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  • How to Extract PL/SQL Source Code Diffs ignoring comments, spaces, linefeeds and alike


Question and Answer

Connor McDonald

Thanks for the question, José Laurindo.

Asked: January 10, 2018 - 2:23 pm UTC

Last updated: April 16, 2019 - 11:47 pm UTC

Version: RDBMS EE

Viewed 1000+ times

You Asked

Hi : I need to compare all the PL/SQL source code (ie, Procedures, Functions, packages, and Triggers) between two databases (let´s say, Homo and Prod) to get the diffs.
Point is, I want to get only functional diffs, ie, only meaningful source code diffs, discarding differences caused by linefeeds, upper/lowercase, comments, and alike . So , both source code extracts belowe must be considered non-different :

=> source code in PROD database

-- Query entered in PROD @ 2017/12/31
select cola,
colB, colC FROM mytable
where colA=2;

==> source code in HOMO database

-- Query homologated in
-- HOMO @ 2017/12/10
select cola, colB, colC FROM mytable where COLA=2;

I was thinking about comment/linefeeds/whitespace removal via string functions, but I was unable to cook something ... And just to add, some source code will be small BUT some could be very large...


J. Laurindo Chiappa

and Connor said...

You can cleanse the data with some PLSQL. After that you could spool it to file and use normal compare tools (diff etc), or you could store it as a clob and use dbms_lob, etc. Here is something to get you going

SQL> create or replace
  2  procedure scott.my_proc(
  3      p_string  in varchar2 default null,
  4      tag     in varchar2 default null,
  5      p_debug   in varchar2 default 'NO',
  6      p_trace   in varchar2 default 'NO',
  7      p_session in varchar2 default null)
  8  is
  9    b int := dbms_utility.get_time;
 10    l_question_id int;
 11  begin
 12  /*
 13    some multiline comments
 14     that end in the middle */ null;
 15    if tag is null then
 16 (
 17          p_flow_id      => '100',
 18          p_flow_step_id => '1',
 19          p_debug        => p_debug,   -- some stuff
 20          p_arg_names    => wwv_flow_utilities.string_to_table2('P1_SEARCH_CRITERIA'),
 21          p_arg_values   => wwv_flow_utilities.string_to_table2(p_string),
 22          p_instance     => p_session,
 23           -- some more stuff
 24          p_trace        => p_trace
 25      );
 26      htp.p('<font size=-2>'||to_char((dbms_utility.get_time - b) * .01,'999,990.000')||'</font>');
 27    end if;
 28    /* last little bit */
 29  end;
 30  /

Procedure created.

SQL> variable c clob
SQL> declare
  2    l_in_comment boolean default FALSE;
  3    l_comment_pos     int;
  4    l_text            varchar2(4000);
  5  begin
  6    dbms_lob.createtemporary(:c,true);
  7    for i in ( select text
  8               from   dba_source
  9               where  owner = 'SCOTT'
 10               and    name  = 'MY_PROC'
 11               and    type  = 'PROCEDURE'
 12               order by line
 13             )
 14    loop
 15       -- santise case
 16       l_text := lower(i.text);
 18       -- repeated spaces becomes single space
 19       while l_text like '%  %'
 20       loop
 21         l_text := replace(l_text,'  ',' ');
 22       end loop;
 24       -- single line comments removed
 25       l_comment_pos := instr(l_text,'--');
 26       if l_comment_pos > 1 then
 27         l_text := substr(l_text,1,l_comment_pos-1);
 28       elsif l_comment_pos > 0 then
 29         l_text := null;
 30       end if;
 33       -- multi line comments
 34       l_comment_pos := instr(l_text,'/*');
 35       if l_comment_pos > 0 then
 36          l_in_comment := true;
 37          if l_comment_pos > 1 then
 38            l_text := substr(l_text,1,l_comment_pos-1);
 39          else
 40            l_text := null;
 41          end if;
 42       end if;
 44       l_comment_pos := instr(l_text,'*/');
 45       if l_in_comment then
 46         if l_comment_pos > 0 then
 47            l_text := substr(l_text,l_comment_pos+3);
 48            l_in_comment := false;
 49         else
 50            l_text := null;
 51         end if;
 52       end if;
 54  --     l_text := replace(replace(l_text,chr(10)),chr(13));
 55       if l_text is not null then
 56         dbms_lob.writeappend(:c,length(l_text),l_text);
 57       end if;
 58    end loop;
 59  end;
 60  /

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

SQL> print c

procedure my_proc(
 p_string in varchar2 default null,
 tag in varchar2 default null,
 p_debug in varchar2 default 'no',
 p_trace in varchar2 default 'no',
 p_session in varchar2 default null)
 b int := dbms_utility.get_time;
 l_question_id int;
 if tag is null then (
 p_flow_id => '100',
 p_flow_step_id => '1',
 p_debug => p_debug,  p_arg_names => wwv_flow_utilities.string_to_table2('p1_sea
 p_arg_values => wwv_flow_utilities.string_to_table2(p_string),
 p_instance => p_session,
  p_trace => p_trace
 htp.p('<font size=-2>'||to_char((dbms_utility.get_time - b) * .01,'999,990.000'
 end if;


If you comment back in line 54, you'll remove the carriage returns as well


  (3 ratings)

Is this answer out of date? If it is, please let us know via a Comment


Very useful

J. Laurindo Chiappa, January 11, 2018 - 11:31 am UTC

Many thanks, Connor : you confirmed my thoughts, and your code will be very useful...


J. Laurindo Chiappa

A good start

BrynR, October 10, 2018 - 1:53 pm UTC

A good start - but this will sanitise different cases and multiple spaces in literals ie

1. column = 'this';
2. column = 'THIS';

1. column = 'spaces ';
2. column = 'spaces ';
Connor McDonald
October 12, 2018 - 2:49 am UTC

Agreed. But if I was doing this for a true char by char comparison, I'd use a tool. Why reinvent the wheel?

suggested improvement to extract code

Kevin Payne, April 16, 2019 - 3:19 am UTC

Hi Connor,

I had a requirement to extract commentless pl/sql and your code did the trick, thanks so much for that!

I did find an issue with the code I was extracting. If there's a single line with comments like so: /* comments */ the code substr's the line up to the /* thereby discarding the */ further into the line - so no multi-line comment "switch-off" can be found in this case.

I added this code to cater for the single line /* */ use case:
-- /* and */ in same line
l_comment_pos := instr(l_text,'/*');
l_comment_pos2 := instr(l_text,'*/');
if l_comment_pos > 0 and l_comment_pos2 > 0 then
if l_comment_pos > 1 then
l_text := substr(l_text,1,l_comment_pos-1);
l_text := null;
end if;
end if;

Connor McDonald
April 16, 2019 - 11:47 pm UTC

Nice work.

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