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  • alter table xxx shrink not reclaiming space


Question and Answer

Connor McDonald

Thanks for the question, amol.

Asked: January 08, 2018 - 7:06 am UTC

Last updated: January 09, 2018 - 12:59 am UTC


Viewed 1000+ times

You Asked

Dear Ask Tom Team,

I hope you had wonderful vacations and happy new year!!!

I have question related to Table's Space Reclaiming using "shrink" command.

There are some fragmented tables in our DB. I found their current size and wasted space using below command:

select table_name,blocks,num_rows,avg_row_len,round(((blocks*32/1024)),2) "TOTAL_SIZE_MB",
round((num_rows*avg_row_len/1024/1024),2) "ACTUAL_SIZE_MB",
round(((blocks*32/1024)-(num_rows*avg_row_len/1024/1024)),2) "FRAGMENTED_SPACE_MB"
from dba_tables
where partitioned='NO'
and owner not like 'SYS%'
and round(((blocks*32/1024)-(num_rows*avg_row_len/1024/1024)),2) > 100;

It gives me list of tables having fragmented space greater than 100 MB. for example:
------------------------------ ---------- ---------- ----------- ------------- -------------- -------------------
XXX_LOG                            115486   24292600         134       3608.94        3104.41              504.53
XXX_25M                            25497     807020         819        796.78         630.33              166.45

When I ran below command it works as per expectation (i.e. by defragmenting tables it free up some space) but for above 2 tables it's not behaving as per my expectation :
alter table username.XXX_LOG shrink space;

Also, second question is for tables who's size is reduced, i cant see size reduction in their tablespace's datafiles. so what should i do to free up datafile's size and if i didnt do anything then can that reclaimed size is still available in datafile for new tables/indexes?

Could you please answer my questions and also please clear my concept if i'm wrong (that above command should free up some space if there's fragmentation).

Thank You,
Amol V. Palav

and Connor said...

Be aware that those fragmentation estimates are only as good as the last time you gathered statistics on those tables, and how you gathered the statistics. So its quite possible that the two tables in question are actually not fragmented at all.

In terms of freeing up space in datafiles, is not the space consumption that is the issue, but *where* that space is being consumed. For example, if I have three tables in a datafile, like this:


Then even if I drop table T2, which makes the file almost empty, the fact that table T3 is positioned at the tail of file, means that I cannot reduce the file size at all. I would have to perform an "alter table T3 move" to shuffle it closer to the start of the file.

You can use this script to see what kind of datafile reduction is possible

set verify off
undefine tablespace
select '&&tablespace' from dual;
column file_name format a64 word_wrapped
column smallest format 999,990 heading "Smallest|Size|Poss."
column currsize format 999,990 heading "Current|Size"
column savings  format 999,990 heading "Poss.|Savings"
break on report
compute sum of savings on report
compute sum of currsize on report

column value new_val blksize
select value from v$parameter where name = 'db_block_size'

drop table ext purge;
create table ext pctfree 0 as select file_id,block_id,blocks  from dba_extents;

select file_name,
       ceil( (nvl(hwm,1)*&&blksize)/1024/1024 ) smallest,
       ceil( blocks*&&blksize/1024/1024) currsize,
       ceil( blocks*&&blksize/1024/1024) -
       ceil( (nvl(hwm,1)*&&blksize)/1024/1024 ) savings
from dba_data_files a,
     ( select file_id, max(block_id+blocks-1) hwm
         from ext -- dba_extents
        group by file_id ) b
where a.file_id = b.file_id(+)
and a.tablespace_name = nvl(upper('&&tablespace'),a.tablespace_name)
order by 1

column cmd format a75 word_wrapped

select 'alter database datafile ''' || file_name || ''' resize ' ||
       ceil( (nvl(hwm,8)*&&blksize)/1024/1024 )  || 'm;' cmd
from dba_data_files a,
     ( select file_id, max(block_id+blocks-1) hwm
         from ext -- dba_extents
        group by file_id ) b
where a.file_id = b.file_id(+)
  and ceil( blocks*&&blksize/1024/1024) -
      ceil( (nvl(hwm,1)*&&blksize)/1024/1024 ) > 10
and a.tablespace_name = nvl(upper('&&tablespace'),a.tablespace_name)      

--drop table ext purge;

undefine tablespace

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