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  • I just want to know the difference between the below two queries.


Question and Answer

Connor McDonald

Thanks for the question, mukteshwar.

Asked: May 29, 2018 - 6:21 am UTC

Last updated: May 30, 2018 - 6:43 am UTC

Version: 10.50.x.x

Viewed 1000+ times

You Asked

Q: List the Emps who are senior to their own MGRS.

select * from emp e,emp m where e.mgr = m.empno and e.hiredate < m.hiredate;

select * from emp e,emp m where e.empno= m.mgr and e.hiredate > m.hiredate;

the above two queries are getting same results but i want to know the exact difference between those two queries.

and Connor said...

It becomes clearer when we take out hiredate, and add some aliases to the columns

SQL> select e.*, m.*
  2  from emp e,emp m
  3  where e.mgr = m.empno;

     EMPNO ENAME      JOB              MGR HIREDATE         SAL       COMM     DEPTNO      EMPNO ENAME      JOB              MGR HIREDATE         SAL       COMM     DEPTNO
---------- ---------- --------- ---------- --------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --------- ---------- --------- ---------- ---------- ----------
      7902 FORD       ANALYST         7566 03-DEC-81       3000                    20       7566 JONES      MANAGER         7839 02-APR-81       1232                    20
      7788 SCOTT      ANALYST         7566 09-DEC-82       3000                    20       7566 JONES      MANAGER         7839 02-APR-81       1232                    20
      7844 TURNER     SALESMAN        7698 08-SEP-81       1500                    30       7698 BLAKE      MANAGER         7839 01-MAY-81       1232                    30
      7499 ALLEN      SALESMAN        7698 20-FEB-81       1600        300         30       7698 BLAKE      MANAGER         7839 01-MAY-81       1232                    30
      7521 WARD       SALESMAN        7698 22-FEB-81       1250        500         30       7698 BLAKE      MANAGER         7839 01-MAY-81       1232                    30
      7900 JAMES      CLERK           7698 03-DEC-81        950                    30       7698 BLAKE      MANAGER         7839 01-MAY-81       1232                    30
      7654 MARTIN     SALESMAN        7698 28-SEP-81       1250       1400         30       7698 BLAKE      MANAGER         7839 01-MAY-81       1232                    30
      7934 MILLER     CLERK           7782 23-JAN-82       1300                    10       7782 CLARK      MANAGER         7839 09-JUN-81       2450                    10
      7876 ADAMS      CLERK           7788 12-JAN-83       1100                    20       7788 SCOTT      ANALYST         7566 09-DEC-82       3000                    20
      7698 BLAKE      MANAGER         7839 01-MAY-81       1232                    30       7839 KING       PRESIDENT            17-NOV-81       5000                    10
      7566 JONES      MANAGER         7839 02-APR-81       1232                    20       7839 KING       PRESIDENT            17-NOV-81       5000                    10
      7782 CLARK      MANAGER         7839 09-JUN-81       2450                    10       7839 KING       PRESIDENT            17-NOV-81       5000                    10
      7369 SMITH      CLERK           7902 17-DEC-80        800                    20       7902 FORD       ANALYST         7566 03-DEC-81       3000                    20

13 rows selected.

SQL> select e.*, m.*
  2  from emp e,emp m
  3  where e.empno= m.mgr ;

     EMPNO ENAME      JOB              MGR HIREDATE         SAL       COMM     DEPTNO      EMPNO ENAME      JOB              MGR HIREDATE         SAL       COMM     DEPTNO
---------- ---------- --------- ---------- --------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --------- ---------- --------- ---------- ---------- ----------
      7566 JONES      MANAGER         7839 02-APR-81       1232                    20       7902 FORD       ANALYST         7566 03-DEC-81       3000                    20
      7566 JONES      MANAGER         7839 02-APR-81       1232                    20       7788 SCOTT      ANALYST         7566 09-DEC-82       3000                    20
      7698 BLAKE      MANAGER         7839 01-MAY-81       1232                    30       7844 TURNER     SALESMAN        7698 08-SEP-81       1500                    30
      7698 BLAKE      MANAGER         7839 01-MAY-81       1232                    30       7499 ALLEN      SALESMAN        7698 20-FEB-81       1600        300         30
      7698 BLAKE      MANAGER         7839 01-MAY-81       1232                    30       7521 WARD       SALESMAN        7698 22-FEB-81       1250        500         30
      7698 BLAKE      MANAGER         7839 01-MAY-81       1232                    30       7900 JAMES      CLERK           7698 03-DEC-81        950                    30
      7698 BLAKE      MANAGER         7839 01-MAY-81       1232                    30       7654 MARTIN     SALESMAN        7698 28-SEP-81       1250       1400         30
      7782 CLARK      MANAGER         7839 09-JUN-81       2450                    10       7934 MILLER     CLERK           7782 23-JAN-82       1300                    10
      7788 SCOTT      ANALYST         7566 09-DEC-82       3000                    20       7876 ADAMS      CLERK           7788 12-JAN-83       1100                    20
      7839 KING       PRESIDENT            17-NOV-81       5000                    10       7698 BLAKE      MANAGER         7839 01-MAY-81       1232                    30
      7839 KING       PRESIDENT            17-NOV-81       5000                    10       7566 JONES      MANAGER         7839 02-APR-81       1232                    20
      7839 KING       PRESIDENT            17-NOV-81       5000                    10       7782 CLARK      MANAGER         7839 09-JUN-81       2450                    10
      7902 FORD       ANALYST         7566 03-DEC-81       3000                    20       7369 SMITH      CLERK           7902 17-DEC-80        800                    20


query 1: "e" represents the employees, "m" represents the manager
query 2: "e" actually represents the managers, "m" represents the employees

Hence the required flipping of the "<" and ">" for the hiredate predicates.

In terms of comprehension, you could argue that the first query is "more correct" because there is not that ambiguity between the aliases used and the results.

Is this answer out of date? If it is, please let us know via a Comment

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