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Question and Answer

Chris Saxon

Thanks for the question, Bryon.

Asked: January 25, 2018 - 8:11 pm UTC

Last updated: January 26, 2018 - 11:31 am UTC


Viewed 1000+ times

You Asked

I am trying to determine a way where we can schedule time periods for when select dbms_scheduler jobs will automatically get "paused". I came up with a procedure (see LiveSQL Link) that works fine when run as an anonymous block. It successfully disables the job if the current date/time is greater than what is listed in a user table (PAUSE_SCHED_JOBS). When the anonymous script is run after the "start_date_time", then the job automatically gets enabled.

However, if I make the exact procedure into a package with the procedure in it (JOB_MGMT), the procedure does not seem to be able to read from the view all_scheduler_jobs.

In other words
 cursor cur_test...
 cursor cur_pause_job...
 cursor cur_start_job...

will work fine. But this:

Will not.

When run in the package, I do see that it is running the procedure as dbms_output does report "Made It". However, the all_scheduler_jobs cursor does not ever come back as found ("ItWorks" is not in the output).

I have stumped our DBA on this, so I am hoping that you could help.

Thank you,
Bryon Freeman

PS - If there is another way to accomplish this same task, I'd be open to that as well.

with LiveSQL Test Case:

and Chris said...

I'm not sure what's going on with your code. But rather than fixing that, there's a better option:


These define periods of time you want to allow jobs to run. So instead of saying "pause during these hours", you say "run during these hours".

Ensure you set the stop_on_window_close property to true so the database will kill off any jobs still running when the window closes:

     window_name      => 'short_window',
     resource_plan    => null,
     start_date       => systimestamp,
     repeat_interval  => 'freq=daily; byday=mon,tue,wed,thu,fri',
     duration         => interval '1' minute);

     job_name => 'STOPJOB',
     job_type => 'PLSQL_BLOCK',
     job_action => 'begin loop dbms_lock.sleep(1); end loop; end;',
     schedule_name => 'sys.SHORT_WINDOW'
     name           =>   'STOPJOB',
     attribute      =>   'stop_on_window_close',
     value          =>   true

select active, duration, last_start_date
from   dba_scheduler_windows w
where  window_name = 'SHORT_WINDOW';

ACTIVE   DURATION              LAST_START_DATE        
TRUE     +00 00:01:00.000000   26-JAN-2018 03.25.55  

select job_name from USER_SCHEDULER_RUNNING_JOBS;


/* Wait a minute ... */
select status, run_duration, additional_info 
from   user_scheduler_job_run_details
where  job_name = 'STOPJOB';

STATUS    RUN_DURATION          ADDITIONAL_INFO                                                 
STOPPED   +00 00:00:57.000000   REASON="Stop job called because associated window was closed" 

Note that the window goes in the schedule_name for the job. Also sys owns all windows, so qualify the name with this.

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