key in out nocopy varchar2,
        pl_dst in out nocopy th_zs_set
    ) is
        l_obj tr_zs_info;
        dbms_output.put_line('start of split von ' || pl_el.von || ' bis ' || pl_el.bis);
        l_obj.von := p_at;
        l_obj.bis := pl_el.bis;
        pl_el.bis := p_at;
        pl_dst(p_at) := l_obj;
        pl_key := p_at;
        dbms_output.put_line('end of split '
            || p_at || ' von ' || pl_dst(p_at).von || ' bis ' || pl_dst(p_at).bis);
    end split_period; -- }}}
    l_key := '2017-01-01';
    l_hash(l_key).von := l_key;
    l_hash(l_key).bis := '2017-02-01';
    l_other := l_key;
    split_period(l_hash(l_key), '2017-01-15', l_key, l_hash);
    dbms_output.put_line('after split '
        || l_key || ' von ' || l_hash(l_key).von || ' bis ' || l_hash(l_key).bis);
    dbms_output.put_line('original '
        || l_other || ' von ' || l_hash(l_other).von || ' bis ' || l_hash(l_other).bis);

The above code produces

start of split von 2017-01-01 bis 2017-02-01
end of split 2017-01-15 von 2017-01-15 bis 2017-02-01
after split 2017-01-15 von 2017-01-01 bis 2017-01-15
original 2017-01-01 von 2017-01-01 bis 2017-02-01

So after procedure finishes, it is expected that record with key '2017-01-01' has "bis" equal to 2017-01-15, and new record with key '2017-01-15' shall have "von" equal to 2017-01-15. And it is so before procedure ends. After the end of procedure the records are exchanged.

My question is, is this a bug, or a feature? In other words shall that get fixed, or documented?

with LiveSQL Test Case:

and Connor said...

That example is not mentioned, but the docs do go into a *lot* of detail (and warnings) about the passing of parameters by reference and value, and the implications of nocopy and parameter aliasing.

I changed your proc a little to make it easier for readers to comprehend to demonstrate the differences (as both example and warning)

SQL> declare
  2      type my_rec is record(
  3          dateidx varchar2(20),
  4          data    varchar2(20)
  5      );
  6      type my_array is table of my_rec index by varchar2(20);
  8      l_key   varchar2(10);
  9      l_array  my_array;
 11      procedure print is
 12        x varchar2(20);
 13      begin
 14        dbms_output.put_line('-------------------------');
 15        dbms_output.put_line('l_key='||l_key);
 16        x :=   l_array.first;
 17        while x is not null
 18        loop
 19          dbms_output.put_line('IDX:'||x||' DATEIDX:'||l_array(x).dateidx||', DATA:'||l_array(x).data);
 20          x :=;
 21        end loop;
 22      end;
 24      procedure split_period(
 25          pl_el  in out  nocopy  my_rec,
 26          p_at_date              varchar2,
 27          pl_key in out  nocopy  varchar2,
 28          pl_dst in out  nocopy  my_array
 29      ) is
 30          l_obj my_rec;
 31      begin
 32          print;
 33          --
 34          -- create new entry with the data from existing key
 35          --
 36          l_obj.dateidx       := p_at_date;
 37          :=;
 38          --
 39          -- update existing key with new data
 40          --
 41          := 'SOME_MORE_DATA';
 43          --
 44          -- insert new entry into the array
 45          --
 46          pl_dst(p_at_date)   := l_obj;
 47          --
 48          -- last used key becomes this entry
 49          --
 50          pl_key              := p_at_date;
 51          print;
 52      end split_period;
 53  begin
 54      l_key := '2017-01-01';
 55      l_array(l_key).dateidx := l_key;
 56      l_array(l_key).data := 'SOME_DATA';
 57      split_period(l_array(l_key), '2017-01-15', l_key, l_array);
 58      print;
 59  end;
 60  /
IDX:2017-01-01 DATEIDX:2017-01-01, DATA:SOME_DATA
IDX:2017-01-01 DATEIDX:2017-01-01, DATA:SOME_DATA
IDX:2017-01-15 DATEIDX:2017-01-15, DATA:SOME_DATA
IDX:2017-01-01 DATEIDX:2017-01-01, DATA:SOME_DATA
IDX:2017-01-15 DATEIDX:2017-01-01, DATA:SOME_MORE_DATA

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

SQL> declare
  2      type my_rec is record(
  3          dateidx varchar2(20),
  4          data    varchar2(20)
  5      );
  6      type my_array is table of my_rec index by varchar2(20);
  8      l_key   varchar2(10);
  9      l_array  my_array;
 11      procedure print is
 12        x varchar2(20);
 13      begin
 14        dbms_output.put_line('-------------------------');
 15        dbms_output.put_line('l_key='||l_key);
 16        x :=   l_array.first;
 17        while x is not null
 18        loop
 19          dbms_output.put_line('IDX:'||x||' DATEIDX:'||l_array(x).dateidx||', DATA:'||l_array(x).data);
 20          x :=;
 21        end loop;
 22      end;
 24      procedure split_period(
 25          pl_el  in out   my_rec,
 26          p_at_date       varchar2,
 27          pl_key in out   varchar2,
 28          pl_dst in out   my_array
 29      ) is
 30          l_obj my_rec;
 31      begin
 32          print;
 33          --
 34          -- create new entry with the data from existing key
 35          --
 36          l_obj.dateidx       := p_at_date;
 37          :=;
 38          --
 39          -- update existing key with new data
 40          --
 41          := 'SOME_MORE_DATA';
 43          --
 44          -- insert new entry into the array
 45          --
 46          pl_dst(p_at_date)   := l_obj;
 47          --
 48          -- last used key becomes this entry
 49          --
 50          pl_key              := p_at_date;
 51          print;
 52      end split_period;
 53  begin
 54      l_key := '2017-01-01';
 55      l_array(l_key).dateidx := l_key;
 56      l_array(l_key).data := 'SOME_DATA';
 57      split_period(l_array(l_key), '2017-01-15', l_key, l_array);
 58      print;
 59  end;
 60  /
IDX:2017-01-01 DATEIDX:2017-01-01, DATA:SOME_DATA
IDX:2017-01-01 DATEIDX:2017-01-01, DATA:SOME_DATA
IDX:2017-01-01 DATEIDX:2017-01-01, DATA:SOME_DATA
IDX:2017-01-15 DATEIDX:2017-01-15, DATA:SOME_DATA

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.


  (1 rating)

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Useful docu link

Andrei Voropaev, June 15, 2018 - 6:07 am UTC

Thank you. In the provided link I've found a place that says "optimizer ignores 'nocopy' if argument is element of collection". That clarifies the situation. So after all this is a feature :)

Now I don't see any way of doing "in-place" modifications to elements of collections, but that is already different question :)

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